
Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

Since the reform and opening up, with the gradual relaxation of the public opinion environment, a force with the mission of subverting the traditional value system of the Chinese nation and attacking the national self-confidence of the Chinese has gradually become stronger. Take the words of a netizen: the public knowledge of the literati has a clear division of labor, and there are people responsible for digging ancestral graves, specifically to combat the "cultural confidence" of Chinese; There are those who are responsible for kneeling and licking the day and denying the first thirty years; There are those who are responsible for anti-Chinese medicine and singing about Chinese science and technology.

The most obvious state occurred five years ago, when I first came into contact with the Internet, I found that the phenomenon of Heiyue Fan Qin was very rampant, and I would see articles and videos of Heiyue Fei Fan Qin Hui on the Internet all the time, like piles of garbage. So my road to the Internet started with cracking down on Yue Heiqin fans.

In the process, out of curiosity, I looked at Yue Hei Qinfan's homepage, and it didn't matter if I flipped through it, I found a shocking secret! That is, almost most of Yue Hei Qin fans have anti-Chinese medicine, anti-Confucianism, pro-rainbow, and pro-feminist tendencies, and these tendencies have left many traces on their homepages. The main characteristic is that they are almost all supporters of Western values and are good at propaganda.

Because they have similar attributes, I am sure that these people are on a mission to subvert the traditional values of the Chinese nation. As for why they did it? My conclusion is: if it is not broken, it will not stand!

Some things can't be said too clearly, otherwise my article may not be seen by everyone. As for why? Everybody gets the idea.

Why did China give birth to the black group of traditional Chinese medicine? I have made this very clear.

Why do I support TCM?

Because I don't think this struggle is as simple as just provoking and depreciating. Under the rendering of traditional Chinese medicine black, this struggle seems to be a confrontation between science and the so-called "non-science" on the surface, but in fact it is a conflict between Eastern and Western values at a deep level!

For example, I exposed in the headlines a person who argues about the country's foreign policy, her name is Yun Duo, because she strongly supports exploitation and believes that all private enterprises in China are exploitative, so we should be tolerant and not expose individual black sheep in their sequence. Therefore, she wrote an article saying that I was exposing a few businesses that undermined the bad order of the socialist market economy, that is, they were destroying the private economy. I posted a full fallacy of her use of "misattribution sophistry" and "concept substitution sophistry" to frame me.

The socialist system was established because of the opposition to the exploitation system of cannibalism, so exploitation has no legitimacy in the dictionary of socialism. The phenomenon of individual exploitation still exists, and I use the black sheep that exist in individual private enterprises to show that the phenomenon of exploitation still exists, so as to prove that the Marxist theory of surplus value is still not outdated. The nature of the main body of the private economy is to abide by the rules, and I can't support it.

Turning to the topic, this Yunduo not only supports the exploitation of meritorious work, but also colludes with Chinese medicine black, although she has repeatedly confessed that she is not a Chinese medicine black, but because of her attributes, she still can't help but engage in the action of deconstructing Chinese medicine!

In a post the day before yesterday, she said something like this:

The concept of TCM is not reasonable? Suggest changing to Chinese medicine?

These days, through meridian discussions, I have thought about the term Chinese medicine and its connotations.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

I consulted the TCM physician of the tertiary hospital, "Shouzheng TCM", and he did not answer the questions of netizens as he said in his article, but used the sentence "check on Baidu" to deal with the matter! The question is: the answer queried on Baidu may solve the doubts of the upright Chinese medicine, but it can't solve my problem! Because, my question is, the literal interpretation of Chinese medicine should be: the word "zhong" should mean "China", and "yi" means "medicine"! At present, there are several major medical systems in China, Tibetan medicine, Mongolian medicine, Uyghur medicine, Miao medicine, and what we usually call "traditional Chinese medicine".

However, we know that the Tibet Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Miao nationality all belong to China, so does traditional Chinese medicine include Tibetan medicine, Mongolian medicine, Uyghur medicine, and Miao medicine? It would be unreasonable not to include it; If ◇ is included, it is not currently included◇

The concept of TCM seems to be divided into broad and narrow senses?

