
Write a poem, my desire

author:Zhu Zhu believes in love

Hello! I am a working girl Zhuzhu, and I have a dream of using words to warm and inspire the weak heart, and I look forward to your "attention" and reward [heart]

Write a poem, my desire
Write a poem, my desire

"My Desire"

Author: Zhu Zhu

Because reality is not pretty

There are so many white clouds of yearning in the heart

Because life is grim

yearning to hold up the warm moon with his hand

It's a lonely night again

I couldn't wait for it

You're whispering in your ear

Fade away the physical and mental exhaustion

Because tomorrow is still tossing and turning

Hope will rise in the soft heart

Because dreams don't die

Loneliness always has a glimmer of light

It's a late night of singles again

I couldn't wait for it

With you by your side, whining and urging

Baby, rest quickly

Write a poem, my desire

Author: @珠珠相信爱

Expectation: It's not easy to create, I look forward to you liking, commenting, forwarding, following, thinking that it is well written, you can give rewards, thank you for your support [heart]

" I hope you like me "

Write a poem, my desire

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About the Author

Liu Zhuzhu, a young creator, dreams of becoming a poet and writer, has published more than 1,700 headline works, with more than 5 million reads on the whole network, and has published works "How to Get the Love of Your Life", "Write a Poem", "Longing for Marriage" in the collection "You Make a Question, I Create", "Zhuzhu Original Short Story Collection", "Reading the Tao Te Ching" and so on. Follow me, with you the collision of thoughts and thoughts, the soul affects the soul, and there may have been a you in my writings.