
High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

author:Möngke talks about health

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High blood pressure, which sounds like a concern for the elderly, is actually no longer their "patent". Today's young people, including those urban white-collar workers with busy work and high pressure, are also at high risk of hypertension.

Why, one might ask? Tell you, there is a lot of information about living habits. First of all, we have to understand that high blood pressure does not distinguish between ages and genders, it only depends on how you live.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

For example, eating habits, eating too much high-salt, high-fat food, plus the kind of days when you are so busy that you don't have time to cook well and can only take out to solve it, isn't this asking for high blood pressure at home? You may not believe it, but it's true, many people have frighteningly high blood pressure because of this diet.

Let's talk about exercise, or lack thereof. Nowadays, how many people work all day, and the biggest exercise is to get up from the office chair and then sit down again.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

This kind of sedentary life for a long time, coupled with irregular exercise habits, directly reduces the body's metabolic function and blood circulation. The blood vessels are weak, and the blood pressure naturally goes up.

Don't forget, stress is also a factor that should not be underestimated. The pressure of work, the pressure of life, these invisible and intangible burdens, accumulate and affect our body day by day. Have you ever felt dizzy when you are particularly tired? That could be the blood pressure at work.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

There are four common signs of high blood pressure, and if these signs appear, it is recommended to have a blood pressure test immediately to confirm whether it is high blood pressure. These four signals are not only common symptoms of high blood pressure, but also important reminders that people should pay attention to their health.

The first sign is a persistent headache. Headaches caused by high blood pressure usually occur on the back of the head, especially when you wake up in the morning. The cause of this headache is related to increased pressure in the blood vessels in the brain due to increased blood pressure.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

When blood pressure rises, the blood vessels in the brain are put under more pressure, and this increase in pressure can irritate the nerves in the head, causing pain. These headaches may not be easily relieved with regular pain medication and are often accompanied by other symptoms of high blood pressure, such as dizziness or palpitations.

The second signal is frequent dizziness. High blood pressure can affect the blood vessels in the fundus, causing retinal problems. Persistently high blood pressure can lead to hardening of retinal blood vessels and poor blood flow, which can affect vision.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

If left unchecked, this condition can progressively worsen and in severe cases may even lead to permanent vision loss. Therefore, when there is a visual abnormality such as dizziness, it is necessary to consider whether there is an abnormality in blood pressure and check it in time.

The third sign is palpitations or chest tightness. The heart of a person with high blood pressure needs more strength to fight the high pressure in the blood vessels, which can lead to an increased workload on the heart and symptoms of palpitations or chest tightness.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

This symptom is characterized by a rapid heartbeat, sometimes accompanied by chest pressure, or difficulty breathing. Palpitations and chest tightness may be a way for the heart to adjust to its internal hypertensive environment, but long-term presence can lead to more serious cardiovascular disease.

The fourth signal is puffiness of the legs or ankles. People with high blood pressure may experience edema of the lower extremities due to impaired pumping function of the heart. When the heart's pumping efficiency is reduced, the circulation of fluid in the body is affected, causing fluid to accumulate in the legs and ankles, which manifests as edema.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

Swelling of the legs or ankles is not just a local problem, it may be an outward sign that the cardiovascular system is affected by high blood pressure. The importance of identifying these signals is that they can be used as triggers for further health check-ups to help detect and manage hypertension early.

Everyone's experience may be different, and these symptoms may be associated with other health problems, but when they do occur, they should be taken seriously and seek medical attention promptly.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

In addition to paying attention to these obvious symptoms, regular blood pressure monitoring is also essential. This can not only help detect abnormal changes in blood pressure in a timely manner, but also help doctors evaluate the effectiveness of existing treatment options and adjust treatment plans to optimize the management of the condition.

Early recognition and management of hypertension is essential to prevent the development of its complications, as treatment and recovery can be more complex and difficult once more severe cardiovascular disease develops.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

Therefore, understanding these signals, and responding to them appropriately, is part of responsible health management for every adult. Prompt and effective management of hypertensive patients is key to prevent deterioration and avoid serious cardiovascular events.

Managing hypertension involves multiple aspects, including lifestyle modifications, medications, and regular medical check-ups. First, lifestyle modification is a cornerstone in the management of hypertension.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

Adjusting your diet to reduce salt intake to no more than 5 grams per day can significantly lower blood pressure. A low-salt, low-fat diet is recommended for people with high blood pressure and increases foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. These minerals help regulate blood pressure levels in the body.

In addition to diet, moderate physical activity is essential. It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

Regular physical activity strengthens heart function and improves the elasticity of blood vessels, which can help lower and control blood pressure. Secondly, drug therapy also plays an important role in the management of hypertension.

For most people with hypertension, lifestyle changes alone often struggle to achieve desired blood pressure control goals. In this case, your doctor may prescribe one or more antihypertensive medications. Commonly used hypertension medications include ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, and β-blockers.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

These drugs help lower blood pressure through different mechanisms and should be used according to your doctor's instructions and regular evaluation of their efficacy and side effects. Regular medical check-ups are another important aspect of managing high blood pressure.

People with high blood pressure should visit their doctor regularly for blood pressure measurements, blood and urine tests, etc. These tests can help monitor changes in your condition and adjust your treatment plan in a timely manner. In addition, regular cardiac check-ups such as electrocardiogram or echocardiography can assess the health of the heart and detect possible heart problems.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

In addition to the above measures, the maintenance of mental health is also a part of hypertension management that cannot be ignored. Stress is an important factor in the development of high blood pressure, so learning effective stress management techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation, can help patients better manage their blood pressure.

In conclusion, the management of hypertension requires a comprehensive strategy that includes lifestyle modifications, appropriate medications, regular medical check-ups, and maintenance of mental health.

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears

With these measures, people with high blood pressure can effectively control their blood pressure and reduce the risk of complications, thereby improving their quality of life and long-term health.


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[1] Ambron. Research progress on TCM syndrome types of essential hypertension in the elderly. National Clinical Research Center for Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024-07-02

High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears
High blood pressure is not a "geriatric disease", these 4 signals prompt you to be hit, and you should be vigilant if 1 appears