
Wang Zengqi: Sunday

author:Theory of Modern and Contemporary History
Wang Zengqi: Sunday


Text: Wang Zengqi

It is a private secondary school that is very small, with only three junior high school classes. Good location, on Rue Foch. Not far to the south is Xiafei Road; To the north, cross two horizontal roads, which are Jing'an Temple Road and Nanjing Road. Therefore, there are quite a few students. Most of the students were children of nearby merchant families.

The "school building" is simple. The road is surrounded by a concrete fence. There is an iron gate. To the left of the entrance is a two-story building. It's old, but it still looks sturdy. Downstairs on the east side is the principal's office. Inside, there was a long, narrow room that looked like a conference room, and a ping-pong table was placed in it. There is a room on the west side, and the side with windows on the south side protrudes into a semicircle, which is shaped like a ship's cabin, which is the dormitory of Mr. Shen, the director of education. Among them, the outhouse is the faculty's lounge; Inside is a large classroom. There are also two classrooms upstairs.

At the back of the "teaching building" there is a rear building, three floors. The upper two floors are the principal's home. There are two small rooms on the ground floor that do not see the light of day, and they are dormitories for single faculty members who have no home.

In addition, on the opposite side of the main building, next to the fence, there is a timber-roofed wooden shed. There is also a slab shed next to the back building.

So much for.

The school personnel are simple. All faculty and staff, including the following:

1. Principal. The surname is Zhao Zongjun, graduated from Daxia University, what is the department, unknown. He pursued a career in education after graduating from university. Why didn't he find something to do in the bank or customs, but came to run such a middle school, I don't know why. I think it's because I opened a school, I made a lot of money, and I didn't need to go to and from work, I worked eight hours a day, kept my house on the ground, went downstairs, and walked a few steps to his little kingdom - the principal's office, and I didn't even need an umbrella when it rained; And you don't have to be controlled by anyone, you can enjoy pure happiness every day, be at ease, and enjoy it. He didn't know how to "run" this school, and the school didn't even have an accountant. Tuition and fees are collected every semester, and all of them are handled by him. Except for the salaries of the teachers, ink, paper, chalk boards, electric lights, running water, brooms, dustpans, mops and rags, no one knows how much he has netted. Prices skyrocketed, the number of days changed, and after the tuition fee was collected, of course he would not keep the banknotes in the bank, watch them wear and fall, and have to exchange them for yellow croaker (gold bars) or dollar bills. In addition, he probably runs a little bit of a hardware and electrical materials business. He has a younger brother who works in a hardware store and is familiar with the market.

He lives quite "freehand" every day. Every morning, he gets up to the office and sits in his black leather swivel chair to read the newspaper. "Wen Wei Po", "Ta Kung Pao", "Xinmin Daily", and the overnight "Da Wan Pao", read through page by page. He rarely reads. There are only two sets of books on the bookshelf behind him, one set of "Ci Hai"; There is another set - I don't know how he has such a set of books: Wu Qijun's "Long Compilation of Plant Names and Facts". After reading the newspaper, I took out a few gadgets from the drawer and repaired some gadgets, a small grandfather clock with a music box, or a spring-loaded marble lock from Siemens. He likes to visit auction houses, thrift stores, and find things that don't cost much and aren't of much use. Or get a manicure with a nail file. He actually stays at home, and he can come to the office without coming. To the office, mainly to make or receive calls. He has a habit of answering the phone. When the phone rang, he picked up the receiver and spoke in Shanghainese dialect as usual: "Who are Nong looking for?" The other party was looking for him, he didn't talk to the other party right away, he always had to say: "Please wait", and after a while, he changed to Mandarin and said: "Are you looking for Zhao Zongjun?" I'm just ......" I haven't figured out why he has to do this every time he answers the phone. Does it seem that he has a secretary, and it is not him who answers the phone for the first time, but the secretary, so a little bit of style? Or do you want to "buffer" it first, so that he has time to think about who the other party is, what is most likely the reason for calling, and be confident and prepared so that he can reply? From this habit of answering the phone, it can be concluded that this is a shrewd person. He's shrewd, but not tacky.

