
Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

author:Small lime S

The Magnolia Awards have come to an end, but the topic of Magnolia is still hot. Especially when you see everyone's favorite stars in the same frame, it can always trigger a wave of memory killing.

Liu Yifei and Hu Ge are such a couple, after so many years in "Fairy Sword", they are still the best carefree brother and Ling'er.

In the past, they were in the same frame, and the fairy sister's expression was a little cold, and she couldn't see the intimacy of seeing old friends.

This time, he changed his previous appearance and took the initiative to chat with Hu Ge, and such a picture is also particularly precious.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers
Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

The "Baozhu" CP in the same frame is even more exciting, and they are more like comrades-in-arms than friendship.

I have known each other for many years, and I have always kept in touch, pulling each other when they are at a low point, and we can be happy for each other from the bottom of our hearts when we meet each other.

This kind of friendship of mutual achievement is rare and enviable in the circle.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

The "Fairy Sword" series has achieved a lot of 85 flowers, and Liu Yifei and Tang Yan are also among them.

But in fact, the two of them have not worked together in "Fairy Sword", but surprisingly, the two have maintained a friendship for many years.

On the magnolia this time, the two goddesses in the same frame make people look eye-catching, and they also seem to understand the audience's preferences.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

The two beauties staged a daily reversal together, serious and serious before going to work, elegant posture, and maintained no slack in the tone of the goddess.

After work, I am at ease, and I have to add a scissor hand to the daily stickers, and my demeanor is much more relaxed and natural.

From Tang Yan's accompanying text, it can also be seen that the two are actually not just a relationship of taking a photo on official occasions, they will also meet in private.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

If you look at the timeline of their acquaintance, you have to pull the time back to ten years ago.

Liu Yifei and Rain's "Dew and Red Face" was released, in which Liu Yifei and Rain staged a bitter and sensational love scene, and Tang Yan was Liu Yifei's colleague and best friend.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

The film didn't make much splash, and naturally it didn't attract much attention.

But the two goddesses are dressed as flight attendants in the film, with tall figures and outstanding appearance.

From the demeanor of walking to the demeanor of dialogue, it is very natural, and she has a sassy and capable goddess style.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

In 2011, Tang Yan's popularity skyrocketed because of a "Three Thousand Golds of the Xia Family", but compared with Liu Yifei, she was still slightly inferior in popularity.

Especially in the field of film, Liu Yifei has significantly more resources, and Tang Yan at that time could only do two times to match Liu Yifei.

But both of them are indeed on the rise in their careers, and now it is difficult to see the two appear in the same movie.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

But the friendship probably began to sprout at that time, and there was no public vigor between them.

But every time they are in the same frame, they are particularly intimate, and the large-scale event waiting area is one of the best places for them to catch up.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

It is rare to see the fairy sister so low her posture and stick to people, which is rare in the circle.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers
Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

In addition to public, the two also appeared together in Zhang Liangying's bridesmaid group.

At that time, I only noticed that Zhang Liangying's bridesmaid group had a luxurious lineup, and it did not only pull out the friendship between Liu Yifei and Tang Yan, but now I have missed a lot of excitement.

Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers
Liu Yifei and Tang Yan took a group photo late at night, only to understand that they met at the peak ten years later, and they were the most harmonious 85 flowers

In recent years, 85 Flowers, as the leader of domestic entertainment resources and works, has also achieved good results in their own fields.

And peers are enemies are also staged on them, it is not uncommon for big flowers to fight openly and secretly, and the friendship is also changeable and difficult to speculate, but Liu Yifei and Tang Yan have never competed with each other, and the fans of the two are also extremely harmonious.

Now that they are as good as they are at the top again, in addition to being eye-catching, it also makes people see the truth between them and the true temperament polished by the years.

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