
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

author:Fat Boy Yu said

Sammi Cheng, 52, appeared on the cover of JET Magazine.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

I saw her wearing fashionable and elegant clothes, smiling at the camera, showing her unique charm and style.

As soon as this set of photos was released, it aroused widespread attention and heated discussions.

Isn't it just a magazine cover? As for such a surprise?

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Have you forgotten Sammi Cheng's "sickly thin" appearance before?

Flat body + thin and skinny face, seeing such a description, 100% of what is said is that Zheng Xiuwen did not run.

How thin is it? Even if it's hard to describe in words, you can feel it when you look at the pictures.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Now they are all pursuing thinness as beauty, which is the status quo of social development, so there are many people who pursue a thin version of the body and lose weight.

But as thin as she is, she is almost skinny, and that is the first time I have seen her.

I have the impression that only when there is not enough to eat, the beggar begging on the side of the road will have such a figure, or it is a dying old man in the ward, skinny.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

The body management of stars in the entertainment industry, especially for female stars, seems to be the only way to show their best in front of the camera by maintaining a slender and slender figure.

The value of the "paper man".

Sammi Cheng, for many people, is the epitome of the golden age of Hong Kong's entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

She debuted in the early 90s of the last century, when the Hong Kong entertainment industry was simply booming, and the filming boom was incredible.

It was in such an environment of "wolves in front and tigers in the back" that Sammi Cheng began her acting career and worked hard to find opportunities to emerge.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

The original signing company wanted her to maintain the cute baby fat and sweet appearance on her face, and take the jade girl route.

But Zheng Xiuwen refused the company's arrangement, went the opposite way, dyed her shiny blonde hair, began to work hard to lose weight, and resolutely embarked on the road of fashion pioneer with a thin but sharp figure.

In this way, we have the modern and strong her in "Lonely Men and Widows";

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

has the vanity-filled, upright, but distressing woman in "Thin Men and Women", and the equally wonderful character in "Dragon and Phoenix Fight".

In these 3 dramas, Sammi Cheng portrays mature women who are commonplace in Hong Kong.

Her skinny figure seems to be born for those fashionable dresses.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

No matter what kind of dress, she can wear it so tastefully and tastefully. And those exaggerated hairstyles and makeup, under her interpretation, no longer seem abrupt, and even produce a unique beauty.

Such Zheng Xiuwen can win a place in the film and television industry of "looking at faces".

Of course, in order to maintain the standard of stars, Sammi Cheng has also made great efforts.

She used to eat only one apple a day in order to lose weight, and this kind of perseverance is really not something that ordinary people can have.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Xiao S once joked that Sammi Cheng is "the thinnest female star", but only she knows the bitterness and dedication behind it.

She even had the experience of fainting at home due to excessive dieting, but she persevered.

Sammi Cheng's success is not only because of her talent and talent, but also because of her hard work and persistence.

Little is known about the hardships behind it

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Sammi Cheng's career path seems to be smooth sailing, but the hardships behind it are little known.

How glamorous she is in front of the screen, how embarrassed she is in private, and even suffered from depression for a time.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way
Information source: People's Daily Online What did the "Variety Queen" who fell from the altar due to depression experience? Reader 2022-10-26 11:16:01
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

What made her fall into depression was nothing else, but a double blow to her career and emotions.

Because of work, Zheng Xiuwen had a lot of contact with a man named Xu Zhi'an, who fell in love with her at first sight and took the initiative to ask for her phone number at a party.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, and finally a romance broke out shortly after singing "Actually Do You Have Me in Your Heart" in 1991.

The good times didn't last long, and in 2004, Xu Zhian unilaterally announced his breakup with Sammi Cheng, ending the 13-year relationship between the two. This news shocked the entire entertainment industry and also hit Sammi Cheng deeply.

Source: Sina Entertainment
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

In addition, when filming the movie "Song of Long Hatred", she poured all her heart and soul into it, but she was deeply hit by the poor box office and low evaluation from the audience.

Under this double pressure, Sammi Cheng began to feel hopeless and lonely, and his emotions gradually spiraled out of control.

She had overeaten uncontrollably, which caused her body to be out of shape, and she once closed herself off and was unwilling to face the outside world.

During that time, she seemed to be trapped in an endless dark abyss, unable to extricate herself.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

However, Sammi Cheng did not give up on herself.

She found spiritual sustenance through long-distance running, and washed away the pain in her heart with sweat.

Three years of retirement allowed her to re-examine herself and find the meaning and direction of life.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

In 2013, Xu Zhian successfully proposed on Sammi Cheng's birthday, and the two held a secret wedding in Bali.