He seems to be cultured. Speak elegantly and have a sweet voice. The popular colloquialisms in Shanghai, such as "that" and "oblique Qi Ansai", are absolutely not found in his mouth. He acted in the school's theatre troupe while he was in college, occasionally made cameos with professional theatre troupes after graduation (hence his good Mandarin speaks), and is still in touch with many of Shanghai's film and theatre scene. Because I couldn't find a job in Shanghai, I was introduced to his school by a senior in the literary and theater circles. Although he is the owner of the school, he is not mean to the teachers, he is very "beautiful", very "friends", and he still retains the free and easy demeanor of some college students and actors. Every year on the winter solstice, he must invite all the faculty and staff to his home in the back building to have a "winter solstice night dinner" to fulfill the friendship of the host. I usually invite a few faculty members out for a snack from time to time. Not far from the school, there is a fish cake and rice noodle stall set up by a Quanzhou man on the side of the road, and he often pulls me to eat a bowl of rice noodles in the evening. He knew that I loved to drink, and he always called me a few taels of Qibao Daqu every time. On Sundays, he couldn't forget to pull a few of the single teachers out there who were guests or had no home to go outside. Stroll around Zhaofeng Park and French Park, or go to the Old Town God's Temple to walk the Jiuqu Bridge, sit in the teahouse, eat two pieces of oily squid, and drink a bowl of chicken and duck blood soup. Whenever there is such an activity, most of it is paid for by him. In this kind of place, he is not stingy at all.

He was thirty-five years old and still single. He once rented a house outside and lived together for several years with an actress named Xu Mannuo. Because his mother was adamantly opposed to his marriage to this woman, he kept dragging it out (his father was dead, and he was very filial to his mother). One morning, he went to look for the actor and knocked on the door for a long time before the door opened. There was a man in it (whom he also knew). He found that Xu Mannuo had nothing to wear in his dressing gown! In a fit of rage, he never went again. But Hürmanno would sometimes call and ask him to meet at DDS or Kafkas. It was probably because Xu Mannuo was in trouble in her life and came to ask him to give her a little help. This woman I have seen, quite rich, but haggard, apparently living a long life of indulgence and instability. She smoked cigarettes and drank hard liquor.

He gained weight. At the age of thirty-five, he was already one hundred and sixty pounds. He knew very well what it would be like to develop further, and his father was a big fat man (we have seen his posthumous portrait). Therefore, he dieted and paid attention to exercise. Every day at noon, Mr. Xiao Shen, an English teacher, or his younger brother accompanied him to play table tennis. The table tennis table in the conference room was specially bought for this purpose.

2. Mr. Shen, the director of education. Mingyuzao is also a graduate of Daxia University. He came to this private middle school to teach, naturally because of the relationship between his old classmate Zhao Zongjun. He has been in this secondary school for many years, and he has been the dean of students since the school opened. He taught algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry. The amount of teaching is equivalent to that of two faculty members, and the salary is more than that of two faculty members. And he can occupy a fairly spacious and bright dormitory to himself, which is quite comfortable. This condition is not very easy to obtain in Shanghai. Therefore, he does not have to use his brains to find another job. Probably one day when this middle school is opened, he, the dean of students, will be the day when he becomes the dean.

He did not eat any vegetables for the rest of his life. His daily lunch was brought to him by his younger brother (who studied at the school) from home in a three-tiered lunch box (he went home for dinner). Most of the dishes are braised pork, fried hairtail, poached eggs, sausages, ....... He ate nothing left over from every meal. As a result, he looks like a calf, breathes shortly, and moves a little less flexibly. He certainly has a pair of goldfish eyes.

He also doesn't read much, but there are two kinds of "books" that are required to read. One is the "Square Newspaper", which he must buy when he sees it, and the other is the "Legend of the Swordsman of Shushan" by the owner of the Pearl Building. There are two or three bookstores next door to the school, and every time there is a new episode of "The Legend of the Swordsmen of Shushan", a billboard is set up at the door: "Good news, the ×× episode of "The Legend of the Swordsmen of Shushan" has arrived!" Shen Yuzao walked into the store, and the boss immediately got up to greet him: "Mr. Shen, I've been waiting for Nong for a long time!" In addition to reading "books", he played the huqin. He has a very good huqin, a phoenix-eyed bamboo burden, and an excellent sound. This huqin is his pride. Although he really can't make much of a name in his hands.

