
As of mid-June, 182 projects had been introduced in the new area, with a total investment of 32.2 billion yuan

author:Guanlan News
As of mid-June, 182 projects had been introduced in the new area, with a total investment of 32.2 billion yuan

Statistics show that as of June 14 this year, Lanzhou New Area has introduced a total of 182 new investment promotion projects with a total investment of 32.2 billion yuan.

In recent years, the new area has continuously improved the mechanism, optimized the model, and promoted the formation of a work pattern of concerted efforts and joint management, with the million-ton "valley of new energy and new materials", the 100-billion-level green chemical park, and the 10-billion-level "western medicine valley" are accelerating the formation, and a series of policies and measures have been introduced in terms of investment promotion and land supply, and more "sleeping assets" have been revitalized, and more than 1,300 high-quality projects have been introduced with a total investment of more than 600 billion yuan since the approval of the state-level new area for 12 years. Inject strong impetus into the realization of high-quality and rapid development.

Investment promotion "a game of chess"

Everyone is a merchant

Investment promotion is the "source of living water" for high-quality development. "Since April this year, the new area has taken the opportunity of the production of Zhidou Rainbow Automobile to actively negotiate with Emma Technology Group Co., Ltd., keep abreast of the enterprise investment plan and project planning layout, and actively promote the industrial development foundation and business environment advantages of the new area. One-stop professional services and precise guidance, organized and held special class meetings for many times, studied and solved investment demands, accompanied enterprises to survey and select sites, coordinated and promoted project negotiations, and the AIMA New Area Industrial Park project only took more than 30 days from the signing of the strategic investment agreement to the signing of the formal contract. The relevant person in charge of the Economic Cooperation Bureau of the New District said that at present, the company has completed the project planning and design, feasibility study preparation, project filing, registered and established Gansu Emma Vehicle Industry Technology Co., Ltd., has started the land bidding and auction process, and plans to complete the land bidding and auction in mid-July, and will officially enter the construction before the end of September.

The settlement of Emma Technology in the new area is just a microcosm of the investment promotion work in the new area. The new area regards investment promotion as the "number one project", anchors the needs of the country, the ability of the new area, and the future direction, takes the real economy as the main direction of attack, focuses on "building the chain, extending the chain, supplementing the chain, and strengthening the chain", strengthens policy research, industrial chain analysis and project planning, systematically sorts out the key links of the industrial chain, upstream and downstream affiliated enterprises, domestic benchmarking enterprises, optimal industrial clusters and market distribution, plans and condenses more than 50 key investment projects every year, draws the "investment map" of the industrial chain, and continuously expands investment promotion" Circle of Friends". Compile and issue the "Lanzhou New Area Characteristic and Advantageous Industries Investment Promotion Guide", "Lanzhou New Area Investment Promotion Guidelines", as well as a list of investment plans, preferential policies, and target enterprises, to form "one industry, one map, one guideline", continue to expand the "reservoir" of investment promotion, and effectively improve the accuracy of investment promotion.

"Everybody is a merchant." The person in charge of the Economic Cooperation Bureau of the New District said that the main leaders of the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of the New District took the lead in attracting investment, so that important businessmen visited in person, key projects went to the front line to promote, and major problems were solved in person, leading and driving all departments at all levels in the New District to continuously set off an upsurge of "big investment, big business", and formed a strong atmosphere for everyone to grasp investment, promote investment, and serve investment. At the same time, the establishment of a special working mechanism for investment promotion in key industries, the establishment of chemical and pharmaceutical, new energy and new materials, advanced equipment manufacturing, data information and other six key industries investment promotion class, the implementation of a leader in charge, a key industry, a work class, a set of investment plan, an expert consultant team "five ones" mechanism, improve the level of investment specialization, specialization. In addition, we will give full play to the role of the "baton" of performance appraisal, incorporate the effectiveness indicators of investment promotion into the "big plate" of performance appraisal of all employees, strengthen the "full linkage" between the effectiveness of investment promotion and the performance of the unit, the "addition and subtraction" of special rewards and punishments, and the "matching" of cadre salaries, and supervise and guide all departments at all levels to receive indicators, shoulder tasks and assume responsibilities with the whole process and the whole chain of quantitative assessment.

