
Meow! Don't touch my tail again, young master!

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

In Yunlan City, the weather in July is cloudless, and people in the sun can almost carry it.

There are no customers in the pet store at noon, the house is very air-conditioned, the kittens are sleepy, and sometimes a few naughty barks.

Xue Yao is no exception, lying in the luxurious big cat cage with her belly and thinking about cat life, and it has been a month since she unknowingly became a little milk cat.

She never thought that she would become a kitten, or a kind of kitten with a very powerful breed, what purple gold gradient or blue gold gradient? She doesn't know much either, she hasn't had a cat in her previous life, anyway, the clerk is careful every time, and the food she eats is the best in the store, obviously she is one of the top brands here, and she will definitely be able to sell it at a good price in the future.

So Xue Yao's small life after rebirth is not to mention how comfortable she is.

A few days later, in her anticipation, finally ushered in her owner, but not the owner came to the door and pointed his finger and said, "That's it" and then took her away, but the clerk dressed her carefully, ate and fed her, and urged to pull the stinky smell, and gave it a full face with a clean face towel, no, wiped it from head to tail, wiped its paws clean, and tied a pale pink silver-edged bow around her neck, which looked really exquisite, full of cuteness, and innocent appearance, this operation is over, She could even smell the faint scent of her body.

After cleaning up, the clerk put her in a cage and lifted her into the car, dressed up so exquisitely, it seems that the other party is a big customer, she thought to herself.

The boss drove the car himself, and the clerk held her and sat in the co-pilot.

"This is a big customer, living in the villa group over there in Lingyun Mountain, don't look east and west for a while, a little eye-catching, you know?"

"Well, I haven't been to Lingyun Mountain yet, I heard that every inch of land over there is expensive, either a big star or a rich man, or the top level of the Internet celebrity circle, anyway, one is richer than the other."

"Indeed, although I have been there once or twice, but the butt has not yet sat hot, the bosses are satisfied with the cats, I retreated, I didn't have a chance to appreciate it, but I drank the tea inside, it was delicious, I also checked it when I came out, and it was so expensive that I felt pain for them." He was able to go twice, and both of them were recommended by customers, and now this customer is also recommended by old customers before.

"How expensive?"

"Tea is more expensive than a month's salary."

The clerk gasped, "A cup of tea, more expensive than my monthly salary?" He couldn't imagine it.

Xue Yao listened with relish in the cat cage.

Not bad, yes, this life can be comfortable and lie flat, God treats me not thin, see that I was righteous and brave in my last life, let me cast into a precious kitten in this life, and was bought by such a rich person, this will not be allowed to eat and drink spicy in the future, sleep until you wake up naturally?

The more Xue Yao thought about it, the happier she became, thinking about her previous life...... She is an abandoned girl, grew up in an orphanage, took the school grant to finish college, has not worked for a few years, died in the best years, did not enjoy any blessings, always feel very regretful, but she does not regret saving the child, I just hope that the child is okay, so she is not in vain.

It's good, it's good, it's good to lie flat in this life, and enjoy the cat life.

Inside the villa there is a large garden with lush greenery and a variety of flowers.

The pet shop owner's car slowly pulled into the parking space, and then the two entered through the small door next to the gate, and someone led them in front.

After entering, he took the kind of pick-up cart that often appears when playing golf, drove from the gate for a while, and came to the door of the tall villa, there was a big pillar on both sides of the door, Xue Yao couldn't see what the material was, anyway, he felt very precious when he looked at it, and the patterns on the door were super beautiful, and there was an indescribable taste.

Although she doesn't understand, she also knows what looks so powerful, not ordinary, cows coaxing, this family gives her this feeling of being tall.

Although it looks like a cow, it doesn't give you the resplendent of a nouveau riche, she tilted her head against the cage and looked east and west.

It's really big, the garden is so beautiful, the weather in July, the flowers in the garden are still very branched, other plants are also green, there are automatic sprinklers in the garden, and small water splashes appear in the sunlight to create a small rainbow.

There is also a large fountain in the middle, and the sun shines on the water, sparkling.

It's so good-looking, like that kind of wealthy scene that only appears in idol dramas.

"Please come in—" The gentle-looking middle-aged housekeeper smiled and opened the door and welcomed the two in, and the house's own maid took them to the living room to sit down.

Xue Yao pulled the cage to look at the internal design, and looked at it, one word - absolutely!

The ceiling is very high, each piece of the huge crystal chandelier seems to be priceless, the leather sofa is soft and makes you feel like lying on the clouds, the clerk smacks his tongue in his heart, but still remembers what the boss said when he came, looking at the nose and nose, holding the cage next to him, and not even daring to move his feet.

After a while, a pleasant sound sounded in the indoor elevator on the first floor, and a girl in her early twenties walked out of it with a smile on her face in her home clothes.

"Open the cage and show me if it's better looking than the one in the video."

When the boss heard this, he immediately stood up, walked to the clerk, bent down to open the cat cage, gently took Xue Yao out of it, and handed it to the girl.

"This is the best breed in that litter, and it was picked by you as soon as it was sun-dried, which is also its blessing."

Xue Yao looked at this girl with bright eyes and bright teeth, and felt a little excited in her heart, this girl's eyes are so beautiful, and there is a pear vortex on her right cheek, she has a super good temper at first glance, this is her master, right?

It's great, she likes to stick to beautiful women.

The girl's name is Lu Yiyi, and when she took Xue Yao from the boss's hand, she couldn't help but exclaim, "This color is too beautiful, the eyes are also good-looking, I feel so docile and cute, and my nose is still pink." "Just one look at it makes me fall in love with this little thing.

Lu Yiyi followed the kitten's back hair, smiled and said to the assistant next to her: "Pay the balance to the boss" and then asked the boss, "Has the kitten been vaccinated?" ”

The boss replied: "There is another injection, I originally wanted to send it to you after the last injection, but you were in a hurry, so I brought it here." ”

Lu Yiyi said with a smile: "It's because I'm anxious, it's so cute, I'm afraid that it will be bought by someone else for a second late, it's okay, when it's about to be vaccinated, you say it on WeChat, and I'll ask the assistant to bring it over to play." ”

"Okay, okay." The boss's final payment arrived in seconds.

In addition to carrying the cage, the clerk also packed a pet toy gift bag, did not bring cat food and kitten food is the boss said that it is not needed, everyone has prepared it, all are imported cat food, kitten food, people in the store are not rare, see the boss and Lu Yiyi chatted very well, and handed the toy gift bag to the assistant next to him in a timely manner.

The boss handed over the cat's pedigree certificate, the family map of what breed the family is, and all kinds of cat certificates, vaccines, and everything.

The assistants next to Lu Yiyi took them all.

The two of them got up and took their leave after everything was done.

"If there's nothing to do, we won't bother Miss Lu." The boss spoke in a respectful tone.

Lu Yiyi was in a happy mood with the obedient cat, and said to them: "I asked the housekeeper to prepare a small gift for you, take it back together, thank you for sending me such a baby today, it is so cute, I like it very much." "There was a lot of satisfaction on his face.

"That's embarrassing." The boss pushes back.

"It's okay, a little gift, it's not valuable, take it back" After speaking, he couldn't wait to turn around and walk to the elevator, "I'll go upstairs first, I still have something to go out in a while." ”

"Thank you, then don't bother Miss Lu." After speaking, the boss took the gift and left with the clerk.

In the elevator, Lu Yiyi held Xue Yao, and one person and one cat looked at each other for a moment.

Lu Yiyi shook her little body, looking at such a small thing, her voice unconsciously lowered and softened, "Little cutie, little baby, why are you so beautiful, huh?" Rubbing Xue Yao's head with his head, his movements were gentle, as if Xue Yao was a fragile product, and he had to handle it gently, he just loved her.

"Meow woo......" Xue Yao narrowed her eyes and smiled, selling cuteness fiercely.

"Oops, you're so cute, you're so cute, I don't even want to send you away."


Xue Yao was originally beautiful, but when she heard this, her squinted eyes suddenly glared at the boss, and she looked surprised.

Forwarding ...... Sending ?!

Don't, little beauty, I like you so much, you like me so much, we are a natural pair, why do you want to send me away.

"Meow~" screamed pitifully, trying to soften the girl's heart.

Don't send me away, meow meow.

The girl walked out of the elevator, stepped on the soft carpet through the corridor, came to the bedroom on the side, opened the door, and put the little milk cat on the big bed, and then I didn't know what to press, a whole wall began to move from the middle, it turned out that there was a hole inside, Xue Yao was dumbfounded.

What caught her eye was a large cloakroom, and then she saw Lu Yiyi walking over and manually pulling down the white floor veil, a dazzling array of clothes and jewelry, bags and shoes came into view, like a shopping mall, no, it is more upscale than a shopping mall, because there are all kinds of luxury goods inside, and the texture is excellent to the naked eye......

Before Xue Yao's death, her life was not poor, at least it was much better than two meals of steamed buns and pickles a day when she was in college, but even if she earned more wages, she saved it, and her heart and mind were to buy her own small house, so she didn't like to spend money, she ate and drank to maintain basic living needs, she didn't dare to look at beautiful clothes and shoes, she wore work clothes on weekdays, and on her days off, she would fight for her father's T-shirt for a few yuan, and canvas shoes for more than ten yuan.


