
Two snacks that are suitable for the elderly to eat, make them yourself, simple and nutritious!

author:Life is a bit of a material

Grandma Wang likes to bask in the sun in the yard and chat with her neighbors every day. However, in recent days, Grandma Wang has found that she always forgets to take things, and sometimes she forgets where she put her glasses.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you? Why have you been upset lately? Grandma Wang's granddaughter Xiaofang asked.

Grandma Wang sighed and said, "Recently, I can't remember things, and I'm worried that I'm a little senile. ”

Two snacks that are suitable for the elderly to eat, make them yourself, simple and nutritious!

After hearing this, Xiaofang decided to help her grandmother find some ways to improve her memory and brain function. She began to look up information and found that some nutritionists recommend that older adults eat more foods that help them with brain health.

So, she decided to prepare some simple and nutritious healthy snacks for her grandmother, hoping to alleviate her forgetfulness problem.

The first: peanuts

Benefits of Peanuts:

Older people love peanuts not only because they are crispy and delicious, but also because they are rich in nutrients. Peanuts are said to be a good source of protein, containing about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of peanuts, which is an important source of energy for the elderly!

Not only that, but peanuts are also high in healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, which are important for maintaining cardiovascular health. In addition, peanuts are also rich in vitamin E, which is said to contain about 8 mg of vitamin E per 100 grams of peanuts, which is very beneficial for the antioxidant needs of the elderly.

Two snacks that are suitable for the elderly to eat, make them yourself, simple and nutritious!

What's even more remarkable is that peanuts are also rich in B vitamins, especially folate and riboflavin, which are essential for maintaining brain function and nervous system health. In addition, the dietary fiber content in peanuts should not be underestimated, with about 8 grams of fiber per 100 grams of peanuts, which helps promote intestinal health and prevent constipation and colon cancer.

How to eat peanuts:

There are many ways to eat peanuts, and each one has its own flavor. It is said that peanuts are more easily absorbed by the body when eaten cooked, so the elderly can try sautéing or microwaving peanuts to make them more crispy and tasty.

Two snacks that are suitable for the elderly to eat, make them yourself, simple and nutritious!

It is also said that soaking peanuts in vinegar is a good way to eat them, because the acid in vinegar can promote digestion and increase appetite! However, the elderly should pay attention to controlling the amount of peanuts when eating peanuts, after all, although peanuts are good, they can't be greedy!

The second: black beans

Benefits of Black Beans:

Black beans are also one of the foods commonly eaten by the elderly, and it is said to contain many benefits. Black beans are rich in nutrients such as protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, which are all important ingredients for a healthier body.

According to research, every 100 grams of black beans contain about 21 grams of protein and 9 grams of dietary fiber, which is very good for the elderly!

Two snacks that are suitable for the elderly to eat, make them yourself, simple and nutritious!

Black beans are also rich in anthocyanins, which are strong antioxidants that help protect cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, the phytoestrogens in black beans are said to be beneficial for the health of female menopause and help alleviate menopausal syndrome.

How to eat black beans:

There are also many ways to eat black beans, and each one has its own characteristics. It is said that stir-frying black dried beans retains more nutrients and tastes more crispy and delicious.

Two snacks that are suitable for the elderly to eat, make them yourself, simple and nutritious!

If you have bad teeth, you can also soak the fried black beans in vinegar to soften them, so that they are easier to chew. In addition, there is also a way to make porridge with black beans, which is said to be not only delicious, but also provides rich nutrients to the body, especially suitable for the elderly!

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