Grasp together, introduce and then divide the family. The new area has improved the leadership responsibility system, enterprise liaison system and regular visit system, established a special class for the coordination and promotion of key investment projects, and implemented a "nanny" and "housekeeper" mechanism of one project, one special class, one set of plans, and integrated promotion, and the whole cycle and whole process docking communication, service reminders, and assistant agents, so as to effectively ensure that the project is signed and implemented.

Broaden the path of investment

Create a new highland for industrial agglomeration

Lanzhou New Area continues to optimize the business environment, make good use of the "source of living water" to attract investment, and cultivate a "vast fertile soil" for high-quality development.

Baohang New Materials, Hailiang Copper Foil, Hongbin Anode Materials, Dongjin Silicon Industry High-Purity Silicon Metal ...... Each project was completed and put into operation within 9 months, constantly refreshing the "new area speed" of project services and project construction.

The New Area adheres to the principle of "attracting real businessmen, supporting real businessmen, and rewarding excellent businessmen", implements the Generalized System of Preferences, sustainable and all-round preferential industrial policies, dynamically improves the "Industrial Development Support and Incentive Policies of Lanzhou New Area", and continuously improves the gold content, accuracy and investment attractiveness of the policies. Compile and print the "Compilation of Preferential Policies for Investment Promotion in Lanzhou New Area" to fully demonstrate the superimposed advantages of policies in the new area. Continuously improve the standard contract (template) for investment promotion projects, clarify and refine the performance content, increase binding terms such as the recovery of incentive funds, the time limit for starting construction, and the collection of land idle fees, and take key indicators such as the average investment intensity per mu of the project, the amount of investment in fixed assets, and the economic and social contribution as an important basis for cashing in rewards, so as to achieve a win-win situation with the "double integrity" of enterprises and the government.

Mobilize all forces, use all means, and mobilize all resources. Focusing on building a modern industrial agglomeration area in the west, the new area focuses on key areas such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing, etc., and the main leaders personally lead a team to key enterprises to carry out "knocking on the door to attract investment", and the investment promotion team of each industrial chain goes abroad to attract more than 200 batches of investment every year, and high-frequency docking of "big block" enterprises such as "Zhongzitou", "Guozihao", "Top 500", listed companies, industry leaders, etc., and invites enterprise merchants and business groups to visit more than 300 batches of enterprises and business groups in the new area every year, and makes every effort to attract strong complementarity. Strong chain solid chain with high correlation and good growth potential to supplement the chain and extend the chain project. At the same time, it has implemented the model of "introducing a chain main enterprise, building a major project, and driving an advantageous industry", and has successively introduced the world's top 500 enterprises such as Huawei, Yihai Kerry, Jingdong, Baowu, and Hailiang, as well as more than 80 top 500 enterprises, head enterprises, listed companies, and specialized and special new enterprises in industries such as Zhuhai Yinlong, Guangxi Liugong, Jiujiang Defu, Guangdong Hongyu, Oriental Hope, and Mainland Hope, and initially built an industrial ecology of large, medium and small supporting facilities and upstream and downstream coordination.

Focusing on the efficient development of characteristic industries such as new energy and new materials, green chemicals, advanced equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, data information, and modern agriculture, we will continue to carry out actions to improve the quality of the park, promote the intensification of elements to the park, the concentration of projects in the park, and the agglomeration of industries in the park, and continuously improve the scale and cluster development level of leading industries. Modern agriculture, food processing, cultural tourism, airport economy, emergency rescue and other characteristic industries have blossomed in many places and have a strong momentum.

Especially since the beginning of this year, the new area has insisted on taking investment promotion as a key measure to promote high-quality development, competitiveness improvement and modernization, focusing on promoting the action of "attracting big and strong leaders", and striving to cultivate new advantages in development with full-staff, linkage and professional investment promotion, combing the industrial chain map, and the main leaders are personally in charge.

Lanzhou Daily all-media reporter Li Xin text/photo

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