Little beauty, your family is too rich.

The thought of such a rich girl was about to send her away, Xue Yao's heart ached, and it felt more painful than human beings experiencing a broken love.

You could have hugged the rich woman's leg right away, but the rich woman said that she was going to send you away, don't you feel heartache? Isn't it uncomfortable?

A bitterness with an unknown future hit her heart, but she thought about it, the little beauty is so rich, and her friends shouldn't be bad, as long as she can eat and sleep well, there is actually nothing to be afraid of, but I don't know what kind of character the other party is, will it abuse small animals?

If you encounter a human-faced beast heart sadist, it will be miserable......

The cranky Xue Yao was just in a trance, and when she came back to her senses, Lu Yiyi had already dressed, she didn't wear a lot of jewelry or take a limited-edition bag, she just changed her home clothes into knee-length dresses, and then her hair turned into two braids under the nanny's skillful hands, and the ends of her hair were tied with ribbons of the same color as the dress.

Lu Yiyi turned her head and rushed to Xue Yao on the bed after cleaning up, and the room was full of light in an instant.

She's so beautiful, like a real princess.

This was the first thought of Xue Yao, who had never seen the world, and then she saw the princess walking towards her and turning in a circle in front of her.

"How's it going, am I good-looking?" As she spoke, the nanny stood aside with her hands down, smiling at her aunt.

Lu Yiyi finished asking the cat, and then asked the nanny.

"Aunt Wu, is it okay for me to be here?"

"Of course you can, Miss looks good no matter how she dresses."

"Alright, that's it." As he spoke, he walked to the side of the bed and bent down to pick up Xue Yao.

Lu Yiyi walked out of the room with the little milk cat in her arms, and Aunt Wu stayed in the room to tidy up, in fact, Xue Yao felt that the room was super clean, and there was nothing to clean up at all, probably the cloakroom should be placed again?

Thinking like this, Xue Yao retracted her gaze, Lu Yiyi had already taken her into the elevator, and then pressed the first floor.

On the first floor is the garage, where the assistant has been waiting for a long time, holding a plate with the keys to the various sports cars.

Lu Yiyi chose a Porsche at random, which is also the only luxury car Xue Yao knows, because the boss of her company has a Porsche, I heard that it was bought second-hand, more than one million yuan, which is also from the gossip of colleagues in the company.

But she thought that Lu Yiyi's Porsche should not be second-hand, and it looked like it was more magnificent than the boss's.

Lu Yiyi chose the car key, the assistant pressed it, the car light flashed, and handed it to the driver.

Lu Yiyi sat in the back seat with the cat in her arms, the red interior, the starry roof, the driver didn't seem to have inserted the car key, the car started the accelerator, and the sound was rumbling, but after the door was closed, the rumbling sound could not be heard.

The assistant took the cat toy and sat in the passenger seat.

They left the Lingyun Mountain villa area by car, drove for about half an hour, and drove into the familiar city center, rows of high-rise buildings, and office buildings made of steel and iron on both sides of the road, which was also where Xue Yao used to work, of course, the place where she worked was the most inconspicuous office building.

Then the car turned to the right and came to a top luxury residential area in the city center, which is higher than the house price of Lingyun Mountain Villa District, but it is not as big as Lingyun Mountain Villa District, and the garden is only one-third of the garden of Lingyun Mountain Villa District, but this can not reduce its house price, not to mention the house price, the rent alone is hundreds of thousands a month, and some are even close to one million.

Some people have a headache for a down payment of hundreds of thousands of dollars in a small city, while some people rent a mansion of more than 100,000 yuan without blinking, and everyone has their own lives.

Why is she so clear as a small office worker, probably because she works around here, and when she swipes her mobile phone, she can always see the local push, as if she can afford to live, and she has pushed more times, and she also remembers the exaggerated tone of the promoter in the video, what can you take out a loan to pay rent...... Crazy?

Lu Yiyi followed the kitten's fur in the back seat of the car and couldn't help but sigh to the assistant.

"It's so well-behaved, its little body doesn't move, so it looks left and right, and it seems to be curious."

The assistant looked back and smiled and said, "Miss seems to be getting more and more reluctant." ”

"It's okay, anyway, it's sent to my brother to raise him, and it's not that I can't see him, besides, when my brother is going on a business trip, I can also take the little guy over."

When Xue Yao heard that it was the eldest lady's brother, she instantly breathed a sigh of relief, it was her own family that there shouldn't be any abuse, the eldest lady was so good, and the eldest son of the Lu family shouldn't be bad.

The brother and sister don't know if they look alike?

Is it the temperament of a gentle son, or is it an elite handsome style?

Thinking about it, the car stopped in the parking space in the courtyard of a mansion, the assistant got out of the car and opened the door, Lu Yiyi got out of the car with Xue Yao in her arms, and strode to the stairs in front of the door.

This is a three-storey duplex house, a bit of a small western-style house, and there is a very large camphor tree in the garden, which shades the sky and the sun, and sends a coolness to this duplex building.

As soon as she left the air-conditioned car, the heat wave was still coming, but soon Lu Yiyi took her into an air-conditioned place, and the cool feeling alleviated the discomfort caused by the heat wave.

Under Xue Yao's curious and expectant gaze, they came to the living room on the first floor.

"Uncle Chen, where is my brother?"

"In the study on the second floor, do you need me to call Mr. down?"

"Oh, no, I'll go up and find him."


When Lu Yi came to the second floor, the housekeeper used the indoor phone to inform Lu Linyuan in the room.

"Miss is here, and she has already gone up."

Over there, Lu Yiyi had just arrived on the second floor, and Lu Linyuan opened the door of the study and walked out.

Lu Yiyi saw her brother and said in surprise: "Brother-" and then showed him the little milk cat like a treasure.


Xue Yao was a little surprised, because this tall and cold man was very handsome, with sharp and angular facial features, and a knife-like jawline that reminded her of the kind of handsome guy that only existed in comics, and at the same time, she was frightened by his expressionless cold expression, and subconsciously shrunk her neck.

Lu Yiyi's brother is very handsome, not to mention anything else in terms of appearance, it can be said that he is so handsome that he is on par with the male stars she has seen in TV series, but this temperament is ...... It's too scary for cats.

My sister is so gentle and sweet, why does my brother look so ...... So...... Not to mess with!

Like a big iceberg, it seems to be bubbling with cold air.

Lu Linyuan's narrow phoenix eyes swept over, and the little kitten visible to the naked eye shrank into a ball, holding his head with two small paws, and the hair on his back exploded unconsciously.


Lu Yiyi felt that the little milk cat was trembling, and immediately said angrily: "Oh, brother, why are you looking at it like that, it scares it!" Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's my brother, don't be afraid, kittens. ”

Lu Linyuan's voice was unwavering, "It's just that it's too timid." After speaking, he reached out and rubbed his sister's head.

"Have you grown taller?"

"Look at you, the tone is so cold, you have to be gentle, soft-spoken, it's just a little milk cat for a month, just left the mother, the milk is not broken, your eyes are the same as looking at the fish on the chopping board, can it not be afraid?" Lu Yiyi was afraid that her brother would mess up her hairstyle, so she flashed to the side, and after complaining, she stuffed Xue Yao into her brother's arms, "Okay, you rub it, it's very well-behaved, this is my gift to you, you have to take good care of it, I will come over regularly for spot checks, and if it is not good, I will take it back!" ”

Xue Yao couldn't help but reply in her heart: I'm weaned.

Her stiff body was like a small piece of scale, motionless and in the hands of a man.

The man checked it with one hand and said deliberately: "Such a small lump is not enough to stuff between the teeth." The word made the kitten shudder.

“???” Xue Yao looked at the man with a shocked face, what are these words!

"What do you see me doing?" The man noticed the kitten's gaze and asked seriously, his deep voice rising slightly.

Xue Yao subconsciously lowered her eyes and didn't dare to look.

You're the boss, you're amazing, I don't look at the headline, right......

Lu Linyuan didn't expect that this little milk cat seemed to be able to understand human speech, and her every move revealed a touch of coquettishness, especially the small bow on her neck, which lined her little face with a rounder face, and her flesh whirring, with its expression, people couldn't help laughing, of course, these were just what he thought in his heart.

Lu Linyuan on his face still looked cold, like a lonely emperor sitting on his dragon chair, and with a wave of his hand, he could decide the life and death of her little kitten, but ...... It seems that the emperor who is not lonely can also decide her life and death...... Any person can kill her, and she's just her second year of secondary school.

Anyway, so much nonsense poured out of his heart, which means that he looks cold and handsome.

Woo woo, this person seems to be a very handsome pervert, and he really wants to continue to stay with the eldest lady, thinking like this, Xue Yao stretched out his claws in the direction of Lu Yiyi.

"Meow~" The voice was like a mosquito and a fly, for fear of being discovered by a man, and the mint-colored cat's eyes looked at Lu Yiyi with watery eyes.

Lu Yiyi stretched out her hand and pinched Xue Yao's little paws, comforting her, "My brother is fine, don't be afraid, he just scares you" and then complained to her brother, "Don't say that kind of thing, what if you scare it." ”

"It's a cat, and it doesn't understand people." It's not scary.

