
Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Old man, do you know? These signs of the neck may be the secret of longevity. As soon as the words fell, Uncle Liu subconsciously touched his neck.

Today, he just came to the telecom business hall to pay the phone bill, and by the way, he passed by the community health care center and found that a health lecture was being held lively, so he walked in curiously.

Uncle Liu is a retired teacher who usually has nothing to do and always likes to wander around the community.

When he saw a large sign at the entrance of the community rehabilitation center, which read "Health Lecture: How to Judge Lifespan by Neck Signs", he immediately became interested and found a place to sit down and listen.

The keynote speaker of the lecture was Dr. Wang from the community hospital, a veteran expert with many years of clinical experience, who was full of wisdom and humor.

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

As soon as he spoke, the audience was captivated by his charisma.

"Friends, today we are going to talk about some little secrets of the neck. Don't underestimate this little neck, it hides a big health code! ”

At the very beginning of the lecture, Dr. Wong successfully piqued the interest of everyone present. Everyone straightened their backs and pricked up their ears.

"Let's start with the first sign, the elasticity of the skin on the neck." Dr. Wang looked around and couldn't help but laugh when he saw many elderly people touching their necks.

"Yes, you guessed it. The elasticity of the skin on your neck is good, indicating that your blood circulation is good and your body is functioning properly.

Studies have shown that the average life expectancy of older people with good skin elasticity is 5 to 10 years longer than that of those with loose skin. ”

Uncle Liu listened carefully, and couldn't help but whisper to Aunt Li next to him: "I have long felt that my neck is quite tight, is this a good sign?" ”

Dr Ong continued, "In addition to skin elasticity, the health of the blood vessels in the neck is also an important indicator.

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

Carotid plaque is a common problem in middle-aged and older adults. Arteriosclerosis not only affects heart health, but is also closely related to blood supply to the brain.

Older people with less carotid plaque usually have a good blood supply to the brain, better cognitive function, and a lower chance of developing Alzheimer's disease. ”

Speaking of this, Dr. Wang specifically mentioned a case: "I have a patient, Uncle Li, who is 75 years old this year, he has been paying attention to neck health, and has regular physical examinations every year, and if he finds a slight plaque, he will immediately intervene.

Now he is not only physically strong and quick-witted, but he is also indispensable for various activities in the community. ”

Uncle Liu nodded frequently when he heard this, wondering if he should also go for a physical examination to see the condition of the carotid artery.

"The last sign is the health of the cervical spine." Dr. Wong went on to explain, "The health condition of the cervical spine has a great impact on our daily lives.

Many elderly people have cervical spondylosis, which can cause numbness in the hands, dizziness, and even affect daily activities.

Elderly people with healthy cervical spine usually have a better quality of life, greater mobility, and naturally live longer. ”

As soon as Dr. Wang's words ended, there was a round of applause from the audience. Uncle Liu also applauded involuntarily, thinking: "It seems that neck health is really the key to longevity!" ”

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

After the lecture, Uncle Liu and a few old friends went to a nearby teahouse to drink tea.

They enthusiastically discussed the content of today's lecture and said that they should pay more attention to their neck health.

When Uncle Liu got home, he immediately turned on the computer and began to look up information about neck health.

He was surprised to find that the neck is indeed a very important health indicator, and many long-lived elderly people have one thing in common, that is, neck health.

This made Uncle Liu even more determined to protect his neck.

He insists on doing neck exercises every morning and evening, usually paying attention to sitting and sleeping postures, and avoiding looking down at his mobile phone or books for a long time.

He also signed up for a community-organized neck health check-up to make sure his carotid arteries and cervical spine were in good condition.

A month later, Uncle Liu attended a health lecture at the community rehabilitation center again.

The theme of this lecture is "The relationship between neck exercises and longevity". After the lecture, Uncle Liu sighed: "It seems that longevity really starts from the neck!" ”

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

These changes have not only benefited him, but also affected his friends. Everyone said that they wanted to exercise with Uncle Liu and maintain their necks.

