
Met on a blind date and got married directly. I didn't expect the president of the Tangtang Group to play a flash marriage, it's really strange!

author:Sunshine sheets
Met on a blind date and got married directly. I didn't expect the president of the Tangtang Group to play a flash marriage, it's really strange!

The picture comes from the Internet

The person in Tiffany's design office smiled and said, "Madam, we have prepared seven sets of clothes according to your size, which one do you like?" ”

An Shu looked at them one by one, and finally chose the long black dress.

"Then I'll wear a black shirt and pants." Bo Yan, who was standing beside An Shu, said softly.

An Shu: "Okay! ”

She tilted her head slightly to look at Bo Yan, remembering the black outfit Bo Yan was wearing when they met for the first time.

She had some expectations for tonight's anniversary banquet.

After choosing the clothes, Tiffany's makeup artist put on a makeup look for Anshu that matched the clothes and her skin tone, and the hair stylist did the hairstyle for her.

After everything was in order, Bo Yan, who had already changed his clothes, took An Shu to the dinner hall of the anniversary celebration of the Bo Group.

The anniversary dinner was held at the Wyssee Hotel and began at seven o'clock.

At half past five when An Shu and Bo Yan went out, they set off from the old mansion to the West Lake Hotel, and if the road was unimpeded, they could get there in fifty minutes.

However, the traffic in Beijing must be jammed at this point, and when the two arrived at the hotel, it was already seven o'clock, and the people everywhere had basically arrived.

When the banquet host received a notice from Bo Yan that he was about to arrive, he asked the host to open the stage.

"Welcome to the Bo Group 68th Anniversary Dinner......."

The host spoke impassionedly for about ten minutes, until he saw Bo Yan's figure, and then announced loudly, "Next, we invite our President Bo to come to the stage." ”

There was thunderous applause for a while, Bo Yan glanced at An Shu with a smile, and stepped onto the stage, "Thank you for coming, I announce the official start of the 68th anniversary banquet of Bo's Group." ”

His words were as concise as ever, and everyone was used to it.

Just when everyone thought that Bo Yan would step down after saying this, he spoke again, "Today, I take advantage of the time of the 68th anniversary banquet of the Bo Group to solemnly introduce my wife to you......"

Bo Yan paused, and turned his gaze to An Shu with a smile on his face.

People who didn't know An Shu also followed his gaze, curious about what the wife of the president of the Bo Group looked like.


As soon as Bo Yan's voice fell, he walked towards An Shu, and An Shu also slowly walked onto the stage to meet Bo Yan, and then the two walked to the middle of the stage with their fingers clasped to face everyone.

When everyone saw An Shu holding hands with Bo Yan, their first feeling was: What a beauty like a flower and jade!

On the stage, An Shu smiled at Bo Yanyan, then turned his head to look at the audience, and said softly: "Hello everyone, I am An Shu, Bo Yan's wife." ”

The clear and translucent voice was transmitted through the microphone throughout the venue, making everyone's expressions slightly stunned.

Leaning slightly, I don't know who led the shouting of Mrs. Bo's hello, and the group came back to their senses and shouted loudly while clapping:

"Hello Mrs. Bo."

"Hello Mrs. President."

Those who called Mrs. Bo were all business partners invited by Bo or good business leaders. Those who shouted the president's wife were naturally Bo's high-level employees.

The applause in the venue continued for a long time, and Bo Yan felt that it was almost enough before he raised his hand to stop everyone.

He looked at the people present with a smile and said, "August 22nd is my wedding with An Shu, and I sincerely invite you to witness our happiness, and the invitations will be delivered to you one by one later." ”


There was another round of applause and congratulations.

Such a beautiful moment, but there was a voice that was not harmonious.

"Mr. Bo, can we interview your wife?"

The crowd looked at the voice, and it turned out to be a reporter.

Every year, some media are invited to the Bo Anniversary Dinner, which can be regarded as a kind of publicity.

An Shu looked at the reporter with some ill intentions, hooked his lips shallowly, and said, "What do you want to interview?" ”

The reporter smiled and asked, "Mrs. Bo, how did you and Bo always meet, how did you fall in love, and then decided to get married?" ”

An Shu chuckled lightly and said very honestly: "I met on a blind date and got married directly." ”

Bo Yan looked sideways at An Shu beside him, his expression was very gentle, he was very glad that he didn't miss the blind date that day.


