
He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

author:The annals of bamboo cultivation

It's hard to understand, who did Na Ying offend?

Although the way she speaks is somewhat blunt, it doesn't say anything enough.

Participating in "Singer 2024" is obviously to win glory for the country, but on the contrary, it has suffered from all kinds of faults from everyone.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Even the much-loved He Jiong, who tries to defend him, is inevitably implicated.

The expected sympathy and change did not appear, and the entire comment section was invaded by sarcasm and ridicule, and the ugly human nature was undoubtedly revealed.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

This makes people wonder, what kind of trouble are netizens going to make this time?

Could it be that Naying only deserves to be forgiven by the public if she announces her withdrawal from the circle?

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area


If you want to say that this year's most popular variety show, I'm afraid "Singer 2024" is the first to go.

According to the statistics of Hunan Satellite TV, as of May 11, there have been thousands of hot search topics created by the program.

There is no doubt that among the 1352 hot searches on the whole network, Na Ying alone accounts for more than half.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

The number of hot searches also means that the popularity of the show is high, which must be a great joy for the show.

But for Na Ying herself, it's not the same thing.

From the beginning of the "fifty-year-old lady guarding the country", to the later invitation to help guests.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

It's all her as a gimmick, and it was spread by netizens and joked.

But even so, Na Ying did not have any dissatisfaction, she put all her thoughts on the stage.

is over half a hundred years old, but he still has to compete with a group of young people on the same stage, which is really a lot of pressure.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Not to mention that Na Ying is still facing a group of foreigners, the show was instantly raised to the national level, and she can't afford to lose.

While she tried her best to sprint to the first place, the opinions of netizens were also extremely conflicting.

If Na Ying's ranking in the show is not bad, the audience will take out her age to spur her, but she can't sit in the first place at such an old age.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Once her grades have declined, the voices on the Internet are hard to listen to, so Na Ying's heart is also tormented.

Fans who know Na Ying know that her personality is biased towards the stubbornness of a strong woman, and admitting defeat has never existed in her life dictionary.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Whether it is the doubts of the outside world or the strength of the individual, Na Ying is not allowed to retreat for a moment.

Therefore, in the recent show, Na Ying insisted on going on stage even if she was injured, and she would not take out this matter to win sympathy votes.

It wasn't until the dust had settled on the voting results that He Jiong, as a friend, couldn't hold back for a while, and told the sadness and pain she experienced in places where the camera couldn't be captured.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area


It turned out that before, when Na Ying's ranking slipped to seventh place, she completed the show with pain.

Naying, who was over 50 years old, was very unlucky to suffer from an old age disease called "snake-ridden".

This disease, also known as herpes zoster in medicine, does not endanger the life of the human body, but the pain caused by the disease cannot be ignored.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

What's even more surprising is that this kind of herpes will immediately grow anywhere in the human body, and Na Ying actually grows firmly on her face and even in her eyes.

It is important to know that the eyes are the most sensitive and fragile part of the human body, and even a small foreign body is incompatible.

Therefore, not to mention this kind of herpes with its own pain, that feeling must be indescribable.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

At the same time, Na Ying, as a well-known actress, still has urgent competitions that need to be staged, and her external image has attracted much attention.

It is not difficult to find that Na Ying's appearance has also changed a lot during that time.

Use a slightly larger headdress to cover it, which is not obtrusive and at the same time, it can well interpret her style.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

However, even so, a more attentive viewer can still see through the looming lace headdress that Na Ying's eye on one side is already swollen.

However, the game cannot be stopped, and there are many spectators who are not too big to watch the excitement, so she can only endure the pain.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

It is not difficult to imagine that if Na Ying chooses to quit due to illness halfway, the hot searches on the Internet about her hypocrisy and playing big names will inevitably appear in real time.

Then again, it seems that Na Ying is wrong no matter what she does.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Obviously, she also endured the pain and persevered, and she did not rely on this point to sell and canvass for votes before voting.

Why is it still ridiculed by netizens?

Even He Jiong, a "battle-hardened" host, couldn't help choking up when he spoke.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Na Ying really put in a hundred times her efforts for this competition, and the result lived up to expectations and returned to the top three, and she was no longer afraid of being eliminated.

When I saw such a hot search, I thought that there were still many kind-hearted netizens who would bear the burden of humiliation for Na Ying and insist on fighting for the Chinese music scene.

Unexpectedly, the real situation in the comment area would be so unexpected.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area


Na Ying's reputation in the circle is not good, this is a well-known fact.

But this is mainly because of her mouth that doesn't understand the world, and she caused trouble.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Among the people who were slandered by Daolang's former songs, Na Ying is also second to none.

Immediately afterwards, the incident suspected of robbing Tian Zhen's award, as well as the incident of the popular singer Zhou Shen, were picked up one by one.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Na Ying can be said to have been sprayed incompletely during this period, but she still saved a trace of her reputation in the early stage of her initial participation in "Singer 2024".

However, because of this illness, he once again hit himself to the bottom.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Netizens did not buy He Jiong's disclosure of the fact that he was sick, and even He Jiong's tears in his eyes were criticized as coy.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Or maybe the Lanyu Award was awarded too early a few days ago, so we should wait for He Jiong's appearance.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

Of course, some netizens believe that the reason why Na Ying insists on going on stage is not as beautiful as she says on the surface, but she is just unwilling to pay liquidated damages for the program team.

It's all about money, why do you say it so high-sounding, aren't you tired?

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

While everyone has their own opinions and opinions, and that's understandable, why is there such a lot of malice?

Celebrities have endured more than ordinary people, and their personal lives have been made public and judged without dead ends.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

But anything that has nothing to do with principle should not be enough to nail a person to the pillar of shame.

After all, who can be truly perfect and without fault?

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

The Internet has never been an illegal place, so don't say something extremely irresponsible because of personal anger.

Although it is only an unintentional move at the moment when the words are spoken, it will become the last straw that crushes the camel.

When it comes to avalanches, no snowflake is innocent.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area

I am good at making good connections, and I hope that everyone can also make correct judgments when expressing their opinions.

If you don't like it, you can skip it and don't look at it, there is really no need to make the smoke miasma created by the Internet.

Let's work together to restore a pure land to the Internet.

He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area
Reference: Jimu News released a report on May 14, 2024 on ""Birthday 2024" has received a total of 1,352 hot searches on the whole network, don't let the "please fight" craze cover up the music itself".
He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area
Reference: On June 30, 2024, released an article about "Naying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "Long face and even in the eyes", some patients will have lifelong pain".
He Jiong tearfully exposed Na Ying's condition, but I saw the ugly humanity in the comment area
(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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