In order to better clarify the concept, I have an idea to suggest that what is now referred to as traditional Chinese medicine (traditional Chinese medicine in the narrow sense) should be changed to "Chinese medicine"? In the future, the concept of "traditional Chinese medicine" (traditional Chinese medicine in a broad sense) will include Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine, Mongolian medicine, Uyghur medicine, Miao medicine, etc.

Does Yun Duo's words have the meaning of dwarfing Chinese medicine? At first glance, it seems that there is not, because her post is suffix (in the broad sense of the word) concept.

But herein lies the problem!

Han culture is the main body of Chinese civilization, and there should be no objection to this, so when it comes to Chinese culture, it will naturally be represented by Han culture, which is also recognized in the world. In the same way, the main body of Chinese medicine is represented by the medicine of the Han nationality. Internationally, whenever Chinese medicine is mentioned, foreigners who understand Chinese culture will immediately associate acupuncture with the five elements of yin and yang.

Therefore, deliberately dwarfing the main body of Chinese medicine, from the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, this dwarfing is a kind of damage!

Traditional Chinese medicine is a science that studies the laws of human life and health based on traditional Chinese culture and the theory of yin and yang. Although many ethnic minorities have their own traditional medicine, such as Mongolian medicine, Tibetan medicine, Yao medicine, Miao medicine, etc., this does not prevent the traditional medicine of all ethnic groups in China from being called Chinese medicine in a broad sense.

Why? In fact, most of the basic theories of traditional medicine of various ethnic groups in China are also based on the simple materialist theories of ancient times. Its origin and development are closely related to their unique national culture, customs, religious beliefs, philosophical thoughts, geographical environment and other factors. Comparing the essence of the "Five Elements" and "Four Elements" doctrines, it is not difficult to find that the similarities between the two are greater than the differences. In other words, the philosophical thought of pluralism provides a framework for constructing the theoretical system of traditional medicine of various ethnic groups in China.

The name of "traditional Chinese medicine" is actually a corresponding word produced after Western medicine entered the mainland in order to distinguish it from "Western medicine". The reason why it does not correspond to "Chinese medicine and Western medicine", or "Eastern medicine and Western medicine", is because of the need to distinguish between Chinese and Western medicine. In 1936, the Nationalist Government officially adopted the term "Chinese Medicine" when it formulated the Regulations on Traditional Chinese Medicine. In order to reflect the antithesis relationship of "middle school as the body, Western learning as the use".

In fact, the word "zhong" in "traditional Chinese medicine" also comes from the treatment concepts and medical theories of ancient Chinese medicine. The yin and yang of the human body will be neutralized to achieve the balance of yin and yang, and people will not get sick, if the yin and yang are out of balance, then the disease will come. Therefore, "neutralization" is the ideological characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Hanshu, Art and Literature, Jingfang" records: "Heat is used to increase heat, cold is increased, and it is not seen outside, and it is the only thing that is lost." Therefore, the proverb says: If you are sick and cannot be cured, you often get Chinese medicine. ”

Therefore, if we ignore the consistency of logic and forcibly take the Japanese title of Chinese medicine as the standard, and dwarf Chinese medicine in the narrow sense into Chinese medicine, so that the status of Chinese medicine will be dwarfed into a simple national medicine, then like other minority medicine, it will not be able to form two systems that mirror each other with Western medicine, and its supreme status as a treasure of the Chinese nation will inevitably be ruthlessly abandoned.

From the hidden mystery operation of the black intention of traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate the unification of China in the medical field, it can be seen that the wolf ambition of the black of traditional Chinese medicine is sinister.

The most insidious attempt against Chinese medicine is the deconstruction of the basic theories of Chinese medicine. In other words, it is to devalue the basic theory of Chinese medicine as pseudoscience, which will fundamentally shake the status of Chinese medicine in China and even in the world! Among them, the most representative figures are He Zuoxiu and Zhang Honglin.

