
The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

author:Momo is in love
The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

When I read the original book of "The Story of Rose", I didn't like this story, it was nothing more than a beautiful woman who met one suitor after another.

Rose has been a lovely person since she was a child, and even her brother couldn't help but be amazed when he saw her when he was a child, and he took care of her for a lifetime.

Of course, such a girl is naturally surrounded by suitors, in the original book, the story of Rose began at the age of sixteen, and there were boys who liked her around her, and most of her did not refuse, she played for a while if she liked it, and replaced the next one if she didn't like it, which also caused a lot of right and wrong for the Huang family.

It wasn't until Zhuang Guodong's appearance gave Rose the most painful blow that she understood that not all men revolved around her, and some men couldn't stay for her.

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

In the TV series, a lot of characters were streamlined, and only three important relationships of Rose were sorted out, which served as Rose's growth line and allowed her to complete her story.

Among them, Zhou Shihui at the beginning can be regarded as a scumbag, he abandoned his fiancée who had been in love for seven years and began to pursue roses, which puzzled many people and made him a very scumbag man.

But if you want to count the 9 men who have loved roses in the original book, Zhou Shihui is definitely not the most scummy one, these 2 are!

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

The first: It's Pu Jiamin

Carefully calculated, it is the rose that Pu Jiamin knew first, and it is also the rose that Pu Jiamin liked first, but the rose likes his eldest brother, so what can he do, he can only back down, but he is unwilling!

In the past, he was suave and suave, and there was no shortage of female companions around him, even if he fell in love with Rose, there was still a Mimi waiting for him, such a man would be trapped by love, and even he couldn't think of it.

Everything has changed, from the moment he met the rose, when he saw the rose at the first sight, he fell, he knew that he could no longer be with Mimi, he knew that the person he loved the most in his life appeared.

If there is no eldest brother Pu Jiaming, then he still has a chance, at least he can be one of the many suitors of roses, but the eldest brother also likes roses, and his body is not so good, how does this make him fight and rob?

In this way, Pu Jiamin can be regarded as a good person, he will back down for the sake of his family, and there is no situation where two brothers compete for a woman, but he is still too scumbag.

His scum is that he knew that his heart was not in Mimi, but he still chose to marry Mimi and had many children with her.

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

If the two of them are in one place and no longer care about the past, it will be a good story, but Pu Jiamin, when the children have grown up, met the daughter of Rose, and actually wants to pursue it again, which makes people feel a little hateful.

This is just like Fang Taichu's boyfriend said to him: "He has a wife and several children, how can he still have the face to pursue you?" ”

Perhaps, Pu Jiamin's infatuation with Fang Taichu is just to make up for the shortcomings of the year, no matter how he pursues and waits, the rose will not belong to her, so pursue her daughter and try it.

This character also appears in the play, he and Mimi are a happy couple, they are just bystanders of Rose and Fu Jiaming's love, and they didn't participate in it, I quite like this adaptation.

And Pu Jiamin in the original book, can't evaluate this person, it's especially unfair to Mimi, I don't know if Mimi regretted her original choice?

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

The second: It is Luo Zhenzhong

Luo Zhenzhong is the son of Sir Luo Qing, and Rose is his stepmother, it is conceivable that his pursuit is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

When he returned home, he saw a beautiful woman, and since then he has been haunted by his dreams, and he just wants to have her and chase her down, so that it will not be in vain.

But after a thousand calculations, he didn't calculate that this person was the stepmother he had never met, and also, except for the woman named Rose, where could there be such a stunning and beautiful woman in the world?

If she marries someone else, then she can still hold on, but that person is her father, how can he fight and rob? Do you want father and son to turn against each other and enemies to see each other?

So, Luo Zhenzhong chose to escape, and his way of escaping was to get engaged to a girl he didn't like, and he didn't even care that the girl had been in a relationship with a friend.

He just wants to have such a shield by his side, no matter whether his father or stepmother asks, he has a way to answer, and he is no longer as helpless as before, not knowing how to dodge.

And it doesn't matter if that person is loved by you or not, they can cultivate a relationship after marriage, or they can get along naturally like this.

This is also Luo Zhenzhong's scum, he doesn't like the other party, but he gives the other party a promise, and whether he can fulfill it in the end depends on his mood.

The original work of "The Story of Rose": Among the 9 men who pursue roses, these 2 are the most scummy

Write at the end:

In the original work of "The Story of Roses", there are many men who pursue roses, among them, Pu Jiamin and Luo Zhen are the most "scum".

Their "scum" lies in being irresponsible, with a woman rose in their hearts, and in order to escape, marry another woman, which in itself is unfair.

It is conceivable that in the years to come, when there is a conflict between the two people, they will point the finger at the rose, and they can't fully mind the past in each other's hearts.

Here is also a reminder for girls: before getting married, you still have to see a person's sincerity, if you find that he is just to escape, and marry you, then it is better to be cautious!

Don't think that you can move him, a person who doesn't have you in his heart, no matter how hard you try, you can't get his heart, it's better to let yourself go than to wronged yourself.