
The art of referring to a deer as a horse!


I believe that many people have heard of Qin Xiang Zhao Gao's allusion to "pointing to the deer as a horse", so today we will review this allusion, combined with some phenomena in today's society, I hope to bring you a little inspiration. According to the "Historical Records of Qin Shi Huang Benji", it is recorded that Zhao Gao wanted to be chaotic, and he was afraid that the ministers would not listen, so he set up an inspection first, and held a deer to the second, saying: "Ma Ye." The second smiled and said: "The prime minister is wrong? It is said that the deer is the horse. "Ask left and right, left and right or silent, or say Ma Yi Shun Zhao Gao. Or the words of the deer, the high cause of the words in the yin of the deer to the law. Later, the ministers were afraid of heights.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

To explain it in the vernacular, that is, when Qin II (the son of the first emperor, Hu Hai was in power), Prime Minister Zhao Gao was ambitious and planned to usurp the throne day and night. But he has no bottom in his heart about how many people can be at his mercy and how many people oppose him. So, he thought of a way, ready to test his prestige, and at the same time find out who dared to oppose him.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

On this day, when he was in court, Prime Minister Zhao Gao asked his subordinates to bring a deer, and said to Qin II with a smile: "Your Majesty, I offer you a good horse." Qin II Hu Hai looked at it and thought: Where is this horse, this is clearly a deer! smiled and said to Zhao Gao: "The prime minister is mistaken, this is a deer, how can you say it's a horse?" Zhao Gao's face did not change and he said without panic: "Please Your Majesty see clearly, this is indeed a good horse." Qin II looked at the deer again and said suspiciously, "How can there be horns on the horse's head?" At this time, Zhao Gao felt that the time was almost up, so he pointed at the ministers and said loudly: "If Your Majesty doesn't believe me, you can ask the ministers." The ministers were all overwhelmed by Zhao Gao's nonsense, and muttered in private: What kind of reputation is this Zhao Gao? It's a deer or a horse, isn't that obvious! When they saw Zhao Gao's sinister smile on his face, his two eyes staring at everyone in turn, the ministers suddenly understood his intentions.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

Under such authoritarian suppression, many people echoed Zhao Gao, and many ministers said to the emperor: Your Majesty, this is indeed a good horse. And some people who are timid but still have a little conscience bow their heads and dare not speak, because they are telling lies, sorry for their conscience, and they are afraid of being harmed by Zhao Gao in the future when they tell the truth. For those of integrity, insist that it is the deer and not the horse. Afterwards, Zhao Gao used various means to punish those upright ministers who did not obey him, and even beheaded them all over the house. Jeongkook took such a measure for Cho Gao, which aroused people's indignation, and finally was remembered by the world for his sinister intentions of reversing right and wrong and referring to deer as horses. After the story is over, we can also see that Zhao Gao used the power in his hands to suppress some ministers. Through the collective lying of these ministers, they fooled Qin II in order to establish their own prestige and obtain the greatest benefits.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

So when we go back to today's society, there are actually many such phenomena, but at present, there are not many such naked reversal of black and white, but some groups use some lofty names to achieve their goals. Some of them are by concealing and falsely reporting data, some are maliciously exaggerating the harm, some are in the name of environmental protection and safety, and some are under the banner of people's health and safety, economic and social stability and development, and social harmony and stability. Therefore, once there are more such people and such things, the upper leaders will lose the most real data for formulating policies, and it will inevitably have some adverse consequences, and these behaviors are actually mainly manifested in the following aspects.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

First, bureaucracy is rampant

I saw this joke that in a certain unit, there were two good friends at the same time at work. A few years later, a person is still standing still, but a friend is rising. One day when the two were drinking together, the man asked a friend for advice and asked him how hard he could work to be recognized by his superiors and to be able to keep improving. At this time, my friend smiled and asked him: What do you think of the leader sitting in the front row every time there is a meeting? The man said: That's the position of the leader, he must sit in front. Friends told him: That's called leading the masses. But why is it that there are so many people in the leader's office? This person said that the leader is not a big deal, and it is relatively leisurely! The friend said: You are wrong again, that is, the leader believes in the masses. Why is it that when the superior comes to inspect or eats, he is accompanied by the leader? This man said: Because the leader has the situation. Friend said: Fool, that's on behalf of the masses. Then my friend asked why there were always people in the leader's room, especially some women. This person said that maybe the leader was talking about work, and his friend said: You are wrong again, that is called going deep into the masses.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

