
Once Upon a Time in Earth Class: The Boomerang Hurt Itself, Why Did the United States Introduce the "Wolf Clause" Back then?

author:Fun talk about the earth class
Earth is a special class, and every nation is a classmate in this class.

In the past two days, the Chang'e 6, a member of the study committee of the Earth class, returned from a lunar exploration and brought back 4 kilograms of lunar "native products" by the way.

Ah Zhong has always been generous, so as soon as Chang'e 6 returned, he publicly expressed his willingness to invite other students in the Earth class to study the "native products" of the moon with Ah Zhong.

But there is only one country that has not been invited, and that is Ami, the leader of the Earth class.

For this reason, Ami was very angry, and took advantage of the opportunity that her classmates came to cooperate with Argentina and China to openly question Ami and China.

Ami: ...... Stop for a moment! Ah Zhong, you said that you are cheerful and generous, never target others, never engage in small circles to exclude others, why this time your Chang'e 6 brought back native products from the moon, and you invited everyone to study together, but only for me?

Once Upon a Time in Earth Class: The Boomerang Hurt Itself, Why Did the United States Introduce the "Wolf Clause" Back then?

Chang'e-6 excavates soil on the moon

When the students heard this, they immediately fell silent.

Study committee member Ah Zhong had a helpless expression on his face.

Ah Zhong: Ami, before you accuse others, can you pee on yourself first? Am I not agreeing to share lunar soil with you? In 1999, your family passed the "Cox Report" and later issued the "Wolf Clause", prohibiting Sino-US space exploration cooperation, and even you stipulated that no agency related to NASA can cooperate with China in space exploration, can I blame it?

Ami: I'm ...... I was just confused for a while, and now I can't change it?

Ah Zhong sneered.

Ah Zhong: Confused for a while? Even if you deceive others, can you still deceive me? It just so happens that the students are here today, so I will tell you why the "Wolf Clause" was introduced by Ami, the class president of the year?

Art Commissioner Afa couldn't help but speak.

AF: This is what I've always been curious about, because when the United States introduced the Wolf Clause, it was in 2011. If I remember correctly, in 2008, the United States asked China for help, which shows that Sino-US relations were not so bad at that time, so why did the United States target China so much?

Ah Zhong: Afa, you only know one thing, but you don't know the other. The introduction of the Wolf Clause dates back to 1999, May 25, 1999 to be exact. Guess why I remember this day so well?

Serbia: Brother, I know. It was on May 8, 1999 that NATO, led by the United States, bombed your Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It must have something to do with it, right?

Ah Zhong: That's right! The "Wolf Clause" is based on the "Cox Report," and the "Cox Report" was precisely on May 25, 1999, when the United States bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for no reason, and in the face of surging international public opinion and the anger of my family, Ami, who was shameless, not only did not sincerely apologize, but instead beat me upside down, saying that China had stolen their mushroom bomb technology and satellite launch technology, so the "Cox Report" was issued, calling for a ban on Sino-US cooperation in space exploration. The later "Wolf Clause" was based on this.

Once Upon a Time in Earth Class: The Boomerang Hurt Itself, Why Did the United States Introduce the "Wolf Clause" Back then?


Pakistan: Brother, no. I remember that your first mushroom bomb was successfully exploded in 1964. Why did Ami say in 1999 that you stole their mushroom bomb technology!

Zhong: Hehe, I want to know too! Our satellite launch technology, in fact, is the Monkey launch technology, which began to mature in the 70s, and in 1981, it also publicly broadcast the intercontinental Monkey launch, and I used it until 1999 to steal the Amijia mushroom bomb technology and the Monkey launch technology?

When the classmates heard this, they all looked at the class leader, Ami.

Ami: I'm ...... I have proof. Our intelligence officers studied it at the time, and your mushroom bomb technology and Sky Monkey launch technology are very similar to those of our United States; And, more importantly, it took me more than 10 years to develop the relevant technology, you used a few years to catch up, such a fast speed, obviously abnormal, not to steal my technology, why are you so fast?

Ah Zhong: I'll squirt you to death with a mouthful of salt soda! You let your little brother in the United States listen to it for yourself, are you talking about human words?

Ami was a little dazed.

Ami: What's wrong, I think it's very reasonable! Little book,Is there a problem with what I just said?

The Japanese classmates looked at Ami and then at the classmates.

Japan: Ami, it's hard to say, you make me ignorant, I don't have any obstacles; But you make me play dumb, I can't do it!