However, Uncle Liu still has a question in his heart: "Do all people with healthy necks live a long life?" He decided to go to Dr. Wang for another consultation.

Dr. Wang smiled and replied, "Neck health is only one factor in longevity.

Longevity is also related to many other factors, such as genetics, diet, mentality, etc.

What we can do is try to keep all parts of our body healthy, especially important areas like the neck. Uncle Liu nodded, and his heart suddenly brightened.

He understands that longevity is not just a matter of neck health, but requires all-round health management. However, it is undoubtedly a wise choice to start by focusing on neck health. ”

Uncle Liu nodded, and his heart suddenly brightened. He knows that longevity is not just a matter of a healthy neck, but a comprehensive health management.

But in any case, it is definitely a good choice to start paying attention to your health from the neck.

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

The story doesn't end here. Uncle Liu thought of another question: "So, in addition to the neck, what parts of our body are closely related to longevity?" ”

He decided to continue exploring this question and find out more about the secrets of longevity.

In order to answer this question, Uncle Liu consulted a large number of materials and consulted a number of experts.

Eventually, he concluded that longevity is closely related to the health of the following areas:

The first is the heart. The heart is the engine of the human body, and a healthy heart is the foundation of longevity.

Studies have shown that heart disease is one of the most common fatal diseases in middle-aged and older adults.

Ways to keep your heart healthy include exercising moderately, eating right, and maintaining a good mindset.

The second is the brain.

The brain is the control center of the human body, and a healthy brain can ensure our cognitive function and quality of life. Ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease include maintaining mental activity, eating a reasonable diet, and maintaining good social relationships.

Then there's the liver. The liver is the body's detoxification organ, and a healthy liver can ensure our metabolic function.

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

Ways to protect the liver include quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, eating a reasonable diet, and having regular medical checkups.

The gastrointestinal tract is the heart of the body's digestive system, ensuring the absorption of nutrients from us.

In order to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, the following measures can be taken: first, pay attention to a reasonable diet and choose foods rich in fiber and nutrients;

Secondly, maintain good living habits, such as regular work and rest and moderate exercise; Finally, avoid overuse medications, especially those that may be irritating to the gastrointestinal tract.

Joints are important locomotor organs in the human body, and healthy joints can ensure our mobility.

In order to protect the joints, we can take the following methods: moderate exercise to maintain the flexibility of the joints; Maintain good posture and avoid prolonged periods of time

the pressure on the joints caused by poor posture; Avoid excessive weight bearing and reduce wear and tear on the joints.

Based on these conclusions, Uncle Liu formulated a comprehensive health management plan. He insists on exercising every morning and evening, paying attention to a balanced diet, maintaining a positive attitude, and having regular physical examinations.

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising

At the same time, he also actively participates in various health activities in the community, influencing and driving his friends to pursue health together.

Time passed quietly, and a few years later, Uncle Liu was still in good spirits and physically tough. He became a health expert in the community, and everyone called him "Uncle Longevity".

Whenever someone asked him for the secret of longevity, he always replied with a smile: "Start with the neck and focus on the whole body." ”

This story tells us that longevity is not just about the health of one part of the body, but about the comprehensive health management of the whole body.

By focusing on the health of the vital areas, starting with the neck, we can take better control of our health and embrace a longer, better life.

Uncle Liu's exploration continues, and he has decided to delve into more health knowledge and share this knowledge with more people.

He firmly believes that it is only through continuous learning and practice that we can truly grasp the secret of longevity.

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[1] Ye Siting. Evaluation of Cervical Vascular Elasticity Function and Related Influencing Factors by Rapid Pulse Wave Technology, Imaging Research and Medical Application, 2020-09-08

Is there a long life, and the neck has a hint early? Doctor: 3 signs of the neck, longevity is more promising