Everyone present was stunned for a moment, isn't this a flash marriage?

It's really strange that the president of the dignified Bo Group actually played a flash marriage!

The reporter also paused, and then asked: "In other words, Mrs. Bo and Mr. Bo actually have no feelings?" ”

The crowd was speechless, can this be asked? Which journalist is so stupid.

"We don't want to reveal our love life to you." The corners of An Shu's lips hooked a shallow arc and said lightly.

Bo Yan stared at the reporter, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, "This is the end of the private question. ”

Bo Yan rarely gives private interviews, especially about personal feelings.

The reason why this reporter can speak today is also because An Shu is interested in listening.

Who knew that the reporter not only stopped talking, but also quickly spoke: "I heard that Mrs. Bo is poor and has nothing, does Mrs. Bo think that you are worthy of Mr. Bo like this, don't you feel ashamed?" ”

Everyone trembled when they heard this, where did this mallet come from! Didn't you see that Mr. Bo's face was as cold as ice?

The reporter who asked the question didn't care, anyway, he had already got enough money, and he would buy a ticket to go back to his hometown when he left the venue later, and Bo Yan's hand couldn't reach thousands of kilometers away.

As for the current job.......

He has enough money to lie down in the county seat of his hometown for the rest of his life, and he doesn't care about the job in Beijing.

An Shu was not angry at all, and said with a smile: "It seems that your usual performance is not very good, and the news is not very well-informed." ”

Everyone who didn't know the inside story was stunned, what do you mean?

The reporter was also confused, "Mrs. Bo, what do you mean by that?" ”

Could it be that Mrs. Bo also investigated him, a young reporter, otherwise how would she know that his performance is not good?

The reporter next to him, who knew some inside information, looked at him sympathetically.

An Shu hooked his lips lightly and explained kindly: "If you were well-informed and have a good performance, you wouldn't have asked the question just now." ”

"Of course, another possibility is not ruled out."

Bo Yan tilted his head slightly, looked at An Shu gently and dotingly, and let her play.

The reporter continued to be confused, "What is possible?" ”

An Shu pondered for a moment and said, "Another possibility is that you think that as the chairman of Canyang Technology, I am actually poor and white." ”


It must be that the venue was too noisy, so they listened to it, otherwise how could they hear that Mrs. Bo is the chairman of Canyang Technology.

People who know the inside story still think it's funny to look at everyone's stupid expressions, no wonder the public likes to eat melons.

The reporter who asked the question was stunned, as a business reporter, although his performance was not very good, the leading companies in various industries still knew it, and Canyang Technology was the leader of the technology company.

Now, Mrs. Bo says that she is the chairman of Canyang Technology, isn't that .......

The relieved reporter swallowed his saliva and stammered, "Yes.... I'm sorry, I.... I... Listen to some rumors... Misunderstand... I misunderstood Mrs. Bo, I'm sorry. ”

After saying that, he turned around and left. Unfortunately, as soon as I walked out of the door, I was stopped by the security guard who received the order to wait there.

Not many people have seen the reporter being stopped, and even if they do, they will not be nosy. It's strange to ask some inappropriate questions on such a big day and not be cleaned up.

"It turns out that Mrs. Bo is the chairman of Canyang Technology, and I am fortunate to meet her."

"In the future, Mr. Bo and An Dong will join forces, and I hope that the two of you will leave a mouthful of soup for everyone!"

"Mr. Bo is really hidden, and it took so long to bring An Dong out."


The scene of a group of people, don't rush out like money.

However, their hearts are also really sour. Bo's Group is already very good, and now it has caught up with Canyang Technology, which simply doesn't give them a way to live.

It seems that in the future, we will have to tie up more with the Bo family.

At this time, Bo Yan and An Shu had slowly stepped off the stage, and everyone stepped forward to congratulate, but on the surface, there was a scene of joy and smiles.

However, Ran Mengtong, who was standing in a corner of the venue, was directly stunned.

"Ran Mengtong, Ran Mengtong." The person next to him shouted for a long time before Ran Mengtong came back to his senses.

