
With a monthly salary of 5000, summarize 10 hard but useless money-saving behaviors

author:Innocent wandering life


In today's environment, saving money and managing money is one of the common goals of many young people. We all want to be able to live better on a limited budget, but some of the savings may seem hard but useless.

Not only does it not help us save more money, but it may make us feel troubled and disappointed by spending too little. Summarize 10 hard but useless money-saving behaviors and see if you have fallen into a similar money-saving trap.

With a monthly salary of 5000, summarize 10 hard but useless money-saving behaviors

1. Excessive use of coupons

While coupons do help us save some money, we spend a lot of time collecting coupons, comparing prices, and planning shopping lists, but overusing coupons can lead us to buy something we don't actually need.

2. Buy the cheapest socks

Saving money makes us often confused by the price, for example, socks and other daily necessities are bought with the lowest quality type, and they start to loosen after a few washes, and we need to pay a higher price to buy good quality.

3. Buy very cheap clothes and leave them idle after not wearing them a few times

It's easy for people to buy indiscriminately at a cheap price, and ignore the authenticity of their need for the item in an irrational situation. After buying it home, I found that it was not so suitable, so I piled it up in the cabinet and left it idle.

4. Trekking long distances to reduce transportation costs

Some people are willing to travel long distances to work in order to save on gas, but in terms of time and physical costs, this is actually an act that outweighs the cost, and some people will even buy a cup of milk tea to drink when they are tired of walking, and the drink directly exceeds the original transportation cost.

5. Buy disposable items on an ad hoc basis

In some cases, we may buy disposable items such as bowls, chopsticks, and cups because we need them urgently. Consider buying reusable, eco-friendly products that can save money and reduce waste.

With a monthly salary of 5000, summarize 10 hard but useless money-saving behaviors

6. Hoarding food in large quantities

Some people think that hoarding food in large quantities can help them save money. If food is left in the house for a long time, it may spoil or expire and go to waste. Waste can be avoided by planning your food purchases wisely and buying them according to your needs.

7. Focusing too much on discounts

It's good to go for discounts, but focusing too much on discounts can lead us to buy something we don't need because it's cheap. When shopping, first ask yourself if you really need the item, not just because it's on sale.

8. Don't see a doctor for minor illnesses

Nowadays, many people don't like to go to the doctor, so they take medicine at home first, and as a result, Ao became seriously ill before going to the hospital, so it is recommended that everyone still take the initiative to register for a consultation.

9. Queue for hours for free stuff

The term free is extremely tempting, but queuing for more than 2 or 3 hours for something free only proves that your time is not worth much.

10. Think that cheap is saving money

Sometimes we are tempted by cheap prices, but that doesn't mean we're saving money. If we buy a cheap product and need to replace or repair it frequently, then we may end up spending more money.

When shopping, consider quality and durability, not just price. For example, if I buy an Apple mobile phone, although it costs seven or eight thousand yuan, it can be used for five or six years, and it is worth it.

With a monthly salary of 5000, summarize 10 hard but useless money-saving behaviors

About the Author:

I am innocent, I will retire when I save enough 150W, focus on sharing savings and financial management, professional career, life goals, and keep moving forward on the road of FIRE, and accompany you to slowly become rich!