
Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

author:The old idle life

If there is anything that people remember deeply in this life, it must be hurt, deeply hurt.

If there is someone who can't let go of someone's hurt for a lifetime, it must be from a loved one.

Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

This is something that happened to my friend when I was younger, and it kept him from coming out of it for the rest of his life.

My friend's name is Baoliang, in my opinion is a very good man, down-to-earth, honest and reliable, righteous and thin, kind and loyal, 85 years is married to the daughter of the same village Wang Guiying, the relationship between the two is very good, it is not an exaggeration to say that the husband sings the wife with him, Baoliang is Gui Ying as a treasure in the palm of his hand, even out to drink will go back to the point, never bear to be Gui Ying alone at home, the reason given to us is that Gui Ying is timid, go back too late to be afraid.

In 86, the two had the crystallization of love, a big fat boy, named Huaiqing.

In order to make money, Bao Liang did the work of escorting the car through the transportation team, in order to earn more money so that his wife and children could live better, but there were many fewer opportunities to accompany him, and he often needed to go out with the car, sometimes for ten days and a half months.

For Baoliang and Gui Ying, our group of friends is actually quite recognized, Baoliang is hardworking, reliable, responsible, Gui Ying is gentle, virtuous and beautiful, and it is a rare model couple in the village, but only those close to them know that they are not doing so well.

This also has to talk about Gui Ying's family, Gui Ying's father, let's call it Wang Laosi, Wang Laosi and his wife have three daughters and two sons, Gui Ying is the second, it is said that such a family was also considered a public configuration at that time, and it should be very happy to have children and daughters.

But Wang Laosi and his wife are different, they have extremely patriarchal thoughts, they are extremely fond of their two sons, but they don't take their three daughters seriously, since they were children, the Guiying sisters have never even entered school, it's not that Wang Laosi has no money, it's that he never thinks that his daughter should go to school, and what hangs in his mouth is always that sooner or later someone else's family is a person, why do you spend so much effort?

And Gui Yingniang is better than Wang Laosi, her strategy is different from Wang Laosi, Gui Yingniang is a PUA master, and the three daughters have been instilled in her since childhood that the two younger brothers are the pillars of the family, and they are your backers, you must be good to your younger brothers wholeheartedly, so that your younger brothers can grow up and protect your three sisters.

After years of brainwashing, the effect is indeed quite significant, and the three Gui Ying sisters have been brainwashed into helping their younger brothers.

Even saying that the younger brother demons are a little good, they follow the family's arrangements unprincipledly, and they are satisfied with their younger brother's demands without a bottom line.

After Gui Ying got married, Baoliang became an ATM, and her mother-in-law was also close, so she went to Baoliang's house to hang around, saying that her younger brother had no money to study, and her younger brother had no money to buy a few sets of new clothes, and Gui Ying had no money in her hand, so she had no choice but Baoliang to ask for it at home, and give it again and again, not to say how much a year, at least hundreds of yuan were available, equal to all of Baoliang's income.

Baoliang's family can't hold on to this situation, after all, Baoliang is also a brother, so he can't spend all the money on Baoliang's side, right? had to propose to split the family, Baoliang felt that it was good to divide the family, and when the time came, Guiying's family would not be able to come to the door every day without money in his hand, right?

Baoliang is not wrong to think so, but he still looks down on Gui Yingniang's cheekiness, and he still comes to the door from time to time.

And Gui Ying can't refuse, even if she musters up the courage to refuse, Gui Yingniang will scold her for being heartless, I don't know who is close and who is far, and I can't give you your own brother? Wait until you have something to do and see who will help you or something!

Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

Gui Ying had no choice but to ask Bao Liang, and Bao Liang is a favorite daughter-in-law, even if it is extremely uncomfortable, but he will still find a way to give money to Gui Ying, otherwise, according to his character, he will never go to the car and leave home for so long to earn money.

But can making more money like this fill the hole in my mother-in-law's house? No, it will only make the other party worse.

Wang Si'er, that is, Gui Ying's younger brother, is also known as Little Wang Si'er because he ranks fourth in the family.

As the eldest son in the family, Xiao Wang Si'er has been pampered since he was a child, and his father and mother are used to spoiling three sisters, so he has been the kind of misbehaving master since he was a child.

On this Gui Yingniang, she still thought that her son was a talent in the world, and spent money to let Xiao Wang Si'er go to school, and finally provoked someone who couldn't be provoked when she was in high school, and she was arrested by someone's father to report to the public security for a girl, and threatened to punish hooliganism and sentence him to three or five years, Gui Yingniang was crying and making trouble, and asked her son-in-law to pay for a relationship, and finally released him after more than a year.

After coming out, Xiao Wang Si'er was idle at home and didn't do anything, he couldn't figure out where the head of the land was, he was wandering around, and he was also caught in the problem of playing money, and he took it to gamble with a little money, and became a complete second-rate.

