
Zizhi Tongjian 575: In history, all those who chose not to mourn after the death of the emperor must have a conspiracy

author:Read through and understand life

Under Emperor Hirohito

The 18th year of Taiyuan (癸巳, 393 AD)

Original text: Xingmi does not mourn, with his uncle Xu Zhen is stable, Shuode Town is secret, and his younger brother is guarding Chang'an. Or Shuode said: "The prestige is important, the ministry is the strongest, and now when the world changes, it will be suspected by the imperial court, so it is better to go to Qinzhou and wait and see the situation." Shuode said: "The prince is broad-minded and will have no other worries." Now that Fu Deng is not extinguished, and the flesh and blood are attacking each other, it is self-destruction. I just die, and I don't do anything. Then he went to see Xingxing, Xing Youli and sent it away. Xing claimed to be a great general, with Yin Wei as the long history, Di Bozhi as Sima, and the commander of Qin.

Yao Xing is not mourning, master! From this it can be seen that he has the ability to deal with Phodon.

Why? In history, after the death of the previous emperor, anyone who chooses not to mourn will have a major conspiracy!

Zizhi Tongjian 575: In history, all those who chose not to mourn after the death of the emperor must have a conspiracy

For example, when Qin Shi Huang died in the Dune Palace, Li Si and Zhao Gao chose not to mourn, in order to confuse the world and leave time and space for Hu Hai to successfully ascend the throne and the two of them to grasp power.

For example, when Zhuge Liang died of illness, Yang Yi and Jiang Wei chose not to mourn, in order to confuse Sima Yi and leave time and space for the whole army to retreat.

So why did Yao Xing choose not to mourn because he left time and space? In order to solve internal problems? No! He is the rightful heir, Yao Chang called the auxiliary minister and Yao Xing together before his death to arrange the future, so Yao Xing succeeded to the throne, and there was no obstacle within the Later Qin. So Yao Xing's purpose in doing this is mainly to target Fu Deng! He did this to give him time and space to defeat Edden. He has to arrange calmly and solve Fu Deng once and for all.

Zizhi Tongjian 575: In history, all those who chose not to mourn after the death of the emperor must have a conspiracy

There's one more episode here.

Yao Xing arranged for his uncle Yao Shuode to guard the secrets, and Yao Shuode's restless subordinates persuaded him: The lord is suspicious, the laws of history, you are highly respected and have heavy troops, you will definitely be suspicious, it is better to occupy Qinzhou and observe the situation first.

In other words, this subordinate may also be genuinely thinking about Yao Shuode. After all, this is indeed the law of history, and not only that, but it is simply the law of human nature that cannot be escaped. For example, when a new official takes office, the important ministers of the old superiors are generally suspicious.

At this time, how to choose really depends on personal character. Some people will really choose to believe what they have rather than believe what they don't have, and protect themselves first. And Yao Shuode didn't do this, he chose to trust, the family is not united at this time, when will it be united, if you are suspicious of each other, it will be self-defeating, don't mess with me. So he came to Yao Xing's side in person to show his sincerity. At the critical moment, Yao Shuode showed the brilliance of human nature.

Zizhi Tongjian 575: In history, all those who chose not to mourn after the death of the emperor must have a conspiracy

Similarly, in this sensitive period, Yao Xing also chose to trust, maybe he really listened to Yao Chang's last words, or maybe Yao Xing himself was a generous person, he received Yao Shuode warmly and sincerely, and sent him back to Yinmi to garrison. If you don't believe in a family, who else can you trust?! At the critical moment, Yao Xing also showed the brilliance of humanity.

Everything is ready, Yao Xing sent Yin Wei, and Di Bozhi led the crowd to attack Qin! Yao Xing didn't take a defensive position, he chose to take the initiative to attack!

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