
Aoyang: Condolences spread the party's feelings, and Yin Yin cares to warm people's hearts

author:Whale snare on a lonely island
Aoyang: Condolences spread the party's feelings, and Yin Yin cares to warm people's hearts
Aoyang: Condolences spread the party's feelings, and Yin Yin cares to warm people's hearts

On July 1, the Party Committee of Aoyang Town went deep into various communities (villages) to visit and comfort party members in difficulty, carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and convey the warmth and care of the party organization.

Aoyang: Condolences spread the party's feelings, and Yin Yin cares to warm people's hearts

In the homes of party members in difficulty, the condolence group sent them condolences and holiday blessings, conveyed to them the care and concern of the party organization, and asked them about their physical health, family status and difficulties in life. At the same time, the old party members are instructed to take care of their health, maintain a good mental state, and report to the community (village) in time when they encounter problems, and the party organization will do its best to help them tide over the difficulties together.

Aoyang: Condolences spread the party's feelings, and Yin Yin cares to warm people's hearts

The condolence group said that the old party members are the precious wealth of the party and the country, and all communities (villages) should take the well-being of the old party members and party members in difficulty to heart, visit and care more about the old party members and party members in difficulty, do a good job in service guarantee with heart and affection, and continue to pay attention to the lives of the party members and the masses.

Correspondent: Gong Linying

Editor: Lin Na Zhou Yiming

Proofreader: Zheng Yonghua

Review: Li Tinghua

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