He didn't have any friends, but he knew a lot of famous ticket holders. Mainly through his classmate Li Wenxin, it can also be said that he met through this huqin.

Li Wenxin also graduated from Daxia. After graduating, I didn't do anything. He runs a hotel at home, and he works as a "small open" at home. This is the kind of old-fashioned hotel, which can still be seen in the Nanshi and Shiliupu areas. A hollow-shaped building with rooms on all sides, including a patio. The building is purely wooden, with escalators, railings, and floors all made of wood and painted with fuchsia paint. Living upstairs and walking up, the floor creaks and creaks. A man and a woman, doing something in the room, the next door can hear clearly. The guests are all over the world. Li Wenxin lived in a clean room behind the tent room, listened to records, and played the huqin. He is a famous piano ticket of the Shanghai Zhula Cheng faction. He also cultivated a partner to play the moon harp. The bomb was made by a homeless man who was sick in his hotel and couldn't pay for his room. Li Wenxin paced into his room and asked him what he would order,—— he wouldn't know anything! Li Wenxin somehow suddenly had a whim, whimsical, and took a Yueqin: "Nong Dan!" The homeless man played hard,—— single string was tightened. Li Wenxin didn't let him be idle, for three or nine days, get a basin of ice water, let this homeless man play his fingers hot, and put it in the ice water to bubble - play again! Under Li Wenxin's hard work, this homeless man has become one of the best Yueqin in the Shanghai Tang ticket industry. This homeless man doesn't know a big word, he has a big head, he can't even say anything when he sees people, he can only giggle, but he can play the Yueqin well. To make a "channel", it is really a "big bead and a small bead falling on the jade plate". And the size is stable, the plate groove porcelain is solid, and Li Wenxin's Huqin fits tightly, "one glance" is not bad, and it has a lot of color for Li Wenxin's piano skills. Ticket holders all said that Li Wenxin could teach such a start, which is really discerning. Li Wenxin raised him and took him everywhere to "take tickets", which was very popular.

Li Wenxin sometimes brought a few ticket holders to see Shen Yuzao, because this school has a conference room, and he just tuned his voice to sing. It was mostly Sunday. Shen Yuzao occasionally goes to the park with us on Sundays, visits the City God Temple, and accompanies Zhao Zongjun to walk the auction house. Famous tickets like Gu Senbai also let Li Wenxin pull in. Gu Senbai does not sing much except for occasionally singing a piece of "Wine Supervision Order", so that everyone can appreciate and appreciate Xu Xiaoxiang's ancient tune. He came, mostly talking. How is Sheng Lan, how is Sheng Rong, how is Shihai, how is Junqiu. When he chatted, the other ticket holders listened attentively and bowed their heads again and again. Shen Yuzao listened in a daze. Once, Gu Senbai and Li Wenxin also invited Bao Hua, a famous ticket for Cheng Pai in Nanjing. Bao Hua sang all of "Mulberry Garden Club" that day (this is his masterpiece and has been recorded). Li Wenxin plays the piano, and he uses Lao Shen's huqin with phoenix-eyed bamboo burden (this is a piano suitable for Laxipi). The homeless man plays the moon harp with his eyes closed. Li Wenxin asked Shen Yuzao to hold the erhu. Shen Yuzao only dared to rub gently, he was afraid that he would "go out" if he pulled it heavily. Bao Hua's Cheng Pai is really elegant and elegant, he knows how to play but doesn't know how to play, he can all hear it, and he is silent.

Shen Yuzao's huqin was played by Bao Hua, and he entrusted the erhu to Bao Hua, and he felt very honored.

3. English teacher Shen Fugen. Because of his young age, everyone called him Xiao Shen to distinguish him from Old Shen - Shen Yuzao. The students listed him as "Mr. Xiao Shen". He is a graduate of the university. After graduating, he sold small yellow croaker for two years, and at the same time tutored English in the YMCA. Later, I will talk to the principal Mr. Zhao, and I will come to teach English. How well does he teach English? - I don't know.