Xue Yao "hissed" in her heart, how could this be like scolding.

No, it's scolding cats.


Near noon, Lu Yiyi stayed here for lunch, while Xue Yao was taken away by the aunt at home and sent her to the cat room that had already been cleaned up......

That's right, it's not a cat cage, it's a cat room, on the second floor, it should be a guest room remodel, and there are thirty or forty square meters inside? She estimated, anyway, it's big, for the little milk cat, it's like a castle, there are huge cat climbing frames, huge litter boxes, huge cat toys, climbing, rockeries, fake trees, cat scratching boards, treadmills, water dispensers, automatic feeding machines, and sweeping robots, etc., although she can't eat too hard cat food as a small milk cat, and now she can't use this feeder, but she is still shocked.

There are so many things here, so gorgeous, what kind of fairy place is this, it is simply a paradise in the cat world.

It turns out that rich people have cats like this?

She's just a cat, and she has a big room to herself?!

After Xue Yao was put in, she seemed even smaller, those cats climbed on the frame, and the toys were as big as mountains.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the door and found that there was a cat hole at the bottom of the door, even if the door was closed, she could still get out of this cat hole, but there was a small door, which should be able to be pushed open, which was quite intimate.

The nanny put it in the soft cat litter, the air conditioner was on, and the automatic cat teasing machine was also on, the nanny thought that it would go to play with the cat litter, but she didn't expect Xue Yao to lie comfortably in the cat litter and not move.

Because she had eaten before she came, Xue Yao, who was lying in the soft cat nest, was scared a little just now, and at this time she was relaxed, yawning and falling asleep with her belly dry.

Like a dream.

Xue Yao closed her eyes in a daze and thought before she hoped it wasn't a dream.

Although the new owner looks difficult to contact, this environment is really nothing to say, rich people are very busy, and they definitely don't have time to interact with her often.

Lu Yiyi left after lunch, saying that she had made an appointment with a friend to go shopping.

After his sister left, Lu Linyuan got up from a nap and went to the study.

After about an hour of work, he pinched his eyebrows and turned on the monitoring of the cat room, wanting to see what the new small residents were doing.

As a result, no cat was found in the video.

What about cats?

Anyway, it was also a gift from his sister, and he deliberately asked the designer to design the cat room at home in advance, and he couldn't disappear on the first day of staying?

Lu Linyuan decided to go and see for himself, thinking like this, he got up and left the study and came to the cat room in the second room diagonally opposite.

Pushing open the door, he moved forward with a gentle step, looked at the cat climbing frame, it was still very small, it should not be too high, he looked at the bottom, no, and went to other corners to check, still no......

He thought about it for a moment, took out his phone again and called up the surveillance from a few hours ago, starting with the nanny sending the cat to the cat room and putting it in the cat kennel.

Seeing the end, he frowned, and he couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart.

It's still in the cat kennel, but because it turned over, it was attached to the edge of the cat kennel, and the body was too small, so the surveillance didn't photograph it.

Lu Linyuan closed his mobile phone, walked to the cat's nest, and what caught his eye was a little guy with his belly hanging and his mouth open, and his head and body sleeping sweetly next to the edge.

Can you really sleep, how many hours have it been?

Out of animal instinct, Xue Yao vaguely felt that someone was watching her, she raised her paws and stretched her waist, and slowly opened her eyes to look over.

"Meow-" Leng unexpectedly saw the owner squatting on one knee next to the cat's nest, but Xue Yao, who was caught off guard, was scared enough, and a spirit turned over and was about to escape.

She didn't know why she wanted to run away, she just subconsciously wanted to escape, but her immature body was a little clumsy, she had just run a few steps, and she hadn't even gone out of the cat nest yet, Lu Linyuan stretched out her long arm and easily held her, lifted her, and held her in front of her.

He said unhappily: "Am I so terrible, running for something." ”

Xue Yao lay on her stomach in the palm of the man's hand, and meowed timidly when she heard the words, with a little bit of the strength of the tiger falling into Pingyang.

As soon as you open your mouth, you are not enough to stuff your teeth, how can you think that I am not afraid of you?

Who knows if what you say is true or false, some people don't look at people who look like five or six people, and doing perverted things is even more terrible than ordinary people.

Xue Yao was thinking nonsense, and the man who held her lightly said to himself.

"Do you want to be hugged?" After Lu Linyuan finished speaking, he put the kitten in the crook of his arm, and slowly smoothed its fur, yes, it was quite soft, "It's so soft, let's call it soft." The casual tone of voice makes the name seem particularly casual.

Xue Yao frowned, is there a mistake, I am so cute, so furry, I sent me a random name, I have to think about a few more before deciding? Like words?

"Meow!" Protest! Strong protest!

At this moment, she didn't know where the courage came from, she looked up at the man and raised one paw to meow.

Trying to express his dissatisfaction with the name with a small milk voice.

She wanted to scream fiercely, but whose ears did this little milk sound fall on, it was also coquettish and cute.

"That's it."

"Meow-" It is not easy to raise one paw, Xue Yao raised two furry paws in protest, performing "opening teeth and dancing claws", but in fact, this posture is a little unsteady, and he almost has to lean up.

"So excited...... Looks like you like it. Lu Linyuan stretched out his hand to protect the back of her head.


This person looks very smart, his eyes are really bad, and he can't even see that my super fierce little cat is protesting, where do you like it!

Am I frowning not deep enough?!

Xue Yao tried her best to round her eyes, and performed an emoji on the spot that was not afraid of power and was super fierce for a kitten.

Then I heard the man say, "Are you selling cute to me?" ”


Yes, one sentence made Xue Yao stop cooking, and softened into a ball of mud and spread it in Lu Linyuan's arms.

Whatever, this man is her master, the master can call her whatever he wants, where does she have the right to speak, in fact, I have heard it a few times, and I feel that the name Soft is actually quite good.

Very gentle, very in line with her ladylike temperament, the miniature version of Xue Yao's mind held her chin and slowly persuaded herself.

Now my name is soft, since I started a new life, then don't be nostalgic for everything in my last life, the name will also be scattered with the wind, and the soft little chin is on his paws and thinks so.

In fact, it's really good to be a cat, and there is no need to worry about everything that humans are running for.

Lu Linyuan saw that the kitten became very quiet in his arms, and turned around with satisfaction and walked to the study with it.

The servant next to him asked, "Do you need to take the cat bed?" ”


After a while, the maid took a small half of the cat nest to the study, Lu Linyuan asked her to put it on the desk, after the maid left, Lu Linyuan put the soft cat nest on the table, and rubbed her head with his fingers, although he didn't say a word, but looking at the look on his soft head, it was obvious that the soft fur was too good.

Soft thoughts, the owner likes it, and he is a little useful, and the kitten who is not liked by the owner is super pitiful, okay?

Just thinking about the beautiful life in the future, she heard the man on the other side say ruthlessly.

"I didn't expect the cat's fur to be so comfortable to touch......" Lu Linyuan said casually, but it made the kitten start to think crankily.

I always feel that this cold-looking man can come to a sentence in the next second, and directly peel the skin and make fur.

What a horror movie plot this is!

I scared myself softly and silently moved to the other side of the cat nest, don't touch it, don't really bring it to me to make fur, what the rich man wants to do is not to hold the handle, casually.

Lu Linyuan didn't have nothing to do, and after touching it for a while, he withdrew his hand and began to work in front of the computer.

It's just that......

I had only been working for a few minutes when I heard a strange, somewhat strange sound.

The sound frightened the kitten off guard, and a carp stiffened and didn't stand up, but still rolled over.

Seeing Lu Linyuan stop his movements and look at him cautiously, he must have heard a strange voice as well.

What is the sound, is there any secret in this study?

She turned her head, her eyes wandered, and she looked around, this big study, the big bookcase, and the dark red solid wood desk, were strange everywhere.

Lu Linyuan looked at the little kitten who didn't seem to know where the sound came from, and was even startled by his own intestinal sound, and pinched his eyebrows.

The cat doesn't seem to be in a dull place.

Lu Linyuan picked up the landline and called the housekeeper Uncle Chen.

"Call someone up and go to the catroom to get some food that the kittens can eat and send to the study."


Lu Linyuan hung up the phone after explaining concisely.

Hearing this, the softness didn't react at once, what are you doing with things?

Then the sound of bowel sounds returned, accompanied by a slight vibration, and her cat's paw rested on her belly, and she instantly understood.

Soft was quite embarrassed, it turned out that her stomach was screaming, and she didn't notice it at all......

yes, it seems that I have slept for a long time, and I haven't eaten since I got up, so it's no wonder that my stomach growls......

Usually the pet store is regularly fed to the little milk cats, and the stomach is full without barking, not to blame for not hearing it, because she has not heard her own bowel sound...... It was so loud that she subconsciously didn't think it was her stomach screaming.

Embarrassed, embarrassed, embarrassed, softly buried her little round face in her paws, pretending that nothing happened.

Lu Linyuan never thought that one day he would see "embarrassment" on a cat's face, it seems that this little milk cat has a lot of small expressions in addition to staying a little.

"You still know the embarrassment?" But then again, it's fun to see kittens scared by their own belly meows.