Ran Mengtong, who came back to her senses, looked at the man who brought her into the venue a little dazed, "What's wrong?" ”

The man looked at Ran Mengtong, who was stupid, and wrinkled his eyebrows unhappily, "I'm going to talk to Mr. Bo and An Dong, you wait here for a while, don't make trouble." ”

Ran Mengtong's stupidity made the man regret it a little, and he had let the secretary be his female companion if he knew it.

When Ran Mengtong heard the man's words, she nodded stunned.

That's right, what kind of company did she hear about An Shu just now?

Oh, the chairman of Canyang Technology, she occasionally heard her father talk about it, saying that it would be good to be able to climb the big tree of Canyang Technology. Now he told her that An Shu was the chairman of the company that her father was going to cling to.

Why didn't Yao Xinrong and Sheng Nishang tell her about this?

Sheng Nishang went abroad, and she didn't know An Shu's identity and it was understandable.

But Yao Xinrong went to Jiangshi to participate in the science and technology conference some time ago, and she must have seen An Shu at the meeting.

Then why didn't Yao Xinrong tell her?

If Yao Xinrong told her about An Shu's identity, how could she go to great lengths to find a reporter, and try her best to sneak into the venue, ridiculously wanting to see An Shu make a fool of herself, wanting to find out An Shu's identity as a poor and white person in front of the public, and wanting Bo Yan to dislike An Shu.

Now, she was stupidly kept in the dark and rushed to the venue to humiliate herself.

No, she wants to ask Yao Xinrong for clarification.

Thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone from his small bag in a panic and dialed Yao Xinrong's phone.

"Mengtong, why did you remember to call me?" On the other end of the phone, it was Yao Xinrong's casual voice.

Ran Mengtong took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and asked, "Xinrong, how can An Shu be the chairman of Canyang Technology?" ”

Yao Xinrong paused, "You know." ”

Hearing Yao Xinrong say this, Ran Mengtong knew that she had already known An Shu's identity.

Thinking of this, Ran Mengtong's body shook slightly, took two steps back, and said excitedly: "You already know it, why don't you tell me, why do you hide it from me?" ”

If she had known that it would have been too late, how could she still think about dealing with An Shu with all her heart.

Ran Mengtong's questioning tone made Yao Xinrong wrinkle her eyebrows unhappily, but she said apologetically: "Mengtong, I also knew that it didn't take long, I was going to tell you, but my father arranged a blind date for me every day to let me find a boyfriend, and I forgot about it when I was upset." ”

Ran Mengtong paused, not knowing whether to believe her or not.

Yao Xinrong was urged to go on a blind date, and she knew that she was in a bad mood, but ......

Will you completely forget to tell her because of this?

She wasn't sure.

However, Yao Xinrong said so, and she didn't want to question it anymore.

After all, he has already offended An Shu, and he can't offend Yao Xinrong and Sheng Nishang anymore.

"So that's the case, Xinrong, I'm sorry, I'm too anxious."

Yao Xinrong smiled disdainfully, but her tone was very generous: "Mengtong, what are you talking about, it's just a trivial matter, how can you apologize." ”

"By the way, how did you know Anshu's identity?"

Ran Mengtong bit her lip, glanced at the lively venue and said, "Hang up first, I'll send you a message." ”

When the words fell, he hung up the phone and found Yao Xinrong's WeChat account and began to type and send messages.

Yao Xinrong looked at the phone that was hung up directly, and she was very unhappy, but she didn't know what it was until she saw the message sent by Ran Mengtong....... The displeasure was extreme.

[I sneaked into the dinner hall of the anniversary celebration of Bo's Group, found a reporter, and asked him to ask questions about An Shu's identity at the banquet to humiliate her, and the reporter asked questions before I learned that An Shu was the chairman of Canyang Technology. 】

"Idiot, stupid, Ran Mengtong, this idiot." Yao Xinrong kept cursing, taking a deep breath before suppressing the anger in her heart.

[Why don't you discuss this matter with me and Nishang? 】

Ran Mengtong wanted to cry at this time, [I think it's just a trivial matter, who knows that An Shu has an identity background. 】

Yao Xinrong gritted her teeth in anger, [I've told you, it's not a trivial matter to deal with Anshu, why don't you take it to heart? 】

Ran Mengtong: [I forgot for a while. 】

"Fools who don't succeed enough and lose more than they do!" Yao Xinrong looked at the contents of the message box and shouted angrily.

