
Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

author:Blue sky north

Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

(The pictures in this article are all video screenshots)

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the current affairs are hot

【Northern Vision】

(Don't follow the trend, don't follow the crowd, different perspectives, don't tempt likes)

After joining Toutiao Writing, I met two southern beauties, one is "Qian Qian Crushed" in Wuxi, and the other is called "Other Shore Flowers PMC" in Changsha, and the two of them are the earliest mutual friends.

Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence
Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

After work every day, the two of them write headlines unhurriedly, mainly to record their lives, and also write various essays, although the income is not much, but it can be seen that they are tired of it.

Both sisters have a taste for food and often bask in something to eat. The reason is that only the food can not be disappointed, and the "money is broken" family also bought a coffee bar machine.

Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence
Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

They are very happy every day, and it can be seen that there is no resentment in the post. Every day we commented on each other and kept going.

Why do you mention the two of them, that is, they are sunny and upbeat, and they are like their people.

The next thing I want to say is that the existing netizen homepage is unsightly, and most of them are hatred, grievances and attacks.

Yesterday, I complained about Xiangyi's frustration in teaching, and cried and complained in the live broadcast room, which caused netizens to be disgusted, and wrote a comment entitled "Xiangyi is a university doctorate, but Aunt Wang is a secondary school that is not well received, and her ability to face setbacks is worrying". The point is that the live broadcast room is not a place for empathy, and crying will not cause sympathy.

I mean, it doesn't matter if you're a master's or doctorate, the key is to have the ability to do things. So I gave the example of Aunt Wang, who was attacked and cyberbullied all over the world, and I didn't see her crying and complaining, but as a nanny as usual, writing headlines in a 15-square-meter rental house as usual.

A secondary school degree and a doctorate have a completely different attitude towards setbacks, and academic qualifications do not equal ability.

This morning, I saw a comment in the comment area, and this friend questioned me, holding one and stepping on the other.

Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

Where is the article, and who can find the original words of praise and stepping on it?

It turned out that she had a deep grudge against Aunt Wang, and the more she talked, the more we went back and forth for 70 rounds, and then she blocked me.

Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence
Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence
Does your homepage have articles that attack others? It is recommended that netizens check it out, because it is evidence

I checked the LP, and it turned out that she was still a fellow villager in Liaoning. There are many articles attacking Aunt Wang on her homepage, and she was called Nanny Wang at first, and then she became Wang Shuishui, Water King, and Aunt Shui, which turned out to be the backbone of "fighting fake and overthrowing Wang". I don't know if the team has instructions, and at first it was called Wang Liai, but suddenly it was not called.

I won't comment on these for the time being, so I'll ask this fellow, were you in a happy mood when you wrote these articles?

Compared with the two southern beauties listed at the beginning of my article, who is in a better mood?

Are you here to make headlines for vindictiveness, or do you want to be a fake hero?

I really can't understand it, your homepage is not a glorious record, it is evidence of malicious attacks and slander of others.

In the vast sea of people, meeting is fate, fellow, you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't participate in the reversal of Wang, to be a hero to fight fakes.

Now that no one has clicked on these bad articles, aren't you looking for boredom? Despite the organization and incitement, people will slowly understand.

This is exactly what it is:

The same sun shines,

The gap between people is really not small.

Wait until the commendation meeting,

Put on the saffron and grin.

Warm proposal, I hope everyone looks at their homepage, whether there are any articles that maliciously attack others, the platform advocates friendly comments, and cracks down on malicious slander.

We welcome you to share your views

【Northern Vision】

Let's talk about the hot spots of current affairs

Record what you see in life and experience all kinds of life

(Note: Some of the materials in the article come from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact the author to delete)

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