After a while, the maid used a tray to prepare the kitten food, and when the maid was about to put the kitten on the ground to feed something, Lu Linyuan glanced at it and said, "You don't need to put it on the ground, just put it on the table." ”

This solid wood desk is large enough, not to mention accommodating a little milk cat to eat, that is, five or six, seven or eight are very spacious.

"Okay." The maid placed the small shallow saucer from the tray on the table.

"It's okay, I'll come." Let the maid leave.

Dairy products are added to the kitten's food, so there is no need to add additional water, Lu Linyuan reached out and took out the softness of the cat's nest staring at the small plate, she was really hungry, she smelled the fragrance from a distance, her body was quite calm, and she was not in a hurry to rush over to eat, but the tail that flicked around had already revealed her eagerness for food.

"Meow—"Hurry up!"

Lu Linyuan put the soft in front of the small plate, but found that the kitten did not immediately bow his head and eat wildly, but looked at him with big eyes, as if waiting for his permission.

"Okay, don't look at me like that, eat."

"Meow-" two meows, you can clearly distinguish the difference in intonation.

The first meow is anxious, as if urging, and the second meow is obviously cheerful and happy.

This little guy has a lot of plays.

Thinking like this, Lu Linyuan suddenly saw the fluffy cat's tail that was flicking around leisurely, and this tail was flicking...... It's itchy to watch.

When I was eating food with my tongue, my tail was suddenly clenched.

“!” How can you hold someone's tail!

She sensitively wanted to pull her tail out, and turned her head to look at Lu Linyuan.

There were a few drops of milk on his mouth, he licked it twice with his little tongue, and looked at Lu Linyuan with big eyes flickering, as if to say: You are engaged in wool, didn't you see Lao Tzu eating?

Lu Linyuan held his tail again and again, and when he saw the kitten looking over, his eyes swept lightly.

Obviously, he didn't say a word, but his soft little heart trembled, and he retracted his gaze cowardly, pretending that nothing had happened, and continued to bow his head and inhale frantically.

Okay, okay, the owner wants to play with her tail, what's not to do?

When people should bow their heads under the eaves, they should bow their heads, and they want to eat, and they don't shudder.

How big is the belly of the little milk cat, and she stopped talking when she ate her belly softly, and after a closer look, a small plate of food was licked clean by her, and a drop of milk and a drop of wet cat food were not left.

Soft thought to herself, I eat so cleanly, the owner should praise me when he sees it, right? Hee-hee.

Soft felt that it was weird to call the master, and after thinking about it, the master was also his own top boss, and it seemed more comfortable to call him the boss instead, and he would still call him the boss in the future, be down-to-earth, thinking like this, soft squatting up, looking up at his little face, and waiting for praise.

Lu Linyuan continued to busy himself while she was eating, and when he came back to his senses, he only saw a small dish like a wash.

"It's really good to eat...... You're not a kitten, you're a pig, right? Lu Linyuan sighed lightly in his tone.

The softness who was squatting on the side with his stomach up was waiting for praise, but he didn't expect to get such a sentence, and he stumbled and made a funny fake fall to express his stunnedness.

Lying on the table softly, in a five-body posture to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lu Linyuan didn't know that Soft was speechless, and said: "You can fall on flat ground, it is worthy of you." Looking at his deep eyes, the bridge of his nose, and the tails of his eyes, I didn't know what I thought he was saying affectionate words to you, but the cold words without ups and downs quickly woke you up.


Hearing the softness here, I just wanted to jump up and scratch the face of this man, why is his mouth so poisonous!

How can you bear to be so harsh on a little milk cat.

If you can't speak, you can't speak.

Soft and soft complained frantically in her heart, the hateful young master, hidden pervert, mean boss, woo woo woo or my little beauty Lu Yiyi is the best, I really want the little beauty woo woo.

Lu Linyuan saw that the little milk cat was lying on the table and couldn't get up, so he picked up a tissue and gave her moist milk-stained mouth, wiped her chin clean, and then picked it up and put it in the cat bed.

That's not all, the soft saw the boss so meticulous, and knew to wipe her mouth, just about to say, in fact, the boss is not bad, but he is not good at words, crossed out, and can't speak a little, when he heard a familiar indifferent tone from his head.

"Tiny lump, clumsy, dumbfounded."

"......" came again, gritted his teeth softly, and endured it.

It's okay, she'll get used to it. Softly turned around, turned his back to Lu Linyuan, and only gave him a butt, and he didn't even want to give him a look.

It's really going to make Ben Meow angry, and his belly is bulging with anger.

used to laugh at himself as a social animal when he was a human being, but now he has really become a social animal, and it seems that no matter where he goes, he will be angry with the boss.

Lu Linyuan wanted to concentrate on work several times, but the round and fluffy ass kept facing him, as if to say: Come and rub me, come and rub me, how does this work?

In order to be able to knead while working, Lu Linyuan opened the files one by one, then operated the mouse with one hand to browse slowly, and stretched out the other hand to bring the cat nest closer, and began to play with the kitten with his back to him.

"Although it's stupid and stupid, it feels really good, and you want me to touch it with your back to me, huh?" He deliberately teased her to say this, and continued to rub her head and smooth her hair after speaking, and even grabbed her soft little paws and pinched her flesh pad. Obviously, he can't put it down, obviously he wants to touch it, but he also relies on others to let him touch it.

Soft and soft did not cooperate, he complained in his heart that he was talking nonsense, talking nonsense, and lying in the cat nest directly into a puddle of mud, no matter how Lu Linyuan tossed her, she didn't serve you anymore, who did she love, and even closed her eyes.

But if she does this, it will only make her feel better, after all, there is no soft bones or anything, who pinchs who knows.

Lu Linyuan raised a cat for the first time, and it was also the first time that he felt that the little milk cat was so soft and delicate, smooth and reluctant to let go, and played with it until Lu Yiyi called home at night.

"Hello?" Lu Linyuan picked up the phone.

Lu Yiyi said with a smile: "How is it, how do you get along with the little guy, you won't scare the kitten so much that you don't dare to come out of the cat room, right?" ”

Lu Linyuan lowered his eyes and glanced at the sleeping in his arms, still as soft as a puddle of mud, frightened?

"Eat well and sleep well, just finished eating, and fell asleep again at this point."

"It's good to be able to eat and sleep, have you named her?"

"It's soft to the touch, call her soft."

Lu Yiyi snorted when she heard this. "Brother, you work so rigorously, it's too casual to name her, soft, haha, can't you change it?"

Lu Linyuan said again and again along the fur on his soft back: "I think this name is quite suitable for her, so I called it so." ”

"Okay, okay, just take care of it with you, if you don't like it, if you don't raise it well, I'll take it back and won't raise it for you at that time."

Lu Linyuan didn't reply to her, but asked, "How long are you going to play, didn't my mother let you go to the branch to experience the experience?" When to go over to get onboarded. ”

Lu Yiyi replied sadly: "Oh, you just came back from a business trip and you were worried about me again, I didn't graduate from college, why rush me to go to the company to experience, I don't want to, I just want to have fun during the holidays, and I'm going to go to Iceland next month." ”

Without waiting for Lu Linyuan to say a few more words, Lu Yiyi quickly said goodbye and hung up the phone, for fear that if she said a few more words, she would be pressured to go to the company for an internship.

The kitten may be growing and sleepy when it is full, and it takes another hour of soft sleep to wake up, but she does not wake up naturally, but is awakened by urine.

"Meow meow meow-" Although I was very sleepy and didn't want to wake up, I was so soft that I couldn't hold back my urine, and I screamed again and again before I opened my eyes.

Lu Linyuan had just finished being busy at this time and was about to get up, when he heard the voice and thought that the kitten would also have nightmares, he hugged her a little tighter and comforted her.

However, this action was really worse for the soft, and he was so anxious that he opened his eyes and shouted at Lu Linyuan on his head.

"Meow meow meow - "Pee, I want to pee, send me to the toilet, toilet, I want to pee!"

Soft glared at him with eyes, obviously in a hurry, the claws pulled the crook of his arm, and the hind legs kept kicking, but the strength was limited and could not play a role.

Lu Linyuan didn't understand meow, and he didn't know why Softsoft was so anxious and irritable all of a sudden, and his body was still struggling, so he let go of it a little and held Softsoft in front of his face.

"What's the matter, did you react at this time and start recognizing life?" As soon as his slightly wondering voice fell, there was a burst of heat in his palm.

Lu Linyuan froze directly, and the heat dripped down his palms and wrists, one drop, two drops, three drops, and the heat smashed on his legs, and his suit pants were soon wet.

Lu Linyuan looked at each other silently with the soft and silent man who couldn't hold back the urine in his palm, and neither one nor one cat moved.

The atmosphere was deadlocked.

Lu Linyuan had never encountered this situation, she couldn't hold her urine in front of people, but she was about to die of shame, but she was wet under her buttocks, she didn't dare to hold her head and shrink into a ball and pretend that nothing happened, slowly lowered her eyes, and moved her butt to a dry place.

Lu Linyuan almost laughed angrily when he saw the soft reaction, he closed his eyes, as if he was enduring something.

When this happened, he finally understood why Squishy was so restless just now, and it turned out that he wanted to go to the toilet.