Ran Mengtong: [What should I do now? 】

Yao Xinrong really wanted to throw away her mobile phone and leave her alone, but if something happened to Ran Mengtong, they were also in trouble.

[What about the reporter?] 】

Ran Mengtong: [He has already left the venue and run. 】

Yao Xinrong: [If you leave the venue, you can call the reporter tomorrow and ask him where he is, so that he will not confess you. 】

In case the reporter is being stopped and questioned at this moment, Ran Mengtong is tantamount to not confessing to himself if he calls now.

Ran Mengtong: [I gave him two million, he shouldn't give me out.] 】

Yao Xinrong's face sank, [Didn't you say you had no money last time? 】

Now there are two million all of a sudden, and they are all so stupid to a small reporter, it's really stupid!

Ran Mengtong: [This money was recently begged by my parents, and I also sold a few luxury bags, and I am penniless now. 】

Yao Xinrong was about to be angry with Ran Mengtong, if it weren't for her desperate work, she wouldn't want to deal with her at all.

[It's easy to talk about money, don't stay at the venue now, hurry up.] 】

If you stay any longer, something might happen.

Ran Mengtong: [Okay, I'll leave right away.] 】

After sending the message, she left without saying a word to the man who brought her in.

Yao Xinrong breathed a sigh of relief, [Hmm. That reporter, you remember to contact him tomorrow. 】

Ran Mengtong, who walked out of the venue, replied: [Okay. 】

As everyone knows, the reporter they are thinking about has been beaten and screamed at this time.

"If you tell me who told you to ask this question in the room, we'll let you go."

After the security guard took the reporter away, he was directly handed over to Song Tianyu and Zhang Shaocheng.

Of course, it was Zhang Shaocheng who beat people, after all..... Beat people up and he's professional.

The reporter gritted his teeth and didn't let go, "I wanted to ask this myself, just to use this matter as a gimmick, after all, the popularity of the wife of the president of Bo's Group is still quite high." ”

"I didn't expect Mrs. Bo to be the chairman of Canyang Technology at all, if I had known, I wouldn't have asked more."

Seeing that the reporter didn't let go, Zhang Shaocheng snorted heavily, shook his fist and wanted to get started.

"Wait." Song Tianyu grabbed his hand and stopped.

Zhang Shaocheng turned his head and looked at Song Tianyu puzzled, "What's wrong?" ”

Song Tianyu waved his hand at him, walked to the reporter lying on the ground with his mobile phone, and said with a smile: "Tell me about the two million that suddenly came in your bank card today." ”

Time was tight, and he hadn't had time to find out the source of the two million.

The reporter's body stiffened, and after a while, he stiffened his neck and said: "You violated my personal privacy, this is illegal, and I want to sue you." ”

Song Tianyu couldn't help laughing, "Yo, I know it's illegal now." You accepted two million from others, and maliciously slandered my president's wife at the venue, intending to damage my wife's reputation, do you think it is not illegal? ”

After speaking, Song Tianyu's expression cooled down, "Now that 1510 said that there is still room for the people behind the scenes, you can still take the two million you get and fly away." ”

"But, if I take the time to find out, not to mention the two million you have gotten, even all your own net worth and the rest of your life will be nothing."

Zhang Shaocheng looked at Song Tianyu, who had changed his face, and sighed in his heart, he was worthy of being a person who had followed the president for several years, and his cold momentum was a bit similar to the president.

The reporter was really frightened by Song Tianyu's momentum and words, in comparison, of course he chose the former.

"Yes..... Ran Mengtong, the eldest lady of the Ran family, asked me to do this. ”

The reporter betrayed Ran Mengtong with a trembling voice.

It's not that he doesn't want to insist, it's really ....... He can't hold on!

Miss Ran, I can only be sorry for you.

Song Tianyu hooked his lips coldly, pulled up the reporter on the ground, asked him to sit down, and then adjusted the recording function of the mobile phone and pointed it at him and said, "Tell me honestly." ”

The reporter swallowed his saliva, and with a sad face, he gave Ran Mengtong two million and recorded the incident of slandering An Shu at the banquet.

