
Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

author:Aquatic smokers


You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder

The Western media spent huge sums of money to build information to build houses to smear China, and China has 144 hours of visa-free access to smash it.

Now their money is in vain!

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Foreign bloggers who plan to expose China's "mask" have become China's "strongest mouthpiece" after coming to China.

From the imaginary "survival challenge" to China's "check-in tourist mecca".

What really happened to these foreign bloggers? Why is the 144-hour visa exemption the biggest conspiracy?

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

1. The West's "Information Cocoon"

"It's hard for everyone to breathe"

"They are all controlled by the government"

"It's very messy here"

"Women use children to beg on the streets"

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

These words, coupled with the color of the depressing filter, this is what the Western media call China.

But actually, but in fact, these are just malicious misinterpretations.

The picture they accompanied is just a mother leading her child to get on the bus, but it can be said that the child is being used to beg on the street.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

What's more, their media all have the same mouth, and the words they say are all smearing China.

What if the three of them become tigers?

You may not believe a person who says this, but when all the media say this, will you still not believe this kind of news when you see it since you were a child?

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

It is said that the prejudice in people's hearts is a big mountain, and the Western media spend huge sums of money to broadcast China's "negative news" on the Internet.

This is used to create stereotypes and block the speed of China's rapid rise.

There is no doubt that their information cocoon has been a success.

For example, Sweden, a Nordic country where the media is controlled by the West, hates China the most.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

So much so that when it comes to China, the adjectives that come to mind in the minds of many countries are "backward" and "depressed".

These stereotypes can also affect a country's export trade.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Many people may wonder why many foreigners claim that they will never buy products made in China.

These products are obviously great, and many of them are even better than the quality of domestic products!

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

This is also easy to explain, as if the food produced in India is put together with the food of other countries.

But many people don't choose Indian food, even if they don't use Ganges water.

This is the prejudice in people's minds.

I can choose products from other countries, right?

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

And these stereotypes affect not only trade, but also cultural exchanges, people-movement and other issues.

Although facts speak louder than words, when people go out to travel, they only subconsciously choose "free" and "beautiful" countries, and few people are willing to come to China to "have a look".

So what countermeasures has our country made?

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

2. Break down the information barriers of the West

For a long time, the right to speak has been more in the hands of Westerners.

From YouTube to Twitter, it's a social networking site for foreigners.

They want to smear and smear, and they want to spread rumors.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

For these malicious misinterpretations of China, the media has also tried to pick up the "pot".

However, it is not uncommon for Chinese media to clarify, or even foreign media that say that they are China's correct name, to be subject to flow restrictions, and even more seriously, to be banned.

In short, it is to "force you to shut up".

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

As the saying goes, whoever has the right to speak will master the truth, in fact, this sentence is not unreasonable.

During the pandemic, China and Italy were also locked down.

But their propaganda in Italy is "noble" to sacrifice themselves to prevent the spread of the virus, while propaganda against China is "anti-human rights" in restricting people's freedoms by means.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

The two articles were published one after another, and the time was only 20 minutes apart.

It's a double specimen, okay?

Maliciously distorted this is the "information cocoon" created by the Western media - "as long as it is Chinese, it is not good".

Even if the Chinese are voluntary, it must be said to be compulsory.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Later, with the rise of TikTok in China, we had our own international platform for speech.

Tearing a hole in the information cocoon, but this also made Western countries panic.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Start a total blockade of TikTok.

Even the business giants of the United States made threats, forced to buy and sell, etc.

Because TikTok will greatly affect their information cocoon.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Now China is putting on the biggest conspiracy of the 21st century - 144-hour visa exemption.

So, why is the 144-hour visa exemption the biggest conspiracy?

3. The greatest conspiracy

It is said that the facts are the best proof

If you are blocking information, then I will invite your family to be a guest.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

When the 144-hour visa-free visa was put in front of them, many foreign bloggers who love challenges saw it as a "survival challenge".

But after I came, I found that my cognition was broken.

For example, you only need a mobile phone to buy something, and you can even scan your face to pay.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

But when they told their friends, they didn't believe them at all, because they didn't have them on their side.

Perhaps in their perception, China is still lagging behind.

So when they see that China is more advanced than them, they will be shocked to the point of losing their expression management.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Therefore, many Chinese netizens are puzzled, have these little foreigners never seen anything?

How do you see everything so novel?

Indeed, it's time for them to gain knowledge.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

I have to say that these little foreigners are really good at playing.

Seeing the Chinese aunt dancing in the square, the foreign guy also has to dance along and feel it.

If you don't have a fan, take off your shirt and use it as a fan.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

While jumping along, I also asked my friends to help me record it.

They will also post these videos on tiktok, so that during this time tiktok is almost dominated by "China travel".

And as long as these bloggers' videos bring "China travel", they are almost all hits, because we will not limit the flow of videos promoting China.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

The funky little foreigner has to go up to tease the old watch of Mount Emei.

The old watches were all stunned, and they rushed over to watch.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

There are also little sisters from abroad who meet to play in China.

This atmosphere depends on which media dares to say that China is "not free".

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Even business-minded foreigners are no longer content to play in China.

The little brother below set up a small stall on the side of the road and started a business.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

He put up a sign on the side of the road that read, "Don't speak, you know what your last name is."

The Chinese uncle on the side was stunned.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

However, although they play differently, they have the same evaluation of China.

Basically, it's all "safety" and "novelty".

Many scenic spots and even small restaurants are crowded with foreigners, and major scenic spots are also welcoming this "pouring wealth and wealth".

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

But these little foreigners are having fun, and the BBC and CNN are afraid that they will be sad for a long time.

Because the lies they made up at great expense and effort were exposed.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

At the same time, there are many Chinese netizens who break the big defense.

Obviously, I am the eldest daughter, but I have to follow these foreigners around China.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Some netizens said that they finally realized the feelings of Harbin people, what about this, this and this in my family?

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

No matter what, I still hope that the major cultural tourism industries can catch this pouring wealth.

This is only the first wave, and when these videos are promoted, there will only be more foreigners visiting China in the future.

Naturally, those rumors that smear China are self-defeating.

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

Article information sources

[1], 2020-03-11, "Praise Italy, Slam on China, Whose Face Was Hit by the Double Standard of the New York Times"

Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China
[2] China Daily, 2024-07-02, "After the implementation of the 144-hour transit visa-free, China's tourism will change the traffic password on the extranet!
Angry and crying foreign media! The 144-hour visa-free visa broke the information blockade of the West, and hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in vain to smear China

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