
Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

author:The daily life of the live broadcast circle

When discussing the current popular anchors in the game live broadcast industry, Xu Xu Baobao and Zhang Daxian are undoubtedly the two giants, and the popularity of the two sides is equal, and it is difficult to compete.

In particular, Xuxu Baby is known for its extremely high fan cohesion, and even created a miracle of popularity in a certain sound, with 720,000 people online at the same time to help popularity tickets, which is a shocking number. His success is largely due to his personality charm: he treats fans sincerely, often has various benefits of mobile phones in the live broadcast room, and is also well-known for his righteousness and helpfulness to friends or anchors around him.

Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

After switching to a certain sound, in order to take his career to the next level, Xu Xu Baby founded his own media company, which has developed rapidly, and has more than 2,000 anchors under his command. With the help of Brother Bao, many anchors have achieved a transformation from obscurity to shine, and the live broadcast income has also increased significantly. Most anchors are full of respect for Brother Bao as the leader, because in the complex Internet live broadcast environment, with Brother Bao's guidance, they feel extra at ease.

Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

However, recently, a female anchor called "Xuehua" under Xuxu Baby Media Company publicly "defected" on the Internet, she claimed that the company failed to give any substantial help, and her popularity was all based on personal efforts, and at the same time expressed dissatisfaction with the company's share ratio of up to 45%, and then announced her withdrawal from Xuxu Baby Media. This remark quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

After learning about this, Xu Xu Baobao was very indignant, and he emphasized that the company has provided many supports to the female anchor "Xuehua", including drainage from its own popular live broadcast room, arranging microphone connections with other big anchors, etc., which are valuable resource inputs. Moreover, there is no shortage of viewers and support from Brother Bao's fan group in the Xuehua live broadcast room, but she seems to deny it all. Brother Bao felt chilled because of this, and the live broadcast lasted until late at night, expressing his puzzlement at this ungrateful behavior.

Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

The female anchor "Xuehua" argued that the contract was electronic and that the registration information was not herself, in an attempt to evade legal responsibility, but was quickly refuted by netizens. According to legal knowledge, electronic contracts also have legal effect, and signing a contract means agreeing to join the guild, and breach of contract will inevitably face liability.

Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

It is rumored that the female anchor "Xuehua" is facing liquidated damages of about 10 million, which is obviously unbearable. In handling this matter, if she could have adopted a more rational way of communication instead of public accusations, perhaps the situation would not have been so rigid. The current situation has evolved into an open confrontation between the two sides, which does not benefit either side. How it ends in the end depends on Brother Bao's next move.

Baby Xu Xu was "backstabbed" by his female anchor, lamenting that he quit the guild after giving resources, and his heart was cold!

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