The cat can't be blamed for this, it's because he didn't expect that.

Lu Linyuan exhaled slowly, lifted the softness farther away, distanced himself from him, his hands were wet and he couldn't call someone over immediately, he got up and went to the bathroom that came with the study, put the softness on the washstand after entering, and began to wash his hands and arms over and over again, and then picked up the clean towel and looked at the urine stains on his pants, and couldn't help but look at him again but didn't dare to look at his softness.

"I didn't expect a cat to do it that I will never forget."

Hearing this tone of unknown meaning, he couldn't guess what he was thinking in his heart, and he was instantly frightened, for fear of being disgusted by the boss from now on.

I really didn't hold back, woo woo.

It's so embarrassing, I really want to jump from the palm of my boss at that moment and not live.

Although she can jump from the washstand at this time, her courage is gone, and it is better to die than to live, and I just hope that the boss will not worry about her little milk cat.

Meow –

Just washing is definitely not enough, Lu Linyuan casually wiped it twice and threw away the towel, notified the maid to come up and clean up the study, and by the way, he took the soft out and cleaned it up and sent it to the cat room.

"After sending it to the cat room, put it in the cat toilet for a while, maybe it will be pulled later...... ......" He paused before saying the last word, and after speaking, he deliberately looked at the softness who was standing on the washstand with his head hanging down, and his noble phoenix eyes carried a hint of scrutiny.

Is she embarrassed?

I saw the embarrassment on the face of a cat, which doesn't seem right, it should be seen from the cat's body.

Hearing this softly, the awkward feeling of grasping the ground with her toes hit again, and she didn't dare to meow anymore, shrinking her claws to shrink her sense of existence.

Lose the cat, it's too embarrassing, it's faceless, it's faceless!

Crying to death.

Although as a cat, it's okay if you can't help but pull it, but after all, Squishy has a human soul, and that sense of shame can't be dissipated for a while.

How can this be, on the first day, he pulled the boss's hand and arm, and wet his pants, what kind of human tragedy is this.

It didn't take long for two servants to come in one by one, one to clean up the study, and the other to pick up the soft and return to the cat room, with quick movements.

The soft quilt was wiped from head to toe, and then the maid gently put her into the cat litter box that seemed to exude a faint fresh smell, she was really too small, and it was a little bigger than her palm, and it looked especially small in the big cat litter box.

The servant reassured her and saw that she had squatted for a while and began to tidy up the house.

As soon as the servant shifted her attention to work on something else, she didn't dare to delay, and began to brew her intentions, she didn't want to pull the eldest young master for a while, because she didn't hold back, and she couldn't dislike her to death when the time came, and from then on, her soft lady would be beaten into the cold palace!

made up a palace clearing scene, and even imagined that he was pushed into the cold palace with a pile of dry grass in plain clothes, and instantly shuddered.

Mom, how can there be a luxurious cat room fragrance in the cold palace, hurry up, pull it quickly!

In order to, I used the strength to eat milk softly, no, it was more than the strength to eat, and my whole body shook slightly because of the force, and my tail was straight.

Lu Linyuan changed his clothes and sat on the chair in the study again, and when he turned on the surveillance, he saw this picture, a small half-cat squatting in the litter box, although it was not as rich as a human expression, but you could still see how hard she was from her posture, even her body shook slightly, and the cat hair on her back slowly exploded.

This cat eats a lot and pulls a lot......

Softly exhaled, and finally pulled the stink, she held her breath, and quickly buried the poop with four paws, all these actions were done, she came to the edge of the litter box, and two fluffy cat's paws drooped on it.

"Meow-" called twice to the maid in the house.

When the maid heard the movement, she picked up the cleaning tool and walked over, first wiped the soft fart, then wiped her whole body with another cat-specific wet tissue, and put her on the floor after doing the cat's plot work, and began to clean up the poop in the litter box, and it was clean again after a while.

I was wiped from head to toe and felt that I was fragrant again, as if even the hair on the tip of the tail had been stretched, quite relaxed, and the mood was a lot better, maybe there was no boss next to me, so relaxed, because of the complete release, now the little guy is lazy, shaking his tail and shaking his head towards his big cat nest.

The big cat nest, my big cat nest, hummed in my heart and swayed over, climbed up with great difficulty, and then turned over and lay on my back in the soft cat nest because of the inertia caused by climbing up, squinting and stretching my waist softly and comfortably.

"You're at ease." When Lu Linyuan saw this picture, he put the tablet aside and continued to be busy with himself, taking a look at the little guy in the cat room from time to time.

I slept for a long time during the day, and I was not sleepy at this time, and I played with a small ball in the cat nest for a while, and crawled out of the cat nest with a fart, and fell to the floor because of inertia.

The soft body is too small, so it doesn't hurt at all when I fall, so I get up and rush to play the slide when I turn over.

The cat's slide is much smaller than another oversized slide, and she climbs up it twice, and the guts are very fat and slides down the slide directly, and falls onto the soft protective pad.

"Meow!" It's so fun!

I played it once but it wasn't fun, and I climbed up to play it a second time.

Wait until Lu Linyuan is busy and watch the video screen again, and the soft is competing with the automatic cat teasing machine.

Soft and soft actually has no interest in the cat teasing machine, but think about it can exercise, human beings often exercise to strengthen the body, there is no reason why animals can be strong without exercise, so I forced myself to follow the cat teasing machine left and right for a while, jumping whirring.

Finally, he lay directly on the ground, his mouth open, his tongue sticking out, and his belly heaving as he exhaled and inhaled.

Today's exercise should be up to standard, and as soon as the softness that took a break turned over and got ready, he found a ...... out of the corner of his eye Person?

She slowly raised her head to look, and found that it was the boss!

No, it's her golden and precious young master, the matter of one hand and one arm of the urine family flashed into his mind, and he quickly put his head on the floor with a shy softness, and his four claws were like little spiders, or small crabs, and his belly was also close to the floor and wanted to leave quickly.

Help, the embarrassing picture attacked me again, and I really didn't want to face the boss at this time, and I didn't even dare to look at each other.

Lu Linyuan just came in, and before he squatted down and stretched out his hand to stand up softly, the little guy quickly slid away, and I didn't know who thought that someone had pressed an accelerator button on her, and with a whoosh, she ran to the corner and hid.

Soft and soft hiding in the gap between the cat climbing frame and the large slide, the head is also buried in it, only the small tail can't hide in.

Lu Linyuan walked straight over, this gap was actually quite spacious, and he didn't bother to put his hand in it at all, and pulled her out with his soft little paws.

"Come out—" The tone was unmistakable.

The soft body was pulled by the small body, and the little round face looked at Lu Linyuan aggrievedly, with big eyes as if he wanted to speak, and he was stubborn and didn't go out.

In fact, it was easy for Lu Linyuan to take her out, he didn't pull her with much force, but his fingers gently pinched her flesh pad, trying to lure her out of her own will.

It's not embarrassing enough for Soft to come out, so she pulled the shelf next to her with her other paw, indicating that she wouldn't go out.

"You really don't want to come out?" Lu Linyuan looked at her condescendingly, and asked in a tone.

Soft meow in response: I won't go out today!

"Are you going to ask for this?" After Lu Linyuan finished speaking, he took out the crispy dried fish with bright color and golden color.

Which kitten can refuse the temptation of dried fish?

The bones were soft in an instant, and the embarrassing pictures were left behind, and my mind was full of what I wanted to do with this little fish.

"Meow!" I'm coming, I'm coming!

I want to eat, I want to eat!

A small dried fish successfully captures a stubborn kitten.

The stubborn kitten stretched his brows at the moment he saw the dried fish, and his eyes seemed to be sprinkled with broken diamonds, so bright that others couldn't ignore them.

The change in this moment is too great, Lu Linyuan only felt that the little cat was already rubbing around his feet, and the sweet little milk meow kept meowing, and even the tips of her trembling ears were expressing the message that she wanted to eat.

Without Lu Linyuan pulling her, she ran out softly, and at this moment she was like a puppy, jumping up and down happily.

"Meow meow—"

Before she was too young, in the pet store did not eat small dried fish, only saw the older cats and cats enjoyed, at that time she saw her eyes are straight, envious saliva flow, now there is a small dried fish in front of her, how can not cherish this opportunity, completely lost reason, what embarrassment is not embarrassing, soft and soft are polished.

Obviously,, pee, and fart are not as good as eating and drinking.


I'm going to eat small dried fish!

Rubbed Lu Linyuan's instep softly, it wasn't that she wanted to rub her instep, it was that her height didn't allow her to rub anywhere else, too small and too short to help, she circled around Lu Linyuan, and finally rubbed his ankle before she raised her head to look at him, her eyes were flattering and full of expectation.

What kind of little licking dog are others, and when they get to the soft here, they get rid of a little licking cat.

Lu Linyuan was too tall, and she was too close to see clearly, and her body almost leaned over.

When Lu Linyuan saw this scene, he lifted the softness that he almost fell with his feet, bent down and stretched out his hand, and easily grabbed the little guy, and a set of actions flowed smoothly.

"Want to eat so much?" The tone implied an imperceptible smile.

"Meow!" Is it super craving to eat?

