
Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

author:Mu Qi said

On May 8, a parent of a primary school in Ruijin, the old revolutionary area, complained on the government's official website:

"My child comes from school every afternoon and says he is hungry and doesn't have enough to eat at school every day......

On July 1, Hou Kai, Auditor General of the International Audit Office, pointed out in the "Work Report" that

From 2021 to August 2023, 66 counties misappropriated 1.951 billion yuan of student meal subsidy funds to repay local debts and other expenditures......

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

In fact, this is not a new thing, and I have repeatedly called for the abolition of compulsory school meals for students in the past.

School canteens are the hardest hit areas of corruption.

If you search for the keyword "misappropriation of student meal supplements", you will find that this kind of thing happens almost every year, and in the past two years, it is particularly frequent.

It was only after the data came out that we realized that this was not an "accident", but a fairly common phenomenon.

Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

66 counties, 1.951 billion yuan, what is this concept?

On average, each county has pulled out a subsidy of 30 million yuan from the teeth of poor students.

How do you pick it?

It's a bit perverted to say it, just like some prisons treat inmates, cashing in to lower the standard of food supply, fictitious procurement business, and colluding to arbitrage funds.

Then they colluded and acquiesced in the illegal operation of the food supply unit, cut corners, shoddy products, and rat heads and duck necks.

As stated in the report:

"The education departments of the five counties conspired with the winning suppliers to obtain 42.1602 million yuan through supplier dividends, donations, etc., for the distribution of benefits."

"78 enterprises or individuals won the bid for 101 nutritious meal projects in 35 counties through illegal borrowing of qualifications, falsification of information, bid-rigging and collusion."

Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

Yuanqu has a classic joke:

"Quails look for peas, herons split their legs, and mosquitoes dig fat in their bellies. Lose the old gentleman! ”

In today's greedy ink subsidy meal incident, it got a "classic reproduction".

How can you do it to poor students!

The details I saw in the message area of the news made people grit their teeth even more:

"I come from a rural school, and primary and secondary schools only have milk for students every Tuesday and Friday in the township, and I thought it was like this at the time, but later I learned that according to the standard, it should be available every day."

"We don't have anything, we only have radish roast meat for three months in winter, and the junior high school candidates can only eat cold meals in winter, and sometimes they don't even have rice."

"Every Tuesday and Friday, the students still have milk? Why haven't I heard what my child hasn't said? I've heard of sending fruit once a week. ”

Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

Why is it that student meals are rarely covered by ink, and they rarely set off a wide range of discussions? There are three reasons for this:

1 Most of the students in school are poor students, lack of information sources, lack of voices, and many students even think that free milk is because the principal has a good heart and works hard to help them get it.

2 Part of the money that was embezzled by greedy ink was also given bonuses and salaries to faculty and staff, and the two sides had an alliance of interests.

Once in Suichuan County, Jiangxi Province, parents of a school found that the meat food of the nutritious meal had deteriorated and there were live maggots wriggling, so they reported the matter in the WeChat group, and the head teacher immediately made a decision and immediately disbanded the parent group.

3 The local Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Education Bureau, and the school have also formed an alliance of interests, and when they want to come to inspect it, they have already reported in advance and replaced the usual plain noodles with chicken thighs and milk......

More than 10 years ago, I once heard the director of a county agricultural committee in a restaurant getting drunk and boasting proudly to a friend at the door:

"You're welcome...... I've calculated that I have to eat 500,000 ...... a year just to eat."

Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

I have never forgotten the tremor that this sentence gave me at the time. After all, the 500,000 yuan at that time could buy two sets of commercial houses in good locations locally.

No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, and no matter how hard you are, you can't be miserable for children.

Who eats the poor students' food? It may be eaten by some people who are full of fat intestines and shout slogans very loudly on weekdays.

15 students fried shredded pork with green peppers in exchange for a teppanyaki squid on the wine table.

Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

Where did the misappropriated nutritious meal money go?

In the beautiful and luxurious government buildings, in the new district parks, and in the political achievements of some people.

Today, the report of the Audit Office has put the financial situation of individual localities on the table -- the repayment of debts and the expenditure of the three guarantees.

In 2021, the national land revenue will be as high as 8.71 trillion yuan, compared with 5.8 trillion yuan last year, what about this year?

The data shows that in the first half of 2024, the total sales of the top 100 real estate companies will be 2,083.47 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 41.6%.

Who ate the nutritious meals for students in 66 counties?

The historian Sima Guang once concluded: "It is easy to go from thrift to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality."

Once the addiction of "eating food and food" is infected, it is very difficult to quit.

The land is not easy to sell, and I don't want to live a hard life, what should I do if I want to eat or want to eat?

They said, "Why don't you suffer the poor students...... Moutai is unsalable, and those who drink Maozi have a hard time.

In fact, public money is like water in a sponge, as long as you are willing to save, you can save a piece of nectar.

I sincerely advise those who don't even let go of the nutritious meals for students to turn out their hearts, lungs and intestines, dry them, wash them, and pick them up.

When your intestines are clean, the society will be able to have more "100 million" positive energy in the practical sense.


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