
He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

author:Rice narration

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He is the stationmaster Wu of "Latent", and Qin Ye of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", and he is the most "pure" actor in the entertainment industry.

He is the national first-class actor Feng Enhe, this man loves his acting career to the bones, but it was not until 2008, when the spy war film "Latent" was released, that he ushered in his own late bloomer at the age of 60.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

But he also has a side of sacrifice for his family, in order for his wife to study in Japan, he is willing to leave the screen, take care of the children alone, and be a "family cook" for 12 years.

He worked hard to train two high-achieving doctoral students, and after watching his wife and son finally succeed in their careers, he started again with peace of mind and continued his unfinished dream.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Feng Enhe has paid so much for his family, has he ever regretted it?

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [Feng Enhe's personal Douyin Encyclopedia] [Ji Ying's personal Baidu Encyclopedia] [Dalian Wafangdian Radio and Television Station] [Nanjing Daily] (the detailed source is attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

The wife left the country and lived apart for 12 years, and the love lasts forever

"I want to study in Japan."

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Seeing his wife Ji Ying hanging her head, although her voice was small and sounded a little unspeakable, but with a stubborn look, Feng Enhe knew that this time it was time for him to do everything to support his wife to pursue her dreams.

1997 can be called the darkest year for Feng Enhe's family.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Because before this year, Feng Enhe never thought that he would be separated from his wife one day, nor did he think that his wife would choose to leave when the child was only in the fifth grade.

He is even needed to take care of the whole family and give up his favorite career for the children.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

And after this year, Feng Enhe has already taken on all the responsibilities that belong to him and those that do not belong to him.

Although Feng Enhe is full of pessimism about his future life, he does not think that their father and son can live well without their wife Ji Ying by their side.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

But unlike other husbands who only want their wives to be housewives and don't want them to be brave enough to pursue their dreams, almost the moment his wife says what he wants, he blurts out that he agrees.

After that, he became a father and a mother, not only to take care of the children's lives, but also to pay attention to the children's academic performance, and at the same time he had to work hard to make money.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Because in order to support his wife to study in Japan, Feng Enhe took out almost all of his family's savings.

In his eyes, it is acceptable that he is frugal, but he will never allow his wife to be in a foreign country, without enough food and warm clothes, or to suffer other grievances.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

But he underestimated the energy it takes to take care of a child, and also ignored the peculiarity of his work as an actor.

Unlike other jobs, where you can get to work on time and on time every day, and arrive home to be with your children, actors generally need to shoot all over the country, need to run around the set, and sometimes need to stay in the filming location for months.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

At the beginning, he could barely work and live without delay, but he was really powerless later, and even the director friends who often looked for him to film, after knowing his situation, in order not to cause him trouble, gradually reduced the number of times they looked for him.

In this way, by the time Feng Enhe reacted, he had already reached the point where he had no scenes to film, and he began his film career.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

But fortunately, he is a national first-class actor of Bayi Film Studio, and he still has a basic salary to support his life every month, although his life is a little tight, but in Feng Enhe's eyes, as long as the family's heart is still tied together, the distance is not difficult.

Therefore, even if countless people complained in Feng Enhe's ears that his wife Ji Ying was too ruthless, abandoned her husband and children, just for that academic certificate, he laughed it off and didn't bother to make any response.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Until his son said that sentence in front of him: "Mom has been away for so many years, and Dad has not been taken care of......"

Only then did Feng Enhe become angry, and immediately told the children of the two seriously: "You should be happy, you should be proud, when you grow up to be in your 20s or 30s, you still have a complete home." ”

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

In Feng Enhe's heart, as long as his wife is willing to do something, he should fully support it.

Although he missed her very much in the days when she went out to study, Feng Enhe would rather look forward to that ocean phone call every star than say a word to make her give up her studies.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Even if the two have been separated for 12 years, the relationship is still as sweet as a newlywed, and I don't know how many people envy this kind of love.

However, just when everyone was moved by this, they suddenly discovered that Feng Enhe and his wife were not so affectionate from the beginning, and at the beginning of their marriage, the two were still "fighting" each other!

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

The contradiction between the military and the literary youth

When he met his wife, Feng Enhe was already 30 years old, wasn't this a proper old leftover man at that time?

