
A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

author:Guanlan Jiangshan History

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A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have not been marked in the article, please be aware.

Throughout history, human traffickers have been hated because they have torn apart otherwise happy families.

All along, the mainland has been cracking down on human trafficker organizations, and it is inevitable to uproot human traffickers.

Recently, the return of a number of abducted children to their families has been on the hot search, and it is really touching to see them hugging their relatives.

In this vast sea of people, there are still many abducted children who have been trying to find their families, and their families have never given up looking for their children.

Today, the editor will tell you the story of a 3-year-old girl in Guizhou who was abducted and trafficked, and found out that her parents were neighbors many years later.

I believe many people are very curious, why are they so close, but they don't recognize each other? What's going on?

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

Accidentally lost

In August 1999, Li Yun and his wife saw that the surrounding night market had a lot of traffic and the business of the food stalls was also very hot, so they also came here to set up stalls at night.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

The couple's business is very good, which also gives them hope for life.

Li Yun and his wife have two daughters, the eldest daughter is already in school, and the younger daughter is only 3 years old, which is the time when they need someone to accompany them.

So the couple took their two daughters to set up a stall together, thinking that they could make money and take care of their children.

The eldest daughter, Xiangxiang, is very sensible and often helps her parents do what she can, and also takes care of her younger sister and takes her sister to play together.

On this day, the eldest daughter did not go to the stall with her parents because of her studies, so the parents took the younger daughter Meimei away.

After arriving at the stall, Li Yun took out some snacks for Mei Mei, and asked Mei Mei to play obediently by herself, not to run around, and Li Yun began to get busy after explaining.

Mei Mei finished her snacks and saw that her parents were busy, so she went to play by herself. No one noticed that Mei Mei was followed by a man.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

The man followed Mei Mei for a while, and after finding that there was no one around, he immediately stepped forward to cover Mei Mei's mouth and took her away.

After Li Yun and his wife were busy, they found that Mei Mei was not there, thinking that they had gone to the surrounding stalls to play, but after waiting for a while, they found that Mei Mei had not come back, so Li Yun went out to look for it.

After asking around, the surrounding bosses all said that they didn't see Meimei, and then Li Yun panicked, and she hurriedly called her husband to ask the surrounding bosses to help find Meimei together.

Everyone searched together for a long time and did not see Mei Mei's figure, Li Yun was completely panicked, and Li Yun's husband called the police at this time.

After receiving the call to the police, the police immediately rushed to the scene and dispatched a large number of police forces to search and investigate the whole process.

But there was no surveillance at that time, and it was very difficult to find a person, and after the police searched for it all night, there was still no trace of Meimei.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

Li Yun and his wife did not rest all night, and they have been looking outside, posting missing notices everywhere, hoping to find Meimei. Quite a few people provided clues, and each time they went with hope and eventually returned disappointed.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

The adoptive father was arrested

Mei Mei wakes up in a strange environment, and there is a particularly fierce-looking person in front of her, who says that he is her adoptive father, and gives Mei Mei a new name "Jia Min".

After a few years like this, Jia Min, who grew up, also knew that she was abducted, and she always hoped that her family would find her, but after so many years, she didn't wait.

Soon after, the adoptive father brought back a crazy woman and said to Jia Min: This is your stepmother. Jia Min knew in his heart that this woman must have been abducted back by her adoptive father.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the woman's family to come to the door, take the woman back, and also sue the adoptive father in court, and when the evidence was conclusive, the adoptive father was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

At this time, Jia Min was only a little girl in her teens, and she could only drop out of school to work to support herself after losing her financial resources.

Later, Jia Min met someone who could be trusted for life, and the two got married not long after confirming their relationship, and then gave birth to two lovely children.

In order to provide a better life for his wife and children, Jia Min's husband went to work in other places, leaving Jia Min to raise two children at home. Jia Min has been careful with every penny for the sake of her children, and her life is very hard.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

Looking for a daughter

Li Yun and his wife have been looking for their daughter Meimei for many years, and Li Yun is not in a good mental state because of Meimei's loss, and often mistakes other people's children for Meimei.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

The eldest daughter, Xiangxiang, is slowly growing up, and she often works with her parents to find Meimei's whereabouts.

Xiangxiang saw that many children who had been abducted and lost had found their families through the Internet, so she wanted to try it too.

Xiangxiang found the relevant person in charge and registered Meimei's information, and a few months have passed, and there is no news, which makes Xiangxiang very disappointed.

On this day, Xiangxiang went out with her parents to look for Meimei as usual, and suddenly received a call from the staff, saying that there was a person who matched the information provided by Xiangxiang.

Xiangxiang immediately told her parents about it, Li Yun was very excited, and immediately asked for the other party's address, but the staff asked her to calm down first, and they went to verify the situation first.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

According to the information, the staff came to the place where Jia Min lived, and Jia Min's address was so close to Li Yun and their house, which made the staff feel incredible.

The staff knocked on the door and soon saw a woman holding her baby open the door.

Jia Min didn't know the person in front of him, so he asked who the other party was.

The staff asked her if she was Jia Min, and after confirming that it was Jia Min herself, they then asked her if she had been trafficked.

When they learned that Jia Min had indeed been abducted and trafficked, and had not found her family yet, the staff explained their intentions, saying that they might have found her family.

Jia Min was still hesitating, afraid that if it wasn't for his family, the other party and himself would be disappointed, which was undoubtedly pouring salt on the wound.

The staff patiently persuaded her, saying that she could test her DNA before she was confirmed, which dispelled Jia Min's concerns.

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors

Jia Min did a DNA test with the staff, and the results showed that Jia Min was the daughter that Li Yun and his wife had been looking for for many years.

Many years later, Li Yun saw her little daughter again, tears flowed, she couldn't imagine what her daughter had experienced over the years, she was already a mother of two children at such a young age, she was still a child!

Jia Min has been adrift for many years, and finally found her home, she hugged her family together, shouting over and over again: Dad, Mom, sister......

Jia Min's luck, after going through so many hardships, he still lives seriously, finds a family, and has someone who can be with him for a lifetime. May all abducted people be able to find their families and return to their loved ones.


A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors


[1] The year of the family seekers: some people reunited, some people took the traffickers to court, and more people are still on the road - Poster News

A 3-year-old girl was abducted and trafficked in 99, and 17 years later, she accidentally discovered that her biological parents were actually her neighbors