Gui Yingniang felt that her son had a chance, saying that her son knew how many people outside, how many big hooligans and gangsters, and whoever dared to bully their family would let her son find someone to clean it up, so that no one in the whole village was willing to take care of their family.

Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

But seeing that Xiao Wang Si'er should marry a daughter-in-law when she becomes an adult, whose daughter will marry like this?

There was no way for Gui Yingniang to find her daughter's house again to cry in turn, so that the three of them could find a way to build a house for Xiao Wang Si'er and marry a daughter-in-law, but the son-in-law was troubled and had no way at all, plus the Gui Ying sisters' crying and pleading, so the three families had to share the money to build a house for Xiao Wang Si'er, and scraped together more than 800 bride price to marry him a daughter-in-law, although the daughter-in-law's reputation is not very good, but it can be regarded as letting Xiao Wang Si'er become a family, Baoliang thought to himself that it was finally okay, and he couldn't find them in the future, right?

But Baoliang still thinks too beautifully, Xiao Wang Si'er and his family are all the way, they are lazy every day, drink and play money, don't do, and when they have no money, they raise their hands to ask Gui Yingniang for money, and Gui Yingniang goes to her daughter to ask for money, which is equivalent to raising a son with her daughter.

Baoliang earns a lot a year, travels from south to north, blood and sweat, but few of the money he earns can be spent on his own home, all of which fill the bottomless pit of Xiao Wang Si'er, he is very curious about how his mother-in-law knows how much money he has, every time he has money, he will come, don't you know that Gui Yingniang took it out of Gui Ying's mouth, as long as he didn't inquire about anything, he asked Gui Ying Baoliang how much money he had.

Everyone knows this, but there is nothing they can do, after all, how can other people's lives be better than others' decisions.

Sometimes we can't see that we have also persuaded Baoliang, and even persuaded Gui Ying with many mouths, the two of them are like mirrors in their hearts, Gui Ying also knows that it is not a matter if this continues, their days will be dragged down sooner or later, but there is no other good way for Gui Yingniang, so she can only pinch her nose again and again to pay for it, but the money that goes out is never returned.

This year, Gui Yingniang asked her daughter for money to build a house for Xiao Wu, this is not a small amount, although it is the eighties, but it is still necessary to build a house for thousands of yuan, these Qian Baoliang and their three brothers still gritted their teeth and took it out.

But a few days later, Gui Yingniang came again, saying that she would ask for money to build a house for Xiao Wu, and Baoliang immediately became anxious, saying that the money had already been given? Gui Yingniang said that the money was taken away by Xiao Wang Si'er, and now Xiao Wu needs a house, so she will take it out and use it first, and wait until Xiao Wang Si'er gives the money and then return it to them.

Biting to death and not giving a dime, it is not okay to let the eldest sister and the third sister cry and beg, here Gui Ying also decided to stand with the two sisters after doing a lot of work in Baoliang, not to mention that they really have no money, and they can't take out such a large amount of money to fill it in.

Gui Yingniang was like going to work, after scolding this one to another house, she scolded for more than half a month, and saw that she really had no choice but to pay for it, so she had to temporarily stop the idea of building a house for Xiao Wang Wu, hoping that Xiao Wang Si'er would earn money.

But Xiao Wang Si'er said that he was taking money to do business, but in fact, the two of them even finished eating, drinking, and gambling, how could they use money to make money? Not to mention making money, the two of them played too much, and they owed more than 2,000 to others, and they were usury.

Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

Xiao Wang Si'er had no money, so he naturally hit the three sisters again, and asked each family to take eight hundred out, this proposal was unanimously rejected by the three families, which made Xiao Wang Si'er extremely unhappy, and threatened to make the three brothers-in-law look good.

This time Baoliang escorted the car out again, leaving only Gui Ying at home, Xiao Wang Si'er came to the door again to ask for money, Gui Ying hugged the child and cried and begged that there was really no money, Xiao Wang Si'er turned Gui Ying's house upside down, only found a few dozen yuan and scolded and scolded not to pull down, I had to let Gui Ying take out the money, Gui Ying really didn't have it, Xiao Wang Si'er beat Gui Ying.

Gui Ying's screams attracted many people, and Baoliang's two brothers immediately took action to drive away Xiao Wang Si'er.

But this incident also made Gui Ying's mother's house even more like a piece of shit, and anyone who saw it would hide far away, for fear of being touched.

Of course, there is also an element of sympathy for Gui Ying, but what about sympathy? The bottomless pit of her mother's family can't be filled even if the gods come.

I thought that Xiao Wang Si'er would not come to trouble again if he didn't get money, but who knew what happened next was a big surprise, that was four or five days after Xiao Wang Si'er beat Gui Ying, and many people were awakened by Gui Ying's miserable cry for help late that night, and they all put on their clothes and rushed to Gui Ying's house with their things, Baoliang's brother Baolin and younger brother Baoqing broke in with a wooden stick, and then pulled out three men from inside, namely Wang Laizi in the town, Li Liu and Zhou Laoqi in Zhouzhuang.

