
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The female assistant was besieged, the lawyer himself was thrown down by the bailiff in court, and the comment area was fried



Recently, an incident that occurred during the adjournment of the court sparked heated discussions in the society, a female lawyer was brutally treated by the bailiff when she took photos to collect evidence during the court adjournment, and was even thrown to the ground, this scene is not only shocking, but also triggered public speculation and discussion about the work order of the court and the dignity of the law.

1. Review of events

Recently, an incident in the Intermediate People's Court of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province sparked heated discussions in the society, it is understood that the court was adjourned at that time, a female lawyer He Zhijuan took pictures and collected evidence during this period, but was intervened and brutally treated by the bailiffs, and even fell to the ground.

It is understood that during the adjournment at that time, the court bailiff did not have the right to interfere with the behavior of others, and the lawyer took photos to collect evidence itself did not violate any regulations, so the bailiff's behavior was undoubtedly wrong, and it was also suspected of infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, which is why after the incident was exposed, many people expressed dissatisfaction and condemnation of the bailiff's behavior.

2. Impact of the incident

The exposure of this incident not only makes people question the work order and legal dignity of the court, but also questions the law enforcement quality and professional ethics of the judicial police, because as a member of the maintenance of court order, the judicial police should strictly abide by the rules and regulations and maintain the normal trial order of the court, and should not arbitrarily interfere with the legitimate behavior of others, let alone any rough behavior.

The exposure of this incident has also sounded the alarm for people, reminding everyone to pay attention to their own safety when safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests, and to stay calm when encountering similar situations, not to be provoked by the words and actions of others, let alone to take radical actions, but to protect their own rights and interests through legal channels.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The female assistant was besieged, the lawyer himself was thrown down by the bailiff in court, and the comment area was fried

3. Reflection on the incident

With regard to the brutal behavior of the judicial police, the courts and public security organs must conduct a thorough investigation, find out the truth, seriously deal with the judicial police involved, and let them bear the corresponding legal responsibility for their own wrongdoings.

It is also necessary to fully respect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned, protect their litigation rights, and at the same time balance the relationship between the dignity of the law and the protection of human rights, and not neglect the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of others because of the maintenance of the dignity of the law.


Through the exposure of this incident, I believe that for the public, they also have a deeper understanding, knowing that those who are safeguarding their own rights and interests must also respect and abide by the law, rationally defend their rights, and cannot be swayed by the impulse of the moment, and at the same time have more conjectures about the law and the court, know that the law is fair, and hope that through such an incident, more people can pay attention to and conjecture about the law, and jointly maintain the construction of a society under the rule of law.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The female assistant was besieged, the lawyer himself was thrown down by the bailiff in court, and the comment area was fried


Recently, an incident that occurred during the adjournment of the court sparked heated discussions in the society, a female lawyer was brutally treated by the bailiff when she took photos to collect evidence during the court adjournment, and was even thrown to the ground, this scene is not only shocking, but also triggered public speculation and discussion about the work order of the court and the dignity of the law.

1. Review of events

Recently, an incident in the Intermediate People's Court of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province sparked heated discussions in the society, it is understood that the court was adjourned at that time, a female lawyer He Zhijuan took pictures and collected evidence during this period, but was intervened and brutally treated by the bailiffs, and even fell to the ground.

It is understood that during the adjournment at that time, the court bailiff did not have the right to interfere with the behavior of others, and the lawyer took photos to collect evidence itself did not violate any regulations, so the bailiff's behavior was undoubtedly wrong, and it was also suspected of infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others, which is why after the incident was exposed, many people expressed dissatisfaction and condemnation of the bailiff's behavior.

2. Impact of the incident

The exposure of this incident not only makes people question the work order and legal dignity of the court, but also questions the law enforcement quality and professional ethics of the judicial police, because as a member of the maintenance of court order, the judicial police should strictly abide by the rules and regulations and maintain the normal trial order of the court, and should not arbitrarily interfere with the legitimate behavior of others, let alone any rough behavior.

The exposure of this incident has also sounded the alarm for people, reminding everyone to pay attention to their own safety when safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests, and to stay calm when encountering similar situations, not to be provoked by the words and actions of others, let alone to take radical actions, but to protect their own rights and interests through legal channels.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The female assistant was besieged, the lawyer himself was thrown down by the bailiff in court, and the comment area was fried

3. Reflection on the incident

With regard to the brutal behavior of the judicial police, the courts and public security organs must conduct a thorough investigation, find out the truth, seriously deal with the judicial police involved, and let them bear the corresponding legal responsibility for their own wrongdoings.

It is also necessary to fully respect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned, protect their litigation rights, and at the same time balance the relationship between the dignity of the law and the protection of human rights, and not neglect the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of others because of the maintenance of the dignity of the law.


Through the exposure of this incident, I believe that for the public, they also have a deeper understanding, knowing that those who are safeguarding their own rights and interests must also respect and abide by the law, rationally defend their rights, and cannot be swayed by the impulse of the moment, and at the same time have more conjectures about the law and the court, know that the law is fair, and hope that through such an incident, more people can pay attention to and conjecture about the law, and jointly maintain the construction of a society under the rule of law.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The female assistant was besieged, the lawyer himself was thrown down by the bailiff in court, and the comment area was fried

First, the beginning and end of the incident

Recently, a news about the Intermediate People's Court of Guiyang City, Guizhou Province has attracted widespread attention, it turned out that when the court was adjourned here, a female lawyer took pictures and collected evidence during the adjournment of the court, but was brutally treated by the bailiff and finally fell to the ground, and this scene was also filmed by others, which quickly spread through the Internet and caused heated public discussions.

It is understood that when the court was adjourned, the lawyer did not violate any regulations by taking pictures to collect evidence, and during the court adjournment, the bailiff did not have the right to interfere with the behavior of others, so on the surface, the female lawyer did not do anything wrong, but the marshal's rough behavior caused strong public dissatisfaction and condemnation.

2. Impact of the incident

Once such an incident is exposed, it will have a very bad impact on society and have a negative impact on the image of the court, and everyone will question the work order of the court and the fairness of the law, and feel that the court staff are not impartial and impartial, but will be swayed by some private factors.

The public will feel that the current bailiff is not to maintain fairness and justice, but will arbitrarily interfere with the proper behavior of others, and there will be some bad behavior, so that the public's trust in the law will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, once such an incident occurs, it is necessary to pay great attention to it, and the relevant departments must conduct a thorough investigation of such an incident, find out the truth of the facts, and seriously deal with the personnel involved, so that their wrong behavior must not affect the image of the entire court and the judicial police force.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! The female assistant was besieged, the lawyer himself was thrown down by the bailiff in court, and the comment area was fried

3. Reflection on the incident

Through such incidents, in fact, it has also put forward some reflections for us, that is, for the staff of the court, whether judges or bailiffs, they must strictly abide by the rules and regulations when they work, and must not be swayed by some private factors, let alone interfere with the legitimate behavior of others at will, only in this way can the normal trial order of the court be maintained, and only then can they win the trust and support of the public.

For similar incidents, the public should also maintain enough rationality, and cannot easily have a negative view of the entire court and the judicial police force, because this is only an individual case, and cannot represent the entire group.


Through such an incident, I believe that the public also has a deeper understanding, knowing that when safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests, they must also respect and abide by the law, rationally defend their rights, and not be swayed by the impulse of the moment, and at the same time have more conjectures about the entire legal system, know that the law is just and fair, and hope that through such incidents, more people can pay attention to and conjecture about the law, and jointly maintain the construction of a society under the rule of law.