
The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

author:Good gravitational force

All content is stated in the article from reliable sources, and is repeated at the end of the article

"When I first saw Chairman Mao, I was a little panicked, Chairman Mao's image is tall, and I am very small, when I offer Hada to Chairman Mao, his fingers are shining, Chairman Mao's forehead is very wide, and there is an abnormal brilliance."

This sentence is the 14th Dalai Lama's description of the first time he visited Chairman Mao, and his words were full of admiration for Chairman Mao, and he even wanted to join the party for a time.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

I didn't expect that someone who admired Chairman Mao would flee India later, and his escape would make Mr. Zhou come to India three times to persuade him to come back.

Who knew that not long after he came back, he began to plan a second escape, and when the shells were aimed at a group of them, Chairman Mao actually ordered that they could not be stopped, and this time he has not come back until now.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

Who is this person? What kind of face does he have to make Premier Zhou look at the thatched house? And how did he live abroad for so many years?

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The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

The status of the Dalai Lama

"Dalai Lama", a title rather than a specific name, is one of the most important reincarnation systems of living Buddha in the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, and is also a high-status religious leader title in Tibetan Buddhism, which is mainly popular around Tibet and other places.

Now that the Dalai Lama has reached the 14th generation, the Dalai Lama's selection also has a unique way of identifying him.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

In the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, the living Buddha comes to the world through reincarnation, and the monks will search for the reincarnated spirit child of the living Buddha according to various signs and revelations.

These clues include the last words and directions of the Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama at the time of his death, divination by senior monks and lamas, and specific rituals, all of which were chosen by the Dalai Lamas of the previous seven lifetimes.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

During the Qianlong period, in order to prevent Tibet from getting out of control, the Qing government imposed restrictions on this system in Tibet and introduced the "Golden Vase Lottery" system.

The system stipulates that candidates for reincarnation of the spirit child must be reported to the minister in Tibet, and after approval, a golden vase drawing of lots will be held, and the final reincarnated spirit child will be selected by public drawing of lots in the presence of the minister in Tibet and the Tibetan nobles, so as to avoid fraud by the nobles during the search for the reincarnated spirit child.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

In this way, it seems that the Dalai Lama's position in Tibet is that of the leader of theocracy, but in fact, there are not many of the 14th Dalai Lamas who are really concerned with Tibetan affairs.

But their religious and political influence in Tibet should not be underestimated.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

The 14th Dalai Lama defected

Tenzin Gyatso was born in July 1935 in Hongya Village, Ping'an County, Qinghai Province, and when he was three years old, he was chosen as the only reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama.

He succeeded to the throne when he was five years old, but he was still very young, so he did not become a politician.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

In 1950, not long after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the United States was still eyeing Tibet, trying by all means to make a little move.

At this time, the young Tenzin Gyatso was targeted by them, and the United States tried every means to hand over a letter to Tenzin Gyatso, and the content of the letter was not enough to let him flee abroad.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

But because Tenzin Gyatso was not in charge at the time, there was no response, and when such a thing happened, they were all a little worried that the country would be jealous of them.

Unexpectedly, Chairman Mao didn't care at all, and also customized a policy for Tibet that suited their local situation, and also guaranteed that the status and authority of the Dalai Lama would not change.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?
Seeing such a move by the state, Tenzin Gyatso wrote a letter to Chairman Mao: "When I was still an adult, something unpleasant happened, and I am very sad. Now that the Tibetan monks and lay people are petitioning me to be pro-government, it is really difficult to shirk responsibility. I hope that Chairman Mao will care for me and all the Tibetan people. ”

Chairman Mao also replied with a letter, and finally the two sides reached a "17-point agreement", and Tibet was peacefully liberated.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

Tenzin Gyatso also participated in various congresses many times and held many important positions in Tibet, and even at that time he was bent on joining the party.

Unexpectedly, within a few years of Tenzin Gyatso's pro-government, he went to India, and at that time, he was invited by the President of India to participate in the commemoration of the 2500th anniversary of Shakyamuni's Nirvana.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

In fact, Chairman Mao had predicted this before, because Tenzin Gyatso was young and might not be able to withstand the fanning of the reactionaries around him, so he might also do something later.