After he finished recording, Song Tianyu kicked him to the ground mercilessly, "Get out!" ”

"Yes, yes, I'll get out right away." The reporter nodded again and again and stumbled out the door.

After going out, I immediately bought a plane ticket on my mobile phone, and then returned to the rental house to pack my important things and went straight to the airport.

Since Bo Yan's special assistant let him go, he shouldn't trouble him again in the future.

As for Ran Mengtong, Bo Yan will definitely clean her up. In this way, Ran Mengtong has no energy to take revenge on him.

After these years of hard work, his ideals and ambitions have been smoothed out, and in the future, he will lie flat in the small county town of his hometown with two million.

All this, Ran Mengtong didn't know at this time.

What she didn't know was that Song Tianyu had already reported to Bo Yan and An Shu with evidence.

"Have you gotten all the details of the Ran family?" After watching the video, Bo Yan said in a cold voice.

Song Tianyu nodded, "I got it." Not only the Ran family, but also the Yao family and the Sheng family, and I want to report to you tomorrow. ”

"Hmm." Bo Yan replied lightly, "You go to Jiang Hongming later and tell him that you will come to the Bo family tomorrow to discuss cooperation." ”

Song Tianyu: "Good president. ”

After speaking, he said hello to An Shu and turned to leave.

After he left, Bo Yan eased his expression and turned his head to look at An Shu, and said softly: "You don't have to worry about these things, I will solve the people in Jingshi." ”

An Shu was watching the video that Song Tianyu gave her with relish, as if the video was very interesting, and only raised her head when she heard Bo Yan's voice, and responded without hesitation: "Okay!" ”

"Let's go, it's not good for us to stay here all the time, let's get out first." An Shu's words made Bo Yan very happy, but thinking that they were still at the banquet, he could only suppress his emotions first.

An Shu nodded, turned off the video, put away his phone, and left the lounge with Bo Yan, returning to the venue again.

Tonight is obviously the anniversary of the Bo Group, but because of An Shu's identity revealed, it has become a special session for An Shu.

An Shu received a lot of business cards at this banquet, but she didn't answer the words of those people, and rejected them on the grounds that the anniversary celebration of the Bo Group was not suitable to discuss others.

When the banquet was over, it was half past ten when she and Bo Yan returned home.

"I'm so tired! Husband, you can help me take a bath tonight. Back in the bedroom, An Shu yawned lazily, she didn't want to move.

The corners of Bo Yan's lips raised, and he opened his mouth in some surprise, "Haven't you always objected?" ”

An Shu glanced at him and snorted lightly, "Someone volunteered, and I'm happy to do it now." ”

Anyway, it's her husband, he is willing to serve, so she closes her eyes and enjoys it, and she is not unhappy after figuring it out.

The curvature of the corners of Bo Yan's lips rose, hugged An Shu horizontally, looked at her with a smile in his eyes and whispered, "Okay, I am very honored to serve my wife." ”

An Shu raised his hand to hook his neck, leaned his head softly against his neck socket and rubbed it, and said softly: "Xiao Yanzi, there is a reward for serving the palace." ”

Bo Yan stumbled when he heard this, and almost threw An Shu out.


Feeling Bo Yan's movements, An Shu laughed happily, raised his head from his neck socket, looked at him with autumn watery eyes, and said, "Xiao Yanzi, why don't you move?" ”

Bo's eyes sank, and he said in a dumb voice: "You want me to move?" ”

An Shu was slightly stunned, and before she could react, Bo Yan kissed her on the lips.

That's not what she meant!!

When she was stunned, Bo Yan changed her horizontal hug to a vertical hug, clasped her tightly in his arms, unzipped the dress for her, and slowly peeled off the black dress.

Later, An Shu leaned softly on the edge of the bathtub and let Bo Yan take a bath for her.

When An Shu woke up the next day, it was almost ten o'clock.

"Bo Yan sleeps late and wakes up early every day, won't he be sleep-deprived?"

An Shu sighed, lifted the quilt and got up.

And she felt that Bo Yan, who might not have enough sleep, was talking to Jiang Hongming in the office at this time.

