
"The Master of the Nine Spiritual Gates" Chapter 364


"The Master of the Nine Spiritual Gates" Chapter 364

I saw a young and beautiful woman sitting at the window, which is rare in Yangcheng, and more importantly, the woman's temperament revealed a dignity that people dare not offend.

This Wang Ju looked at the man on the other side, this man was also extraordinary. Although he is dressed ordinarily, his handsome face has a look that seems to be smiling but not smiling, which is incredible. This Wang Ju feels a little strange, this Zhang Xin has four people, and he actually called him for help, can't he deal with these two men and women with extraordinary bearings, like ordinary people?

Zhang Xin is a martial artist, and he usually bullies men and women without scruples, what's wrong today? After all, it is an old fritter who has experienced officialdom and society, and Wang Ju will certainly not act easily.

Seeing that Wang Ju did not take immediate action, Zhang Xin hurriedly said: "This woman is the eldest lady of the Tangmen in Sichuan. ”

Although this Wang Bureau doesn't want to be an official, he is also quite unfamiliar with martial arts. These two men and women, he thought they were similar families to the "old godmother", maybe they were more wealthy than the Zhang Xin family.

Without waiting for Wang Ju to speak, Tang Jing said: "What's wrong with me being Miss Tangmen of Sichuan?" I didn't recruit anyone to mess with anyone. My boyfriend and I are eating here, and you drove away my boyfriend and wanted to bully me. Although I am a disciple of the Tang Sect in Sichuan, I have not killed people or set fires, let alone violated laws and disciplines. ”

"You, your Sichuan Tangmen is a family of martial arts and poisons." Zhang Xin said.

Only then did Wang Ju figure out why Zhang Xin was afraid of this beauty, it turned out that the Sichuan Tangmen was a family of poisoners who talked about the tiger's color change in martial arts.

"Regardless of whether my Tang Sect is a martial arts drug family, I didn't use poison on you and your fox friends. If you want to taste the poison of the Tangmen in Sichuan, I can open the net. Seeing Tang Jing stand up, Zhang Xin hurriedly retreated. Wang Ju also nervously wanted to retreat.

"Actually, the crux of the problem is not here." Zhao Liang stood up: "This Zhang Xin kidnapped Hu Li, the granddaughter of the King of South China, this kind of ruffian hooligan dares to be lawless against the children of the Huaxia Hero Family, and naturally should be punished by the law." Then Wang Ju will punish this gentleman disciple. ”

"This, I 。。。。。。 I just maintain order and have no right to punish. Wang Ju said.

"Humph! You have no right to punishment. But you have used your power as an accomplice. Just a phone call and you come here with a gang of police officers with loaded guns to help you abuse, I'm afraid you're used to doing such things, right? Zhao Liang said.

"You, don't talk nonsense, blood spews." Wang Ju said angrily.

"Do you think no one knows what you're doing?" Zhao Liang said: "You accepted more than 3 million bribes from Zhang Xin, and you are still here to accept the services of the opposite sex provided by Zhang Xin, and you have already been with Zhang Xin. Since you are a person in the system, let the relevant departments deal with you, and I won't interfere much. ”

At this time, Wuji came in with a group of supervisors, which surprised Wang Ju very much. What Zhao Liang said just now, he himself knew that it was not groundless, and he couldn't imagine that the relevant departments would arrest him.

The inspectors took Wang Ju away, and the police also went back.

Wuji came to Zhao Liang's side: "Brother Liang, what do you say to do?" ”

"Since they dare to rob people and are encountered by us, we will deal with them according to the rules of martial arts." Zhao Liang waved his hand and clicked on the acupoints of several people. The way of governing others with their own bodies naturally makes these people lose their humanitarian functions, and I don't know how many bad things these people have done to bully men and women, even if they are punished by the law, they are only locked up for a few years, and they are punished by martial arts rules to complement each other.

