
Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

author:A strong country is a sword

At present, it seems that the overall international situation is developing in an extremely favorable direction for China.

Biden, the old fox, originally wanted to incite villain politicians, including Lai Qingde and Xiaoma, to mess up China's surrounding environment, but the world has realized two cold realities through the fact that the Chinese coast guard can easily subdue Philippine special operators with just an axe.

First, in the whole of East Asia, whether it's the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Strait, or the South China Sea, no sphere of influence wants to go toe-to-toe with China, because no one wants to go back to the Stone Age.

Second, no matter how beautiful Lao Mei promised at the beginning, they will only run away in the end, and they will also treat their so-called allies as fools like Ozawa in Ukraine.

Under such an overall atmosphere, the settlement of the Taiwan issue is already only a matter of time and method, and this is where the underlying logic of the trend of catching turtles in the urn as previously mentioned by Defense Minister General Dong Jun at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore lies.

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Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

I believe that friends who have been following cross-strait relations for a long time will certainly have some understanding of this.

Recently, two incidents have occurred one after another, and many people on the island who have not taken such a clear-cut position have been severely attacked.

What are the two things?

One thing is the 22 detailed rules for punishing Taiwan independence diehards that were issued not long ago, and as soon as the draft opinion was issued, it aroused widespread concern on both sides of the strait and made some people with ill intentions tremble.

Another matter is the legal issue of the Taiwan region raised by Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye.

He believes that China is still in the stage of civil strife, and if Lai Qingde and his small gang do not repent from this point of view, they can only be liquidated as a rebel group, and the mainland has the right to withdraw jurisdiction over Taiwan Province at any time.

The fact that these two incidents came out one after the other has made great strides forward on the Taiwan issue, and the overall situation has completely changed from the issue of opposing independence in the past to the issue of gradually implementing Taiwan's governance, and has also greatly reduced the living space of the small clique of Tsai Lai's traitorous pursuit of glory.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

In addition to this, there is another thing that of course plays a crucial role.

What's going on?

That is the situation that is becoming more and more embarrassing in the entire international community.

The old fox Biden is worried that the United States will be dragged into the quagmire of war by other spheres of influence, which will make the United States completely lose its hegemonic status, so he is forced to always show a huge strategic strength, watching Russia and the Middle East and other spheres of influence continue to grow bigger and stronger and powerless, and even have to face the slipper army's close face.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

This has completely cooled the sphere of influence that originally wanted to rely on the United States to toss around, including of course the small clique of Cai Lai, who have relied on the connivance and shielding of the United States to do all the bad things over the years, and if it weren't for the mainland's consideration of the overall situation, they would have been hammered to shreds.

Under the effect of the three comprehensive factors mentioned above, the island was quickly torn apart.

The most stubborn group of people don't need to be asked, either for personal ambition and selfish interests, or because of the reality of being deeply bound to the United States, this is doomed to go all the way to the black, and they will inevitably be severely punished in the end.

However, what people didn't expect was that many blue-skinned and green-skinned people like Cai Zhengyuan, who usually pretend to be five or six, quickly lost control of their emotions.

The mainland has not yet taken action, but has only come up with a policy to explain the status quo, and it has completely poked their lung tubes and made them scream in pain.

Cai Zhengyuan himself completely lost control of his emotions in the show, and directly attacked Lu Shaye personally, thinking that he was a very unqualified diplomatic staff member and was not qualified to express his opinions on Taiwan affairs, but he forgot that Xiao Meiqin and others had been frequently moving in the EU to seek space, and they pretended to be confused with understanding, which was really shameless.

In addition, he made a lot of nonsense, and did his best to ridicule the mainland's policy of tolerance and tolerance, and put on a very ugly face.

The implication of his words is very clear!

If you don't accept it, you will start fighting, and if you don't dare to fight, don't say so much, as if they are very dicked, and more like the Chinese People's Liberation Army is also very afraid of them.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

In the past two days, I have read many people's interpretations of this matter, and they are generally angry, but the swordsman thinks that we should laugh it off.

The more angry they become and the more their emotions get out of control, the more it proves that the serial policy we are currently adopting is very effective, and it shows what Defense Minister Dong Jun said at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore before, that resolving the Taiwan issue is like catching a turtle in an urn.

It is precisely because the Taiwan independence elements are at the end of their rope that they jump over the wall in a hurry, and the more we reach such a time, the more we must calm down.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

However, the swordsman doesn't want to comment on the rights and wrongs of Cai Zhengyuan, he just wants to share with his friends the views of another Taiwanese celebrity Guo Zhengliang, and I personally feel that Guo Zhengliang is the person who really understands righteousness.


Because Brother Liang was originally a member of the Green Camp, but over the years, he has always used his own practical actions to promote the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, and basically can achieve the unity of words and deeds, and the unity of knowledge and deeds, and is a very rare Chinese with a conscience.

Guo Zhengliang's point of view is actually the best response to Cai Zhengyuan and others' emotional out-of-control.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

Cai Zhengyuan shouted that the mainland would come and do it if it was not satisfied, that was purely naïve and boring, like a shrew scolding the street; according to Guo Zhengliang, for the mainland and the Chinese People's Liberation Army, solving problems through war means is the simplest thing and the fastest way, which is what we call military unification.

It's not that the mainland cannot, let alone doesn't have the ability, but it's that it is unwilling to make the entire Chinese nation pay such a big price.

In other words, the method of using coercive reunification to promote peaceful reunification that we are currently implementing is much more difficult, and it also requires greater strategic patience and strategic goodwill, which will greatly test the wisdom of the decision-making level.

This is the most difficult thing in the world, not to mention that there is a tumor bully behind him, Lao Mei.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

However, it is very regrettable that the handful of diehards on the island, as well as some blue-skinned and green-skinned people, have also seen this, and they have always regarded the mainland's goodwill as weakness and our consideration of the overall situation as incompetent and fearless!

This is really blind and ignorant of conscience.

In the first year of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we dared to fight against the 17-nation coalition led by the United States and pressed them to the ground and rubbed them fiercely.

Now, we have almost forced Lao Mei, a cancer bully, and the sacred beautiful father in the eyes of Taiwan independence elements, into a desperate situation through our own vertical and horizontal tactics, and reduced them to a slave who wipes Netanyahu's ass.

When Chang'e-6 returned to the capsule, it showed the world the unique Mach 31 Nyorai Divine Palm that no opponent can crack.

Under such circumstances, will we still be afraid of Taiwan independence elements?


Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification

In the end, I will end this article with Guo Zhengliang's words, because the truth can only be explained to those who are willing to be reasonable, and for those who are hooligans and those who are unwilling to be reasonable, you can only give them tough means, and no matter how much truth they say, they will pretend not to understand.

Guo Zhengliang said in a previous program that every Taiwanese has the blood of the Chinese nation in their bones, which can never be changed, they all worship the former Han and Tang dynasties, and now China happens to have the opportunity to re-climb to the top and realize the majesty of the Han and Tang dynasties again, he can't understand why that small group of people always toss blindly? And why do you want to bring so much resistance to the builders who are committed to national rejuvenation?

Since they do not want to be Chinese, let alone Chinese, then drive them out of Taiwan Province of China, or be liquidated by history and justice.

This is the underlying logic of Lu Shaye's remarks.

Praise for Ambassador Lu and praise for Guo Zhengliang!

I also advise Cai Zhengyuan to be aware of current affairs.

Cai Zhengyuan was emotional and scolded people, and Guo Zhengliang understood the righteousness and promoted peace and reunification