
Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Have you been having a bad appetite lately?" The doctor asked as he looked at the medical records.

Uncle Li is still thinking about what happened just now - he obviously went to the bank to withdraw some pension money, but when he was queuing, his eyes suddenly went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already lying on the ground, surrounded by onlookers.

As soon as he woke up, everyone rushed him to the hospital. Uncle Li is 62 years old and a retired secondary school teacher.

Usually the body is quite tough, every morning practice, and occasionally participate in the community Tai Chi competition.

But today's sudden fainting made him a little flustered. The doctor asked about some basic information

After that, a detailed inspection begins. After some examination, the doctor found that Uncle Li's blood pressure was a little low, and his nutritional status was not ideal.

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

The doctor frowned and asked, "Do you have any special preference for food lately?" "Okay."

"Lettuce." Uncle Li replied, "We have some lettuce planted at home, and my wife and I love to eat it very much, and almost every meal is indispensable." ”

The doctor nodded and began to explain: "Although lettuce is a good vegetable, it should not be eaten much by the elderly, especially lettuce that has not been properly handled. You know why? ”

Uncle Li shook his head, revealing a puzzled look.

"Lettuce has a high content of oxalic acid, and if you consume too much, it will affect the body's absorption of calcium, leading to osteoporosis.

And lettuce also contains a certain amount of nitrite, which is converted into carcinogens in the body.

For older adults, excessive intake of lettuce not only affects calcium absorption, but may also increase the risk of cancer. ”

Uncle Li was dumbfounded when he heard this, it turned out that the seemingly healthy lettuce was still so exquisite.

The doctor continued: "In addition to lettuce, there are several common seasonal vegetables that can also pose health risks if not handled properly. ”

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

Next, the doctor explained in detail the four seasonal vegetables and how to deal with them.

The first is spinach. The doctor emphasized: "The oxalic acid content in spinach is also very high, and if it is not blanched, it will affect the absorption of calcium and iron, and it is easy to cause anemia and osteoporosis in the long run."

Blanching can effectively remove most of the oxalic acid and reduce its adverse effects on the body. ”

Next up are the beans. "When eaten raw or undercooked, beans produce a substance called carob toxin, which can cause food poisoning," the doctor said.

Carob toxins can only be destroyed at high temperatures, so be sure to cook them thoroughly when eating them. ”

The third type is cucumbers. "Some of the chemicals in cucumbers break down at high temperatures to produce carcinogens, so cucumbers are best eaten raw or cold rather than used in soups or stir-fries," the doctor explained. ”

The last one is cabbage. "Cabbage is prone to nitrate during storage, and if left for a long time, nitrate can be converted into nitrite, creating a potential carcinogenic risk," the doctor said.

Therefore, it is important to buy fresh cabbage and consume it in a timely manner. ”

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

Uncle Li listened with palpitations, but he didn't expect that there were so many potential health hazards in his daily diet.

Seeing him thoughtful, the doctor continued: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with these vegetables themselves, but we need to pay more attention when handling and eating them to avoid unnecessary health risks." ”

In order to make Uncle Li more understanding, the doctor also talked about a patient's case.

A few days ago, there was an Aunt Wang, because she liked to eat unblanched spinach all year round, and as a result, her body developed severe iron deficiency anemia.

At first, Aunt Wang thought it was due to her advanced age and declining physical function, but it was not until the doctor discovered the real problem after a detailed examination.

After a period of recuperation and dietary adjustment, Aunt Wang's physical condition gradually improved. "You see," said the doctor, "this is a typical example.

If we can add more scientific knowledge to our daily diet, we can avoid many unnecessary health problems. ”

Uncle Li nodded frequently and sighed: "I see, it seems that I will have to pay attention to my diet in the future." ”

The doctor smiled and said: "Yes, the elderly need to pay more attention to their diet, balanced nutrition is very important, and they cannot blindly pursue the benefits of a certain food while ignoring the potential risks." ”

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

At this point in the story, Uncle Li not only learned about the health effects of lettuce, but also understood how to eat several other common vegetables.

This experience made him deeply realize the importance of scientific diet.

But the story doesn't end there. After Uncle Li went home, he told his wife everything the doctor's words, and the couple began to adjust their eating habits, consume a variety of vegetables every day, and try to avoid foods high in oxalic acid and nitrite.

After a period of time, Uncle Li felt that his body had improved significantly, he no longer had dizziness and dizziness, and his mental state was much better.

Old friends in the community heard about his experience and asked him for advice on healthy eating.

This begs the question: should different dietary strategies be adopted for different age groups?

"Of course, there really needs to be differences in diet between different age groups," the doctor explains.

For example, young people have a fast metabolism and their bodies need a lot of energy, so they can consume more high-protein, high-carbohydrate foods.

The metabolism of the elderly slows down and various body functions gradually decline, so it is necessary to pay more attention to a balanced diet and comprehensive nutrition, and avoid excessive salt and oil intake. ”

The doctor further added, "Middle-aged people are in the stage of connecting the past and the next, not only to maintain the vitality of the body, but also to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

Therefore, middle-aged people should pay attention to eating small and frequent meals, intake more dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, maintain an appropriate weight, and prevent high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and other problems. ”

In order to give Uncle Li and his old friends a better understanding, the doctor also gave some specific dietary suggestions.

For example, the elderly can eat more calcium-rich foods, such as dairy products and soy products, to supplement the calcium needed by the body;

Young people can eat more lean meat and fish to consume enough protein; Middle-aged people need to eat more fruits and vegetables to maintain gastrointestinal health.

In general, a scientific diet can not only help us maintain our health, but also prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Everyone should develop a suitable diet strategy according to their age and health status, so as to truly "eat healthy and live longer".

So, here comes Uncle Li's new question: how to make a personalized diet plan according to your specific health status?

In order to answer this question in detail, the doctor suggested that Uncle Li could go to a professional dietitian and formulate a personalized diet plan based on the results of his health examination.

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

"Based on your body data, the dietitian can analyze your nutritional needs and give you the most suitable diet recommendations," the doctor explains.

This personalized diet plan can help you stay healthy and prevent disease. ”

"In addition to diet, daily exercise and lifestyle habits are equally important," the doctor reminded.

Diet and exercise are a combination for optimal health results. ”

Uncle Li was very grateful after hearing this, and decided to follow the doctor's advice to find a professional nutritionist to formulate a scientific diet plan.

At the same time, he will continue to exercise every morning and enjoy a healthy and happy retirement.

From this medical experience, Uncle Li has learned a lot about diet and health, and hopes that through his own experience, more middle-aged and elderly friends can realize the importance of scientific diet.

Everyone should cherish their body and pay attention to a balanced and healthy diet in order to truly enjoy a good life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Wu Xiaohan. Extraction Process and Characterization of Insoluble Dietary Fiber from Lettuce Leaves, Food Research and Development, 2024-06-10

Eat less lettuce in the elderly? The doctor reminded: These 4 seasonal dishes are not handled well or have big hidden dangers

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