"Mr. Jiang, I have collected such detailed and comprehensive information about the Ran clan for you, if you still can't take it, then I doubt your strength."

Listening to Bo Yan's disgusted tone, Jiang Hongming grinded his teeth, "Okay cooperation, now you let me take the lead alone, this is called cooperation?" ”

Bo Yan didn't feel wrong at all, and said lightly: "Mr. Jiang is wrong, I fought the first battle, because the information was collected by the Bo family." ”

Jiang Hongming was so angry that his heart was stagnant, and collecting some information was called taking the lead?

"Bo Yan, can you have a face?"

Bo Yan glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "Take away your expression of suffering a big loss, isn't the Ran family's foundry just what you want?" ”

Jiang Hongming, who was exposed, paused, and said: "I can't let me do all the things of the Ran family alone, the foundry is to my liking, but you can't give me everything else." ”

The rest was not given to him, obviously because he wanted him to do black work.

"Mr. Jiang is still an understanding person, so naturally it is impossible to give it all to you." Bo Yan hooked his lips and said.

He really didn't like the things in the Ran family, but he couldn't give them all to Jiang Hongming.

Jiang Hongming's heart is sluggish again, and talking about cooperation with Bo Yan can simply make people angry.

"Mr. Bo thinks very beautifully, he can't give it to me and wants me to rush ahead."

Bo Yan said lightly: "Mr. Jiang can also not agree, just don't do anything and don't take anything, so there is no need to be entangled." ”

Jiang Hongming was so angry that his teeth itched, but what can be done, Bo Yan originally had this strength, and now he has become a family with Canyang Technology, and his strength has reached a higher level.

As soon as I thought about it, I heard Bo Yan say: "In addition, let me remind Mr. Jiang, don't forget why An Shu is willing to sign a contract with you." ”

Jiang Hongming was helpless, he didn't have any advantage in this negotiation, to put it bluntly, he was the knife in Bo Yan's hands in this cooperation.

The biggest reliance is to count on Bo Yan to have a little conscience, but it is obvious that Bo Yan, who is already ruthless in the shopping mall, has no conscience.

"Okay, I promise." Jiang Hongming gritted his teeth and responded, "However, you can't just let me contribute, you have to help in the back." ”

"After all, the Yao family and the Sheng family are involved, and I don't have that much ability alone."

Bo Yan nodded lightly, "Don't worry, I didn't want you to deal with the three families alone." ”

Jiang Hongming breathed a sigh of relief, "After I go back, I will cut off all the factory orders of the Ran family." ”

"Hmm." Bo Yan replied lightly, "My side will attack the Yao family and the Sheng family at the same time, and I won't let them make time to support the Ran family." ”

"Another.........." Bo Yan paused and raised his eyes to look at Song Tianyu.

Song Tianyu understood, and immediately handed the two documents in his hand to Jiang Hongming.

Bo Yan turned his gaze back to Jiang Hongming and said: "You look at these two pieces of information, they are the Yao family and the Sheng family's recent largest capital investment projects, after I make a move on them, there will definitely be problems in the capital chain of the two families, when the time comes, you will talk to them as a partner, invest in these two projects, and finally draw your salary." ”

Jiang Hongming's heart trembled when he heard it, and his heart trembled even more after reading the information. His salary draw from the bottom of the kettle will definitely completely break the capital chain of the Yao family and the Sheng family, and in the end, there will only be a big hole that cannot be filled.

"Okay, I see." Jiang Hongming took a deep breath and responded.

Fortunately, he didn't really provoke Bo Yan before.

Bo Yan's eyes flashed when he saw him respond, "Since the negotiation has been completed, we will stop here today, and we will contact you if you have any follow-up questions." ”

"Externally, our two families are still the same as before. Internally, I hope that Mr. Jiang will do his best, otherwise I dare not guarantee whether the cooperation of Canyang Technology can continue. ”

Jiang Hongming's eyes widened in disbelief, "Bo Yan, you won't really go home and blow the pillow wind so tastelessly, right?" ”

Bo Yan hooked his lips slightly, "Blowing the wind on the pillow is also a kind of fun between husband and wife, and a single dog like Mr. Jiang will not understand." ”

"Sending customers."