Fourth, Mr. Shi, a teacher of history and geography. Mr. Shi originally came from a jewelry store. He had an affair. When he was still an apprentice in a jewelry store, one day the store received a call asking a family to send a few pieces of jewelry to have a look, and asked an apprentice to send them. The store called Xiao Shi to go. Xiao Shi took a few pieces of jewelry and sent them to the address mentioned on the phone. Place is far away. Delivered, it was a very secluded villa, there were no people. The hostess received him and left him behind. Stayed for three days (he later estimated that the hostess was probably the wife of a warlord). He is now in his forties, and he talks about it a lot. As soon as he talked about it, he said, "Unforgettable!" "When I look at him (his face is a bit like an elongated monkey's face), it's hard to imagine that he's ever had such an affair. However, according to himself, he was quite beautiful when he was young. As for how he went from an apprentice in a jewelry store to a middle school teacher teaching history, who knows. Many things in Shanghai are quite difficult to talk about.

5. Physical education instructor Xie Pei. The school has no playground and no sports equipment (except for the table tennis table), but it has a physical education instructor. Mr. Xie had only one way to take the students out to run around the several side roads on Xiafei Road where there were fewer vehicles and pedestrians. The students are very willing to go to physical education class, because they can not sit in the classroom, and when they come back, they can buy a little sweet and salty "zhibu", sandalwood olives, candied jiayingzi, and small twist flowers with moss. Xie Xingsheng has no academic qualifications, he has been a soldier and has to eat. He's a cynic who sees everything through. He used to say, "Everything is fake." Grandmothers, wives, and children are all fake. Only Tong Tian, Tong Tian is real! When he saw people in love, he was disgusted: "In love." Nope. No love, only ×! "He lived very frugally and didn't even buy tea. He is willing to spend money on one thing: asking someone to play chess. He's a chess fan. He plays stinky chess, but he loves to watch people play. On Sundays, he invited two people to play chess, and he watched. Sometimes, I can invite two national Go players from Shanghai. These two national players are wearing spun silk shirts and trousers, and the long shirts are neatly folded and tied on their elbows. The caftan of one of the national players is familiar, and the second of the national hands is Xiangyun yarn. One of the national hands holds a palm bamboo cane, and the second-hand hand of the national hand holds a folding fan of the bamboo bones of the Hunan concubine. One of the national players has a mustache, and the second national player does not keep it. They all smoke with long ivory mouthpieces, and they are all dashing. They came, rested for a while, and when they saw that everyone was polite, they set up a game of chess on the desk in the principal's office, and played against each other. When they came, Mr. Xie not only prepared good tea and cigarettes, but also ordered a few dishes at a Cantonese restaurant not far away, and invited them to have a drink after the first game. Both of them are good drinkers, and they can drink two catties of rice or good brewing. Mr. Xie spent money to watch the national players play chess, and he didn't feel pain.

Sixth, Li Weilian. This is the nephew of a poet who teaches at Fudan University, and after graduating from high school, he came to Shanghai from Peking to prepare for the university entrance examination in Shanghai. His uncle was an old friend of the literary and dramatic senior who introduced me, and asked him to introduce him to this school to teach first-grade arithmetic so that he could settle his room and board. The young man was very shy, did not like to talk, and looked a little melancholy. On Sundays, he sometimes went to his uncle's house, sometimes he didn't, and hid in the house to study his homework and write letters.

Seven, Hu Fengying. Female, graduated from this school, in charge of registration, charging, sending and receiving, mimeographing, and answering telephones.

Eighth, the school worker Lao Zuo. Lives in a shack next to the back building.

Nine, me. I teach three classes of Bahasa Malaysia. After class, I can watch a movie, or go to an old writer's house to sit down, or accompany a genius painter to walk around Xia Fei Road endlessly, and say some nonsense about the sea and the sky, and the talent bursts out. After eating a bowl of beef curry noodles with a lot of chili peppers, I went back to school and corrected students' essays and wrote novels in the tin roof wooden shed opposite the "school building" until late at night. I love this shed because it's just me. No one will come but me. On a rainy day, the raindrops fall on the iron roof, ping pong, very good. Listening to the sound of rain, I tend to think of something far away. But I know very well: I'm in Shanghai now. The rain had stopped, and I heard a clear voice: "White sugar lotus heart porridge——! ”

On Sundays, unless I have a date, I mostly sing with the gang, and Zhao Zongjun, Shen Yuzao, Shen Fugen, and Hu Fengying...... Go to Zhaofeng Park, French Park, and visit the City God Temple. Or listen to the ticket friends sing and watch the national players play chess. When I don't want to listen to it or read it, I turn to "Cihai" and read "The Long Compilation of Plant Names and Pictures" - this is a very interesting book, and the writing is excellent. I have always had a lot of affection for this book, because it has accompanied me through many quiet and quiet moments in the hustle and bustle of Shanghai.