Therefore, not only his parents were anxious, but also his friends, his comrades-in-arms, colleagues, and leaders were even more anxious, anyway, except for Feng Enhe himself, everyone was so worried about this matter that they couldn't sleep.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

So under the semi-compulsion of relatives and friends, Feng Enhe finally gave up his critical vision, prepared to accept the blind date arrangement, and took the first step for his lifelong happiness.

At that time, in his eyes, blind date was just to find a suitable marriage partner, so that he could live a good life in the future.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Until he met Ji Ying with a small hole in the cuff, his pounding heart told him that he really met the love of his life on a blind date.

At first, Feng Enhe thought that Ji Ying was going on a blind date because of poor family conditions, and she was still wearing torn clothes.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Later, after a period of understanding, Feng Enhe suddenly realized that it was because Ji Ying loved to read too much, and she was studying hard at the desk every day, and the cuffs were damaged due to too much friction between the cuffs and the table.

For such a book-loving Ji Ying, Feng Enhe admired it and had a deep impression.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

In the process of getting along during this time, Ji Ying gradually opened her heart and accepted this star who has achieved a little success in the film and television industry in her heart.

After that, the two held an extremely simple wedding, only the melon seeds and candy were separated, and there was no shadow of the banquet at all, but in this way, the two started a sweet married life.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

However, this "sweetness" only exists in the fantasy of the two, in fact, when the two first entered the marriage, they experienced a long period of trouble.

Because the gap between soldiers and young women in literature and art is too big!

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Although Feng Enhe is an actor, he actually has a period of experience in the army, and in the barracks, he has long been trained to quickly organize housekeeping.

How to fold the quilt into tofu cubes is his specialty.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

However, Ji Ying doesn't think so, she lives as she wants, and her biggest wish is to have books piled up in every corner of the house, of course, she does the same in reality.

But this kind of living habit really makes Feng Enhe unbearable, so he can only follow her ass every day and work hard to tidy up and clean up everywhere.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

In such a model, the two can still coexist peacefully in the short term, but after a long time, there will inevitably be conflicts.

Sure enough, soon after, a "big war" broke out between the two, and under the accusation of her husband, Ji Ying finally realized her mistake, so she actively corrected it, and then the two got back together.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Such a deep relationship between the two is also the reason why Feng Enhe has been waiting for his wife at home for 12 years, and at the best age for his career, he is willing to stay at home and become a "family cook".

Fortunately, Feng Enhe's sacrifice was not in vain, in the days that followed, he not only ushered in a big explosion in his acting career, but his wife and son also repaid him with their academic achievements.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Late bloomers, enjoy a happy life in the end

After 12 years of study, Ji Ying not only successfully obtained a doctoral degree, but also became a well-known researcher of children's literature, and her fairy tale "Frog Buys a Pond" won the Chen Bochui Children's Literature Award.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

Feng Enhe's son, who has been carefully cared for for many years, also followed in his mother's footsteps, successfully obtained a doctorate, and engaged in teaching in acting.

And he himself also received a spy war film called "Latent" in the year when his wife returned from school, in which he played the scheming intelligence station chief Wu, which became popular overnight, and also won the "Magnolia Award" Best Actor nomination.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

On May 16, 2024, he participated in the annual hit drama "Celebrating More Than Years 2", playing the role of Qin Ye in the play at the age of 76, becoming one of the most brilliant old actors in the play.

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60

On June 14, Feng Enhe also returned to his hometown of Dalian Wafangdian, not only to be interviewed, but also to cooperate with the promotional video.

In order to let more people know their hometown, Feng Enhe also worked hard!

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60


"You live at the head of the Yangtze River, and I live at the end of the Yangtze River. Every day, I don't see you, and I drink the water of the Yangtze River. ”

Feng Enhe mentioned that he and his wife's separation life, always indispensable this sentence, he said that only missing, is the truest love, now the two have been married for 46 years, still living a sweet life. #长文创作激励计划#

He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60
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The information in this article comes from: [Feng Enhe's personal Douyin Encyclopedia] [Ji Ying's personal Baidu Encyclopedia] [Dalian Wafangdian Radio and Television Station] [Nanjing Daily]
He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60
He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60
He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60
He is the cleanest actor, married for 46 years with zero scandals, retired for his wife for 12 years, and became popular at the age of 60