
Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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Wang Qiang is a white-collar worker in the company, and he has an important task today - to go to the business hall to pay the phone bill.

The scorching sun was scorching, Wang Qiang was walking on the road, and the sweat on his face made him have to speed up his pace. As he passed by the community rehabilitation center, he was fascinated by the buzz.

A health lecture is being held at the rehabilitation center, and a doctor in a white coat is talking on the podium. Wang Qiang was curious and decided to go in and listen.

As soon as I entered the door, the doctor just said, "It's not good for women to take a bath too often." Wang Qiang was immediately attracted by this sentence, found a vacant seat and sat down, ready to listen. The main doctor is an old Chinese medicine doctor named Zhang Jianming, and he waved the small fan in his hand while speaking, which was very funny.

"Friends," Zhang Jianming began, "everyone may think that women love to take baths more than men. Why is that? Let me tell you a truth first, women do love bathing more than men, but no matter how hot it is, don't wash too often. ”

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

The audience under the podium immediately discussed, and Wang Qiang was also aroused, thinking that the doctor had a point, and his wife Li Li was a representative of frequent bathing.

As an ordinary white-collar worker, Wang Qiang is busy with work every day and does not know much about health knowledge, so he decided to listen carefully to the lecture to see if he can learn something.

Zhang Jianming continued: "Research shows that women pay more attention to personal hygiene than men, and there are physical and psychological reasons for this. Women have relatively thin skin, less oil production, and are more likely to feel discomfort, so they are more inclined to keep their skin clean and comfortable by bathing.

At the same time, women pay more attention to social image than men, and frequent bathing is also to maintain good body odor and appearance. ”

Wang Qiang nodded, thinking in his heart that Li Li did always say that she had dry skin, and she also bought various skin care products from time to time.

The doctor went on to say:

However, everyone should be aware that although bathing can cleanse the skin, if it is too frequent, it will cause damage to the body. Especially women, no matter how hot the day is, don't take a bath every day, especially don't bathe with hot water. ”

"Then why?" One of the listeners couldn't help but ask.

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

"Because frequent bathing, especially with hot water, can damage the sebaceous film on the surface of the skin, causing the skin to become drier and more sensitive." Zhang Jianming explained, "Especially in summer, many people like to take a shower, thinking that it can cool down, but in fact, frequent temperature changes are a kind of irritation to the skin and body. ”

In order to make everyone more clear, Zhang Jianming gave an example:

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

Wang Qiang listened attentively, secretly wrote down these suggestions, and prepared to go back and tell Li Li. The doctor also mentions some data: "According to the survey, more than 70% of women bathe every day in the summer, and more than half of them are used to using hot water. In the long run, the incidence of skin problems, eczema, itching and other symptoms increases significantly.

In addition, frequent bathing can also lead to an imbalance in the microflora of the female private parts, increasing the risk of infection. ”

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

The lecture continued, and Zhang Jianming explained in detail why frequent bathing can lead to an imbalance in the microflora:

"The female reproductive system is more complex, and there is a protective lactic acid flora in the vagina, which can maintain the acid-base balance of the vagina and prevent the invasion of harmful bacteria. Bathing too often, especially with some improper detergents, may destroy these beneficial bacteria, leading to problems such as vaginitis. ”

Zhang Jianming also mentioned some practical cases:

"There is a female patient named Xiao Li, she has to take a shower every day after work, and after a long time, she begins to have symptoms of vulvar itching and discomfort. After examination, it was found that there was a severe imbalance of lactic acid bacteria in her vagina. After a period of treatment and lifestyle adjustments, her symptoms were relieved. ”

This information was fresh and useful to Wang Qiang, and he decided to go back and talk to Li Li about it. Dr. Zhang Jianming added:

"In addition to skin and private health, frequent bathing can also affect the body's immune system. Our skin is the body's first line of defense, and proper sebum and microbes can help us defend against harmful substances from the outside world. Frequent bathing weakens this line of defense, making the body more susceptible to infections. ”
Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

In order to give everyone a better understanding, Zhang Jianming gave another example:

"There is an elderly patient who pays a lot of attention to personal hygiene, baths every day, and uses a lot of soap and bath liquid. As a result, his skin became drier and drier, often itchy, and even had some infections. After my advice, he reduced the number of baths he took and used a mild cleanser, and his skin condition improved. ”

After hearing this, Wang Qiang felt that he had gained a lot, and he decided to change the bathing habits at home, especially to remind Li Li not to take frequent baths anymore.

Towards the end of the lecture, Zhang Jianming concluded:

"Friends, personal hygiene is important, but it is also important to pay attention to science. Female friends should pay special attention to the fact that although bathing can bring refreshment and comfort, frequent bathing, especially hot water, will cause adverse effects on skin and health. ”

Just as everyone was about to leave, Zhang Jianming suddenly asked a question: "Have you ever wondered why women are more likely to have dry skin than men?" ”

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

He paused, watched everyone's reactions, and then went on to say:

Actually, it has a lot to do with women's physiology. Women's skin is thinner, with relatively less water, and fluctuations in hormone levels during women's menstrual cycles can also affect the state of their skin. Coupled with frequent bathing, the protective layer on the skin's surface is destroyed, resulting in easier water loss. ”

In order to give everyone a better understanding of this problem, Zhang Jianming cited a scientific research data:

"A study of 5,000 women found that more than 60 percent of women often felt dry skin during the summer months, with 30 percent feeling it most noticeable around the time of their menstrual period. This shows that women's skin care needs to be paid special attention to and cannot be solved by blindly taking frequent baths. ”

After listening to this, Wang Qiang felt that today's trip was really the right one, not only learned a lot of health knowledge, but also understood how to take better care of Li Li. He secretly made up his mind that he would have a good talk with Li Li when he went back, change their bathing habits, and make their family life healthier.

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

Finally, Dr. Zhang Jianming said with a smile: "Friends, I hope that you can share the knowledge you have learned today with the people around you when you go back, so that we can live a healthy life together." ”

At the end of the lecture, Wang Qiang stood up and felt a lot more relaxed. He walked out of the rehabilitation center, the sun was still hot, but his mood was extraordinarily comfortable. Wang Qiang thought about it while walking, and decided to talk to Li Li about today's harvest when he got home from work, and help her adjust the frequency of bathing to make her skin and body healthier.

Such an ordinary morning was enriched and meaningful by a health lecture. Wang Qiang feels that health is not just a matter of one person, but requires the whole family to work together and maintain it together. After today's study, he has strengthened this belief and knows better how to care for and take care of his family's health.

In life, many seemingly small habits can often have a significant impact on our health. As Dr. Zhang Jianming said, a scientific lifestyle and healthy habits are the key to maintaining good health for a long time.

Wang Qiang decided that in the future, he should pay more attention to this knowledge, live a healthy life with his family, and enjoy every good day.

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

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Ancient Oasis

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why


[1] Chen Ji. People who are afraid of dryness, please pay attention to 4 points[J].Public Health,2021,(03):100-101.

Why do women love bathing more than men? The doctor said frankly: No matter how hot the day is, women should not wash too often, why

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