
What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

author:Wisdom Life Newspaper

May 21

The maintenance and reinforcement project of Yingze Bridge in Taiyuan City started

What's going on now?

Let's take a look at the scene


What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

On July 2, at the construction site of the Yingze Bridge maintenance and reinforcement project in Taiyuan City, the construction operations are being carried out in an orderly manner, and the construction personnel are full of energy, respectively, carrying out concrete pavement milling, granite sidewalk foundation pouring, pasting carbon fiber cloth reinforcement and apparent painting, etc., the construction site is in full swing.

Since the start of the Yingze Bridge maintenance and reinforcement project on May 21, the Municipal Bridge Management Institute of Taiyuan Municipal Construction Management Center has actively coordinated with the construction unit to strengthen the construction force, refine the construction plan, reasonably reverse the construction period, speed up the construction progress, and track the whole process of each construction process and construction process to ensure that it is completed on time and with good quality. As of July 1, the reconstruction of the central separation zone of the whole bridge has been completed; southeast and southwest ramp bridge deck paving; The southern half of the concrete pavement is chiseled and the concrete pavement is poured.

According to the on-site understanding, the concrete pouring uses steel fiber reinforced concrete, a new type of composite concrete, which can effectively improve the crack resistance and impact resistance of the bridge deck pavement layer. At present, more than 13,000 square meters of concrete have been poured in the southern half of the concrete. In addition, the reinforcement work of the bridge substructure, such as crack sealing, glue injection, and pasting carbon fiber cloth, is also nearing completion. In the next step, the concrete pavement of the bridge deck will enter a 7-day health period. After the end of the recuperation period, the follow-up process and sidewalk renovation will be carried out.

According to reports, after the reinforcement and reconstruction of Yingze Bridge, the bridge deck pavement is composed of steel fiber concrete, epoxy asphalt waterproof layer, stone chips, high viscosity and high elasticity basalt asphalt concrete pavement, the bridge deck and the strength of the substructure will be greatly improved, the "safety index" has been improved, and the safer and more comfortable bridge passage will be presented in front of the public.

At the same time

Taiyuan Yingze Street maintenance and renovation project

It's also in full swing


As one of the most important urban trunk roads in Taiyuan, Yingze Street has witnessed the development and changes of Taiyuan, and is also an important carrier to enhance the city's energy level and an important window to show the image of Taiyuan. In this transformation, in accordance with the concept of "people-oriented, green and low-carbon, wisdom leading, safety and efficiency, and inheritance of history", we strive to build Yingze Street into a multi-functional urban living room and show the new image of splendid Taiyuan.

On July 2, 2024, the construction of the southern half of the Yingze Street Maintenance and Renovation Project (Qingnian Road to Wuyi Square Road) in Taiyuan City ushered in an exciting moment - the paving of the lower layer of asphalt officially kicked off.

What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

In the early morning, under the roar of the machine, the paver loaded with asphalt concrete slowly moves forward, evenly laying the black mixture on the road. Workers followed closely behind, keeping a close eye on the laying to ensure that the thickness and temperature of the oil met the construction standards. The road reconstruction project is an important measure to upgrade the city's infrastructure, which will improve road conditions, improve traffic efficiency, and create a more convenient and comfortable travel environment for citizens. As a key step in the project, the laying of the asphalt layer is directly related to the quality and service life of the road.

What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

At the construction site, all staff always put safety in the first place, and the construction personnel wear uniform uniforms, wear safety helmets, and strictly abide by the safety operation procedures.

What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

In order to ensure the quality of construction, the urban management department formulated a detailed construction plan before construction, and strictly monitored the road base to ensure that the flatness and strength met the requirements. At the same time, high-quality asphalt mixture was selected, and the construction equipment was comprehensively inspected and commissioned.

What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

The smooth development of the paving work under the asphalt has laid a solid foundation for the subsequent pavement construction. The southern half of the construction will be opened to traffic on July 20, and the northern half of Yingze Street will be started at the same time.

What's new! It is related to Yingze Bridge and Yingze Street

According to the "Yingze Street Maintenance and Renovation Project Plan" approved and determined, the renovation project starts from the construction intersection in the east and reaches the Jinci intersection in the west, with a length of 4.86 kilometers and a red line width of 70 meters. The implementation focus includes four elements:

The first is to renovate roads and supporting facilities. Repair and maintain motor lanes, replace damaged municipal pipelines, and reserve crossing pipelines. It is estimated that the traffic efficiency of intersections will be increased by 15% by setting up safety islands in the middle of the road, optimizing the road traffic organization and connecting and transferring design. Sink the non-motorized lane by 15 cm to achieve hard isolation of non-motorized lane and sidewalk. For pipe networks, bridges, lighting and other facilities, 849 sets of collection, monitoring and control sensors have been set up to realize the "one network unified management" of infrastructure lifeline operation.

The second is to optimize and upgrade the node of the railway station. The sunken pedestrian passage in the west square of the railway station will be transformed into a full underground pedestrian passage, the auxiliary road of Jianshe Road (railway station section) will be straightened, the drop-off area of the west square will be adjusted to the south side of the station and the north side of the station, and the parking lot of the north passenger area will be added.

The third is to strengthen the Yingze Bridge and ancillary ramps. The box girder of the main bridge is reinforced with carbon fiber materials, the non-stressed cracks and approach bridge hinges are repaired, the asphalt surface course of the main bridge and 4 ramp bridges is replaced, 1 east-south left turn lane is added, and new pedestrian bridges and barrier-free facilities are built on both sides.

The fourth is to dress up the landscape along the street. After the completion of the transformation, the road greening rate increased from 16.7% to 24.9%, and the annual carbon sequestration increased by more than 20 tons, so as to better show the charm of "Sanjin First Street". Urban furniture was laid along the line, and 16 comprehensive post stations, 5 convenience facilities, and 11 "city boxes" were added to further meet the needs of the masses. Seven districts, including Taiyuan Bus Station, have been renovated along the line to enrich the business formats of the neighborhood and enhance the vitality of regional development.