Because He Zuoxiu and Zhang Honglin have too many paragraphs that slander Chinese medicine, only one or two paragraphs are compiled here:

He Zuoxiu said; My critique of the "Yin and Yang Five Elements Theory" in Chinese medicine actually comes from physics. The "Theory of the Five Elements of Yin and Yang" is not only used to explain Chinese medicine, but also to explain everything in the world, up to life and society. As for physics, it has long been applied not only to physics itself, but also to everything in the world, such as to explain the evolution of the universe, the occurrence of the earth, and even involve life sciences, and a new scientific field of biophysics has been established. Our Institute of Theoretical Physics Hao Bolin Institute has made many achievements in the study of "gene editing". I have always believed that the theory of "yin and yang five elements" in Chinese medicine is completely "pseudoscience". This is the definitive conclusion of modern science, including physics. However, in contemporary Chinese medicine, we still cling to unscientific theories such as the "Five Elements of Yin and Yang", and do not want to change our course, and some people still firmly believe that the "Theory of the Five Elements of Yin and Yang" is a scientific theory. This naturally falls under the category of "pseudoscience". From the logical point of view, "unscientific" is only a factual judgment. And if we insist on making mistakes and not correcting them, then "unscientific" will evolve into value judgments and "pseudoscience"! Please pay attention to the group of Chinese medicine scholars!

✪ My refutation of Academician He Zuoxiu:

A Japanese netizen commented on the release of "Ancient Chinese Classics" (second edition): "Our Japanese Kampo comes from China, and its efficacy is indeed not up to the level of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine. But we can't blame us, we do get a lot of prescriptions for traditional Chinese medicine, but there are prescriptions and there are also methods and theories for making medicines, and without method theories, even if you are given a prescription, you can't come up with it. Of the more than 1,200 Kampo we have obtained, there are about 800 pieces of secret recipes, and even if we imitate them according to ordinary recipes, they will not be effective at all. It's just a secret recipe. ”

The Japanese have great respect for Chinese medicine, which is rare in a Japanese society that is heavily Westernized. Why did the Japanese go out of their way to steal Chinese traditional Chinese medicine to make a fortune? The reason is that traditional Chinese medicine has a unique curative effect under the guidance of a unique theory.

However, according to this Japanese netizen, no matter how good Japanese Kampo is, in the face of the broad and profound Chinese medicine, it has only made a little scratch.

The broad and profound essence of Chinese medicine exists in the basic theory of Chinese medicine that guides the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, and exists in the "five elements of yin and yang" that academician He Zuoxiu tried to smear and depreciate, because the foundation of Chinese medical theory is the five elements of yin and yang, although He Zuoxiu still admits that there is still 10% of the essence of Chinese medicine on the surface, but through his scientific behavior of denying the five elements of yin and yang, it is obvious that he has fundamentally denied the precious cultural heritage of his own nation.

However, the most infuriating is Zhang Honglin, MD of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, who is anti-TCM under the guise of TCM.

Zhang Honglin derogated the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine in this way: "Traditional Chinese medicine draws on philosophical ideas such as yin and yang, five elements, vitality and so on to explain the structure, function and clinical experience of the human body. The explanation of the structure of the human body is very crude and wrong, and the same is true of the explanation of the functions of the human body. Only the understanding and application of clinical experience are in line with scientific laws and worthy of reference. ”

Zhang Honglin also said: "The thought of traditional Chinese medicine is not a real philosophy, it is the product of absorbing ancient philosophical ideas such as yin and yang and the five elements of vitality that were prevalent in the society at that time to explain the structure, function and clinical experience of the human body." Among them, the understanding of the structure of the human body is very, very superficial and even wrong. The same is true for the explanation of human body functions, and there is too much speculation. Only the rational application of the law and prescription followed by clinical experience has a certain scientific rationality. ”

Is the truth really as Zhang Honglin said? In my opinion, he is talking nonsense!

The reason why the Japanese can't make Kampo medicines that can achieve the therapeutic effect comparable to Chinese Chinese medicine even if they get the prescription of Chinese medicine is that the Japanese have not yet mastered the essence of Chinese medicine theory. Therefore, they do not understand the principle of coordination between each pair of Chinese patent medicines, and the result will inevitably lead to deviations in the proportion of ingredients.

