
Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

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Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

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Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

Ma Yun, who swore that the house was not as good as the green onion, actually went to Japan to invest in real estate, isn't this a slap in the face? On that small island in Japan, the aging population and declining birthrate are ranked first in the world, what does Ma Yun think? Everyone is in a circle, what is Ma Yun doing this?

No, there was a recent news about Ma Yun that exploded, Bloomberg reported that Ma Yun's Yunfeng Fund intends to spend 1000 billion yuan to smash Japanese real estate, I have to say that Ma Yun is really in love with Japan, after semi-retirement, the number of appearances is pitiful, but whenever he appears, he is basically inseparable from Japan.

Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

At the end of 22, someone broke the news that he took his family to "live" in Tokyo for half a year, hanging out in high-end clubs in Ginza, Tokyo, going in and out of golf courses, and buying a mansion villa from his friend Masayoshi Son. In 23, Ma Yun went to Tokyo College as a visiting professor and became a teacher in Japan, and it is said that he is quite popular with students. This time, Yunfeng Fund invested hundreds of billions of dollars in Japan, it seems that Ma Yun is really optimistic about Japan, not only that, but there is also a group of investment bigwigs behind him to support him.

is different from ordinary market-oriented funds, Yunfeng Fund is from a wealthy family, a standard "rich second generation", with two rich fathers, as can be seen from the name, one is Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba, and the other is Yu Feng, the founder of Juzhong Media, with about 60% of Yu Feng and 40% of Ma Yun.

In addition to these two rich fathers, Yun Feng also has a large group of rich relatives, such as Shi Yuzhu, chairman of Giant Network, Liu Yonghao, chairman of New Hope Group, Wang Yusuo, chairman of ENN Group, Jiang Nanchun, chairman and CEO of Focus Media, and Xu Hang, chairman of Mindray Medical, etc., all of whom are well-known entrepreneurs in China. In this case, Yunfeng Fund's every move is often taken as a signal of new trends and new opportunities.

Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

First of all, let's talk about the Japanese government's real estate stimulus policy. In order to make Japan's core cities the leaders of finance and asset management, in June this year, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida launched a so-called "four zones" development strategy, which are Tokyo, Osaka, Hokkaido and Fukuoka, which is the focus of Kishida's strategy to stimulate real estate prosperity. These four cities are not only tourist attractions in themselves, but also have quite good economic development potential, and their advantages are obvious. After Kishida came to power, the speed of the recovery of the Japanese property market is visible to the naked eye. According to the Japan Real Estate Research Institute, in the April 2024 survey, apartment prices in Tokyo and Osaka both increased by 1.5%, ranking first among the world's 15 major cities.

In the first quarter of 2024, real estate investment is declining globally, with Japan alone being the only one that stands out. From January to March this year, investment increased by 178% year-on-year and 45% month-on-month. The Tokyo metropolitan area is the world's largest real estate investment of $7.65 billion.

In addition to the strong policy, the "cost performance" of Japanese real estate is also very high. We all know that the Japanese property market has undergone a long adjustment of 30 years, and prices have fallen out. A 70-square-meter house in central Tokyo sells for an average of 5.34 million RMB, which is not low, but compared with the world's first-tier cities, it is only half of the price of Hong Kong, which is slightly higher than that of Seoul.

Some people may ask, after the US dollar raised interest rates, the yen exchange rate plummeted, and it was cut miserably, can the property market be good? In fact, the collapse of the yen exchange rate is precisely an important reason for the recovery of the Japanese property market.

Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

The US dollar raised interest rates, and the yen exchange rate fell miserably, but according to the exchange rate, Japanese real estate is equivalent to a 20% discount as a whole, attracting a large number of overseas hot money to rush in, resulting in the Japanese property market transactions are not good. In addition, Japan has maintained ultra-low interest rates for more than 10 years, and it costs almost no money to borrow money in Japan if it has the ability to raise the cost performance of domestic investment. When Warren Buffett went to Japan to invest in the stock market, didn't he borrow a large amount of money from the Bank of Japan, and finally used almost zero interest rate to take away the funds, and made the difference.

Even so, many people are still skeptical about Jack Ma's investment in the Japanese property market. Japan is one of the most aging countries in the world, and the Japanese economy has not performed well in recent years, and the economy will soon be surpassed by Germany. Ma Yun said before that houses will be cheaper than onions in the future, so why did he go to Japan, where the population and economy are not as good as ours, to invest? Isn't this a slap in the face?

If you think about it, it's quite complicated. There are two important reasons why Ma Yun went to Japan to invest, one is that Ma Yun himself is in a special situation, and the other is the investment attribute of real estate.

After Ma Yun retired, he has been intentionally or unintentionally keeping a distance from Alibaba and the domestic market, why he did this, we ordinary people don't understand, we can only say that the big guy has his own plans.

Ma Yun smashed 100 billion yuan to invest in the Japanese property market, what signals are released?

Secondly, compared with other assets, the investment attributes of real estate still have advantages. Some people may want to say, don't talk nonsense, housing prices in many places in China have fallen in an uproar, and it is either stupid or bad to say that the house has investment attributes. The property market is indeed adjusting, and there are many reasons, the state has rectified problematic real estate developers like Evergrande, which is ruthless, but I didn't expect to catch up with the epidemic for three years, plus the United States has been raising interest rates, and the property market has adjusted more than imagined.

In the past ten years, many people have more than one house in hand, and they sell the surplus house due to lack of money turnover in business, which is also the reason for the decline in housing prices. In other words, the market now is about clearing out the people who are struggling to do business and letting in the people who really need the house.

We still have to be a little confident, because the international experience of several decades tells us that there is basically nothing that the state cannot do if it wants to carry out macroeconomic regulation and control. This time, the high-level made everyone consume, but everyone didn't listen, there was no way, the state could only go on its own, and this was the background of the recent large-scale issuance of treasury bonds, and the state collected private capital to buy houses.

Returning to Ma Yun, whether the move of investing in the Japanese property market is right or not will not be determined in a short time. Some people also say that if Jack Ma can invest in real estate in China, Japan will not have such a good thing. But what is certain is that the big guy has already done it, shouldn't we ordinary people also take a look at real estate? You can communicate in the comment area!

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