The little milk cat changed its toes with four paws, and those who didn't know thought that the kitten thought the floor was too hot, so he was tap-dancing there.

Lu Linyuan didn't deliberately covet her, took her to the hall outside, sat on the sofa and put it on the table, and then slowly tore open the bag for her, without any condiments, completely baked to the best state, crispy and golden, no need to bite, you can feel how wonderful it is in your mouth just by looking at it.

The moment I opened the bag, the fragrance lingered on the tip of my nose, and this is the smell.

"Meow-" Squishy couldn't wait to eat, and both front paws were raised.

Since then, the kitten has learned to walk upright, although it only lasts for a few seconds before standing on the table again, with its tail flicking like a propeller.

Today I am not a little milk cat, but a puppy cat cat.

Lu Linyuan put the whole small dried fish in front of her and said, "Who taught you to flick your tail like this?" "It's really like a puppy wagging its tail, but you're a cat.

How can you take care of the boss when you eat the soft mouth, even if it is a social animal, you have to give people time to eat!

After chewing a piece of whole fish, she lowered her head and stretched out her little tongue to lick the debris on the table.

It was too late for Lu Linyuan to stop her, she licked it too fast.

Soft was pinched on the back of her neck, and she had to lick the last few grains of slag, Lu Linyuan didn't let her lick it, she scolded and meowed, and she was still struggling there, and her four furry claws waved, as if she was scolding, as if she was going to fight.

He propped up his forehead and said: "The family is not poor to this point, just a small dried fish, just eat meat, you don't need to lick it so clean." As he spoke, he picked up the paper towel next to him and cleaned up all the scum on the table.

"Meow meow meow-" soft and angry bared his teeth.

Do you know how to cherish food?

Small dried fish is also food, and it should also be cherished.

In order to eat, the softness has almost reached the point where the six relatives do not recognize, who called the little milk cat to open the meat for the first time, it is so delicious!

How can crispy dried fish be so delicious!


The kitten twisted happily, its eyes narrowed together, and its mouth chirped twice, as if it was still reminiscent.

This is unproductive, Lu Linyuan has no eyes to look at it.

It took a while for the soft food to return to normal, and she remembered that the eldest young master in front of her was her boss, and she was still humming and chirping just now, as if she was going to jump over and hit the boss's knee.

Those who know the times are Junjie, soft and soft are called soft, can be a hard bone, hurry up and sell cuteness, brush up on favorability.

"Meow~~Meow~~" is a sweeter and softer cry than before, if this is a girl next to her, the heart has already been melted by the cute kitten, this can't be picked up and sucked twice?

However, he is not smiling in front of him, he is very stingy with praise and loves to say that she is not good, that is not good, the cold young master, she calls so hard, so cute, she can't stand it when she listens to it, she wants to pick herself up, kiss and hug and lift it high, and even stick it to her nose and suck two sips to satisfy her hunger.

The eldest young master is hard-hearted, I'm such a cute little cat, I am coquettish and cute to him, rolling and turning over, I don't even lift my eyelids, and I don't know what I'm doing with my mobile phone there.

At this time, if someone tells the soft that the eldest young master has quit x, she will believe it, and this willpower is too good.

Softly screamed for a long time, and Lu Linyuan was replying to the message.

A friend asked him to go for a drink in the evening.

He clicked on the voice sent by his friend, and a clear voice chuckled and said, "You don't say a word when you come back, what's the matter, I'm afraid that we will ask you to come out for a drink?" Just listening to this voice, you can make up a suave boy in your brain, waving a folding fan with a handsome expression.

Soft and soft was hit by this voice all of a sudden, this is also too good, the voice that radio drama CV has only, absolutely, if she can speak, she must recommend this friend to do CV, many people must like it.

After Lu Linyuan clicked on the voice, he found that the little guy on the table stopped screaming, and squatted on it like a quiet little lady, his eyes drooped slightly, and his ears pricked up, as if he was trying to listen to something.

He directly reached out and took the kitten into his arms, and replied to the message with one hand.

Lu Linyuan: What is there to be afraid of drinking.

After a while, the man sent a voice message again, saying an address, "It's still an old place, 10 o'clock passed, it's too early to go now, it's boring to have fewer people." ”

Lu Linyuan was about to type and reply after listening to the voice, when a small paw suddenly stretched out next to him, fluffily pulled the mobile phone screen, stretched his head, and seemed to want to see what was on the screen.

He took the phone farther away, held it a little higher, and typed back: Got it.

After replying, he directly locked the screen and put it on the table on the side, and lowered his eyes to look at the curious softness.

"You are full and energetic, and you dare to pull your mobile phone." This cat sometimes looks very cowardly, and sometimes it is very timid, just looking at the appearance, I didn't expect her to have two faces.

Maybe it's just plain stupid.

Where is the soft pull of the mobile phone, her purpose is to see who is chatting with Lu Linyuan, maybe the other party's avatar is herself, she has a voice control, and she can't control this kind of sparse temperament.

In fact, as a voice control, Soft also feels that the eldest young master's low and cold voice is very magnetic, if you say something in her ear, I am afraid that the whole person will be red into cooked shrimp, but with the young master's cold expression and merciless words, you don't have a little demonic crooked thoughts, you just want to keep your distance, lest the eldest young master be unhappy, and give you a kick.

Yes, the aura of the eldest young master makes people not close, and a look can make you shake into a sieve, of course, maybe because she is now a young kitten, so she amplifies a certain breath of human beings, so she feels scared, that's not sure, anyway, she doesn't dare to pull out the tiger's beard.

But the boss's move to lock the screen without hesitation is really too stingy!

Ben Meow just wants to see which cute person has such a charming voice, what can't be seen, stingy ghost.

Lu Linyuan looked at the time, got up and went to the restaurant downstairs with Soft, it was time for dinner.

In fact, he wanted to send the soft to the cat room, and took her to the restaurant to eat, which is really a bit cruel, how can a little milk cat hold it in the face of a table full of food, a small dried fish makes her lose her mind, and she can't go crazy instantly when she sees a table of dishes.

But when you see two kittens with paws on your chest, that innocent and a little attached expression, you are a little reluctant to leave her in the cat room like this A cat faces the empty room, in addition to Lu Linyuan, he also has a little bad taste, and wants to see what cute reaction he will have in the face of a table of dishes.

Squishy didn't know that Lu Linyuan was going to dinner, and wondered where he was going.

When he took her to the spacious and bright dining room, he looked at the long white tablecloth, the table with exquisite vases, the flowers in the vases seemed to be as delicate and dazzling as the morning dewdrops, the dinner plates, knives and forks, soft and soft instantly understood.

The eldest young master is going to eat!

But kittens can't eat human food, why did the young master bring me over!


She's just a little milk cat, how can she stand such torture.

"Meow meow meow meow woo-" softly and anxiously pulled Lu Linyuan's chest, the kitten's paws only scraped his clothes, and if he didn't control it, he was afraid that he would have to pull it for a while.

Lu Linyuan looked sideways slightly, why was he in a hurry before the food was served, his nose was so sensitive? Smell first?

Could it be that this cat seems to be a cat with a puppy living inside?

Thinking like this, under Lu Linyuan's instructions, the servants successively brought up the dishes one by one, including cold and hot meals, stewed soups, and seafood, eating alone, there were six plates and two kinds of soup, fortunately, the amount of each portion was not large, and for an adult man, it was not impossible to eat them all.

The table was soft and soft, and he quickly closed his eyes after just one glance.

You can't watch it, you can't watch it, and if you watch it any longer, you're going to be completely crazy, and you're going crazy online.

Whether the eldest young master is inhuman or simply wants to take her to the meal, she doesn't know, she only knows that every minute and every second in the restaurant is torment, torture, and a test of her willpower!


Help me! Who's going to save me!

Before Lu Linyuan started eating, he saw that Soft Soft actually closed his eyes, and he didn't want to pounce on the plate to feast, which was quite impressive.

It's not crazy, and I know that I can close my eyes to prevent temptation.

Lu Linyuan no longer teased the little pitiful, and sent her to the living room.

"Get some toys and let her play in the living room for a while."

"Yes sir."

When Soft Hearing this, his heart was greatly relieved, and the person was also relaxed, a big drop of saliva involuntarily flowed down, and it happened to drop on the back of Lu Linyuan's hand, at that time, Lu Linyuan had just handed her over to the maid to withdraw his hand, and a familiar wet feeling hit the back of his hand, and he paused.

And the culprit was unconscious, and the servant was about to take her away.

Lu Linyuan picked up the hot towel on the table, wiped his hands and said, "I almost thought I was urinating again, but it's okay." "It's just saliva.

After he finished wiping, he asked someone to bring a hot towel and continued to wipe the back of his hands.

Hearing this, she didn't react at first, she found that her chest seemed to be a little wet, and when she looked down, there was a piece of hair on her stomach that had been twisted into a handful, and she touched her mouth with her own meat pad.

Good guys, it's not drooling, it's a waterfall.

Today is really a loss of face for the rest of my life.

In the afternoon, she just pulled someone else, and she drooled wildly in the evening, but, if there is a but, is her boss right?

The worst thing in the world is her boss!

