
Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

author:Möngke talks about health

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Recently, a patient was diagnosed with a severe blood sugar overshoot during a routine check-up, which is no small feat. Such conditions are becoming more and more common in our modern society, and they are enough to draw our attention to the problem of type 2 diabetes.

First of all, although diabetes is not an incurable disease, it is a chronic disease that can be controlled by scientific methods. Often, due to misconceptions about diabetes, many people panic once they are diagnosed with the disease.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

In fact, with the right lifestyle modifications, it is entirely possible to maintain a normal quality of life. When it comes to control, the key is a daily diet and a moderate amount of exercise. You might think this sounds like a cliché, but it's really the core.

For example, for people with a sweet tooth, choosing low-sugar or sugar-free foods, such as fresh fruit, is a great alternative. At the same time, adding light to moderate physical activities such as walking and jogging can effectively improve the body's sensitivity to insulin and help control blood sugar.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

People with diabetes who are able to stick to a healthy diet and exercise regularly have little to no different quality of life than those who don't. They are able to be active at work and socially and enjoy every day of their lives.

And those who do not manage their condition well tend to suffer from more health problems, such as heart disease, kidney disease and other serious complications. In addition to diet and exercise, another important aspect is to have regular check-ups and communicate with doctors. This may seem simple, but it is easy for many people to overlook.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

In our daily medical practice, the management of diabetes is a long-term and complex process that requires the active participation and persistence of the patient. Today, let's talk about the very practical "2 dos and 3 don'ts" principle, which is a good way to help many people systematically understand and implement daily diabetes control measures.

Let's talk about the two "do" things first. First, monitor your blood sugar regularly, which is the cornerstone of managing diabetes. You know, blood sugar is like a mirror, which can reflect the real picture of your physical state and lifestyle habits.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

A simple blood sugar test will let you and your doctor know if you need to adjust your diet plan or medication doses. It's like the dashboard of a car, telling you when to refuel and when to brake.

Blood sugar monitoring should be done before and after meals, especially after eating high-carbohydrate foods, so that you can better understand the pattern of blood sugar changes in your individual. The second "do" is to actively participate in sports activities.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

Don't underestimate this, proper exercise can greatly improve the body's sensitivity to insulin, help you control your weight, and then stabilize your blood sugar. We don't need to do any high-intensity training, regular low-to-medium intensity activities, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling, half an hour at a time, five times a week, such consistent exercise is enough to bring significant benefits.

Don't forget, physical activity also boosts cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of long-term complications. Let's talk about the three "don'ts".

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

First of all, don't eat foods that are high in sugar. You know, the effect of these high-sugar foods on blood sugar is like a sudden storm, which may cause blood sugar levels to spike in a short period of time, causing a lot of shock to the body.

Therefore, try to avoid desserts, sugary drinks, and those refined white flour products. Switch to whole grains and fiber-rich foods that can help balance blood sugar, provide long-lasting satiety, and avoid rapid fluctuations in blood sugar.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

Second, don't stay up late. This bad habit can seriously interfere with the normal work of the endocrine system, especially the secretion and function of insulin. Finally, don't overstress.

Prolonged exposure to psychological stress causes the body to produce more stress hormones, such as cortisol, which directly spike blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is important to learn stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation. These relaxation methods can help you stay calm in the face of stress, which can lead to better management of your blood sugar.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

By implementing this "2 dos and 3 don'ts" strategy, it can not only help diabetic patients effectively control their blood sugar, but also promote overall health and improve their quality of life. These methods sound simple, but require ongoing self-monitoring and long-term lifestyle adjustments.

These small daily changes, cumulatively, will make diabetes no longer a burden of life, but a norm that can be managed and controlled. When dealing with the thorny problem of diabetes, we need to recognize that it's not just about taking medication regularly.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

In fact, every little bit of your daily life can affect the effectiveness of blood sugar control. Therefore, we need a comprehensive and detailed management plan to ensure that diabetes is managed more permanently and steadily. Here are some practical tips to help people with diabetes not just survive, live to the fullest.

The first thing to do is to have regular medical check-ups. You need to know that self-monitoring is good, but sometimes self-monitoring data may not be comprehensive. Therefore, it is very necessary to go to the hospital regularly for some more detailed examinations.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

For example, a glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test can reflect your average blood sugar level over the past three months and help your doctor assess your disease control. Such tests can detect problems in time, such as whether your treatment plan needs to be adjusted, or if there are any complications that are quietly approaching.

Next, let's talk about diet management. The importance of this issue cannot be overstated. A reasonable diet can not only help you control blood sugar, but also improve blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

What we have to do is adjust the carbohydrate content of each meal, increase dietary fiber, and limit those unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats. For example, choosing whole grains instead of white flour and eating more legumes and vegetables are all great ways to fight diabetes.

Of course, lifestyle details are also important. In addition to regular exercise, participating in social activities, such as community support groups, can make you feel less alone on this path.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

Communicating with people who are in the same situation, not only sharing information, but also encouraging each other, is extremely beneficial for mental health. In addition, reducing sitting still for long periods of time, changing positions more, and ensuring adequate sleep are seemingly simple things that play a non-negligible role in improving quality of life and controlling blood sugar.

Last, but not least, be mindful of your mental health. Long-term diabetes management can be psychologically stressful and may even lead to anxiety or depression.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

Therefore, regular counseling and learning some stress management techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, etc., are very helpful. This will not only help you face illness better, but also make your life more sunny.

With these comprehensive and meticulous complementary management measures, people with diabetes can take control of their condition and lead a healthy and active life. Although diabetes is a stubborn opponent, it is only a part of life if you use the right strategy and are consistent.

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"

What we need to do is to use the right method and persevere in our efforts, so that our lives are not just about fighting illness, but full of fun and hope. So, let's pick up this plan and take it one step at a time to enjoy every healthy day!


What do you think about diabetes? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Zhu Jie. Analysis of physical activity during hemodialysis in patients with diabetic nephropathy and its influencing factors. Suqian Hospital of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Group, 2024-06-25

Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"
Increasing deaths from diabetes? Doctor: It is recommended that all patients adhere to the "2 dos and 3 don'ts"