Jiang Hongming: .............


Jiang Hongming came easily, but left with a stomach full of anger.

After he left, Bo Yan looked at Song Tianyu again, "How's the progress at the police station?" ”

Song Tianyu raised his expression, twisted his eyebrows and said: "The locator has been found a long time ago, and the analysis results have also come out, there are no useful clues." ”

Bo Yan's face sank, and after a while, he spoke: "You go to the detention center again now." ”

Song Tianyu was stunned, "Didn't you say give them three days?" ”

The day before yesterday, after sending his wife to the playground, the president told him to go to the detention center to visit the seven gangsters.

The president told the seven gangsters that if he took the initiative to confess to the people behind the scenes, he could ask the lawyer to fight for the maximum reduction of the sentence for the seven people, so that they could go out to accompany their wives and children earlier. In addition, it was promised that they would be given a settling-in allowance when they were released from prison.

The seven gangsters hesitated to think about it.

At that time, the president left a sentence, saying: If the main messenger has not been confessed within three days, then there is no need, he will find the most professional lawyer and let them sentence the most serious crime.

Bo Yan coldly curled the corners of his lips, "I'll only say within three days." ”

Song Tianyu was silent.

Bo Yan raised his eyes to look at him and said, "Tell them that I already know who the person behind the scenes is, but it's just almost evidence." ”

"They testified that it was just icing on the cake for me. Without testifying, I will also use my own means to get out of this breath. At that time, whether it is the instigator or the executor behind the scenes, I will not let go of any of them. ”

"If they go to prison, it's not certain whether they can leave in this life."

"Don't talk nonsense with them, just leave."

Song Tianyu understood, "Okay, president." ”

"In addition, I also got some chat content of Sheng Nishang, Yao Xinrong, and Ran Mengtong."

Bo Yan snorted, "Pick out the useful ones, and they will be useful when the time comes." ”

"Did Sheng Nishang find it?"

Song Tianyu nodded, "Found it." According to the information sent back, Sheng Nishang was dating the second young master of the Haicheng Qu clan, and it seemed that there was another wave of people around her who were also checking her and following her. ”

Bo Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe it's someone arranged by your wife." You send me the photo of that person and the information you got, and I'll ask An Shu later, if it's her person, you can help add a fire to the fire. ”

"Okay, President."

Bo Yan paused, and then said, "Send a copy of the reporter's video last night to Ran Mengtong." ”


Bo Yan raised his eyes and glanced at Song Tianyu, "You go and do something." ”

"Okay, President." Song Tianyu answered and left Bo Yan's office.

After a while, the information of the person who followed Sheng Nishang abroad was sent to Bo Yan, and the reporter's video was also sent to Ran Mengtong.

Ran Mengtong was almost scared to death when she saw the video, and hurriedly called Yao Xinrong.

"Xin Rong, it's over, that reporter confessed to me last night, no wonder I haven't been able to contact him today." Ran Mengtong cried and spoke to Yao Xinrong.

Yao Xinrong really wanted to hang up the phone directly when she heard her crying, gritted her teeth and suppressed the anger in her heart, and tried her best to say to her in a normal tone: "Mengtong, don't panic, you just instructed people to embarrass An Shu a little at the banquet, it's not a big deal, even if Bo Yan knows it, it's a big deal to warn her verbally." ”

"Really..... Are you sure? Mr. Bo really won't do anything to me? Ran Mengtong was very scared.

Yao Xinrong took a deep breath, "Really." ”

How do she know what Bo Yan will do, but An Shu has nothing to lose, and Bo Yan should not be held accountable for such a trivial matter.

"That'....... What about the people who sent me the video, would those people want to do something? Ran Mengtong asked a little blankly.

Yao Xinrong was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you say that Bo Yanfa gave it to you?" ”

"No, it's a number I don't know, I don't know who." Ran Mengtong replied casually.

Yao Xinrong frowned when she heard this, "Anyway, don't panic yourself, and don't worry about it for the time being." If it was sent by someone else, most likely it was just to extort a sum of money, and you waited for the other party to contact you. ”

"If no one contacts you, it's probably Bo Yan who sent it, don't worry about it for the time being, and see what Bo Yan does later."