Zhang Honglin, a member of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, in order to deny the Chinese medical theory that has protected the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and to deny the meridian theory in the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, even tried in vain to replace the meridian theory with his self-created so-called "acupuncture effect is generated by the nerve reflex arc". When I wrote an article refuting him, I condensed his pseudo-acupuncture theory to the "acupuncture-neural reflex arc" theory because of the word limit in the title.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

However, after I asked him to argue and he refused on the grounds that I was not qualified, I analyzed the 14 articles that I was going to debate with him (based on Zhang Honglin's 14 mistakes, from different angles. Publicly released, these articles completely abused all the fallacies of Zhang Honglin's denial of the meridians from a peaceful and rational perspective! Because he touched his weakness, Zhang Honglin, who is a doctor of the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, did not care about his own decency, and in the name of simplifying his theory into "acupuncture-nerve reflex arc" in the title of the article, he reported and removed my article on his acupuncture theory.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

Not to mention anything else, just the needles used in ancient China, whose thickness is like a horse needle sewing sacks, can be attributed to Zhang Honglin's so-called "ring jump must be pricked to the nerves in order to produce an electric shock to the foot in order to produce the ideal effect." "Fallacy! Because such a thick needle piercing the main trunk of the sciatic nerve under the ring jumping point will inevitably cause serious nerve damage and paralysis of the patient.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

Moreover, Zhang Honglin also ignored the fact that the scientific researchers carried out multiple acupuncture point administrations, and the evidence-based medical experiments in which the drugs targeted the lesions along the meridians.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

And he also ignored the fact that Professor Zhu Zongxiang was commissioned by Premier Zhou to discover the physical phenomena of meridians in the seventies of the last century, and won the first "Spark Cup" creation and invention special prize of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

He also ignored the fact that Professor Faeren's team discovered the meridians from an anatomical level in the eighties of the last century.

He even ignored the report of "the experiment of clearly observing the continuous fluorescence rays that migrate along the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body", ignoring the rigorous procedures of this experiment, and the falsification of the control group and detection methods, and the high reproducibility of the experiment, repeating the experiment as many as 19 times. And the fact that it was reported in detail by China's official "Science and Technology Daily".

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

For another example, Zhang Honglin's so-called nerves are traditional Chinese medicine, and the misrepresented "meridians" are unreliable assumptions! Because the speed of the meridians and the speed of the nerves are as different as the speed of the clouds.

The speed of the meridians is only about five meters per minute, while the speed of the nerves is about 120-7,200 meters per minute. These two differences are as different as walking and drag racing.

In the two months since I attributed Zhang Honglin, I have posted more than 40 articles and micro-headlines, mainly on Zhang Honglin's acupuncture theory. Because Zhang Honglin saw my fallacy and hit his weakness, he blocked me so that I couldn't go to his homepage and private messages to deconstruct his theory, so that he could close the door and rest assured to instill in his fans how correct his theory was. And in order to "refute" me, he organized the so-called nine refutations against me.

But what is the quality of these nine barges?

The fact is that in addition to the large amount of vicious insults against me and the paralyzing readers of the self-proclaimed Lao Wang's self-selling melon and boasting, the remaining small part is to cover up our information, and establish his right to speak by publishing only the small passages in my refutation that do not involve the fallacy in his rebuttal article, so that their fans can not see my refutation of their comprehensive main information, so they listen to Zhang Honglin's unilateral and one-sided words, so as to achieve his use of closed information. and self-flaunting ways to fool the reader's audience for the purpose. It can be said that he is very unkind. I exposed the phenomenon at the time, and I posted:

"Let's give a testimony, mainly to see if @张洪林M.D. can have the courage to publish the other party's argument paragraph word for word like me, and at the same time reduce the fallacy. If Zhang Honglin does not dare, it proves that he is weak and timid, and knows that his arguments and arguments are untenable, and he is just blinding his fans. ”

Zhang Honglin fed back in the so-called rebuttal: "Dong Xiaohua does not learn from the lessons and learn from the pain, or refute this specific topic with me, but changes the topic, shouting grievances and saying that I will not forward her full text." ”

The problem is, I have revealed the truth, and no matter how well you talk about yourself, there is still the truth there. The most obvious flaw is that the people who stand up and cheer for him are all authentic Chinese medicine black, which already shows the nature of this camp.

For this reason, I posted on the headline that Zhang Honglin only published the aforementioned paragraphs in his so-called "rebuttal", and did not dare to take screenshots to disclose the evidence that I refuted his main topic, so that Zhang Honglin used the information cocoon to block the audio-visual, and successfully deceived the audience into trusting him in an out-of-context way and exposed the truth in broad daylight.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

In addition, after he made excuses that I was not qualified enough to refuse my appointment, a colleague with medical qualifications and degrees on par with him, "Shouzheng Chinese Medicine", contacted him and wanted to make an appointment with him for a public debate. But he still refused for no reason, and I was not surprised by the result.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

Speaking of which, as long as you are not stupid, anyone with a discerning eye will know what is going on, is this kind of academic oppression of others, relying on self-imposed halo to boast of status, and using this excuse to avoid clarifying the debate on whose truth is in the hands, and relying on small actions to hide the truth of the other party's argument, or using improper means to get rid of the other party's fallacious articles, these obscene operations are normal? Therefore, I am here to announce the bankruptcy of Zhang Honglin's acupuncture neurological theory, which is by no means groundless for no reason!

