
Kissinger revealed: Why is the U.S. containment strategy against China doomed to failure?

author:Deep Problems Research Laboratory

Recently, in a speech in the United Arab Emirates, Singapore's former deputy foreign minister and well-known scholar Ma Kaishuo revealed the fatal mistake behind the US containment strategy against China. He quoted the views of Kissinger, a leading figure in US diplomatic circles, and pointed out that the United States has blindly launched a challenge to China without a clear strategy. This strategic mistake not only caused the United States to suffer repeated setbacks in its game against China, but also exposed its arrogance and ignorance under its hegemonic mentality.

Kissinger revealed: Why is the U.S. containment strategy against China doomed to failure?

In his speech, Ma Kaishuo made it clear that although the United States regards China as a "systemic threat" and has launched various containment and containment measures, the final result is that "the United States is still unable to contain China." He believes that the most critical factor in this is the lack of a clear strategy for the United States.

Kissinger revealed: Why is the U.S. containment strategy against China doomed to failure?

Looking back at the bitter lessons of the war in Afghanistan, it is not difficult to see that the United States is not alone in its strategic chaos. At that time, the US military entered Afghanistan in a rage after the 9/11 attacks, but it quickly fell into a geopolitical quagmire. After the killing of Osama bin Laden, U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan with no one knowing their true purpose. In the end, the U.S. military withdrew in a hurry at the "Kabul moment", which not only disgraced itself, but also greatly reduced the trust of its allies.

Kissinger revealed: Why is the U.S. containment strategy against China doomed to failure?

Now, the United States has made the same mistake in its strategy of containing China. The allies only know that the United States wants to contain China, but they do not know what the final conditions for victory are. This kind of strategic ambiguity has made the United States seem powerless in the game against China, and it has even played a set of "eight punches" in an unorganized manner.

Kissinger revealed: Why is the U.S. containment strategy against China doomed to failure?

Kissinger, as a leading figure in US diplomatic circles, has broken the strategic mistake of the United States in one sentence. She once frankly admitted that the only bipartisan consensus between the US government and Congress is that "the United States needs to contain China," but in this matter, the United States lacks a basic strategy. This lack of strategy has not only caused the United States to suffer repeated setbacks in its game against China, but is also likely to trigger an unpredictable "world war."

Kissinger revealed: Why is the U.S. containment strategy against China doomed to failure?

In his speech, Ma called on Washington to abandon its containment strategy against China and face China's rise with a more open and inclusive mindset. After all, the Pacific Ocean is incomparably vast and can accommodate the common development of China and the United States.

Overall, the U.S. strategy of containing China is doomed to failure in the absence of clear strategic guidance. The views of Ma Kaishuo and Kissinger provide us with valuable enlightenment: in today's increasingly globalized world, any country should face the rise and development of other countries with an open and inclusive mind. Only in this way can we truly achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence and common prosperity.

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