Ran Mengtong breathed a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I know, thank you, Xin Rong." ”

"A little thing." Yao Xinrong chuckled, "Okay, don't talk about it, Mengtong, I have to go to work." ”

I don't know what's going on lately, Dad always denies her decisions in the company, and she's in a terrible mood.

"Okay Xinrong, you can get busy first, goodbye." After talking to Yao Xinrong, Ran Mengtong hung up the phone.

After a phone call, Ran Mengtong was not so panicked, but she still couldn't help but think crankily, even if Bo Yan would find her one day.

And at this time, Bo Yan was sending a message to An Shu, [Wife, are you up? There's something I want to tell you. 】

An Shu just picked up the bowl to eat breakfast, heard the news prompt and picked it up and looked at it, snorted lightly and typed the word: [Say.] 】

Bo Yan felt a trace of resentment coming from the dialog box, smiled and forwarded the information sent to him by Song Tianyu to An Shu, and asked, "Is this your person?" 】

Anshu: [It's indeed my person.] 】

[You also sent someone to check Sheng Nishang? 】

Bo Yan: [Hmm. 】

[Since it's your people, it's easy to do, I'll send you the information of those people on my side later, and let them cooperate with your people.] 】

Anshu: [Okay! 】

[The people on my side should have news soon, and it will be better to have your people join in. 】

Bo Yan: [Well, I'll send you the information right away, and I'll explain to them when I get back.] 】

After a while, An Shu received the information from Bo Yan, and she immediately forwarded it to Zheng Dongyang.

[These are Bo Yan's people, you cooperate well with them. 】

Soon Zheng Dongyang replied to An Shu's message, [Boss, I was just about to report to you. 】

Anshu: [Say.] 】

Zheng Dongyang: [We finally found an opportunity last night, and things were more exciting than we imagined. 】

An Shu became interested, [Let's hear it.] 】

Zheng Dongyang: [Our original plan was to let Sheng Nisheng's two foreigner spare tires break to provoke their relationship when Sheng Nishang and Qu Jinyan were in a solid relationship. 】

[After the two spare tires entered the door, they sucked in a little, and then dizzy......... Two became four. When we recorded a video and took a photo, we almost didn't blind our eyes. 】

An Shu's eyes widened, and she, who had always been calm, couldn't help but praise the grass plant.

[And now?] 】

Zheng Dongyang: [The four of them fought directly after they woke up, Sheng Nishang looked like she was mourning, I guess she wanted to die. 】

[Boss, those photos of Qu Jinyan and Sheng Nishang holding hands and hugging have been sent to Xiang Yao, should you send you the video last night? ] 】

An Shu twitched the corner of his mouth, "No. Keep it for now, and when I tell you to send it out, you can send it out. 】

With such spicy eyes, she was not interested.

Zheng Dongyang: [Okay, boss. 】

Anshu: [Did you clean up the sweeping work?] 】

Zheng Dongyang: [Boss, after all, foreign countries are not our territory, even if there are helpers, there will still be clues under careful investigation by those who have a heart. 】

[However, the problem should not be very big.] After all, Qu Jinyan and Sheng Nishang are normal interactions, and they roll together normally, and the person who uses medicine is also Qu Jinyan himself. 】

An Shu thought for a while, [You can contact Bo Yan's people, it is best to clean it thoroughly. 】

Zheng Dongyang: [Okay, boss. 】

Anshu: [Keep watching, I'll let you know if there's a move.] 】

Zheng Dongyang: [Understood, boss. 】

After talking to Zheng Dongyang, An Shu called Xiang Yao again.

"Boss." Xiang Yao quickly connected.

An Shu: "The photos of Sheng Nishang and Qu Jinyan sent to you by Zheng Dongyang were anonymously sent to the largest media in Jiang City. ”

Xiang Yao: "Okay boss, I'll do it right away." ”

An Shu: "Well, contact me again if you have anything." ”

Xiang Yao: "Okay boss." ”

After explaining to Xiang Yao, An Shu took breakfast seriously.

After breakfast, An Shu went to the study and sent more than ten emails to Yao, which she had to deal with.


Continued from the next part:

He wants to sue: Cousin-in-law, your girlfriend was almost dragged into an alley tonight and hurt.

If it is invaded and deleted