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

Let's talk about He Zuoxiu:

He Zuoxiu used the principles of physics to analyze the so-called "unscientificity" of Chinese medicine, in order to fallen He Zuoxiu's argument, then first look at what is physics?

Generally speaking, physics belongs to the category of natural sciences, which is a discipline that studies the most general laws of motion of matter and the basic structure of matter, and its explanation tool is physical experiments, and the results of interpretation are theorems, definitions and laws.

The theoretical basis of Chinese medicine, the five elements of yin and yang, belongs to the category of natural philosophy, which is applied to explain all things in the world and even life and society.

Someone will ask? What does natural philosophy rely on to explain everything in the world? My answer is that by inducting and summarizing the individual characteristics of all things in the world, we can use dialectical thinking to deduce the common characteristics of all things in the world, and discover the laws of nature.

What does physics rely on to explain everything in the world? Of course, it also depends on the discovery of natural laws, such as theorems, laws, and definitions.

The way in which they discover the laws of nature is also the same, that is, to study the essence of phenomena through the discovered natural phenomena, and finally to form an understanding of the laws of nature by summarizing the essence of phenomena.

Science and philosophy discover the laws of nature in different ways, philosophy discovers the laws of nature through the excavation of the commonality of things, and then discovers the laws of nature through the deduction of dialectical thinking, while science discovers the laws of nature by analyzing the individuality of matter.

From this point of view, the two ways of understanding the world can be separated, and philosophy is a holistic view, considering the problem from the overall situation. Physics is an analytic view that starts with the exploration of details. On the surface, philosophy does not play a direct role in the development of science and technology. It can be said that the modern society is the foundation of modern physics. However, those who are careful will find that modern scientific discoveries are indispensable for the guidance of philosophy, because philosophy looks at problems from a macro perspective.

Philosophy has always been a tool of science, which has played a positive role in guiding, guiding, promoting and promoting the development of human science. All the scientific giants and those who have made landmark contributions are all philosophers, such as Pythagoras, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and so on.

Albert Einstein said, "If philosophy is understood as the pursuit of knowledge in its most universal and extensive form, then philosophy can be considered the mother of all scientific research." ”

Kant said: The philosophy of science is the source of insight into physics and creativity in mathematics.

Heisenberg believed that the work of scientists is based on philosophical views, and their philosophical attitudes determine the height of their work.

Schlick argues that great scientists are always philosophers.

Inspired by the idea of dialectics, Delberga Langfi founded the general system theory. Berta Langfi argues that his formulation of general systems theory was inspired by many of the ideas of the sages, saying: "The intellectual origins of general systems theory can be traced back to Leibniz and Cussa's theory of opposites...... The dialectic of Marx and Hegel. ”

The theory of yin and yang and the five elements in classical Chinese philosophy belongs to the category of natural philosophy, and its typical feature is the specific interpretation of the law of unity of opposites in the laws of nature.

The law of the unity of opposites of natural laws discovered by natural philosophy is an eternal truth, because long-term historical practice has proved that it is unbreakable. On the other hand, some theorems and laws discovered by physics may not be the truth, or more accurately, they may not be the ultimate truth. Of course, the goal pursued by physics is also the ultimate truth, but physics is still in development, so there is still a long way to go for physics to understand the ultimate truth.

Why do I say that? Because there are historical sources to prove it!

For example, heliocentrism was recognized as a science in the Middle Ages, and the doctrine of physics also has sufficient "evidence", but after new evidence comes out, heliocentrism becomes a pseudoscience.

This example illustrates the truth that "science knows no bounds"! What is considered scientific today may be overturned by new evidence tomorrow, and it may not be long before what technology determines is undetectable and inexplicable may have a reasonable explanation.