In this middle school, there is a sudden trend of dancing, and a dance party is held almost every Sunday. This is what President Zhao Zongjun advocated. Here's why:

1. Zhao Zongjun is pursuing a girlfriend. This girlfriend has two younger sisters, both of whom have just learned to dance, and they are very addicted. Throwing a dance party can attract both the two sisters and their older sisters.

Zhao Zongjun's new girlfriend is surnamed Wang and her name is Jingyi. Mr. Shi, Shen Fugen, and Hu Fengying all called her Miss Wang. As her name suggests, she has a quiet attitude, shakes hands with people, and is generous. The face is lightly powdered, and the figure is very slim. The clothes and shoes are very particular and carefully selected, but at first glance they are not noticeable, because the style is elegant, the color is harmonious, not trendy, and not eye-catching. She studied music and taught music at a church school. Her father died young, and she was responsible for the family's life. Because I want to train my two younger sisters to go to school, I am thirty years old and have not yet married. Zhao Zongjun met her at the home of an older generation of directors and was very fond of her. He is tired of the upsetting love with Xu Mannuo, he needs a quiet and peaceful family, and Wang Jingyi is the partner he longs for. He once wrote several letters to Wang Jingyi and asked her to talk in the park a few times. Zhao Zongjun expressed his willingness to help her two younger sisters study; also said that he is already at such an age, and it is impossible to have that kind of hot and romantic feelings, but he knows how to take care of others. Wang Jingyi politely expressed her admiration for Mr. Zhao's personality and thanked him for his kindness.

Her two younger sisters, one named Wanyi and the other Shuyi, don't look like their sisters at all, their faces are wide, their eyes are very open, and their bodies are also wide and flat. The elegance is not taken off, and the matter is not very relieved, and the starting point candy is eaten, and the voice is very loud. Wang Jingyi took them out to participate in this kind of ball, just to let them see the world and have a little social life. This is not easy for someone like her to be more cold. Therefore, the two younger sisters seemed a little excited at all times.

Second, Zhao Zongjun felt that he was too fat and needed to exercise.

Third, he bought a new set of cocktail drinking utensils from the auction house, a sea of wine with silver matching, a wine spoon with a curved neck and a long handle, and dozens of tall glass wine glasses, which he wanted to take out to come in handy.

Fourth, there is a very good dance teacher.

The man's name was Helendu. He's not from this school, he's just living in this school. He was a film actor, and he was also introduced to Zhao Zongjun by the literary and drama seniors who introduced me to this school, because he couldn't find a place to live in Shanghai. He lived on the ground floor of the back building, in a room with Xie Pei and Li Weilian. - I live in another room with an old man surnamed Jiang who works as a night editor at the "Big Evening News". The brother surnamed Jiang is not from the school, and he is a classmate of Zhao Zongjun, so he has to live here. These two rooms were dark and damp, and the lights had to be turned on during the day. When I was about to leave Shanghai, I packed my luggage and found that the back of the mat on the small iron bed had grown more than an inch of white hair! There is a small patio in front of the room, and the second and third floors of the back building and the upstairs of the house next door will splash used water from the sky into the patio at any time, making a thrilling noise. That's why I gave these two rooms a name: Tingshuizhai.

Helian is a bit mysterious. He's a movie actor, but he's never seen him star in any films. He was tall, tall, handsome, and very manly. Although he lives in a dark house and sleeps on a small shabby iron bed, he always goes out in a straight suit and radiant face, like a big star. He's busy. Went out early in the morning and came back late. He went to a White Russian home to learn how to speak, to another White Russian home to learn dance, to the gym to practice boxing, to the horse farm to learn to ride a horse, to the drama school to audit acting classes, to look for movies everywhere, in addition to American, British, and Soviet films, but also to small cinemas such as Guanglu to watch the German films of the Udo Company, and to study Celslawton and Leon Barrymore......

