
Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital


It's been a long time since I've done a video.,Yesterday I was going to open a certain software to edit the video.,Who knew I was surprised to find.,Even the simplest recognition of subtitles has become limited to 5 times a month.。 I tried to use the cloned voice, but I didn't expect it to be a member and not use it, and the fee is ridiculously expensive, which is really speechless. I'm sure many of us know that in life we often find some tools that are not only very easy to use at the beginning of the launch, but also completely free with very few ads. But once we get used to it, this situation immediately changes, not only does the speed become extremely slow, but many features also become charged, and what makes people even more angry is that some of the features that were originally free have also become charged. In fact, to put it bluntly, these are the hooliganism of some capital, and they are also necessary means to use human nature to do business and harvest wealth.

Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital

To be honest, I'm not trying to make everyone a prostitute party, and I don't want everyone to be able to use something for free all the time. But this kind of behavior is undoubtedly an act of fraud, a naked hooliganism. For example, we have a TV at home, and at first all the programs on the TV were free of charge, and there were very few commercials. Because if the TV was charged, or there were too many advertisements, it is estimated that many people would not want to buy it. Let's take a look at the present, buying a TV is almost spending a lot of money to buy a tool that spends money and puts it there, and even the live channels have begun to charge. What's even more strange is that even if you spend money on a membership, there will be all kinds of different restrictions, like a nesting doll, until you finally drain the patience and tolerance of every consumer.

Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital

We are all well aware of a way that is defined as a fraud by society, that is, a fraud aimed at some elderly people. For example, in a society, there is such a group of people, this group of people warmly invite some elderly people to participate in their activities, and it is completely free. In addition, this group of people is extremely enthusiastic about all the elderly, and usually calls the elderly every now and then to ask for warmth, so that many lonely elderly people enjoy love. However, after half a year or a year has passed, these institutions recommend some so-called health products to some elderly people, and the price is expensive. Of course, the other party is not compulsory, but voluntary, and you can buy it or not. If you spend money to buy it, then you can still enjoy the care and service of such children, even more thoughtful than your own children. But if you insist on not buying, then I'm sorry, at this time their attitude will change, or they will give you all kinds of restrictions, let some people who have spent money enjoy it first, or give you cold eyes, but drive you away in disguise.

Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital

And this mode of operation or this phenomenon, it can be said that almost most of the elderly in the country have encountered it, and there have also been some elderly people who have spent a lot of money to buy a lot of useless health care products piled up at home, which has caused the anger of many young people. Many people continue to report this kind of fraud, and because of this, some places have cracked down on this kind of illegal behavior. So let's turn back and take a look at some of the dilemmas we are facing now, some software apps are very good at the beginning, they are all free, and then they have changed, and they are not allowed to use without paying money, or they are restricted in disguise. Another example is the matryoshka doll fee we mentioned above, which is actually completely of the same nature, and it is the same as the above method of deceiving the elderly. But despite this, the state seems to have no way to take these people and the money behind them, so why can't it be characterized as fraud? Is it because they are capital and have a strong background?

Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital

Therefore, using human nature to do business is actually the biggest evil in the world, and it is also an extremely bad hooliganism. In fact, I have also talked about some issues in the field of people's livelihood, such as the water and electricity problems in rural areas, and the same is true. I remember when I was a child, in addition to paying the electricity bill on time, the water was pressed well water, which was pure natural groundwater; It is a firewood stove, and you can pick up some firewood on the side of the road to meet the fire needs of a meal. In recent years, under the banner of improving the peasants' livelihood and optimizing the rural environment, some units have carried out compulsory transformation of rural areas in many parts of the country. Tap water access to households is not voluntary, but compulsory or disguised compulsion. On the grounds of national resources, it is forbidden for you to take groundwater privately, you can't live without water, and you can only use tap water when you are helpless; On the grounds of environmental protection, the use of firewood stoves in rural areas was prohibited, and in some places it was directly ventilated, although it was convenient for life, but from then on, the fate of the peasants was completely controlled by others.

Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital

Because of this, the recent price increase of water and electricity has aroused heated discussions among netizens across the country, but we are used to this kind of life, can you not accept his price increase? Do you dare not accept it? Not at the moment, because we have no choice, the only choice is to be squeezed a little harder, or a little lighter. So the question is, if one day the country is in trouble, will these things become a kind of hole card that threatens us? Of course it's possible. We know that in any region of the country, the local power sector is a very strong presence and is often referred to as the "electric tiger". That is, in any of our regions, almost all the lifelines are stuck by this department, and everything can't bypass electricity, so few units dare to face the power department more rigidly. There was a story that the local public security bureau was directly cut off because of a conflict with the power department, and as a result, some leaders had to apologize and finally solve the matter, and the power department agreed to send electricity.

Human nature is the biggest business, and when you get used to it, you will be charged, which is the hooliganism of capital

On the surface, the above situation is a contradiction between the two departments, but looking at the current social problems, in fact, it is essentially a contradiction between capital and ordinary people. I think this is also the original intention of the state to introduce the "Anti-Monopoly Law", I sincerely hope that the relevant state departments can pay attention to these monopolistic behaviors that occur around us, even the smallest monopoly may eventually turn into a huge social conflict. What we should pay more attention to is that since the mainland is practicing a socialist system, the ordinary people will not concentrate the focus of these contradictions on the head of capital, but will shift it to the government, and this will invisibly seriously damage the credibility of the state and the government, and we must take it seriously, severely punish it, and maintain a positive, healthy, and progressive harmonious social environment.
