
The U.S. presidential debate starts tomorrow, how is Biden's retreat?

author:South Gate pot pot

The monkey in the south was pouted with his fingers, the small in the Middle East was beaten by various groups, and the peace summit held by the driver in Switzerland ended hastily, and Eagle Chan almost watched it.

The U.S. presidential debate starts tomorrow, how is Biden's retreat?

The allies in the three powder kegs are being beaten passively, but why can't we see Biden these days, because Biden went to the retreat to prepare for the exam, and the crimes suffered by our college entrance examination and high school entrance examination students, the 81-year-old Biden will also experience it again in the past two days, what is going on, on the 27th of this month, that is, two days later, Biden will have a direct debate with Trump face-to-face, this is the first head-to-head confrontation between the US presidential candidates this year, and when the two seventy or eighty-year-old men will have a one-and-a-half-hour live debate, And it will be broadcast live globally, it can be said that the victory or loss of this debate will greatly affect the results of this year's U.S. presidential election, so Biden and Trump both attach great importance to this debate, Biden in order to cope with this debate, a week ago went to Camp David for retreat practice, which can't help but make the pot pot I sigh, the president of the United States has to temporarily crammy in the face of the exam, Trump and Biden are two candidates, their preparation methods and study methods are completely different, let's take a look at Biden first, Biden chose to work with a number of his senior advisers to conduct a week-long training camp at Camp David, which is located more than 100 kilometers northwest of Washington, D.C., far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, giving Biden a relatively undisturbed environment, where senior advisers need to solve two problems, one is that the debate prohibits the use of teleprompters, so Biden's senior advisers will imagine all kinds of tricky questions raised by Trump, and then rehearse Biden so that Biden knows how to respond, What Biden needs to do is to memorize the answers, the problems of public security, the problems of illegal immigrant crimes, the problems of racial conflicts, these questions all need to be answered by Biden, the second is to train Biden's on-the-spot response ability, so that Biden will not be led astray by Trump, or make Biden look like a normal person with clear thinking, this can be said to be the most difficult, we must know that Biden is now 81 years old, and there are strange behaviors from time to time on some important occasions, which is obviously a precursor to Alzheimer's disease, How can you not make a mistake in a 90-minute debate, so someone in the advisory group will play Trump to attack Biden in order to train Biden's on-the-spot reaction ability, why do I emphasize this, let's look at the debate between Biden and Trump in 2020 4 years ago. Four years ago, Biden was interrupted by Trump, and Trump also likes to interrupt Biden's speech very much, let's imagine that when Biden answers a tricky question, Trump interrupts Biden's speech, and then asks a question, at this time, Biden, who has memorized half of the answer, will be forced to interrupt his train of thought to answer a new question, so interrupted three times, I think normal people don't know what to say, and Biden is obviously more sluggish than he was four years ago.

The U.S. presidential debate starts tomorrow, how is Biden's retreat?

It is estimated that Biden himself doesn't know what to say by then, and this is the biggest headache for the Biden team, as long as Biden has a brain short circuit and goes down, or the special situation of emotional mania breaking the defense, no matter what their policy is, it is estimated that Trump will win, after all, no country will elect an Alzheimer's as president, the ban on the use of teleprompters is proposed by the Trump team, and the Biden team has also modified the rules of this debate in order to prevent Trump from interjecting and interrupting Biden's train of thought. They artificially controlled the microphones of both sides, and forcibly turned the-for-tat debate into a turn-based game of one question and one answer, and the Biden team at the entire debate venue also dealt with it, and there was no audience at the scene, except for a host, there were only Trump and Biden left, and even the cameraman could not enter the entire venue, all the machinery was remotely controlled, it can be said that the Democratic Party really spent a lot of effort in order for Biden not to be disturbed, after talking about Biden's preparations, how did Trump's campaign team prepareIn the past few weeks, Trump and his advisers have discussed policy issues the most, mainly including the economy, borders, crime and other issues, in abortion, the Middle East issue, the Russian-Ukrainian war, Trump also elaborated his views, it can be said that Trump is much more stable than four years ago, after all, the current Trump, will no longer be able to solve the Russian-Ukrainian war in one day, so if there is nothing unexpected in this debate, it is very likely that the result will be like this, On the one hand, an eighty-one-year-old man with the precursor of Alzheimer's disease, under his leadership, the current United States has become a dangerous wall with leaks on all sides, and on the other hand, Trump, who has a plan, ability and good health, promises that the American people will make the United States great again, whether it can be done is not said, but as long as it is a normal American, you know how to choose the right one, and finally talk to you about this issue, Biden's re-election is beneficial to the rabbit? Or is it better for the rabbit to be re-elected by Trump? From the perspective of self-media practitioners, many people hope that Trump will be elected, because Trump is really the president, Chinese Internet Trump does not know how many people have been fed, in the end who is president is more beneficial to the rabbit, let's look at the rabbit's official attitude, the US election is the internal affairs of the United States, China will not comment on the internal affairs of the United States, because China's development depends on China itself, relying on the hardworking and brave Chinese people, not relying on who serves as the president of the United States, the official main focus of the rabbit is one for you to guess, On the other hand, Russia's attitude is much more interesting, the Russian side also said that it would not interfere in the internal affairs of the United States, but Russian President Putin once answered a similar question, saying that he preferred Biden to be elected, we must know that the president of the enemy country wants you to be elected, which is not a good thing for any candidate, on the surface Putin's support for Biden, in fact, it is helping Trump, Biden and Trump no matter who is elected, it is both pros and cons for us, the advantage of Biden's continued re-election is that the Biden administration will continue the previous China policy, In the past four years of competition and cooperation, the Chinese and US governments have reached a potential tacit understanding, at least the two sides know where each other's bottom line is, and will not challenge its bottom line, so from this point of view, Biden's continued re-election has a positive effect, and Trump's return to office is also beneficial, that is, Trump's China strategy is definitely different from Biden.

The U.S. presidential debate starts tomorrow, how is Biden's retreat?

The China strategy during the Biden administration is likely to be overturned, or a large part of it will be suspended, and then implement Trump's ideas, which is definitely a good thing for China, because strategic adjustment takes time, and the previous investment may be in vain, and the disadvantages of Trump's election are also obvious, what Trump wants is America first, and if the interests of the United States are damaged, Trump will strike hard, so Trump is likely to be more aggressive, and it may not be semi-decoupling, but full decoupling, This will have a significant impact on China's economy, Biden's re-election disadvantages are also obvious, the United States will continue the previous China policy to attract allies from all walks of life to suppress China, let NATO intervene in the Asia-Pacific region, which means that the encirclement of China will be tightened step by step, although in this process, there is time for us to break the situation, but if the US strategy once it becomes a momentum, I am afraid the result will not be much better, it may be more difficult, in general, one is short-term harm, one is a long-term blow, no matter who is elected is a bottle of poison for the rabbit, and what we need to do is to be prepared, there have been no wars for decades, and there will always be people who will forget the days when they were beaten.

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