
The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

author:Educate people to see the world

A pit in a night market somewhere in Shandong, many people have been tricked, and how many electric vehicles have been overturned in the pit, but it has existed for 3 months, and it seems to have become an unsolvable problem. Unexpectedly, when the two children were playing, they picked up bricks nearby to fill the hole, and paved it smoothly, which attracted media reports.

Recently, when the reporter interviewed 2 children, he asked a question, why did you think of filling the pit? A kid replied that his partner was often tripping on a bike. (From a blog account of Shaanxi News)

The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

Because his partner was tripped, he went to fill the hole, and the child's world is so simple. So why did this pit exist for 3 months? Probably we will answer that it is a matter for the municipality, not for me.

Compared to the swift action of the two young boys, the slowness and inaction of adults and the municipal authorities on this issue is particularly glaring. The adult world seems to be full of complex trade-offs. The municipal department may be lost in the tedious affairs, turning a blind eye to such a seemingly small pothole that affects the travel of many residents; Adults may be numb in their busy lives, even if they pass by every day, or even stumble, they only complain a few words, and never think of taking the initiative to contact the municipal department.

The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

While most people just complained about the pothole that had existed for three months, the two children used their innocence and kindness to teach us a vivid lesson. They have no complicated motives, no adult concerns, just a heart that wants to help their partner. This makes us wonder: on the way to growth, have we gradually lost this innocence? Children's behavior is like a mirror, reflecting the complexity and indifference of the adult world, which makes us ashamed and reminds us to regain that innocence and enthusiasm.

The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

The actions of the two little boys tell us that the true value of education lies in the cultivation of individuals with the power to act. Knowledge can be taught, but the power of action needs to be honed firsthand. When children use their own hands to change the world, they gain a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence, and learn to take responsibility and responsibility. This kind of education is the most meaningful and profound. Education should not only be limited to the inculcation of book knowledge, but also focus on cultivating children's sense of social responsibility and practical ability. We need to let our children understand that every small action can make a big difference.

The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

If you don't fill a pit, how can you educate your heart? This incident is a reminder to the municipal department, but also to our parents. It tells us that parents should pay attention to the subtleties around them, and use practical actions to care for others and improve the environment. At the same time, it also reminds us that as educators, parents and members of society, we need to lead by example, set an example for our children, and work together to create a social atmosphere full of love and responsibility. We must not be satisfied with just verbal preaching, but also practice so that children can be imperceptibly affected.

The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

The feat of the two children shows us the power of action and the charm of education. It makes us understand that education is not only about imparting knowledge in books, but also about enlightening the soul and guiding action. In the days to come, let us work together to turn education into a catalyst for action, so that every child can grow into a pillar of society with love and responsibility. At the same time, it also allows us to become better people and contribute to the progress of society.

The 3-month pit was filled in by 2 children, which made many adults ashamed

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(The source of the picture is the network, the picture and text are not related, and the invasion is deleted)