
Enjoy half a summer of life alone

author:Honest Love Ambassador
Enjoy half a summer of life alone

It's the middle of summer, and the weather is getting hotter

It's midsummer, and it's already halfway through summer, and the weather is getting hotter. Even if you walk on the boulevard, you can't help but get out of stinky sweat. No one wants to spend a little longer under the scorching sun. However, many people who work outdoors are forced to endure the blazing sun. That's why I say that the survival of workers is very difficult. People with a little sympathy should pray silently in their hearts, may the mountains and rivers be safe and the years be peaceful!

Not long ago, there were several rains in succession, although the momentum was not very strong, but it was still very helpful to alleviate the drought. It is said that this is due to artificial rainfall.

After all, it had rained, and there was an extra layer of humidity in the air. After the rain, the sky looks fresh and charming. There are no clouds on the horizon, there is less sticky dirt on the road, and the distant mountains and rivers are steaming in the sun. The grass was greener than before, the branches were brighter than before, and the pedestrians were more numerous than before.

People are still in such a hurry, rushing in all directions.

Enjoy half a summer of life alone

Pedestrians on the streets are still in such a hurry

I'm a little greedy for the after-rain scenery, and even though I'm sweating at every turn, I'm still in high spirits. I want to feel the coolness of the rain and the passion that is strong in life. It was summer, and the enthusiasm was unique, and my whole body fell into a warm embrace. I walked slowly, passing by quite a few people. They are all strangers, and being able to look at each other and smile is enough to witness the beauty of the world.

I suddenly felt lonely because there were still many unfamiliar faces. I'd love to say hello to anyone who came my way, but I'm afraid of being abrupt, embarrassed, embarrassed, and so I'm just going to go it alone. I had no choice but to let my confident smiling face sit alone in the sun, even if it was constantly dripping with sweat; I had no choice but to let my thin clothes, like cicada's wings, flutter lightly in the breeze, even though I was about to get wet with sweat.

I can't help but think about things that have been a long time ago, and people who have long since left. The passing time filtered out unforgettable memories, and the sweat drowned the way home in my heart. The moon flowers around me are talking to a few bees and butterflies, but no one can talk to me. Whether the promises I once made have dried out in the long river of years makes my heart nowhere to tie it, and I can only wander in the light of the sky after the rain, turning into a blur.

Enjoy half a summer of life alone

The moon flowers are fiery red, and the bees and butterflies are beautiful to me

I wiped away a handful of tears, restored my eyes to a fresh and clear state, and gazed at the world adorned by the boundless green tent. The dusty past, with the gradual deepening of the enthusiastic summer, have come to my heart, forgetting to weave the footprints of my lonely half summer life. Someone asked: Do you like autumn? I want to say: the grace of autumn is my mature dream. I would go to autumn to find the joy of waking up. Someone asked: Do you like winter? I would say that the severity of winter is my old spicy wine. I'll go to the winter to savor the warmth of drunkenness. Someone asked: Do you like spring? I would say that the fragrance of spring is the root of my life. I will show the joy of life in the spring. Today, spring is far away, summer is deeper, and autumn and winter beckon.

It's summer again, and when I think about the past again, I'm afraid I'll lose myself in the humid and stuffy memories again. I thought I was still a teenager, and I always had bright and impulsive emotions brewing in my heart. As everyone knows, Ruge's years have already changed like a magician, turning himself into a pale and gray-haired old man. Although you can see the footprints of life everywhere, in the end, the life of a half-summer alone may be your own fate or fate. Walking and thinking, thinking and being confused, many conclusions cannot be reasonably interpreted, all imagination makes the burden of life seriously overloaded, and countless painstaking efforts, even plots scribbled with life, cannot deduce the ideal desolation. How to walk in the coming years, I have to say that this is the most realistic problem that is often encountered in the journey of life.

Enjoy half a summer of life alone

Enjoy half a summer of life alone, and enjoy the years of stability

Enjoy half a summer of life alone, and enjoy the years of stability. There is no need for any promises, because there are only promises in the world that cannot be trusted. There is a TV series called "Three Lives, Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", no matter what the ending is, it is actually nonsense. Three lives and three lives, the time is too long, and no one can wait; Ten miles of peach blossoms, the distance is too close, and anyone will not care. Think about it, how many of those who have promised that they will never be separated in this life can be fulfilled? The faces of people comparable to peach blossoms in spring have long been away with the wind, disappearing in the memory of the peach blossoms and flowing water.

Now, I am walking alone for half a summer, forgetting all the sorrows, and only harvesting the insights of the moment. does not admire vanity, and smiles at the pure and noble person who "thinks of heaven and earth, and weeps alone"; Don't be greedy, on the "cockfighting eastern suburbs road, go between the horses and the horses." Returning to feast peacefully, the wine fights ten thousand" sneered. I only walk my way, I only sing my songs, I only think about my heart, and only my days flow. Let people ask: Decline, decline, no return?

Enjoy half a summer of life alone

Let people ask: Decline, decline, no return?