
When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Summer is here, everyone should pay attention!"

As Dr. Lau spoke, he used an excited tone to arouse everyone's attention.

The community rehabilitation center held a health talk by Dr. Liu, a well-known internal medicine expert.

Zhang Wei is a white-collar worker in a company, usually busy with work, and his health problems are always ignored by him.

On this day, Zhang Wei went to the business hall to pay the phone bill, passed by the community health care center, and saw the banner of "Health Lecture" hanging at the door, and decided to go in on a whim to listen.

Dr. Lau began to talk about the importance of health in summer: "In the summer, the body is prone to dehydration, and blood pressure will fluctuate due to changes in water in the body. He reminded everyone that in hot weather, blood pressure is easy to rise, especially for patients with high blood pressure, and they should pay more attention to their diet and lifestyle habits.

"Especially the three vegetables, don't eat too much!" Dr. Liu's words immediately aroused Zhang Wei's interest. Everyone knows that vegetables are healthy, but why can't you eat more of them?

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

Dr Lau went on to explain, "The first vegetable is spinach. While spinach is rich in iron and vitamins, it also contains a lot of oxalic acid. Oxalic acid affects calcium absorption in the body, leading to calcium loss in the body. This is dangerous for people with high blood pressure, as insufficient calcium can stiffen the walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of blood pressure fluctuations. ”

Zhang Wei suddenly realized that spinach is not always healthy. He recalled that during his last check-up, the doctor also mentioned that his blood calcium level was low, and it seemed that he needed to pay more attention to his diet.

"The second vegetable is eggplant. The solanine in eggplant is a natural toxin, and excessive intake can cause damage to the nervous system and increased blood pressure. Dr. Liu's words made everyone nod their heads, eggplant is a home-cooked dish, but I didn't expect such a risk.

Zhang Wei was also surprised, he often eats cold eggplant in summer, and now it seems that it needs to be properly controlled.

"The last one is potatoes. Potatoes are healthy on their own, but sprouted or greened potatoes contain high amounts of solanine, a substance that can cause gastrointestinal upset, lightheadedness, and even life-threatening. Dr. Liu recounted a specific case in which a patient was almost killed due to acute poisoning due to the accidental ingestion of sprouted potatoes.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

Zhang Wei couldn't help but shudder, he recalled that he was still eating home-grown potatoes given by a friend a few days ago, and it seemed that he would have to be more careful in the future.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

"Dr. Liu, I've been feeling dizzy lately, is it related to my blood pressure?" Zhang Wei asked.

Dr. Liu carefully inquired about his lifestyle habits and diet, and then said:

"Dizziness can indeed be caused by fluctuations in blood pressure. You need to pay attention to your daily diet, not only avoid certain vegetables, but also have a balanced intake of nutrients and maintain a good routine. ”

Zhang Wei nodded and said gratefully:

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

He insisted on measuring his blood pressure every day, recording changes in diet and weight, actively participating in physical exercise, and regularly reviewing his physical condition. Thankfully, his blood pressure gradually returned to normal and his dizziness decreased.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

However, the story doesn't end there. One day, Zhang Wei received an unexpected test report showing that his cholesterol level was high. Although blood pressure is well controlled, new problems have arisen.

Zhang Wei approached Dr. Liu again, and after a detailed analysis of his medical records and lifestyle habits, he made an unexpected suggestion:

"Your cholesterol problem may be related to the intake of hidden fats in your daily diet. Many people don't know that hidden fats may also be found in common health foods, such as certain soy products and snacks. ”

Dr. Lau further explained, "Although some soy products may seem healthy, a lot of oil may be added during processing, especially deep-processed dried tofu and vegetarian chicken. The fat content of these foods should not be underestimated, and consuming them for a long time can increase cholesterol levels. ”

Zhang Wei was stunned, he never thought that these foods that he thought were healthy would have hidden dangers.

Dr. Lau advised him to choose natural soy products as much as possible, reduce the intake of processed foods, and increase the intake of fish and nuts to better regulate blood lipid levels.

After a period of adjustment, Zhang Wei's cholesterol level gradually returned to normal. He feels that although his health problems are complex, as long as he eats scientifically and lives a reasonable life, he can gradually improve.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

During a physical examination, Zhang Wei encountered a new problem:

The medical report showed that his uric acid level was high. This time, he decided to do some research on his own before consulting Dr. Liu.

Zhang Wei received an unexpected test report showing that his cholesterol level was high. Although blood pressure is well controlled, new problems have arisen.

Zhang Wei approached Dr. Liu again, and after analyzing his medical history and lifestyle habits in detail, he made an unexpected suggestion: "Your cholesterol problem may be related to the hidden fat intake in your daily diet.

Many people don't know that hidden fats may also be found in common health foods, such as certain soy products and snacks. ”

Dr. Lau further explained:

"Although some soy products seem healthy, a lot of oil may be added during processing, especially deep-processed dried tofu and vegetarian chicken. The fat content of these foods should not be underestimated, and consuming them for a long time can increase cholesterol levels. ”

Zhang Wei was stunned, he never thought that these foods that he thought were healthy would have hidden dangers.

Dr. Lau advised him to choose natural soy products as much as possible, reduce the intake of processed foods, and increase the intake of fish and nuts to better regulate blood lipid levels.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

Regarding the problem of uric acid, Zhang Wei learned that in addition to avoiding high-purine foods, maintaining adequate water intake is also the key. He concluded that health problems not only require the guidance of doctors, but also need to take the initiative to learn and adjust.

Question: How should patients with high uric acid adjust their diet and lifestyle?

Zhang Wei consulted a large number of information and found that high uric acid is closely related to dietary habits.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

In addition, moderate exercise is key. Zhang Wei insists on low-intensity exercises such as walking and jogging every day to help maintain weight and reduce uric acid accumulation.

After these adjustments, Zhang Wei's uric acid level gradually returned to normal. He lamented that although health problems are complex, as long as you study hard and manage scientifically, you can gradually improve and have a healthy life.

This story teaches us that health is not only the responsibility of doctors, but also the responsibility of each individual. Only by constantly learning and taking the initiative to adjust can we truly have a healthy body.

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

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Ancient Oasis

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!


[1] Kong Dehui. Family Medicine,2024,(05):18.)

When a hot day comes, blood pressure tends to rise! Doctor: Don't eat three vegetables, or you'll add fuel to the fire!

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