Tang Jing also waved his hand at Zhang Xin: "Since you provoked my eldest lady of the Tang Sect, you should be punished." Don't underestimate Tang Jing waved his hand, an invisible toxin had already been applied to several people. This toxin doesn't kill people, and it definitely doesn't feel good.

Walking out of this entertainment city, Wuji handed a car key to Zhao Liang: "Brother Liang, Miss Hu is in the car." ”

Zhao Liang and Tang Jing came to this big car, got in the car and drove towards the compound of the King of South China. At the gate of the compound of the King of South China, there are two more sentinels, which is the glory of the King of South China.

Although Zhang Xin is very powerful and his martial arts are not bad, he does not dare to break into the mansion of the King of South China without permission.

Seeing that it was the eldest lady who had returned, the two sentries saluted the car and let it go.

When they came to the gate of a small courtyard, the car stopped, and Zhao Liang and the three got out of the car.

The king of South China lived in this small courtyard.

There are several villas in the compound of the King of South China, and the King of South China still likes this old-fashioned courtyard. On the one hand, the bungalow is down-to-earth, and on the other hand, the bungalow is easy to walk.

The yard is small and full of flowers and plants. The king of South China is holding a small pair of scissors and pruning flowers and plants.

Seeing Zhao Liang and his granddaughter coming in outside the door, the King of South China stopped what he was doing and said with a smile: "Welcome little brother to the cold house." ”

"Hello old man." Zhao Liang stepped forward and said.

Sitting down on the antique mahogany chair in the living room, the king of South China said, "Why do you have time to come to my house today?" The old man knew that Zhao Liang had returned to China to rehabilitate Zhaoxue, so of course he should be very busy: "Is the matter done?" ”

"Grandpa, Brother Liang is here to save me." Hu Li hurriedly said.

"Save you? What's going on? "Hu Li was kidnapped, and the family didn't dare to let the old man know.

Hu Li told the story, but the king of South China still said angrily: "It's too unreasonable now." The country we have laid down has made these turtle king bastards make a fuss. "Although the old man's righteousness has not diminished back then, after all, he is a ninety-year-old man, even if he can't get used to some things, he can't do anything.

"Don't be angry, old man, Huaxia is slowly getting better and stronger after all." Zhao Liang took out a pill: "The old man takes this pill, and when the old man is well, he will be able to enjoy a lot of happiness." ”

Hu Li took the pill and came to her grandfather with a glass of water: "Grandpa, this is the pill refined by Brother Liang, which is not only valuable, but also prolongs life." ”

"This little brother looks like a good person. Who is this girl? King South China pointed at Tang Jing and asked.

"The old man may not know that she is the daughter of the master of the Tang Sect in Sichuan." Zhao Liang said.

"Sichuan Tangmen?" The King of South China said: "That's a famous martial arts master. "I didn't expect that the king of South China would also know about the Tang Gate in Sichuan.

"Grandpa also knows about our Sichuan Tangmen?" Tang Jing also said in surprise.

"Although I was born in the army, I also have some respect for martial arts. Not to mention the big factions of Shaolin and Wudang, the Sichuan Tangmen is also a famous sect in Wulin, and I have heard of a lot. The old man said happily: "It seems that the little brother is also a martial arts person, so I will entrust this girl to you." ”

Zhao Liang was shocked.

"Alas, this girl lost her parents when she was a child, and her parents died in the border conflict, and I love this girl very much. Let her learn martial arts with the instructors in the army, but it is still difficult to protect herself. Thanks to you, I entrusted her to you. The king of South China continued: "Mother Wang, I will arrange for them to stay in a while. This South China Wang's Mansion looks not small, but in fact, there are not many people. Several of my sons died in the war, and several grandchildren are studying abroad, and there are not many people in this compound. ”

Looking at the old man's somewhat gloomy expression, Zhao Liang was also a little melancholy in his heart. So he said: "Don't worry, old man. Although Hu Li has studied martial arts, she is only exposed to fur. It's very good compared to ordinary people, but there is no way to compare it in martial arts. If I teach her martial arts, I will definitely make her a master of martial arts. ”