
Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

author:Fog and rain review room

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Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

On June 26, a theft incident occurred in Panjin, Liaoning Province, but the main body of the incident was not the exact property, but a monk parrot, because of its bright coat color and moderate size, it was loved by many bird pet lovers.

However, due to its rarity, individuals are not accepted for buying and selling and giving away in most areas, but there are further legal provisions in the area where the incident occurred, that is, after consulting the local forestry bureau, you can apply for a certificate for breeding.

It can be said that this parrot is a few memories of the shopkeeper and his ex-boyfriend, and it is not easy to get out of a relationship, and the hostess is naturally extremely anxious, which is understandable.

Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

From the description of the owner, it can be seen that she cares about this parrot very much, and has prepared a good living environment for it, but she will let it out to breathe during the day, and she did not think that she would encounter any accidents.

However, the situation was different after the parrot was taken away, and before, the parrot carried the logo of China's wildlife management license, and the corresponding supporting documents were kept by the corresponding buyer or adopter, as well as the certificate at that time.

But where any one is missing, the Bureau of Gardens and Forestry should punish the corresponding personnel for non-compliance, and the specific regulations we list the adoption cases of monk parrots, if you buy unlicensed monk parrots through ordinary purchases, it is suspected of a crime.

Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

It violates the relevant regulations on the protection of endangered wild animals, because the monk parrot is a national second-class protected animal, even if this type of parrot belongs to the South American species, its endangered status is due to the wrong measures of Spain, but it still enjoys the corresponding rights.

From the development of biomimicry and medicine, we can also see that there are many species that are not fully recognized in nature and have the motivation to accelerate the process of human development, which is the basis for maintaining species diversity.

In order to prevent misjudgment due to their own lack of cognition, it is necessary to preserve the continuation of the species as much as possible, and international animal protection is also aimed at endangered animals around the world, so this is understandable.

Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

If you raise monk parrots without a license, or sell them, etc., you will violate the corresponding laws, not to mention the criminal behavior based on theft, which can be described as a mistake on top of a mistake, and should naturally be severely punished.

The time when the state issued the corresponding breeding documents was in 2021, when there was a rectification action for the bird market and the monk parrot, and now, some areas have a certain system for this, which can be said to be a pilot project.

And because the monk parrot has no natural distribution in the wild in the country, it is necessary to implement the management of one bird and one certificate, that is, the breeder must hold a license, otherwise it will face legal risks.

Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

In addition, his theft behavior is not at all possible to reissue the corresponding breeding certificate according to the announcement of the Forestry Bureau, in other words, no matter whether the thief chooses to raise or sell, he cannot escape legal punishment.

In addition, in view of the emotional factors of the hostess, the symbolic meaning of this parrot to the woman is likely to be greater than its actual value, and it is really difficult to recognize that the thief dares to be so arrogant under the surveillance of the camera.

After checking the surveillance, the woman found that she was stolen by a man from a strange society, and she couldn't find detailed information for a while, so she had to choose to post it on the Internet, indicating that the other party would face legal risks after stealing, and hoped that the other party could send it back.

Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

Netizens commented on this, some of them accused the man of being too arrogant and daring to steal in front of the camera, and some netizens thought that the man might not have seen the camera at all to be so blatant.

In fact, no matter which of these two situations it is, it shows that the man has exposed his traces, although the owner is very unfamiliar with the man, but the police can get more information to help solve the case.

There are also new concerns about the behavior of men, many of whom do not know much about the scope of wild animal protection, and lack of respect for the law, which has led to a poor trend of development.

Outrageous! The monk parrot was taken away by the man, and the owner searched for the "bird" all over the network: raising it without a license or being sentenced

For example, monk parrots, in addition to knowing more about the tiger skins and other species that parrots raise the most, they are not very clear about this kind of species that are open to some areas, or even no areas, which also leads to some people may not inadvertently make mistakes.

Therefore, through the incident of the woman stealing the monk parrot, we should be more vigilant, and come up with a more extensive response to such illegal cases of suspected protection of animals, or by raising people's awareness of the law to prevent it.

All in all, after the theft of the female monk parrot, the relevant personnel should raise the regulatory standards for this, reduce the frequency of similar situations as much as possible, and establish a more standardized template for the keeping of such pets, so that other regions can compare them.

Bibliography: (Chongqing View Information) (Globe Network)

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