
US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

A foreign netizen said on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "Why does the United States regard China's rise as a threat, and do everything possible to suppress and obstruct it? "Perhaps in the eyes of the United States, China's rise will affect American hegemony.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

As we all know, China's economic strength has become second only to the United States, so the United States regards us as a "thorn in the side", in order to curb China's development speed, the United States has imposed a policy of suppression and sanctions on us, but we did not give in, but decided to break the shackles.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

For example, when the United States imposed sanctions on China's chips, China showed strong cohesion, and we relied on our own strength to finally develop domestic chips, which means that China's chip technology has developed again.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

China is no longer afraid of being "stuck" by the United States, not only that, China has also developed 5G technology, which is also the first time that China has overtaken the United States, so the United States will feel the pressure to curb China's development in order to maintain its position.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Nowadays, the United States regards China as the biggest threat and uses Western media to slander China, which is also one of the usual means of US sanctions against China, but as China grows stronger, the world has a new view of China, and it is found that China is not as described by the United States.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Therefore, in the face of questions from foreign netizens, many people also commented below, among which netizens from New Zealand said that the United States constantly needs to find another country to war, which is manifested in many aspects.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer
US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

The problem is that they have been at war 93 percent of the time of their existence, and it is clear that the United States is an immature country compared to China, and they would rather spend a lot of time at war than develop their own country.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

The United States has never trusted any country, so they do not like to cooperate, they only like to solve problems by force, and in order to maintain their hegemony, the United States will do whatever it takes to obstruct its development, this is how the United States gets along with Asia.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

China and the United States have different styles of doing things, the United States can only bring war to Africa, but China likes to build, they are engaged in infrastructure in Africa, and they are committed to building Africa into a modern country, so compared with the United States, Africa trusts China more.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

The U.S. is now facing a crisis where there is a disconnect between what they say and what they do, unless the U.S. changes and trusts other countries and proves that they will treat all countries equally, decently, with respect.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Later, netizens from Singapore commented that many people think that China's strength has increased and it can now challenge the hegemony of the United States, which I think is correct, after all, China's economic capacity is second only to the United States.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer
US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Historically, China has been a superpower with a 5,000-year-old civilization, during which China has created many miracles, and although in modern times, China has lagged behind by a hundred years, but it is undeniable that China has risen today.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Judging from the attitude of the United States towards China in recent years, the strength of China's development has made the United States feel threatened, after all, no matter how the United States suppresses China, China's development has never regressed.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Since the end of the Korean War, the United States has realized that China is a formidable adversary, and that China was a backward country at the time, but now, decades later, China has become a military power.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Immediately after that, netizens from the United Kingdom commented that China poses a deeper threat to the United States, but in order to maintain its global hegemony, the United States did not carry out a comprehensive attack on the once weak China, and now decades have passed, and China has developed into a strong country.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

To this day, the United States cannot fully control China, China has never bowed to the West, which is also the most difficult problem for the United States, and from a military point of view, China is undoubtedly one of the most powerful countries in the world.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

They developed nuclear weapons as early as the sixties of the last century, and now China still uses aircraft carriers, intercontinental missiles and other weapons of mass destruction, China will never take the initiative to attack any country, but will never allow others to invade.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

China has been developing its own national defense capabilities, and if the United States easily defeats China militarily, it will be a fool's dream, and they may be attacked by China on all fronts the moment they enter China's waters.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

China loves peace, and they prefer development to war, so to speak, "learning from advanced countries" is China's national policy, which will always be adhered to, and so far, this national policy has lasted for more than 100 years.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

I believe that in terms of development, the United States should learn from China, because war will only accelerate the process of national destruction, and only through mutual cooperation and development can all mankind achieve common progress.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

Now that the United States is strong and hegemonic has taken root in the narrow thinking of the United States, especially when the United States applies its hegemonic history to China, it further strengthens and solidifies this stereotype, but it is obvious that this kind of thinking is not advisable.

US Forum: Why does the U.S. always see China as a threat? Singaporean scholars give the answer

The United States engages in political bullying, economic bullying, military bullying and discourse bullying everywhere, China does not cause trouble but is never afraid of it, China will never seek hegemony, but it is also not afraid of power, the more the United States suppresses it, the more it proves that China has succeeded, and the more it proves that China has done the right thing.

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