Information source: China News Network revealed that Xu Zhi'an's marriage proposal to Zheng Xiuwen was successful and he returned to Hong Kong to register later (photo) December 25, 2013 08:36
Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Married life is not all smooth sailing. In April 2019, Hong Kong media exposed an intimate video of Xu Zhian and Huang Xinying in the car, which caused an uproar.

Huang Xinying is the girlfriend of TVB Xiaosheng Ma Guoming, and this incident caused Xu Zhian to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

In the face of her husband's betrayal, Sammi Cheng showed unimaginable tenacity and tolerance.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

She posted on social media that she forgave Xu Zhian and hoped that the outside world would give them time and space to deal with the relationship.

Hui held a press conference after the incident came to light, apologizing to the public and his wife, Sammi Cheng, and announcing that he was suspending work for self-reflection.

After a period of silence, he officially made a comeback with a new song, and Sammi Cheng also chose to support her husband's career.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

After experiencing the derailment incident, the relationship between Sammi Cheng and Xu Zhian gradually returned to calm.

The two occasionally appear together in public, showing their loving side.

Although the future is full of unknowns, Sammi Cheng and Hui Zhian have gone through the ups and downs of 30 years together.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Their relationship has been tested and tempered by time, and I believe that it will be stronger and deeper in the days to come.

After gaining weight

In recent years, as the concept of health has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, more and more celebrities have begun to abandon "sickly thinness" and pursue a healthier and more natural body.

Among them, 52-year-old Sammi Cheng is a typical representative of this transformation.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

has always been strictly "sickly thin" with her. In order to stay in shape, she had to strictly control her diet and engage in high-intensity exercises.

Although this lifestyle makes her look slimmer in front of the camera, it also brings a lot of burden to her physical health.

In recent years, Sammi Cheng has begun to realize that health is the most important thing.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

So, she decided to give up "sickly thin" and began to try to gain weight.

Such changes make Sammi Cheng look more natural and healthy. Her face is no longer as thin as it used to be, but full of collagen.

Her figure is also more shapely, no longer pursuing excessive slenderness, but showing a healthy beauty.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Recently, Sammi Cheng appeared on the cover of a well-known magazine.

In this group of photos, she is wearing a simple yet elegant dress, smiling at the camera.

Her face is round and full, her figure is well-proportioned and healthy, and she exudes the unique charm of a mature woman.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

As soon as this set of photos was released, it sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens left messages saying: "Sammi Cheng looks even more beautiful now!" "Health is the most beautiful!" "Finally someone dares to stand up and abandon 'sick thinness'!"

Indeed, Zheng Xiuwen's change not only made her healthier and more confident, but also brought a fresh atmosphere to the entertainment industry.

Finally, I would like to say

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Speaking of Sammi Cheng, the four big words "dare to think and dare to fight" immediately came to my mind, as if this was the motto of her life.

Over the years, whether it is self-management or acting routes, she has shown an admirable tenacity and perseverance.

She is stubborn with everything, whether it is her figure, career or relationship, she has never slackened, and has always maintained a high fighting spirit and unremitting efforts.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

I, a salted fish who wants to quit the third dimension every day, will respect Zheng Xiuwen every time I see the struggle.

singing, she is a diva-level existence, her unique voice and affectionate interpretation can always make people intoxicated;

Acting, she is the queen of the box office, whether it is a literary film or a commercial film, she can control it with ease, bringing visual and spiritual shock to the audience again and again.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

The title of Queen of Song and Shadow is well deserved for her.

Not only did she achieve great things in her career, but she also bravely overcame depression, which is an amazing feat.

Depression is a terrible disease, which can plunge people's hearts into endless darkness, but with their own strength and perseverance, they can get out of the haze step by step.

How can such a woman not be admired?

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

In addition to his career success and courage to overcome his illness, Sammi Cheng has always remained beautiful and stylish.

Her fashion taste and unique temperament always make people shine.

She is not only an excellent artist, but also a woman who knows how to live and love herself.

He also used his own actions to explain what is the true spirit of Hong Kong: dare to fight, dare to break through, and never say die.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

Today, Sammi Cheng is still active on the stage of the entertainment industry, she has always maintained her unique style and charm, and has become a highly recognizable figure.

There are not many such stars, and she has won the love and respect of the audience with her strength and charm.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning of July, 51-year-old Zheng Xiuwen entered the public eye in such a way

She has proved with her actions that a woman can live so wonderfully and independently.

There is no need to rely on anyone to define her own worth, because she is a bright star in her own right and can shine brightly wherever she is.

Sammi Cheng, you are really an amazing woman!

Text/Editor: Xiaoyang Baa Baa

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