Ami opened her mouth angrily.

Ami: Are you a drama spirit? It's a bad conscience, and it's pretending to be a fool, so it's good to tell the truth.

Japan: Okay, Ami, what you just said seems to be logically fine, but there are common sense bugs. Let's talk about mushroom bombs, you said that the mushroom bombs of the Ah Zhong family are a bit similar to your family, the problem is that all the students in the earth class have mushroom bombs, who is not like whom? Its manufacturing principle is the same, just like the wheels of a car are round, you were the first to create a round car wheel, you can't say that all the people who make round wheels in the future are stealing your technology, right?

Once Upon a Time in Earth Class: The Boomerang Hurt Itself, Why Did the United States Introduce the "Wolf Clause" Back then?

In 1964, the mainland's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded

Ami: Uh...... Then I have been researching mushroom bombs for more than ten years, and Ah Zhong has built them in a few years, why is he so much faster than me?

Sports Commissioner Ao couldn't help it.

Ao: I'm afraid you're seriously ill. According to what you said, after hundreds of years of experiments, the Chinese family made paper, and the rest of us quickly imitated it after seeing the paper.

Ami: What does this have to do with paper?

Alpha: Oh, for example, you were the first to make mushroom bombs in the United States, and it must be the slowest, and the later people, whether Ah Zhong, or me, or Ah Fa, or Ah Ying, are all faster than you, aren't they? This is the law of science.

Serbia: So Brother Zhong, when Aramco threw out the "Cox Report", it was just to reverse black and white and make a rake?

Ah Zhong: That's right! But what he didn't expect was that now that the boomerang was pierced on himself, Ami, I asked you, does your face hurt?

Ami's face was red, but she didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Alpha: No, this only mentions mushroom bombs, not space exploration! I remember that in the past few years, your Sino-US space cooperation was quite frequent, and Aramco even asked your brother to launch his own satellite, why did you break up later?

Ah Zhong: Speaking of this, I am even more angry. Ami, this kid, in order to achieve his political goals, he doesn't want to be embarrassed at all. Afa, you're right, at that time, Ami herself was troublesome, so for a while, she often came to me to launch their satellites. I was poor at that time, and with the mentality of earning a little if I could, I agreed to him without hesitation. As a result, I didn't make much money, but I made a fuss. In the "Cox Report", Aramco, a shameless person, actually said that we China will steal American satellite technology by helping them launch satellites in the United States!

Conscience of heaven and earth, Ami took the initiative to find me to help him launch the satellite, and he didn't let me see it when the satellite was launched, so he just used my monkey, where did I steal their satellite technology? With such an obvious logical loophole, Ami is just pretending to be blind and simply slandering me, what can I do?

Once Upon a Time in Earth Class: The Boomerang Hurt Itself, Why Did the United States Introduce the "Wolf Clause" Back then?

Long March rockets

Ao: So I hear it, the logic of this incident is that Ami bombed your embassy back then, and knew that he was unreasonable, so he messed around and slandered you for stealing other people's technology, and then after 30 years, now the boomerang has pierced the eyes of the United States itself?

Azhong: Who's to say it's not?

Ami's face darkened.

A-Ying: Ami, if you want me to say, wouldn't it be better if you secretly withdrew the "Cox Report" and the "Wolf Clause" and then continued to cooperate with Argentina and China in space exploration? Anyway, let's not be ashamed, are we afraid of losing face?

Ami: Is this a shameful thing? Now that my family's anti-China sentiment is so heavy, what if I abolish the "Wolf Clause" and be attacked for being soft on China by the people who understand Wang?

A-Ying: What kind of weakness is this towards China? Your astronauts are still trapped in the International Space Station and can't come back, and the Chang'e 6 has come back from the moon.

Ami: You don't understand, those people in our family have been fooled by my poisonous pacifier for decades, and now they are more anti-intellectual. Although Afghanistan and China are already better than me in terms of space exploration, those people don't know and don't believe it, what can I do?

A-Ying: I ...... You...... You can't eat to catch up with the heat, what can you do? I don't want to tell you, Ah Zhong, can you take me one next time I go back to Mars to get souvenirs?

Ah Zhong: It's easy to say, are the Emirati classmates here? How much sponsorship did you make to go to the moon at that time?

United Arab Emirates: No more, no more, 30 billion one, no bullying.

A-Ying: ......

And just like that, today's story is over again.

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