Philosophy and the natural sciences have similar properties, and their purpose is nothing more than to reveal the truth that exists in nature. Philosophy comes from the summation of practical experience, and science comes from experiments in the laboratory. And there are two situations in the process of revealing the truth of the two:

One is an approximate theory of discovering its truth; The second is the discovery of the truth itself, and the two are often intertwined.

For example, in Newton's time, Newton's laws of motion were considered truth; However, when Einstein's theory of relativity was born, we learned that Newton's laws of motion are just an approximation of the truth when an object moves at low speed, and now, with the development of basic science, Einstein's theory of relativity has also been challenged by new physical discoveries. It can be seen that absolute truth is the destination of scientific discovery!

Some anti-TCM advocates who consider themselves advocates of science make irresponsible remarks about TCM on the basis of the limitations of their understanding of the current scientific outlook on development, but they do not know that the "scientific" theories they have at this stage may not be the absolute truth. Therefore, He Zuoxiu used the inability of contemporary science to analyze the basic theories of Chinese medicine to characterize Chinese medicine as pseudoscience, which is a fallacy without a scientific outlook on development.

To respect science, we must first respect the laws of nature, because the essence of science is a knowledge system that reflects the objective laws of nature, society, thinking, etc.

According to the basic principles of dialectical materialist dialectics, the laws of nature are the essential, inevitable, and stable connections inherent in the process of the movement of things. Laws are objective and do not depend on human will, and they can neither be created, transformed, or destroyed. Laws are universal, and nature, human society, and human thinking, in the process of their movement, change, and development, all follow their inherent laws. There is no such thing as regular movement of matter.

Traditional Chinese medicine black "skeptical explorer" uses "one-sixth of the matter of the universe has no yin and yang attributes. The so-called five elements of yin and yang are a joke. In addition to axons, neutrinos are also neutral particles and have no yin and yang properties. to deny the theory of Chinese medicine. In fact, the theoretical basis of the theory of yin and yang is the law of the unity of natural laws in the universe, and it turns out that the so-called one-sixth of the matter in the universe has no yin and yang properties is a fallacy!

Axons and neutrinos have, of course, their opposites.

a. Since the axion is invisible dark matter, its opposite side is visible matter.

b. The research results of particle physics show that there are 12 kinds of most basic particles that make up the material world, including 6 kinds of quarks (upper, lower, odd, can, bottom, and top, each quark has three colors, and the antiquark of the above-mentioned quark), 3 kinds of charged leptons (electron, μ and τ tons) and 3 kinds of neutrinos (electron neutrinos, μ neutrinos and τ neutrinos), and each kind of neutrino has its corresponding antimatter.

That is to say, even the most microcosmic world cannot break out of the law of the unity of opposites, and the material world that constitutes the universe has the attributes of yin and yang.

According to the modern theoretical interpretation of science, science is a system of ordered knowledge based on testable explanations and predictions about the form, organization, etc., of objective things.

However, because there are many unsolved mysteries in nature, the current science is still powerless to test, predict and explain them, and even some "scientific" explanations are even vague and specious. Therefore, the so-called "scientific" and "pseudo-scientific" identification of certain things by some self-proclaimed scientific experts is not credible.

Truth is the truth no matter when it is discovered, and the truth never goes out of style. Although the classical Chinese philosophy that guides the practice of traditional Chinese medicine was born in ancient times, the natural law of the unity of opposites expounded in it is the truth of nature.

All scientific experiments cannot be freed from the shackles of the natural law of the unity of opposites, because the law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe and the essence and core of materialist dialectics.

Chairman Mao said: "The combination of conditional relative unity and unconditional absolute struggle constitutes the contradictory movement of all things." (Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, vol. 1, p. 307).

Therefore, the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine based on the law of the unity of opposites in classical Chinese philosophy is in line with science.

In the early modern period of the West, the terms "science" and "natural philosophy" were used interchangeably. Until the 17th century, natural philosophy (natural science) was considered an independent branch of science of philosophy, cognate with materialism.

Is Chinese medicine, which originated in ancient times, a science?

I think so!