I don't know if she has an urgency, so I won't mention it, but isn't there anything wrong with taking her to the restaurant to torture?

She just kept some saliva.

Well, although it's a bit too much to stream...... Looking up at the sky, I'm really glad that I'm just a kitten now, otherwise I have to jump more than once today to avoid being so embarrassed.

It's all the boss's fault, and it's not her kitten's fault anyway.

What can be wrong with a kitten, there can't be anything wrong with a kitten, right?

At 22:10 p.m., in the largest bar in the center of Yunlan City, a rapper is singing his most popular single on stage, and the people on the dance floor are swaying to the violent rhythm.

The female DJ with dreadlocks waved her flower arms and guided the guests in the audience to shake along with her.

In the innermost aisle of the booth, the atmosphere group is driving a train with the crowd, moving along the aisle, while sprinkling red paper all over the sky, sprinkled like rose petals falling into the air.

In the dimly lit hall, the colorful laser lights dyed the red paper with a special color, floating in the air, on the ground, like a rain of flowers, the atmosphere suddenly rose to the highest, whistling and whistling, dancing, drinking, screaming and screaming, and the rhythmic music made the whole environment deafening.

Leaving the hall, passing through the same dimly lit corridor, and entering the luxury box on the second floor, Lu Linyuan sat in the middle, next to his hair Xiao Su Qingzhi, who had played together since he was a child, and on the other side was Chen Xiao, who he had known since junior high school.

Su Qingzhi picked up the wine glass and wanted to clink glasses with Lu Linyuan, but Lu Linyuan didn't seem to notice that he was waiting for him to touch the wine glass.

At this time, he was holding his mobile phone to watch the monitoring, the mobile phone screen looked at the cat room at home, he left the house at half past nine, and personally sent the soft back to the cat room before leaving, to see that she was not sleepy, and the night light was turned on before leaving, so that the room would not be too dark, so as not to see the bumps and bumps around clearly, so small, I was really worried that it would be gone if I fell.

Su Qingzhi didn't pay attention, he was talking to another friend, turned his head to look, why hadn't he touched him yet, and found that Lu Linyuan had been looking at his phone.

Looking at your phone?

At this point, you can't just say that you want to drink for the sake of work, according to the style of this eldest young master, you must have finished the work before drinking, is it possible that there are signs?

Su Qingzhi stretched out his head to look at it excitedly, and when he saw that it was a little milk cat playing alone on the screen, he looked confused, frowned and looked at Lu Shao, who didn't match the little milk cat at all, and looked up and down, left and right.

He looked at it like this, how could Lu Linyuan not notice it, and glanced at him sideways.

"What for?"

Su Qingzhi sighed and said, "Are you okay, sitting in the bar watching cat movies, why are you suddenly interested in this, I will raise a wine glass for a long time and wait for you to touch it, you can't move." The tone is disgusted and speechless, and this clear tone is the person who should be the CV that I heard at home.

Hearing this, Chen Xiao also glanced at Lu Linyuan's mobile phone screen, it was indeed a bouncing ......


Chen Xiao said seriously: "This is a dog, do you see how much it jumps?" ”

"Ah, is it?" Su Qingzhi glanced at Lu Linyuan's mobile phone screen again in confusion.

Without waiting for him to take a closer look, Lu Linyuan directly locked the screen and put away his mobile phone, picked up his wine glass and said, "I haven't seen you for two months, why did you two talk so much?" After speaking, he touched the wine glass that Su Qingzhi was still holding, making a crisp sound of the glass colliding together.

Su Qingzhi tilted his head to the side and said to Chen Xiao: "That's a cat, what kind of eyes do you have, cats and dogs don't distinguish." ”

Chen Xiao touched his nose, coughed lightly and said, "I didn't see it clearly, plus it was bouncing around there, and it was so small, it's normal to be recognized as a puppy." After saying that, he raised his glass and touched it with the two of them.

The three of them drank two glasses together, in addition to the three of them in the box, Su Qingzhi also called other friends, and friends called friends, he likes to be lively, and he doesn't mind friends calling people, so there are more than a dozen people in the huge box, playing cards, singing, and even billiards, it can be seen how big this box is, from the equipment and supplies of the box, as well as the wine, fruit snacks, salmon, etc. placed on the three tables, the price of booking a room must be very beautiful.

"Who is this cat, why do you still look like a cat, you want to have a cat?"

Lu Linyuan said lightly: "It's already raised, what you just saw is my cat." ”

"Why do you suddenly want to have a pet, your character, I am really afraid that you will scare that kitten to death." Should I say it or not, he has loved to have a cold face since he was a child, and he gave people a cold and arrogant feeling when he was a teenager, but now his aura is even worse, and no one dares to approach him within three meters.

Let's just talk about the box of these dozen people, if it weren't for him and Chen Xiao sitting here, others would never dare to sit on this sofa, and they didn't see the laughter of the two sofas over there, and they sat together alone.

"Scared to death? She is not ordinary, the cat is sent by Yiyi, I was not at home for two months, she took someone to design a cat room in my house, and when I came back, the cat was sent directly to me. After saying this, Lu Linyuan's mind unconsciously appeared in the moment of the soft sand sculpture, and the corners of his mouth raised a shallow smile that he didn't even notice it.

Although this smile flashed away, it was enough to make Chen Xiao and Su Qingzhi show a shocked look, the two looked at each other, Su Qingzhi said: "Yiyi should have given you a whole one earlier, you see, the expression of raising a cat doesn't look so cold, when I was in school, I once wondered if you were a facial disorder, you usually have no expression, you can't feel any popularity at all, like a sculpture." ”

"What's not funny to laugh at?"

Chen Xiao added: "It turns out that you don't like to laugh because your laughter is too high?" After speaking, he looked at Su Qingzhi.

Su Qingzhi rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of laughter is high, he is facial paralysis!" If you say that, it makes me laugh too low. After all, he often laughed when he was in school, and when he laughed now, he has a few shallow laugh lines at the corners of his eyes, although it does not affect his handsomeness.

"Your smile is quite low." Chen Xiao replied to him unceremoniously.

Su Qingzhi got up directly and crossed over to hit Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao was not to be outdone and grabbed the fist he swung over, the two scuffled together like elementary school students, and Lu Linyuan next to him held his forehead and sighed.

He didn't expect that the two of them in junior high school would often call back and forth like this, and now they have graduated for many years, and they are also the same people in the company, but in private they are no different from elementary school students.

"Today, I'll let you take a good look at my biceps, as well as my beautiful back muscles, this line and this strength, you still want to fight me, see if I'm not easy to handle!" Chen Xiao pushed and pulled with Su Qingzhi while showing off his recent fitness results.

Su Qingzhi doesn't like fitness, although he is on par with Chen Xiao, but now he is not his opponent at all, before graduation, the two of them can score five or five points, how can they compare with Chen Shao, who loves fitness.

"Okay, if you win, you won't win, stop it, dead muscular man."

Su Qingzhi's words were tantamount to begging for mercy, Chen Xiao let go triumphantly, raised his arms and clenched his fists, and could bulge through his clothes, which showed that the fitness results were indeed good.

"Lu Shao, how is it, can you comment?"

Not to be outdone, Su Qingzhi asked Lu Linyuan to raise his arm to show it, and slapped Lu Linyuan's arm, "Lu Shao, come, give him a fierce one, let him see what is beautiful, don't compare those who have eaten protein powder with you!" "I don't know, I think Lu Linyuan's muscles are his.

"Who's drinking protein powder, I-" Seeing that they were going to quarrel again.

"Do you still drink it, if you don't drink it, I'll go back." Lu Linyuan had a dull expression of "I'm tired and don't want to chat", he really couldn't stand the two of them being so naïve, and he knew that it was better to stay at home and tease the kitten.

Su Qingzhi hurriedly smoothed out Lu Linyuan's wrinkled clothes by him, and said with a smile: "Wrong, wrong, we are wrong Lu Shao, come on, come on, continue to talk about that puppy, ah no, it's that kitten, can you show us again, it's a few months, it looks like it's just that, you can't spend more money to buy a bigger one." ”

Chen Xiao pretended that nothing had happened, took a sip of the wine glass and said, "Yes, I also want to see the cat again." ”

Talking about cats is not sleepy.

Su Qingzhi and Chen Xiao thought that Lu Linyuan was reluctant to show them, or that he was too lazy to show them, but in the next second, Lu Shao, who was expressionless, generously took out his mobile phone, clicked on the monitor, and looked at the softness that was playing at home with the two of them.

Chen Xiao and Su Qing surrounded Lu Linyuan on the left and right, and after looking at it for a while, Chen Xiao said: "This little milk cat's chassis doesn't seem to be very stable, and it always feels like it's going to fall-" As soon as the words fell, the softness in the monitoring was planted.

Seeing Su Qingzhi, he let out a "hiss", "Good guy, it hurts to look at, why don't you put a soft cushion on the floor, it's so small, don't fall stupid." ”

"It's meaty, it feels good when you look at it." Chen Xiao sighed.

The two of you say a word, and while they are talking, the Lu family maid comes in with a small bottle and beckons Softsoft to drink milk.

The soft bones crawled up, as if they were afraid that if they were slow for a second, the bottle of milk would disappear out of thin air.

