
Tencent Classroom plans to cease operations on October 1, 2024

author:Puhua Research Institute of China Research Institute

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Tencent Classroom plans to cease operations on October 1, 2024

China Research Network

Detailed explanation of the notice of suspension of Tencent Classroom

1. Timeline of outage

Suspension of online course access services: Tencent Classroom will stop all online course access services from August 1, 2024. This means that from this day forward, users will not be able to access new course content.

Full cessation of operations: Tencent Classroom plans to cease operations on October 1, 2024, at which time all platform services will be completely suspended.

2. Protection of user rights and interests

Free Course History Content Viewing: While new content isn't accessible, users can continue to watch free course content in History in the Curriculum. This provides a buffer period for users who have signed up and have a history of learning.

3. App store situation

HUAWEI App Store and Apple App Store: Currently, the Tencent Classroom app cannot be searched in either the Huawei App Store or the Apple App Store. This indicates that Tencent Classroom has been or will be removed from these mainstream app stores.

Android App Store: The Android App Store reminds users that due to the developer's own reasons, the Tencent Classroom app is not available for download for the time being. This further confirms that Tencent Classroom is gradually withdrawing from the market.

IV. Background and Impact

History of Tencent Classroom: As an online education platform owned by Tencent, Tencent Classroom has been operating for many years, providing rich learning resources and opportunities for many users. However, with the changes in the market environment and the adjustment of its own strategy, Tencent Classroom finally decided to suspend operations.

User reactions: Many users expressed regret and reluctance for the suspension of Tencent Classroom. Some users said that Tencent Classroom had accompanied them through their learning time, while others began to look for alternative learning platforms.

Industry impact: The suspension of Tencent Classroom will also have a certain impact on the online education industry. On the one hand, it may prompt other online education platforms to pay more attention to user experience and service quality; On the other hand, it also reminds practitioners in the online education industry to always pay attention to market changes and user needs.

Tencent Classroom will cease access services for all online courses from August 1, 2024, and will cease operations at all on October 1, 2024. Currently, the app has been removed from several app stores or is no longer available for download. For users, they can no longer access new content, but they can continue to watch historical free course content. For the entire online education industry, the suspension of Tencent Classroom is undoubtedly an event worthy of attention and consideration.

According to the display released by the China Research Institute of Puhua Industry Research Institute:

In the eastern part of the mainland, the education informatization industry is mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal areas. However, in the vast western region, there are still many areas where education has not reached the basic level of informatization, especially in rural areas.

At present, the market concentration of the education informatization industry is low, but with the standardization and transparency of the national bidding process management, the degree of marketization of the education informatization industry will become higher and higher, and the enterprises that provide high-quality products and services will occupy a dominant position in the market competition.

The education informatization industry is expected to benefit from national policy dividends. Education informatization promotes educational equity by means of information technology, and strives to build a smart ecology in the era of education informatization 2.0. In the era of education informatization 1.0, with "three links and two platforms" as the core, the infrastructure level of educational institutions will be improved, and product resources such as equipment, software, and content will be laid out, so as to enhance the technical application ability of teachers and students. Education informatization 2.0 puts forward higher requirements, with the goal of "three full, two high and one large", building a smart education ecology and improving the information technology literacy of teachers and students.

Based on the "Internet + Education" integrated platform construction goal proposed by "Education Informatization 2.0", as well as the educational resource platform construction plan proposed by five provinces (cities) including Jiangsu, Beijing and Shanghai, and the emphasis on educational resource sharing in the latest documents, the focus of future education informatization expenditure will shift from infrastructure construction to software investment such as cloud platform, education auxiliary platform system, software and online education content. At this stage, the education industry in some developed cities is nearly saturated, and the state has further increased investment in education in rural areas and other underdeveloped areas, which will help accelerate the popularization of education informatization.

First, the market scale continues to grow

Overall market size: In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology and the deepening reform of education, the scale of the education informatization market has continued to expand. According to the data, the scale of the mainland education informatization market has reached a high level in 2023 and is expected to continue to grow in the next few years. For example, some reports predict that the size of the mainland's education informatization market will reach about 123.8 billion yuan by 2024, showing strong market demand and development potential.

Segments: In the education informatization market, teaching informatization is one of the core areas. In particular, the scale of the higher education teaching informatization market has grown rapidly in recent years. In 2023, the scale of the mainland higher education teaching informatization market will reach 30.8 billion yuan, and it is expected to continue to grow in the next few years, and is expected to increase to 35.3 billion yuan by 2024.

Second, policy support has been strengthened

Policy environment: The government attaches great importance to education informatization, and has introduced relevant policies to support the development of education informatization. These policies not only provide a good development environment for the education informatization industry, but also promote the wide application of education informatization in all levels and types of schools.

Capital investment: With the increase of government investment in education informatization, the implementation and promotion of related projects have been strongly guaranteed. This has further promoted the prosperity and development of the education informatization market.

Third, the application of technology continues to deepen

A new generation of information technology: cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other new generation information technology has been widely used in the field of education informatization. The application of these technologies not only improves the optimal allocation and management efficiency of educational resources, but also promotes the innovation and reform of education and teaching.

Intelligent and personalized development: With the continuous progress of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, education informatization is gradually developing in the direction of intelligence and personalization. This provides students with a more convenient, efficient, and personalized learning experience.

Fourth, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce

Market participants: The education informatization market has attracted the participation and competition of many enterprises. These enterprises not only provide all kinds of educational information products and services, but also promote the upgrading and development of the industry through technological innovation and model innovation.

Competition pattern: At present, the competition pattern of the education information market is diversified and decentralized. However, with the continuous development and maturity of the market, the competition will gradually intensify, and the superior enterprises will stand out.

5. Challenges and opportunities

Challenges: While education informatization is developing rapidly, it is also facing some challenges. For example, regional development is uneven, the level of application is uneven, and talent training and technology research and development need to be strengthened.

Opportunities: With the deepening of education modernization and the growing demand of teachers and students for information-based teaching, the education informatization market has a broad market space and development prospects. In particular, the development of a new generation of information technology will bring more opportunities and challenges to the education informatization industry.

The market development status of the education informatization industry shows the characteristics of continuous growth of market scale, increased policy support, deepening of technology application, increasingly fierce market competition, and the coexistence of challenges and opportunities. In the future, with the continuous progress of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, the education informatization industry will continue to maintain a rapid development trend.

With the issuance of the "Education Informatization 2.0 Action Plan", China's public education system has ushered in a comprehensive upgrade. The proposal of the Action Plan shows that the process of China's education informatization has entered the second stage of emphasizing integration and innovation from the first stage of emphasizing construction and application. Statistics from the Ministry of Education show that in recent years, the mainland's annual investment in education has exceeded 5 trillion yuan, of which the state has spent more than 4 trillion yuan on education. It is a huge development opportunity for education informatization.

At present, the number of enterprises in the education informatization industry is 56,953. From the perspective of the scale of the education informatization industry, the number of enterprises with a registered capital of more than 50 million yuan is 2,687, and there are 9,116 enterprises with a registered capital of 100-50 million. In total, there are 11,803 companies with registered capital of more than 10 million, accounting for 20.72%. Generally speaking, the scale of enterprises in the education informatization industry is generally not large, with nearly 20,000 within 1 million, 37,000 within 5 million, and more than 8,000 between 500 and 10 million.

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