
Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

author:Tang Wencai is flying
Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

If the heavens want to die, they must first make them mad.

Do you remember the popular variety show "Avenue of Stars" 20 years ago? Since the pro-people Grandpa Bi disappeared, this platform, which has become popular with countless folk artists, has begun to fade out of the audience's field of vision.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

The "human superior" treatment brought by the sudden fire confuses the hearts of many people, not to mention that the host has long retreated to the corner, and even those champions have nothing to do.

Divorce, pretending to be crazy and stupid, living in a hole in a bridge, being imprisoned in embarrassment, etc., can artists from the grassroots only be popular for a while?

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Look at the Phoenix Legend that is still at the top of the Chinese singer rankings, they can stay in the hearts of the audience for decades, it can be seen that it is the fate of each person to go down, maybe they floated to "make" the future gone.

So what have the former big stars and the current prisoners experienced?

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Po, the "peasant singer" who is not a farmer

The sentence "Shandandan blossoms red and gorgeous" instantly brought the audience to the countryside of Shaanxi, and the loud voice knew that it was the singer A Bao as soon as he heard it.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

At the same time, it is indispensable to dress up in the simple dress of a peasant, with a white sheep's belly hand towel on his head and a warm sheepskin jacket, Ah Bao pinched the audience's taste and created a very high memory point.

2004's "Avenue of Stars" has just begun, and Po easily won the championship position as soon as he appeared, and even the Phoenix Legend was his defeat.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

He can be said to be an instant hit, followed by invitations to various programs, at that time, Ah Bao was a representative of folk artists, and everyone liked this peasant singer who looked "full of earthy flavor".

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Sina Beijing Times

Originally, Ah Bao could continue to be popular with his identity as a "peasant singer", but he was ruined because of these four words.

In many programs, Bao claims to be an amateur singer who has not undergone systematic learning, and also says that he has lived in the countryside since he was a child and likes to sing in the mountains.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Coupled with the fact that every time he goes on stage, he is dressed as a peasant, and the audience is naturally convinced of his peasant identity.

But the greater the fame, the greater the "risk", and some people have picked up Bao's true deeds, and the most unacceptable thing is that Bao is not a farmer at all.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

His hukou is not a rural hukou, he just goes to the countryside to play, and he doesn't have a poor family, in short, everything after the identity of "Bao" is fake.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

As for having no stage experience and no professional training, it is even more nonsense, because he has been performing in Shenzhen for many years before he stepped on the stage of "Avenue of Stars", and he has a lot of experience.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

As a result, this singer who relied on selling "peasant" feelings suffered a personality overturn, and the former big star gradually lost attention and disappeared in the passage of time.

Now Ah Bao wants to get traffic again, so he "pretends to be crazy and stupid" in short videos and live broadcasts, and uses funny shapes to attract attention, but such a hard-working performance did not get the desired effect, and it seems that the audience does not buy it.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Xu Yizhou, a wild horse that is so crazy that he squats

When it comes to Xu Yizhou, few people may know, but when it comes to wild horses, there should be many people who still have an impression.

Maybe it's because of the wild and uninhibited appearance, or maybe it's because the music style is savage and domineering, he gave himself a stage name Mustang and this horse also successfully broke through on the stage of "Avenue of Stars" and successfully gained fame.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Every time he appeared, Xu Yizhou would speak for Tujia music, actively promote the national music culture, and gradually began to bring the wild style from the stage to life.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Coupled with the growing fame, "Mustang" seems to have really incarnated into a wild horse, he forgot that he was an official tourism ambassador, and he also forgot that he was a public figure, and began to be domineering in private.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

People are watching the sky, and Xu Yizhou's "evil deeds" have not escaped the punishment of the law.

On September 7, 2023, the Public Security Bureau announced the arrest of this "wild horse" because he was suspected of gathering crowds to fight and developing underworld forces.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Beijing News2023-09-28 "Wild Horses" Double Journey: From "Tujia Singer" to "Big Brother"

Now he is really on fire, but the smooth road in the future is gone.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

The disintegrated husband and wife "Nine Moon Miracle"

When it comes to the combination of the Nine Moon Miracle, it is inevitable that people will be reminded of the Phoenix Legend, because the two combinations are one man and one woman, and they are both strong women and weak men, so the Nine Moon Miracle is also known as the "copycat version of the Phoenix Legend".

