
The money that is sent once a year has arrived! Someone got more than 6000! Your income will change in July

author:Wisdom Life Newspaper

Since July 1st, some netizens have posted pictures one after another: A sum of money has arrived! A screenshot posted by a netizen shows that the interest is more than 6,000 yuan. This money is the annual interest of the housing provident fund that is settled on June 30 every year! How much did you "earn extra"?

The money that is sent once a year has arrived! Someone got more than 6000! Your income will change in July

What is CPF Annual Interest?

The annual interest settlement of the housing provident fund refers to the annual settlement of interest on the personal housing provident fund account of employees according to the calculation method and interest-bearing interest rate stipulated by the state.

According to the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund, the housing provident fund shall be calculated at the interest rate stipulated by the state from the date of deposit into the employee's housing provident fund account.

In accordance with the relevant regulations, the deposit interest rate of the employee housing provident fund account is uniformly implemented according to the benchmark interest rate of one-year time deposit, and the current annual interest rate is 1.5%.

In addition, according to the relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, the interest settlement date of the provident fund is June 30 of each year, and the interest settlement year is from July 1 of the previous year to June 30 of the current year.

How to receive the annual interest of the provident fund?

The housing provident fund paid by the individual employee and the housing provident fund and interest paid by the unit for the employee are all owned by the individual employee.

The interest settled in 2024 has been automatically included in the personal account of the employee provident fund, and it can be received without the need for the employee to handle the relevant business, and the balance will be transferred to the account principal of the next housing provident fund year.

The provident fund paid by employees in accordance with regulations is exempt from individual income tax.

How to calculate the interest amount?

The amount of interest settlement screenshots posted by netizens is different, so how to calculate the annual interest settlement amount of your housing provident fund?

The money that is sent once a year has arrived! Someone got more than 6000! Your income will change in July
The money that is sent once a year has arrived! Someone got more than 6000! Your income will change in July

The interest on the housing provident fund is calculated by multiplying the total daily balance by the annual interest rate divided by 360, and the interest is calculated according to the actual storage time, regardless of whether the account is sealed or withdrawn before the interest settlement date.

Remember a formula: interest amount = personal account funds × actual number of days × annual interest rate ÷360.

From June 28th to July 1st, the Housing Fund Management Center of Shanxi Provincial Organs and the Housing Provident Fund Management Center of various cities carried out the annual interest settlement of the housing provident fund for employees, and I believe you have also received this money! You can check the balance of your personal account and the status of your personal account through the online business hall of the Provident Fund Center, mobile app, WeChat official account, self-service terminal, etc.

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From July 1, the contribution base and contribution ratio of Taiyuan Housing Provident Fund will be adjusted annually.

From July 1, 2024, the contribution base of the housing provident fund for employees will be adjusted to the average monthly salary of employees from January 2023 to December 2023.

Employees who newly join the work or sign a new labor contract after January 1, 2024 shall start to pay the housing provident fund from the second month of joining the work or signing the new labor contract, and the salary of the second month shall be used as the contribution base. Employees who are newly transferred after January 1, 2024 shall pay into the housing provident fund from the date of payment of wages by the transferred unit, and the salary of the month of transfer shall be used as the contribution base. In both cases, the contribution base will not be adjusted during the current year.

The contribution ratio of the housing provident fund shall not be less than 5% of the unit and 5% of the individual, and shall not be higher than 12% of the unit and 12% of the individual. After the contribution ratio is determined, it shall not be changed within the current year.

According to the calculation of the average annual wage of 108,110 yuan for employees in urban non-private units in Taiyuan City in 2023 announced by the Taiyuan Municipal Statistics Department, the upper limit of the contribution base for this year is 27,027 yuan, and the highest monthly contribution is 6,486 yuan, of which 3,243 yuan for units and 3,243 yuan for individuals.

After the deposit of the housing provident fund in June 2024, the deposit unit shall adjust the contribution base and contribution ratio of the housing provident fund of the unit from July 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024; Late adjustments shall be made from July.

The monthly contribution standard of the housing provident fund for flexibly employed persons in Taiyuan City will be implemented from July 1. The monthly contribution of the housing provident fund for flexible employment personnel is divided into nine levels, with a contribution ratio of 18%, and the monthly contribution amount of the first tranche is 500 yuan, and the corresponding income is 2,777 yuan; The monthly deposit of the fifth tranche is 2,500 yuan, and the corresponding income is 13,888 yuan; The monthly deposit amount of the ninth tranche is 4,500 yuan, and the corresponding income is 25,000 yuan.

When applying for a housing provident fund loan, the contribution base calculated according to the average monthly contribution amount of the last 12 months (less than 12 months shall be calculated according to the actual monthly payment) as the income of the approved repayment ability.

In addition to the CPF interest, there may be an extra income in July!

According to the Measures for the Administration of Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures, workers who are engaged in high-temperature work are entitled to post allowances in accordance with the law. The timing of the payment of high temperature allowance is not consistent in different places, and many places start to pay high temperature allowance in June or July.

In Guangdong, for example, the high temperature allowance is paid for 5 consecutive months, and from June to October, eligible people can receive 300 yuan per month. In Shanxi, the high temperature allowance is paid for June, July and August every year, and each person who meets the requirements can receive 240 yuan per month.

According to the regulations, if an employer arranges for an employee to work outdoors in a hot weather above 35°C and fails to take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33°C (excluding 33°C), it shall pay the employee a high temperature allowance in full and in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the Notice on Adjusting the High Temperature Allowance Standard in Shanxi Province (Jinren She Ting Fa [2013] No. 45), with the payment standard of 240 yuan per person per month, and the payment time is June, July and August of each year.

The employer shall not reduce the employee's wages due to the increase in the high temperature allowance. The minimum wage does not include a high temperature allowance. The high temperature allowance is charged to the cost and included in the gross salary. It is strictly forbidden to use heatstroke cooling drinks to offset the high temperature allowance.

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A picture to make it clear to you!

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The money that is sent once a year has arrived! Someone got more than 6000! Your income will change in July

After the salary is paid this month

Be sure to keep an eye out for changes

Source: Wisdom Life Newspaper • Useful Science Popularization