
Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities


In order to further publicize the pension service policy in Shinan District, so that the pension service policy can be better and more accurately delivered to the elderly, Jinhu Road Street adheres to various channels such as "online + offline" to widely publicize the pension service policy and further improve the awareness rate of residents on the pension service policy.

Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities

The Taizhou Road community has a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, through community households, targeted face-to-face publicity and explanation of new policies to the elderly, especially to the elderly groups in difficult families such as extreme poverty and subsistence allowance, so that the elderly can know and understand the policies at the first time. On the other hand, through media means such as WeChat groups, the building team leader group and resident groups are used as carriers to let everyone tell everyone and slowly spread the policy by word of mouth.

Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities
Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities

Kangjiazhuang community publicized the common pension service policies for the elderly in Shinan District by forwarding the residents, posting the "Map" of Pension Service Facilities in Shinan District, and pushing the WeChat public account, covering more than 1,000 elderly people, so that the elderly have a deeper understanding of the policies of the people in Shinan such as meal subsidies, accident insurance for the elderly, and 80-year-old subsidies.

Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities
Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities

The Xuzhou Road community adopts "online and offline" synchronous publicity. Online in the form of WeChat groups, Moments of friends and other ways to publish propaganda content, so that the masses can understand the relevant policies without leaving home, offline community staff in the form of "grid + publicity", through the way of posting posters, to promote the pension service policy to residents in the jurisdiction.

Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities

The Yanji Road community publicized the relevant policies of "providing for the elderly" and "supporting the weak" in Shinan District offline through household explanations and posting policy clarification papers; Make full use of new media platforms such as "network, terminal, micro, and screen" online, as well as mobilize building directors and volunteers to carry out publicity in the form of policy interpretation among residents, so as to enhance the effectiveness of publicity.

Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities
Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities
Pension for the people and service for the people's livelihood Jinhu Road Street carried out pension service policy publicity activities

Jinhu Road Sub-district continues to carry out the publicity work of civil affairs policies, adheres to the party building to lead the grassroots governance, comprehensively uses various publicity means, accurately publicizes the pension service policy of Shinan District to the masses in an all-round and multi-channel manner, further expands the publicity coverage, and strives to promote the pension service work in Shinan District to achieve practical results.

Source: Xinjin Lake

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