And when Tenzin Gyatso was invited, Chairman Mao knew what India's idea was, and they wanted to control Tenzin Gyatso, let him engage in "Tibetan independence" in India, and let the mainland be in civil strife, and Tenzin Gyatso could also get rid of responsibility in India.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

Under Chairman Mao's instructions, Premier Zhou went to India and had three talks with Tenzin Gyatso in about a month.

Premier Zhou first expressed Chairman Mao's expectation that he would let him go back, and also analyzed the pros and cons for him, but Tenzin Gyatso was still a little hesitant.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

He saw that Tenzin Gyatso still had some illusions about the United States helping Tibet become independent, so he used this as a starting point to persuade him, and he also hosted a banquet for Tenzin Gyatso's family.

At that time, Tenzin Gyatso did not have a clear answer, so Premier Zhou approached Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and reminded them that they had violated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

Nehru hastened to shirk responsibility, and Tenzin Gyatso returned to Tibet three months after the conversation, and the condemnation would undoubtedly have exacerbated his rebellion.

After coming back, Chairman Mao praised him, and Tenzin Gyatso also felt a trace of guilt.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

On March 11, 1959, Chairman Mao suddenly instructed the Tibet Military Region that if Tenzin Gyatso wanted to go away to other countries again, there was no need to stop them.

The Tibetan Military Region was a little confused by this instruction, and it was not until six days later that they saw Tenzin Gyatso and his party appear at the Lhasa River with their luggage ready to cross the river.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

It turned out that Chairman Mao had long expected that they would leave again, and the artillery of the military region was already aimed at them at that time, but remembering the chairman's instructions, he finally let them go.

Tenzin Gyatso fled to India again, has been living in Dharamsala, abroad he began to unscrupulously began to engage in "Tibetan independence", Chairman Mao also hoped that he would repent, and then shouted at him, but he did not respond.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

Until now, at the age of 88, he has been insisting on this thing, do you remember Pelosi, who visited Taiwan last year? At the age of 84, she still comes out from time to time to do things.

Just last month, on the 19th, she also went to visit India, and she also went to Dharamsala to meet Tenzin Gyatso, and they didn't know what they were plotting.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

Who knew that just a few days after the meeting, there was a news report that Tenzin Gyatso had gone to the United States, saying that he was going to treat his knee.

Where did Tenzin Gyatso get his money all these years?

Tenzin Gyatso definitely needs money to do something, and he definitely won't go out to work, so where does his money come from?

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

The start-up capital must have been brought from Tibet, and when he first fled, he shipped 1,000 loads (53,000 kilograms) of gold, silver and jewelry abroad.

The second defection took with him 14 packs (742 kilograms) of gold, as well as some religious relics, which were hidden in Sikkim.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

When they came to India, they spent a lot of money, and soon when they ran out, they began to auction off the artifacts they brought out, and sold them for $25 million the first time.

So when we travel abroad, we can see a lot of Tibetan cultural relics in their museums.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?

In addition to the money he brought out, the United States and India occasionally funded them, and these countries certainly did not fund them in vain, there must be a purpose.

So it's not uncommon to see Tenzin Gyatso giving speeches all over the world on the news, as well as other activities.

The 14th Dalai Lama has always insisted on Tibetan independence, stayed in India and did not return to China, what does he live on?


Now that the mainland has governed Tibet very well and has completely integrated itself with the country, it is really ridiculous to look at the actions of Tenzin Gyatso and Pelosi and others.

Tibet was China's territory, is and will always be China's territory, and their plot is doomed to fail.


Global Network [April 19, 2023] "[Shi Hai Retrospective] Washington's behind-the-scenes planning! The 14th Dalai Lama fled and stole Tibetan treasures"

Lianhe Zaobao [June 24, 2024] "Dalai Lama Arrives in the U.S. for Knee Treatment"

China News Network [June 20, 2024] "Tibet Affairs is Purely China's Internal Affairs and No Interference by Any External Forces"

Overseas Network [March 21, 2015] "Tibet Rebellion: Mao Zedong Instructs the Dalai Lama to Flee and Don't Stop"

Guangzhou Daily [March 31, 2008] "The 14th Dalai Lama's Treasonous Road"

CCTV [March 19, 2008] "Three Persuasions to Return to China Premier Zhou Enlai's Diplomatic Archives Declassified"

CCTV "The 14th Dalai Lama"

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