
It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

author:Talk about entertainment again and again

It's Wednesday again, and the week is almost over after today! On Wednesday morning, let's take a look at the latest things in the entertainment industry with Youliujun~

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Recently, Yi Nengjing's son Enli has been in turmoil again. It was revealed that Enli was suspected of harassing an amateur and insulting a boy at KTV. Because the other party recorded the video, Yi Nengjing paid 350,000 hush money, but turned around and sued the person for extortion.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

The netizen, who claimed to be an insider, said that the group was originally drinking and drinking happily at KTV, but Enli broke into their private room and touched one of his drunk male friends.

also said that the parents of the second generation of stars, if you say the name, everyone in the live broadcast room knows each other.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil
It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Well, it is said that the more outrageous the melon, the higher the authenticity.

At the beginning, some netizens guessed that it was Chen Kaige and Chen Hong's son Chen Feiyu, because Chen Kaige and Chen Hong are also famous celebrity couples in the circle, which is in line with the lawyer's statement that "parents are very famous".

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil
It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

However, some netizens feel that this statement is a bit "there are no silver three hundred taels here", the reason is that Chen Feiyu himself already has works and fame, so if the news is broken and he can be said directly, there is no need to emphasize that "his parents are very famous". And because it was mentioned in the revelation that male amateurs were harassed, it could not be Chen Feiyu, so everyone gradually turned their speculation to Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing's son Enli.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Enli returned to China after graduating from college some time ago, and Yi Nengjing did a lot of marketing. opened a Xiaohongshu Douyin account, shot magazines, Yi Nengjing's own Xiaohongshu live broadcast, etc., step by step to bring children to the entertainment industry.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

After returning to China, Enli successively participated in fashion shows, brand cooperation, magazine shooting and other fashion activities.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

From his social media accounts, you can also see the news he shared after returning to China. Like most recent college graduates, it is normal for me to go out for drinks and travel with my friends, and to go to clubs.

However, this also invisibly increases the credibility of this melon.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

But then again, if Yi Nengjing really sued that person as claimed by this melon revelation, it should be possible to check the record, so everyone still has to eat melons rationally!

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

In any case, Yi Nengjing's son can be regarded as a person with a "hot search physique", and it seems that every appearance will get the attention of the public.

I remember that at the beginning, Enli's well-known character was still the "son of Yi Nengjing who loves to wear women's clothes". At that time, the photo of himself wearing women's clothes posted on foreign social media was commented by many netizens as "neither male nor female" and "unacceptable", and even doubted his sexual orientation.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Some time ago, he came into everyone's attention again because of a street interview.

In this interview, his speech and opinions resonate with the vast majority of young people.

Generous and unpretentious, and emotionally stable.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Regarding the question of wearing women's clothing, he believes that people have a choice in dress and aesthetics. Although he wears women's clothes, he clearly knows that he is a boy, and this is not a conflict.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

In just one month, netizens have changed from a transvestite impression of Enli to an evaluation that they have not been spoiled and have a positive outlook, and the speed of this public opinion change is also very amazing.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Yi Neng Jing Yu Chengqing has its own topic heat, although the two of them have no chance to be in the same frame now, netizens are still very interested in their family's life.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Not long ago, Enli graduated and posted a photo of himself and his parents.

However, attentive netizens found that he did not directly post a group photo of a family of three, but took it alone with Yu Chengqing Yi Nengjing, giving enough respect to his divorced parents.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil
It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

After graduating, Enli first chose to return to China and reunite with Yi Nengjing in Shanghai.

Yi Nengjing and Qin Hao's daughter Mi Li went to the airport to greet their brother in person, and the interaction between the brother and sister was super loving, and it could be seen that the family had a good relationship.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Although Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing have formed new families after their divorce, their concern for their eldest son Enli has not diminished in the eyes of the outside world.

When Enli celebrated his birthday before, Yu Chengqing also let himself and his current wife's children send blessing voices. Enli also directly said that his younger siblings are the love of his life.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

This is enough to see that Yi Nengjing Yu Chengqing did not snub Enli in this regard because he had a new family.

It can be seen from the various life records shared by Enli that he and Mi Li get along very well.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Yi Nengjing has also published many small essays praising her son's excellent on her social media, turning into her son's praise group, which can be said to be full of emotional value.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Even the outfit for Enli's graduation ceremony was based on Enli's opinion, and Yi Nengjing was impeccable in terms of being a mother.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

remembers that in the early years, when she was recording a variety show, Enli was accidentally injured, and she had to fly to Taipei to take care of her son even if she had less than a day.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

When Enley is misunderstood for wearing women's clothes, she will stand up and say, "I think there is some misreading [of Enley], but I don't think it matters, because the people we love him know who he is, and it is more important for the world to know who he is." ”

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

knows that his son is studying directing, and he always gives him professional affirmation in his usual relationship.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

During the live broadcast, because of the sudden increase in the number of people in the live broadcast room, Yi Nengjing continued to praise and boast, saying that Enli was very good at dressing and very good at buying clothes.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

When Enli's test back was sold out, Yi Nengjing would also say, "My son is going to be a director in the future!" ”

In other words, who doesn't want such a mother who can give emotional value support anytime and anywhere?

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

Let's talk about it again back to the revelation of this KTV, in fact, there is no conclusive evidence to determine that it was done by Enli, and netizens just thought of Enli through speculation.

However, netizens are all under Yi Nengjing's video, and they are open and ask directly: 350,000 is really fake? It's also a bit embarrassing.

It was revealed that the second generation of famous stars harassed same-sex amateurs, his parents spent huge amounts of hush money, and Yi Nengjing's son was in turmoil

At present, Yi Nengjing has not responded here, whether to prove his innocence or not to respond, Youliujun is like everyone, waiting for a follow-up melon.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss~

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