
Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

author:Half moon of summer


Chu Jian, a "criminal" who "embezzled" 100 million yuan of state assets, was still entrusted with the important task of applying for funds from the state after three years in prison, and the state did not hesitate to approve and give him 27.58 million yuan.

What exactly is his background? Even when he has a "criminal record", the state still trusts him so much and entrusts him with such an important project?

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Next, let's take a closer look at this "criminal" with a "background".


Fourteen years ago, an anonymous whistleblower letter was sent to the leaders of Zhejiang University, and the content of the whistleblower letter was about Chu Jian taking advantage of his position, illegally misappropriating state assets, embezzling state funds, transferring corrupt assets, and intending to flee abroad.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

The report letter was detailed and credible, which attracted the attention of the state's high-level officials, and the state quickly set up an investigation team and immediately launched an investigation into Chu Jian.

However, the investigation team investigated for a long time, but there was no clue about Chu Jian's "criminal acts", which also made this matter unresolved, but the person who secretly framed Chu Jian did not give up.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Instead, he continued to harass Chu Jian's daughter and intimidated Chu Jian's family, saying that Chu Jian should be careful when he goes out. But Chu Jian didn't take it to heart and still focused on research and development.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

And the people in the dark saw that Chu Jian was not affected, and they jumped over the wall in a hurry, spreading rumors that some companies were going to spend sky-high prices to let Chu Jian live in prison for the rest of his life.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Chu Jian felt even more inexplicable, he was upright, how could he live in prison?

At the critical moment when Chu Jian was promoted to academician in 13 years, the villain who failed to frame him for the first time finally couldn't sit still, and once again repeated the old trick and sent the report letter to the leaders of various colleges and universities across the country.

This is a clear idea that people who don't know the truth have preconceived thoughts about Chu Jian, and this framed report letter also successfully put Chu Jian into a crisis.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

The amount of money described in the report letter also frightened the country, so Chu Jian was arrested by the procuratorate at the moment before he replied, and this time the procuratorate also prosecuted Chu Jian.

However, the approval of the funds of the Central Control Group has always been approved by the leaders of Zhejiang University before they can be used, so how did Chu Jian deceive the leaders of Zhejiang University and embezzle the funds alone?

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

In the year-long investigation by the procuratorate, only two items were investigated: Chu Jian's embezzlement of state-owned public funds and embezzlement of scientific research funds, which means that most of the anonymous reports were false reports.

The description of these two crimes is not accurate, because at that time, the approval procedures and related regulations of the funds were not perfect, and Chu Jian did not use these funds to eat, drink and have fun, but invested all in the company's operations and scientific research projects.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

As soon as this investigation report came out, nearly 800 employees of Zhejiang University and the group vouched for Chu Jian, and they believed that Chu Jian's actions were excusable.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

And the procuratorate also has its own difficulties, because Chu Jian's misappropriation of funds is not fake, if Chu Jian is not punished, then more people will follow Chu Jian's example in the future, and it will cause chaos in the country's fund management.

Chu Jian has always expressed disagreement with the procuratorate's trial, and Chu Jian has been in custody for three years, and during the three years that Chu Jian has been detained, the mainland's automation technology has stagnated.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

At the same time, the Central Control Group, founded by Chu Jian, is also in turmoil, with a number of subsidiaries being sold and serious equity changes, all of which were caused by Chu Jian's arrest.

The national high-level saw that the central enterprises have become like this, and the domestic automation technology has been stagnant for three years, and they are also in their eyes and anxious.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Through his family, Chu Jian learns that the group he founded is now facing the dilemma of falling apart, and that the country's automation technology has stalled because of his imprisonment.

Chu Jian also couldn't bear to see the stagnation of the motherland's automation technology, and couldn't bear the collapse of the central control group he founded, so Chu Jian chose to "confess".

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

In 17 years, Chu Jian's case was finally judged on Chu Jian, and Chu Jian was finally sentenced to three years and three months.

During Chu Jian's imprisonment, Chu Jian did not feel sorry for himself, and always paid attention to the cutting-edge technology of automation and the situation of the Central Control Group.

In the 17th year, Chu Jian was also officially released from prison, and after being released from prison, Chu Jian also had the courage to face the dilapidated Central Control Group and the unmotivated management.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Chu Jian is also very firm in his beliefs, determined to contribute to the rise of China's automation industry, and to make a comeback of the Central Control Group.

In a public interview, Chu Jian also sincerely vowed: "China's automation still needs me, as long as I am in one day, I will work hard to open up the road for automation!" ”

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Chu Jian's oath touched the country, touched all the people who believed in him, and moved all the workers in the automation industry.

Chu Jian's first step out of prison was to take all the equity of the Central Control Group into his own hands. With the support and help of previous employees, Chu Jian also returned to the position of the actual controller of the group.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

After regaining control of the group, Chu Jian also carried out research on the high-end technology of the automation industry non-stop, and he united the top scientific researchers of the group to establish a specific plan to promote the national automation industry, which ensured the leading position of the central control group in the automation industry.

This time, Chu Jian also took the initiative to apply for R&D funds, and no longer misappropriated the company's funds self-righteously. And what Chu Jian did was also to put the country at ease. took the initiative to facilitate Chu Jian's comeback, and public servants in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province opened an Internet research institute for Chu Jian.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

At the same time, the state will also lead the research and development of Chu Jian's "automated industrial system safety application" into the key project, and an additional 27.58 million scientific research funds approved by Chu Jian.

When I saw that there were so many funds, many automation-related talents came to contribute to the research of automation in the mainland.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

Chu Jian put forward the "fire plan" in the three years, but also let the central control group grow into the domestic automation industry leader, although Chu Jian has made such achievements, but he is still concerned about the country, and constantly emphasize the idea of loyalty to the country in the company.


Although Chu Jian suffered from the villain's plot, he still had a bright heart, and did not give up on himself after being released from prison, but used his own knowledge to help the development of the national automation industry.

Chu Jian: He was imprisoned for 3 years for "greed", and after he was released from prison, the state gave him another 27.58 million for research and development projects

And Chu Jian's behavior fully demonstrates the character of the Chinese sons and daughters to dedicate their lives to the country, and this character will always illuminate the road to the great rejuvenation of the motherland!


1. Daily Economic News Network; May 17, 2018; "Chu Jian, former vice president of Zhejiang University: starting a business after 3 years in prison, receiving 27.58 million funds"

2. China Entrepreneur Network; May 17, 2018; "Became a professor at Zhejiang University at the age of 30, arrested at the age of 50, and after he was imprisoned for 3 years, he returned to the road of entrepreneurship and obtained 27.58 million central financial funds"

3. Beijing News Network; June 3, 2020; Chu Jian's "Corruption" Past and "Roller Coaster" Life

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