He sometimes spends half a day at school on Sundays, listening to his ticket holders singing, watching national players play chess, and chatting with everyone. Talking about movies, talking about the civil war, talking about the Shen Chong incident, talking about American soldiers driving jeeps and hitting people, drinking and messing around on the road. He speaks with expression and gestures powerfully. His laughter is often infectious.

He danced well. Tango dancing is particularly good and has been invited to perform at a tango show evening at a dog run.

Zhao Zongjun invited him to the dance party and taught everyone to dance. He readily agreed, saying:


He lives here and does not pay for the house, which is an obligation that should be fulfilled, otherwise it will be too unkind.

So on Sunday, we weren't going anywhere. Hu Fengying came to the school after breakfast at home, and moved the desks and chairs in the large classroom downstairs with Lao Zuo and Shen Fugen, and then brought a box of steel wool, scattered it on the floor one by one, stepped on it with his feet, and wiped it vigorously along the wood grain. Zhao Zongjun and I sometimes participate in this kind of interesting labor. Wipe off a layer of skin from the floor to reveal white stubble, and wax it. Then I replaced a few large light bulbs and covered them with red and blue cellophane. Sometimes some crepe paper stripes and paper lanterns are hung.

In the evenings, the school becomes a club. Chess is played, singing is singing, dancing is dancing.

As soon as the red and blue light bulbs lit up, the music of the record player sounded, and the colored paper lamps were blown by the electric fan, which was a bit of a dance party atmosphere. Hu Fengying brought more than a dozen fruit bowls from the back building, filled with snacks and candies. Yue Zongjun came in with a sea of silver wine and began to make cocktails. His cocktail is a mix of East and West. A dozen bottles of soda, a dozen bottles of Coca-Cola, mixed with a little liquor. But with a spoon with a curved neck and a long handle poured into a goblet with a crystal clear, can you say it's not a cocktail?

Music (records) is also an eclectic mix of Chinese and Western, elegant and vulgar. Chopin, Wagner, Strauss; black jazz, South American pendulum music, Hawaiian love songs; Li Xianglan sang "The Night of China" and "Song of Selling Sugar"; Cantonese music "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" and "Backgammon"; Shanghai's pop songs "Miss on a Tricycle" and "You're a Bad Thing"; There is also "Champagne Flying All Over the Field" that everyone dances together in the dance arena.

In addition to the teachers of the school, the three sisters of the Wang family, as well as the girls who graduated from the school and are now employed, as well as some boyfriends and girlfriends invited by Hu Fengying. Her friends were a bit of a rampant, the man was dressed in full American GI costume, presumably an airfield mechanic; The woman is dressed like a jeep. However, when they came here to attend the ball, they were still relatively restrained, even very restrained. They winced and shook hands. When dancing, it's just a few of them dancing back and forth, dancing and swinging.

Helian was almost empty. Girls love to jump with him. He dances very "handsomely" (they can understand the full meaning of this Beijing word). The steps are clear, and the hints given are very positive. Dancing with him, I felt as light as a cloud, and the intersection was comfortable.

On this day, the lights are on, and the dance and music are light. Li Wenxin left with the subordinates who played the moon qin because he was going to play a scene at night. Some of the ticket holders said goodbye, and some were left by Shen Yuzao to dance. The chess player ate old wine, drank the newly brewed Longjing tea, and prepared to fight again. The guests at the dance arrived one after another, but Helian had not yet appeared—he usually greeted the guests with Zhao Zongjun.

Everyone was looking forward to him, when they suddenly heard a chaotic voice outside the iron gate, and they didn't know what was going on. When I rushed to the door, I saw a group of people guarding Heliandu. Helian had his hair disheveled, and his shirt was broken into several pieces. Li Weilian was next to him, cloaking his shirt. Helian threw his hand to the crowd again and again:

"Thank you! Thank you! ”

"Nothing, nothing! Everyone is all Chinese! ”

"Nong breathed a sigh for the Chinese, and he should thank Nong!"