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

The woman of this pair is Wang Xiaowei, and the man is Wang Xiaohai, if you don't tell you that they are husband and wife, you may think that they are brother and sister or brother and sister.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

The word "September" in the name of the group is the month when the two of them met, so their group name also shows the deep affection and remembrance of the two.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

On the stage, Wang Xiaowei is always the more eye-catching one, beautiful and talented, she can use several things, she can sing and play the keyboard with both hands and feet, and she can also have her own understanding and creation in music.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Interview with the Miracle of the Nine Moons: I originally participated in "Avenue of Stars" just to improve my life. Phoenix Entertainment

So Wang Xiaohai was set off very embarrassed, one of the husband and wife is in a weak position, it is easy to be dissatisfied and estranged, they are not like the Phoenix Legend is a cooperative relationship, this kind of negative emotions are brought to life It is easy to affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Sure enough, the two still officially announced their divorce, although the reason for the divorce is not known to be caused by unpleasant cooperation in their careers, but the public is still embarrassed.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Shenjiang Service Herald 2020-10-05 released "Jiuyue Miracle issued an article announcing divorce, and the two tacitly understood on the same stage in the past to reminisce"

After the divorce, they didn't perform on the same stage again, and the original form of a combination became two separate people, not to mention that the audience is not used to it, maybe even they themselves are not used to it.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

So it's no wonder that the two are gradually losing their popularity, after all, the "Nine Moon Miracle" doesn't exist anymore, who else can the audience expect to remember?

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Liu Xiaodong, the great god of the bridge and cave, whose mental state is worried

Speaking of Liu Xiaodong, there should be many people who remember this "nose artist" who once became famous on the stage of "Avenue of Stars".

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Other contestants rely on their voices, appearance, etc. to get attention, but Liu Xiaodong is different, he relies on his talented nose, not only can drink milk with his nose, but also can intubate a tube to blow up balloons.

Not to mention, he actually relied on this skill to create a Guinness record, which was a little funny in his heart, but the result was good, and the name Liu Xiaodong became popular.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

can sing and play talents, so he quickly became the darling of major variety shows, and at the same time, his waist bag slowly bulged, he was very nourished at that time, and others were envious.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

But I don't know when it started, Liu Xiaodong gradually faded out of the screen, and the audience was about to forget this strange person, and when he entered the public eye again, it was because of his own short video.

I saw that this former star was so depressed that he lived in a bridge hole, wore a military coat, slept on the ground, etc., and the smell of "poverty" even smoked the audience's eyes.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Sharp-eyed netizens also found a copy of "Sunflower Treasure Book" scattered on the ground, so everyone was very curious about Liu Xiaodong's mental state, and also wanted to know how he got to such a field.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Fortunately, Liu Xiaodong is not "crazy and stupid", he also knows that he can earn traffic by opening a live broadcast, in the live broadcast he revealed that he was depressed because of the failure of investment, and the business loss directly lost tens of millions of yuan, and now he is a debt-ridden "bridge man".

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Some netizens suspect that he is deliberately selling miserably on the Internet and is a hateful "Internet beggar", because he still has a voice that can sing, and there are many ways to make money.

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?

Douyin's personal social account - Avenue of Stars Liu Xiaodong


They have been popular, indicating that they have seized the opportunity, but they did not keep their hearts, and in the end they could only watch the fame and wealth they got slip away, and they could only say "if you don't do it, you won't die".

What do you think of these down-and-out artists, and do you know which of the contestants of "Avenue of Stars" is down?


[1] Beijing News: "Wild Horse" Double Journey: From "Tujia Singer" to "Big Brother".2023-09-28

Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?
[2] Interview with the Miracle of the Nine Moons: I originally participated in "Avenue of Stars" just to improve my life. Phoenix Entertainment
Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?
[3] What kind of sparks will the golden host group make when they appear in "Avenue of Stars Super Edition"? CCTV
Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?
[4] Sina, Beijing Times
Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?
[5] Douyin's personal social account - Liu Xiaodong on the Avenue of Stars
Owed huge debts to live in bridges, divorced, imprisoned, grassroots singers on the Avenue of Stars, the status quo is too depressed?