When she held the bottle and drank it, Su Qingzhi couldn't help the smile on the corner of her mouth.

"You see, when it drinks milk, its ears seem to fly, and it keeps moving." Su Qingzhi didn't expect this little milk cat to become cuter the more she looked at it, and the more she looked at it, the more she wanted to pick up two rua handfuls.

Chen Xiao looked at it for a while and said coldly.

"My sack is ready."


Lu Linyuan and Su Qingzhi looked at Chen Xiao and didn't react for a while, after all, their eyes were still on the soft body just now.

Chen Xiao said seriously: "I'm going to kidnap this little milk cat with a sack, Lu Shao, anyway, you don't like these cats and dogs, so it's better to give it to me to raise." ”

When Lu Linyuan heard this, his eyebrows were detached, and he was about to withdraw his mobile phone with a press of his fingers, but Su Qingzhi blocked it and said, "Don't, I haven't seen enough, this kitten is really more and more clever the more you look at it." ”

Hearing this, Lu Linyuan suddenly didn't want to pay attention to Chen Xiao, who was about to kidnap the soft, and looked directly at Su Qingzhi, his eyebrows, which had always been indifferent, were also in disagreement at the moment, and he chuckled and said, "You say smart? This little stupid cat is greedy and naïve, and he falls on his heels at every turn, and he once doubted that the cat could grow up smoothly.

"It's not smart, this is a little milk cat, and I know how to climb on the sweeping robot to play, you see how comfortable it is to be paralyzed on it at that time, the goal is very clear, but the action is a little slower, no way, kitten, this is still drinking milk." Su Qing's face is so inclusive.

In fact, she didn't drink milk in the last few days of the pet store, but she didn't expect to come to Lu's house to get it again, and it just so happened that she was indeed a little hungry at this point. So I couldn't help but drink, I didn't expect this taste to be very different from the pet store provided, the taste is excellent, indescribable sweetness, this sweetness is not the taste created by adding anything, but the quality of the bottle of milk itself, it turns out that goat milk can be so delicious!

Meow meow, I'm going to finish this bottle-

After watching the soft eating broadcast, several people watched her being cleaned up by the maid, rolling around in the big cat bed, and finally sleeping unconscious with her limbs and belly exposed, before turning off the monitor.

Chen Xiao took out a cigarette and handed it to Lu Linyuan, he took it and sandwiched it between his fingers, but he didn't light it, he didn't have a smoking addiction, he didn't want to smoke it at the moment, so he only held it in his hand.

Su Qingzhi has an addiction to smoking, Chen Xiao just lit it, and the one in his hand is almost finished.

"Is the case in country X solved?"


"The people over there are really hard people." Su Qing looked too lazy to deal with those people anymore, and finally took a deep breath, spit out the swirling smoke, and pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray.

"It's just rigorous." Lu Linyuan didn't complain, and even praised it.

The three of them began to talk about things at work, casually talking about billions of cases, like pancakes and fruits that can be bought casually on the street.

The Su family and the Lu family themselves are a family, the Lu family has been in business for generations, and the Su family has genealogical records for three hundred years ago. A well-known private garden in China is the Lu family's industry, not to mention the Lu family's business is big, just the antiques inherited by the ancestors are enough to make people jaw-dropping, some donated to the country, part of it is displayed in the National Museum, Chen Xiao is the president of the Asia-Pacific region of a multinational company, the family is scholarly, and his parents are college professors, and the project that can be talked about by the three of them is naturally extraordinary.

The bustle in the box made Lu Linyuan's eyes look tired, and he got up and left after drinking two more drinks with the two.

When leaving, Chen Xiao was still chattering beside him.

"I'm serious, your cat is really good, if you want to keep it, I'll take the time to go over and bring it back personally." I really remembered this.

"Get out."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the bar, the driver parked the car in front of the door, the bodyguard opened the car door quickly, and Lu Linyuan sat down and left directly, too lazy to say more to the two of them.


Lu Linyuan took a shower when he got home, changed into pajamas, originally wanted to go to the study, walked out of the room, and subconsciously turned to the cat room, he stood still in the cat room, and after three seconds, he did not hesitate to push open the door that was still on the night light.

The light is not bright, but it is enough to see the softness of the belly with paws spread out in the cat's nest, the belly bulges and falls because of breathing, and the round belly looks like she is not drinking less milk, at this time she is obviously sleeping sweetly, and even her mouth is still chirping from time to time, as if she is still eating in a dream.

What a complete foodie.

Lu Linyuan came closer, squatted down in front of the cat nest, reached out and touched the round belly, but there was no movement, and then touched the little paws, as well as the pink meat pad, but there was still no movement.

I slept quite deeply.

Seeing that she slept so sweetly, Lu Linyuan's always good self-control became weak at this moment, and he wrapped the kitten's body with one hand, holding it up, and still had no intention of waking up, and even his head hung back, and his four paws were crooked, as if he had no bones, lying on his stomach softly.

Aren't you awake?

As soon as this thought arose, Lu Linyuan asked himself again, now that it is 0 o'clock, why did he let her wake up? Even expecting her to wake up, this question went through his mind, and he silently put the boneless guy back into the cat nest after sleeping that he didn't know what year it was.

After Lu Linyuan left, he turned over softly and continued to sleep, he was gnawing on chicken legs in his dream, which was called a happy one, chirp, chirp, and ate wildly, and saliva flowed out unconsciously.

Slept until the middle of the night was woken up by urine, closed his eyes and struggled to crawl down from the cat nest, on the ground like an octopus swimming in the sea, moving forward vertically and vertically, during which he opened his eyes to look at the direction of the cat's toilet, made sure that he did not deviate from the goal, continued to close his eyes and move forward, until his head hit it, he yawned and opened his eyes, raised his upper body and pushed it up with great effort, in fact, there was a small staircase next to it, specially installed for the little milk cat, she was too lazy to move, so she climbed into it along the other side.

It's said to be climbing, but it's actually a headlong dive in, and then you turn over and start to solve it.

After solving the problem, I was a little energetic, shook my hair and came out of the toilet, grinding my paws on the towel hanging next to me, rubbing my buttocks, and being a little kitten who loves to be clean and hygienic.

Soft and big eyes swept away, stepped up and walked to the cat bowl, saw a small amount of wet food inside, lowered his head with satisfaction and started eating, licked the corners of his mouth after all the wet food was dry, and Meimei returned to the cat nest to start sleeping.

The sky is just cloudy, indicating that it is still very early, and the kitten is growing its body, and it is normal to need to eat and sleep wildly.

She didn't open her eyes until the maid came in to clean up, and found that she didn't want to eat, so she continued to sleep. After the maid was busy, she prepared goat's milk for the soft, just shake it in front of her nose, and the kitten will automatically open its eyes, and the softness is even more extreme, and the eyes don't need to be opened, and the mouth will directly hold the pacifier and coo dong dong. Seeing that the maid's heart was like snow melting, it was so soft that she couldn't help but breastfeed while reaching out to smooth the cat hair that was sleeping a little messy, and put a small pillow on the back of the soft neck that was reluctant to get up, so as not to choke on milk.

"You're such a sweet little fellow." The maid sighed.

Hearing this in a daze, I subconsciously replied: No, we are so lovely, hehe.

When Lu Linyuan came in, he was still drinking milk with his eyes closed, and when the maid saw him, he was about to get up and say hello, he waved his hand and asked her not to move, and then took the maid's place and personally took the bottle to feed the soft milk lying in the cat bed.

While enjoying the pleasure of fresh milk, Soft was massaged until she heard a familiar critical voice.

"You'll enjoy it, I can't see you so comfortable." Lu Linyuan said and directly put the softness into his arms, touching her chin again and again, as if he was also comfortable in this way.

When she opened her eyes softly, she rose into the air, and subconsciously hugged it tightly, for fear of falling, and then fell into the crook of her strong arm. The man's warm and dry fingers rubbed her chin and neck, and he smelled a faint mint aroma from him, which should be the smell of facial cleanser, and the other party rubbed her neck and pinched her little paws, the expression was not visible, but from the action I already felt that I couldn't put it down, thinking of the man's bad behavior towards her yesterday, Soft and Soft directly took out his paws and didn't pinch him.

Don't disturb people's meals!

And for good reason.

Glaring at Lu Linyuan softly, anyone could see that the frowning brow was expressing dissatisfaction.

Lu Linyuan directly took the milk bottle and said solemnly: "You don't want to drink it?" "The tone is that if you really don't drink it, then I'll take it.

The soft brows wrinkled even harder, but she thought that there was still a small half bottle of milk, why didn't she drink it, so she lowered her head and pretended to be obedient, her little paws touched the bottle, hummed and meowed, and was delicate and soft: "Meow~~"

His brows are no longer wrinkled, his voice is sweeter, and his movements are softer.

Very good.

Lu Linyuan was satisfied with the pacifier again, and the soft soft did not enjoy breakfast so leisurely this time, for fear that he would be teased by the eldest young master again for a while, and the dry rice was more urgent, coo, coo, crazy inhalation, and the tips of the ears that only drank were sweating, but the child was tired.

The hateful capitalist, Zhou Peel, drinking milk, wants people to be coquettish and cute, and despise it fiercely!

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