These are all second-rate sons of ten miles and eight villages, and they are not much better than Xiao Wang Si'er.

Baoqing pulled them out and beat them, shouting that the three of them dared to bully his sister-in-law, and everyone helped beat them to death.

Everyone was also very angry when they heard this, and immediately beat the three people, and the three people who beat them broke their heads and begged for mercy again and again.

I couldn't stand being beaten, Wang Laizi shouted that it was Xiao Wang Si'er who asked them to come, and they all gave Xiao Wang Si'er money, which made everyone stunned, and they couldn't believe that what their ears heard was true.

Gui Ying's clothes were torn and tattered, and sitting at the door with a frightened child in her arms was like a fool.

Baolin and Baoqing didn't know how to deal with it, so the two brothers had to take turns staying at Gui Ying's house, planning to wait for Baoliang to come back.

As for Wang Laizi, the three of them were also sent to the town and handed over to the public security, and Xiao Wang Si'er and his daughter-in-law were taken away together.

Gui Yingniang found it, sat at Gui Ying's door and patted her thighs and cried, saying that Gui Ying was a mourning star, and she had to kill her younger brother to become it, and she didn't lose a piece of meat or something? I don't want to watch my brother live a good life! I knew that I would throw you into the urine bucket and drown you or something like that, anyway, the scolding is quite unbearable.

Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

Bao Liangniang couldn't stand it and scolded Gui Yingniang, the two old ladies tore up on the street, Gui Yingniang scolded and went back, and Gui Ying's whole person was like a fool, no matter who said anything, he didn't respond.

The next day, Baolin took Baoliang's son back to his hometown for dinner, and when he came back, Gui Ying had already hanged himself, and the rescued person was already out of breath, and when Baoliang rushed back, Gui Ying had been forced to be buried by her mother's family, and she didn't even see the last Baoliang.

Baoliang was like crazy, and broke into Gui Ying's mother's house with a kitchen knife, wanting to cut Wang Laosi and his mother-in-law.

The two people chasing squeaked and screamed around the village to shout for help, and finally Baoliang was also stopped, after all, Gui Ying is gone to pay for murder, and he can't die again, and Baoliang, who has experienced the pain of losing his wife, also seemed to be stupid during that time.

At that time, the turmoil of the strike hard was still there, and the two families of Wang Laizi, Li Liu, Zhou Laoqi and Xiao Wang Si'er who committed the crime were all going to be tried and judged, and Baoliang went to the county seat after hearing about it, and went to the cinema to participate in their public judgment meeting.

Due to Gui Ying's suicide, the impact of this incident was very bad, Wang Laizi, Li Liu, and Zhou Laoqi were all sentenced to more than ten years, but Xiao Wang Si'er and his family were only sentenced to five years and two years, which is quite light.

After the public judgment meeting, Bao Liang said that he wanted to see Xiao Wang Si'er, and after getting permission, Bao Liang asked him a word, saying that she is your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

Xiao Wang Si'er had no remorse at all, and even said to Bao Liang with a hippie smile, who asked her not to give me money? If I were given money, would I still be in trouble? Since I don't have any money to give me, what's the problem with me exchanging her for money? Blame my three sisters for being the best-looking, otherwise I'm going to make money for me with those two!

Anyway, I have to live in it, and it's just right to live in it for a few years, and those loan sharks won't be able to find me, and when I come out and then look for you, she died and you didn't die, make me money in the past few years, otherwise I will come out and sell your son!

It's just that before he could finish speaking, Baoliang bit his face angrily.

No one can pull it away, and when it was finally separated from Xiao Wang Si'er's half of his face had been torn off by Bao Liang, worried that someone would snatch it from his mouth, Bao Liang swallowed it directly, and everyone was startled, no one cared about Xiao Wang Si'er who was rolling and crying next to him, of course, Bao Liang was also arrested later.

However, Bao Liang was not sentenced, maybe his experience also gained sympathy, but he came out in three months.

Hearing that he came out, Gui Yingniang was going to make trouble, but when he walked to the door, he saw Baoliang sharpening his knife, and went back again, and soon after he heard that the other two daughters did not have any contact with their parents.

When Xiao Wang Si'er came back, the daughter-in-law had already divorced him, stayed in the village for a while, always saw Baoliang wandering around his house, and was so frightened that he fled overnight, and finally no one saw him again, no one knew whether he was dead or alive.

Old things from youth: She's your own sister, how can you find another man to bully her?

And Bao Liang didn't marry again, he stayed at home to raise his son, and now he is getting older, he often sits at the door in a daze, even if he sees us, he smiles, but rarely talks to us or anything, maybe his heart is dead, right?


Thank you for your support, I am an old idle life, and I strive to find the light of human nature in every bottom story!