
A lot of people hate to hear the truth

author:Deer and rhinoceros
A lot of people hate to hear the truth

Truth is not true, everyone has their own "logic";

Hate to hear the truth, and sometimes, including me.

Ha ha.

When I was young, I had a "tiger energy", that is, I liked to talk about my encounters and blows to some people who thought they had a good relationship;

And I will also share my conclusions with them.

However, to my surprise, when others share different opinions than mine, I will basically listen honestly;

But most people "react unusually" when they hear that I have a different point of view than theirs!

For example, I am disgusted with team building in the workplace, some tricky and mean management methods, ineffective meetings, obvious decision-making problems, and workplace managers with bad character;

A lot of people hate to hear the truth

However, some people oppose me, they think that in the company, you have to obey the arrangement of the boss and the leader, and there should be no questioning and resistance;

If you have a conflict with the leader, it must be that you have a problem, not that the leader's decision-making is wrong.

Their logic is that people are leaders and bosses, and they must be better than you, and they must be right, and they should listen to others!

For example, I believe that in a person's success, luck comes first, hard work comes last, and ability and talent come second-to-last;

That is to say, people have the ambition to soar to the sky, and they cannot pass by themselves without luck.

However, I was told:

People just have the ability, and it has nothing to do with external forces such as luck.

No luck, people are super powerful!

A lot of people hate to hear the truth

For example, I believe that 90% of a person's life before the age of 35 is determined by the social environment and the family of origin, whether it is marriage or career choice, personality development and happiness;

However, some people stood up against me, saying that they are all adults and have to be responsible for their own choices!

What kind of environment, what kind of education method of the original family, in their eyes, it has no impact on the individual, and with their own strength, they can quickly reverse everything.

For example, I think that the way of communication and expression is very important, and acquaintances need to consider each other's feelings, and not judge and blame others unscrupulously.

However, some people think that there is still a need to consider what proportions and boundaries between acquaintances, which are what students need.

For example, I think that people should not suffer meaningless suffering, because some of the suffering that is purely devastating to the mind is to suffer sin.

But some people feel that only after suffering can they enjoy sweetness!


A lot of people hate to hear the truth

After communicating with many people that it was "ineffective", I found out that I was wrong!

The reason is that I shared the insights I gained from my observations and reflections with the wrong people;

The reason for this is that I see them as people who can respect voices that differ from my own, who can discuss with others objectively and politely, and who have basic empathy and independent thinking skills.

However, everything is the opposite.

Not only do they not resonate with what I say, but they will distort what I mean, automatically substitute their own prejudices, and then the nose is not the nose, and the mouth is not the mouth with a contemptuous or hostile expression.

Really, I finally understand why so many people are becoming more and more silent.

The first and most important reason is engraved in the bones of the vast majority of people:

A lot of people hate to hear the truth

As long as you don't achieve great success in the worldly sense, you don't leave them far behind, you don't satisfy all their illusions about the strong and the capable, you don't make them worship and admire enough;

Well, no matter what you say, they will jump out and oppose you, question you, and attack you at the first time!

They must have the upper hand in their arguments with you!

They don't automatically "absorb" your point of view, they don't smile indifferently, they don't argue, they feel that only their point of view is right.

And you're talking about it, it's just fart.

You can only be silent.

Second, no matter what your point of view is, as long as you share beyond the other party's cognition, the vast majority of people will not think calmly and objectively, whether what you say is logical, reasonable, whether it conforms to reality, and whether it can be put into practice;

They simply take what you say as a challenge to their intelligence and authority, a contempt and violation of their existence!

A lot of people hate to hear the truth

The best thing to say is that they have their own reasoning.

To put it mildly, it is that their cognition cannot reach the range you are in, so people are eager to deny you, to defend their own opinions, and refuse to improve!

They believe that the truth is cruel, they are too lazy to listen, and they are even more disgusted that someone points out the truth and shares it, making them feel that life is bleak and hopeless!

Too many people like to conform to the herd, and are afraid that they will be attacked and excluded by the group because of their different views and "out-of-line" behavior;

They believe that anything that has happened is "truth";

And I, like Mr. Lu Xun, whom I admire, will ask:

It's always been that way, right?

Really, a lot of people hate to hear the truth.