The Yin and Yang doctrine of the I Ching, which guides the thought of Chinese medicine, refers to the fact that everything has both positive and negative aspects, one yin and one yang is the way (Tao: law. It is synonymous with reason), which means that yin and yang are the laws, and the laws of change in everything in the universe (including people's words and deeds, people's birth, old age, sickness and death) are the laws of change of yin and yang. If we grasp the law of change of yin and yang, we will grasp the law of change of everything in the universe, which is equivalent to the pulse of the change of the universe. When the Danish physicist Bohr proposed the principle of harmony (also known as the "complementarity principle") based on the theory of yin and yang, he considered the Taiji diagram to be the most appropriate expression of his thoughts.

Prigogine, a Nobel laureate in chemistry, said: "Bohr was so well aware of the proximity between his concept of complementarity and the Chinese concept of yin and yang that he made yin and yang his trademark." ”

Chinese medicine is a system of knowledge based on the ancient Chinese philosophical system, which is incomparable to early Western medicine. Scientific exploration has never been the preserve of modern man. Although the ancient Chinese sages had very limited means to explore and understand nature under the conditions of the time, this did not hinder their ability to comprehend nature. In the long practice of production and life, they realized that the relationship between all things in nature is intrinsically related and complementary, and the simple philosophical ideas of yin and yang are mutually reinforcing and the unity of heaven and man has opened a precedent for Chinese philosophy. The Book of Changes is all-encompassing, and although there are no specific scientific and technological theories in it, it already contains scientific ideas. Some of the philosophical categories and modes of thinking in the Book of Changes are more in line with the picture of the universe revealed by modern science, especially the theory of the unity of heaven, earth and man in the Book of Changes, and the thinking methods of phenomena, mathematics and reason, which are the ideological systems that inspire scientists to solve major problems in the world today, and have great potential effects on the development of modern science.

Therefore, the so-called "theory of yin and yang and five elements in traditional Chinese medicine" by He Zuoxiu and Zhang Honglin is completely pseudoscience, which is completely nonsense without empirical basis.

They are actually anti-science in the name of science, and overthrow the law of unity of opposites in the name of science! Their misunderstandings may only be caused by the limitations of their understanding, but what I want to tell the blacks of Chinese medicine is that as long as you look at how big this universe is and how humble the individual is, you will not be so arrogant.

It is no exaggeration to say that at the current level of modern science, it is not yet capable of comprehensively analyzing the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, so the so-called restrictions of traditional Chinese medicine (in line with the characteristics of modern science) are meaningless! Because the characteristics and concepts of modern science are not necessarily accurate, Newton's era is the modern era of that time, and the result? Newtonian mechanics, which was enshrined a century later, was modified by the general theory of relativity. In 100 years, many seemingly scientific scientific concepts will be replaced by new scientific theories, so the so-called use of the current "modern science" to comprehensively test the theory of Chinese medicine is not a big joke?

If we can dismiss outdated scientific knowledge as "superstition" in the past, then a few years later, when the current scientific knowledge is outdated again, can our future generations also denounce us as engaging in "superstition"?

Therefore, people in contemporary times have no reason to make subjective judgments when defining the nature of things, and there is no reason to rashly identify the staged scientific cognition they currently have as absolute truth, because this kind of human understanding of the mysteries of science may not necessarily be the truth, so it is a very superficial behavior for Academician He Zuoxiu to make a presumptuous judgment for Chinese medicine in the name of "unscientific".

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the several anti-epidemics in the history of New China, the role of the Chinese Institute of Medicine in Dinghaishen Needle is obvious to all. Although the new crown epidemic has long been away from us, I still have vivid memories of the mainstay role of Chinese medicine in the fight against the epidemic.

Dong Xiaohua: Traditional Chinese medicine is a force that opposes the interests of the Chinese nation

At the most urgent moment of the new crown epidemic, Chinese medicine stepped forward, and Chinese medicine used the whole concept that Western medicine did not grasp, and when Western medicine was helpless in the face of an unfamiliar virus and could only resign itself to fate with palliative care, Chinese medicine won with its high healing power, so it was commended by the Party Central Committee. It can be glimpsed that traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine are two different medical systems, because the unique theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, guided by the natural laws of opposites and unity, is not possessed by Western medicine and other ethnic medicines, so its status cannot be shaken by traditional Chinese medicine! No matter how He Zuoxiu and Zhang Honglin's black group of traditional Chinese medicine is, no matter what means they use, they will never be able to deny this!

(The author is a special commentator of Kunlun; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's Authorization], revised and released; The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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