
Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

author:Hearing the sound of the green tree

Text | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Edit | Hearing the sound of the green tree

Sources: All statements in this article are based on reliable information and are cited in the article

The EU's relationship with China has been up and down. When it comes to China, the EU's attitude is very low; When there are selfish intentions, the EU will raise taxes without mercy, without taking into account the feelings of the two countries.

For this kind of behavior, let alone the Chinese, the Europeans themselves can't stand it.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

Europe's tax hike has provoked public outrage

China's electric vehicles are cheaper and better quality than European electric cars, and in just two years, Chinese car companies have occupied one-fifth of the market in Europe.

The EU is "worried" about this, for fear that EU car companies will be collapsed by China's tram competition! However, the EU's response is not to improve the technology of European car companies, but to raise taxes on Chinese electric vehicles in the name of "countervailing".

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

The EU originally thought that European car companies would be grateful for the tax hike decision and the EU. But in fact, the "tax hike" is just wishful thinking on the part of the European Union, and many European car companies have opinions on this!

Mercedes-Benz took the lead in saying that "tariff measures" are typical trade protectionism, and if tariffs are allowed to increase, how can Europe still have free trade at all? The interests of all parties will be affected.

BMW and Volkswagen also have similar opinions, both believe that the EU's tariffs will destroy the prosperity of the automobile market, and this move is absolutely undesirable!

China Business Daily2024-06-13: The EU's plan to raise taxes on China's electric vehicles has provoked public anger, and BMW, Volkswagen, and Mercedes-Benz collectively responded: oppose!
Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

Interestingly, not only car companies have opinions on the "tariff measures", but European politicians are also dissatisfied with the EU decision.

The previous Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, was very distracted by the EU's approach.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

He believes that China's help is indispensable for Europe to recover from the 08 financial crisis, and now the EU is raising taxes on Chinese trams, isn't it ungrateful?

Yannis Varoufakis's statement has aroused the interest of many people: how did China help the EU out of the financial crisis of that year?

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

China's great support back then!

Before 2008, the borrowing consumption of European and American countries far exceeded the load of the world economy, and when the bubble burst, the developed countries of Europe and the United States were hit the hardest, and the world economy was also greatly affected.

Only China has the power to save the world economy. Paul, the then US Secretary of the Treasury, even rushed to China in person to beg China to buy some US Treasury bonds to help the United States weather the crisis.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

In 08 years, although the mainland's economic strength cannot be compared with the present, its sense of international responsibility has not diminished in the slightest.

Therefore, the mainland has not only increased its holdings of U.S. bonds to give the United States a big sigh of relief, but also invested in infrastructure construction on a large scale to stabilize the prices of world commodities.

A look at the world in the vernacular2022-08-25At the time of the global economic downturn, the West is looking for China, German media: Can China still save the global economy?
Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

Both the United States and the world economy have benefited from the mainland. The small countries of Europe are even more helped by the continent!

At the time of the crisis, Europe was the first region to bear the brunt, with high levels of national debt, financial worries, and no money to pay the national debt.

Greece, on the other hand, is one of the worst among European countries. At that time, Greece's debt had exceeded the total GDP, but the shipping industry, the pillar of the economy, was shut down due to the "commodity crash".

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

As a result, there are problems with the salaries, salaries, and pensions of Greek civil servants, some banks do not even have the ability to cash in on deposits, and the unemployed are everywhere.

At this time, Greece was already on the edge of the cliff and could go bankrupt at any time. The mainland immediately took out 10 billion yuan and pooled 30 billion US dollars together with EU countries to lend Greece to tide over the difficulties.

At the same time, the mainland has bought a large amount of equity in Greek ports to help Greece stabilize its crumbling shipping industry, which is a Greek spending industry that must not be missed.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

Finally, the mainland also matched private investment and helped Greece build infrastructure, adding up to 1 billion euros invested by mainland enterprises in Greece!

After a series of measures, employment in Greece has rebounded significantly, and the Greek government has had the most difficult time. Therefore, Greek officials more than ten years ago were grateful to the mainland.

Of course, Greece is not the only European country that has been "favored" by China.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

At that time, there were many German enterprises facing the dilemma of unsalable products, and the mainland opened the market to German enterprises and consumed a large number of German products, and many German enterprises "escaped".

The former Greek finance minister witnessed the whole process of China's help to the EU, so he was very unhappy with the EU's "tax hike method" - Europe should not be so mean to China.

Interestingly, the EU's audacity to raise taxes on Chinese electric vehicles is not because the EU doesn't need China's help anymore. On the contrary, the EU in 2024 will also be inseparable from China's help.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

Europe is still dependent on China

In April this year, French President Emmanuel Macron visited China, and he was joined not only by government officials, but also by more than 60 entrepreneurs! It is clear that Macron and China are expanding economic and trade cooperation.

In fact, in addition to praising China's economy and promising never to decouple, Macron has also led French companies to reach a lot of cooperation with the mainland, covering agricultural products, environmental protection, aerospace, civil nuclear energy and other aspects.

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago
National Business Daily2023-04-07: Macron led a "luxury delegation" to visit China to understand the history and future of Sino-French economic and trade cooperation
Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

France's attitude is already obvious, and Germany is going further than France.

After the EU imposed tariffs on the mainland, the mainland also took countermeasures against the EU, such as reducing imports of EU pork.

Germany is very worried that the tariff friction between China and Europe will affect the automobile trade between China and Germany, so it specially sent the Minister of Economy to make clear to China: Germany is against it. The EU's tariff measures, the business of the two countries should continue and not be affected

Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago
Straight News2024-06-21 : China and the EU are playing a game of tariffs, and the German "de-risking minister" brought a business delegation to visit China
Ungrateful! The EU imposed tariffs on China, completely forgetting that China provided assistance 16 years ago

France and Germany are the two "pillars" of the EU economy, and both countries must cooperate with China, so how can the EU not rely on China?

Therefore, the EU's tax hike on China is dancing on the tip of a knife, and they may reap the consequences at any time.

Take 10,000 steps back and say, can this kind of ungrateful practice really be recognized by the Europeans?

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