We can see from the above joke that no matter what the leader does or says, in the eyes of some people, he naturally has his reasons, and these reasons are legitimate and lofty. It is rare for you to see the sign-in sheet of the unit with the signature of the leader? But every time the attendance leader is almost full. In all the work, even if there is a mistake in the end, it is always the subordinates who take the blame. Many leaders sit in their offices every day, and they don't know anything about the situation at the grassroots level, and can only learn some information from the mouths of a few subordinates they trust the most. In this case, it is inevitable that there will be deviations or mistakes in the final decision-making process, which is a very real and extremely harmful phenomenon.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

Second, the web of exaggeration prevails

Affected by the rapid economic development in the past few years, the mainland's economy and society have achieved great development and progress. In recent years, the economy has weakened and spending power has declined, resulting in a lack of fiscal revenue across the country. Although this is a fact, we can see from the data reported every year that many places are maintaining a positive momentum and getting better and better every year, and I don't know where these data come from. For example, some data released by the National Bureau of Statistics show that what grain has increased in a row, what per capita income has been rising, and so on. Let's put these aside, even the ordinary sea has high tide and low tide, and even the moon has a periodic law of cloudy and sunny weather. As far as grain production is concerned, with the deepening of urbanization and the development of a large number of enterprises and factories in recent years, a large amount of arable land has been occupied. It is really an eye-opener that grain output has been able to continue to grow against the trend for many years on the basis of the continuous reduction of cultivated land.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

In addition, due to the impact of economic trends and international trade, foreign trade orders have decreased significantly, and some factories and enterprises have closed down. Therefore, there are a large number of graduates who cannot find jobs, a large number of migrant workers who have lost their jobs, and it can be said that many people are struggling on the verge of a difficult life. In fact, I often conduct research at the grassroots level, and I can clearly feel some exaggeration, such as when reporting data, I can't report it according to the real situation, and I must make the data look good, as for how to look good? That must be progress every year, and there must be an increase every year. Only in this way can the future of leaders at all levels be smoothly guaranteed. Therefore, many ordinary people are speechless in the face of such a situation, you fool me, I fool you, and in the end, everyone collectively comes to fool the country, so that the upper echelons cannot grasp the real situation.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

Third, the power of capital is rampant

There is a word called "public opinion", which is very powerful in today's society, but this public opinion can be influenced by certain means. For example, in the U.S. election, each term needs to invest a lot of campaign funds to support the election, don't think that these funds are just the cost of the campaign working group, in fact, it is not, a large amount of money is actually used to influence public opinion and public opinion, and the cost of the working group is very small. Similarly, when the United States wants to formulate a policy or law, it also needs the support of various legislators, and this also needs to influence public opinion and public opinion. Therefore, the same is true on the mainland, because the mainland is a socialist country, and the power of the state belongs to the people, and the mainland is more willing to listen to the voices of the people when formulating policies. However, China is a large country with a large population, and it is very unrealistic to go deep into the grassroots to investigate and understand one by one, so most of the surveys can only be conducted through online platforms.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

The biggest drawback of the online platform is the ambiguity, which can arbitrarily modify some data according to its own needs and block some information that is unfavorable to some people. Judging from the various surveys and polls on the Internet in recent years, in fact, many similar surveys and voting evaluations are like a farce directed and acted by themselves, and the results have long been doomed. Among various capital interest groups, they will make full use of the resources at their disposal to further influence online public opinion, which is what we call "public opinion". Let's take a simple example, for example, from soap to laundry detergent, then from laundry detergent to laundry detergent, and then to the so-called laundry pods, this evolution is not actually the independent choice of the masses, but under the guidance of capital, they have gradually changed their living habits. This is still the case for this small matter, but what about some major things that involve the interests of capital and the interests of the people? In fact, the same is true. Therefore, we can see that a large number of shared electric vehicles have been quietly put on the market while chasing and blocking electric vehicles in many places.

The art of referring to a deer as a horse!

Judging from many of the above situations, in fact, it boils down to an art that refers to a deer as a horse, and as long as this art is brought into full play, there will be countless possibilities. In order to oppose fascism, all the masses in the world hated the massacre of Jews by the Germans very much, but now that we look at the reality of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I believe that many people's views may have changed greatly to a certain extent, right?



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