An old man from Cangzhou who taught boxing in the park said, "Brother, you are good!" ”

The Jiangbei man who sold curry beef noodles in the alley opposite said, "Mr. He! What you did today is really admirable! Yan Yixie, please go to the stall to eat a bowl of beef noodles to spend the night, I also show my heart! ”

Helian hurriedly said, "Thank you, thank you!" Another day, another day to disturb you! ”

When the crowd dispersed, Helian turned around and said to Zhao Zongjun: "Old Zhao, you jump first, I'll change my clothes, wash my face, and come!" As he spoke, he took his shirt from Li Weilian and walked to the back building.

Everyone hurriedly asked Li Weilian what was going on.

"Helian has beaten the American soldiers! He single-handedly beat all four American soldiers! When he and I came back from Xiafei Road, four American soldiers were drunk and insulting a Chinese woman. It's not like that, they almost stripped the women of their clothes! The woman screamed for help. There were many people around, and no one dared to go up. Helian took off his shirts, and one of them gave them a punch, and they all fell to their stomachs. They got up and took turns and Helian opened the boxing, and Helian was unequivocal. Later, the four of them were on the same page. The big guys around him surrounded Helian and hugged him into the alley. The American soldier fell crookedly and walked away with a curse. It's not a thing! ”

Everyone was talking and excited.

One of the national Go players said slowly: "Do you close the iron gate?" I'm afraid they'll come looking for trouble. ”

The second national player said, "Yes. The Americans can't be messed with. ”

Zhao Zongjun went out to look at both sides and said, "I don't need it, that's not good." ”

Shen Fugen said: "I'll go scout and scout!" He crept towards Xia Fei Lu as if he had something to do. After a while, he stepped back again:

"Boom! Xiafei Road is full of people. The American Red Guy has disappeared without a trace! ”

So the chess players played chess, and the dancers danced.

Helian came out in a white flannel suit, looking particularly energetic.

Today's dance was particularly enthusiastic.

Helian danced almost every tune. He and Wang Wanyi danced three steps faster to weave flowers; danced "Vienna Woods" with Wang Shuyi, and took her around the outer circle a few times; The slow four steps and the foxtrot danced were all danced, and he also invited a jeep girl to do a pendulum. He walked towards the girl who thought he was very sexy, leaned over and stretched out his right hand, bowing slightly, the sexy girl was flattered and overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "Oh! Thank you Nong! ”

Wang Jingyi didn't jump much, and after dancing a slow four-step dance with Zhao Zongjun, she pulled Li Weilian to dance a slow three-step waltz, and she was always sitting on the side.

Towards the end of the ball, Wang Jingyi got up, picked out a "LapaIoma" from the record, and said to Heliandu, "Let's dance this one." Helian said, "Good." ”

The Spanish dance music sounded, and the flowing tango danced to the ground. They danced so gracefully that the couples who were about to dance stopped, and everyone watched them both from afar. They are very familiar with this piece and cooperate very tacitly. Helian danced only once a night as a pleasure. He held Wang Jingyi's waist and was very close; Gently holding her fingertips, pulling them far away, sometimes spreading their hands, each rising and falling with the melody of the music. Wang Jingyi raised her arms high, slightly sideways her shoulders, pitched, swirled, light and unrestrained. Her eyes lit up. Her long white gauze dress fluttered like a large lily.

Everybody's crazy.

Mr. Shi (he doesn't dance, but he loves to watch people dance, and he must come to every dance) said softly: "This is called dancing!" ”

The music is over, it's too short!

Beautiful things are always so short!

But it seems to be enough.

Zhao Zongjun met Wang Jingyi for the first time. He discovered her lyrical temperament, which was still intact under the heavy burden of life, and the ardent and even somewhat wild yearning for poetic, romantic happiness hidden under her dignified appearance. He knew plainly that his quest was hopeless. For the first time, he felt bitterly: what is vulgarity. He could have been a different kind of person, living a different life, but it was too late! He was ashamed of his round chin and soft, slightly fat lips. He felt unusually tired.

The dance party is over, and Go is over.

Xie Pei sent the two national players out of the iron gate.

One of the national players said meaningfully to the second national player:

"This Mr. Heliandu, could he be a communist?"

The second national player answered:

"It's hard to tell."

Insomnia neon lights in the night sky of Shanghai, here and there, burning quietly.